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Such a sad thing.

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It seems like such a strange mixture. From one angle it makes perfect sense to give no thought to death, afterall I never die. But then again because I try to transfer that sense of immortality onto the body I must be accepted as a fool because we can see every other organism in our world meets it's demise.


Just one more problem that stems from misidentifying the self.


Explain more on what you meant by, "such illusion can also be seen as a true mercy of the Lord."

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if we were to constantly think about our mortality, we could not even begin to enjoy life as separate from Krishna... so He allows us to forget and make the best of our new "freedom".


Like a good father helping his child pack up his bags with usefull items before they run away from home. He does not want us to live in His home against our will.

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My two faves doing discussion with my favorite discussion, the big D.


I contemplate death all the time, but not as a morbid thing. I have a little theoretical understanding that dewath makes a stepladder, ala Dhruva Maharajha, for the devotee. I love the Hail Mary prayer, where Mary is petitioned to be there for us in that hour. I hear Srila Prabhupada saying that there is no need to mechanically work very hard to make sure a picture of Krsna is there, or a tape of the mantra, because while we live trying to be devotees, Krsna will think of us always. So we depend on Krsnas PERFECT dewvotion to His devotee rather than think we can be a perfect being when death sneaks up on us like a thief inb the night. The word I will chant when I get blasted by whatever is not the Holy Name of God, rather probably an expletive to obscene to even prinet here.


But Prabhupada says the lord will think of those who have tried to be devotees. even failures who still try. King david makes this very point is his oprayer (Psalm 40), pleading "May the Lord think of me!"


So, death is a hero, because Mary will be there, kingt david, Krsna, Lord Yamaraja (who treats devotees quite different than others he comes for), it'll be a great party. Also, I have heard that both Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, both mahajana Vaisnavas, commanded the personality of Death to treat those who arrive at Her door well.


Faith? I call it sraddha, a different word thatn faith, which is too nebulous. We die allah time, Ive had 3 NDEs. I had memories of past deaths too, but as in the famous Johnny Cash-Willie Nelson-Waylon Jennings classic, the Highwayman, goes, "I am still alive."


Lets talk death. ys, mahaksadasa (PS Good nom-di-plume, Yesu, I recently used kublakhan shepherd, dont even ask me why) =;-]

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we should meditate on the mission of Lord Caitanya and our service to it, then we will be safe when death comes for us, however sudden or anticipated.


as we get older, thoughts of death become more frequent - that is a natural arrangement. a little fear of death is not bad - it can be a motivating factor in service - just like the fear of a big exam motivates us to study harder in school. we should not get too cocky about stuff like that. I was "close to the edge" a few times, one quite recently, and you are never really "ready" for it... at least I don't think I am...


a soldier meditates on the mission, not on death.

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Once we get a little knowledge about what is going on it changes, gets more intense in many ways, less intense in others.


But I was thinking about all those who never entertain such thoughts. The birds who even as they eat are always so apprehensive of danger and the other animals. Universes filled with souls living under needless fear.


Then I remember it's all just a dream, less than a fraction of a moment in any one souls eternal life and it all becomes bright once again.

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