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Popular versions of Mahabharat are entirely wrong

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<< Every acharya has declared that the avatars starting from matsya to kalki (and even other avatars like Hans, Kapila) are non-different from Vishnu. >>


And the names of some of those Acaryas would be .... ?


<< They are all the same, that's what the Vedic scriptures declare >>


Surely, those scriptures have a name. And they are ... ?


Sources please, I know you don't appreciate speculation!

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The answer to both of your questions: ALL OF THEM. Ramanuja, Madhva, Vallabha, Vishnuswami, Jayathirta, Raghavendra, Vishnu Thirta, Aksobhya, Vedanta Desika, Vijayendra Thirta and many others say so. All scriptures, including Bhagavatam and Vishnu Puran which all Vaishnvas consider authentic, declare the same thing. In fact, there is not one scripture or bonafide acharya that says otherwise.

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to suggest that Sri vaishnvas and 'other sampradayas' hold the same view? Excepting Gaudiyas, whose obssession with Krishna has reached diabolical levels with the advent of iskcon, no sampradaya has suggested otherwise.

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"Parasurama threw his axe into the western ocean. The ocean receded upto the point where the axe fell and the land so reclaimed is known as Parasurama Kshetram. Scholars say that modern Kerala is this Kshetram.


This Avatar is not a direct Avatar. Lord Vishnu entered the soul of a Brahmin son of Jamadagni (By Avesa or Anupravesa). Of the 10 Avatars, except Parasurama avatar all the others are Amsa avatars (i.e.) Direct descent of Lord Vishnu "



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  • 5 weeks later...

This is rubbish. Parasurama is Vishnu's incarnation, as Krishna and Ram. No twisting is necessary to prove otherwise. As far as who's superior, arjuna or bhima, let's see. Arjuna lost many times, specially when he had no protection from krishna, whereas Bhima needed no protection and singlehandedly demolished kauravas and others.


Also, Bhimasena was the incarnation of Vayudeva, the highest amongst jivas, the greatest of Vishnu's devotees. In fact, Bhimasena was Hanuman in his previous incarnation and he worshipped Ram. So there's no one equal to Bhimasena in devotion, strength, knowledge, dispassion etc.

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