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The final destination of the soul who is a Gaura-bhakta?

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Vrajanatha: What is the final destination of the soul who is a

devotee of Lord Gaura-kisora (Lord Caitanya)?


Babaji: Krsna and Gaura-kisora are not different. They are

both shelters of the feature of sweetness (madhurya-rasa). They do

have one difference. Madhurya-rasa (the Lord's sweetness) has two

features: 1. madhurya (sweetness), and 2. audarya (mercy). When

sweetness is prominent, Lord Krsna is manifested. When mercy is

prominent, Lord Gauranga is manifested. The spiritual world of

Vrndavana is divided into two abodes: 1. the abode of Lord Krsna,

and 2. the abode of Lord Gaura. The eternally perfect and

eternally liberated souls who have sweetness first and mercy second

reside in Lord Krsna's abode. They are Lord Krsna's associates.

The eternally perfect and eternally liberated souls who have mercy

first and sweetness second reside in Lord Gaura's abode. They are

Lord Gaura's associates. Some souls manifest two forms and reside

in both abodes simultaneously. Other souls manifest only one form

and are present in one of the abodes and not in the other. Souls

who during the time of sadhana worship only Lord Gaura, at the time

of attaining perfection go to Lord Gaura's abode and serve Him

there. Souls who during the time of sadhana worship only Lord

Krsna, at the time of attaining perfection go to Lord Krsna's abode

and serve Him there. Souls who during the time of sadhana worship

both Lord Krsna and Lord Gaura, at the time of attaining perfection

manifest two forms, go to both Lord Krsna's abode and Lord Gaura's

abode, and in their two forms serve the two Lord's simultaneously

in both places. This truth: that Lord Gaura and Lord Krsna are

simultaneously one and different from each other, is a very

confidential secret.

After hearing these teachings about the souls released from

Maya's prison, Vrajanatha, now filled with ecstatic love, fell at

the feet of the elderly Vaisnava and stayed there for some minutes.

Weeping and sweeping, the saintly babaji picked up Vrajanatha and

firmly embraced him. A good portion of the night had already

passed. Taking leave of the babaji, Vrajanatha returned home.

Travelling on the path, he deeply thought about the soul's final

destination. When he returned home and was taking his meal, he

said to his grandmother, "Grandmother, if you wish to continue

seeing me, you should stop all this talk of marriage and you should

not allow Vani-Madhava to come here. He is my bitter enemy.

Tomorrow I will refuse to talk with him. You also should ignore

him." Vrajanatha's grandmother was intelligent. Thinking about

her conversation during the daytime with Vani-Madhava and what

Vrajanatha has just told her, she decided to stop the marriage.

She could see that if too much pressure was placed on him,

Vrajanatha would go to Varanasi or Vrndavana. That she did not

wish. She decidedWhat will be, will be."

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