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India On Course to become an Islamic State

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Recent population figures show that the Muslim population in India is outpacing the Hindu Population.


The result of this will be that when the majority is Islamic, the country will be declared an Islamic State. This means no freedom of religion for the Hindus in their own country.


It's because of the stupidity and foolishness of people like Mahatma Gandhi that the Hindus will always suffer in their own country. Had India been declared a Hindu state in 1947 and had we treated the Muslims the same way as they treat us, thus don't let them open Mosques, don't give them citizenship etc.. Just like in the Arab countries. Then our children will not be ruled by the Muslims as our forefatehrs were.


[moderator's note: moved to World Review section]

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From hare-krishna.org forum:



My question is:

so you think a Hindu must kill Muslim because they are opposite to Hindu religion.


So what are you going to to with those "Hindus" who make abortions to girl-fetus, to those "Hindus" who eat all kinds of meat, take drugs, divorce, kill young women so they bring new "wife" with her fortune to the house?


What are you going to do with the "Hindus" who do not believe Lord Krishna is actually a Supreme Personality of Godhead, but instead they believe USA is a dream-land???


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Well, there goes the neighborhood /images/graemlins/frown.gif



As a poor American, I can say that USA is a dreamland /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Just ask my wife - to her it was like a fairyland of wonder, food and freedom (she was from Moscow)

Where else does a poor guy have 3 cars, 4 tv's 3 camcorders, 2 superfast computers, large home paid for and all the comforts (love my waterbed) /images/graemlins/smile.gif , 2 snowmobiles, 3 light airplanes in the garage, 2 motorcycles, a russian bride that has so many clothes that took over my closet /images/graemlins/frown.gif, and probable 80+shoes, refrigerators full, riding garden tractor with snowblower attachment, etc...

Wow, no wonder I am poor......... But all's paid for /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Yep, me a dumb fat lazy american, sort of like my dog & cat!

At least were civil here. We don't go around killing our wives even though they are richly spoiled.

Thats why I went to russia to get a wife /images/graemlins/smile.gif They not so spoiled


Ahh, the spoils of the world is here /images/graemlins/smile.gif Anything you want is here.

Freedom to do, say, live as we choose within moral laws of course.


I am not sure who to favor in your battles as both of you's are too wacky, crule - hey - just plain evil.

Only africa is poorer than you 2 groups mostly.

Such a waste as you cannot live in peace.


As for Lord Krishna, he's only a lord in his own mind!

One day he will stand before Almight God as a sinner like I was. Difference is my sins are washed away /images/graemlins/smile.gif

For All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the GOD!!! Even the pope

I answer only to one - Almighty GOD the Father, Son & Holy Spirit!

Krishna will have to answer too but his fate is not good unless he believes and asks for forgivness.


I believe in one that died for me. Took my sins and bore them onto himself. As for all too, not just me, that believe in Him.

That graceous dude who loves me so much, that he died for me and rose again on the 3rd day. No other religious leader can say that - or wants to even.

The world knows Him as the calander revolves around Him

It the name of one that all other religions hate.

So much so they put Him on the cross to die

Why it none other than Jesus Christ /images/graemlins/smile.gif


America was founded on Him

God has blessed us as you see, were the richest, kindest, most generous nation around!


But, its true too that were starting to turn our backs on the Lord /images/graemlins/frown.gif

He got kicked out of our schools by our courts, now Christmas holiday is becoming "winter holiday" in the stores now /images/graemlins/frown.gif as they try to remove the word "Christ".

Abortion running amock among the teens as we murder a million babies a year for convenience reasons /images/graemlins/frown.gif

So its probably true, God's grace was shed on us.

Note: "WAS" as like in the days of Noah before the flood.

Were getting away from God.


I will cheer when Hollywood gets nuked as they put out such filth on TV & movies. They are the cause of moral decay through the world, not just here

We saw the hand of protection lifted on that terriable day - 9/11

I fear my country is going to suffer greatly come the day of the Lord's return, if not before.

This year a record hurricans (typhoons) hit us.

Woah to America I fear in the future if the democrats get power back.

Not that republicans doing much better /images/graemlins/frown.gif


O well, will sit back and drink pop and eat popcorn and watch it on tv /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Barbequse some ribeye steaks - emmm, love them cows n chicken n pork on the grill /images/graemlins/smile.gif


O, was that your uncle I had for lunch? /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Well, at least I don't eat bugs.... (yuk) or is it true that you won't kill a bug too?


Meanwhile on the other side of planet earth, crazy muslims blowning themselves up, hindus going hungry as they won't eat meat thinking there eating relitives (what a stupid joke that is that got you suckered into) and now I read in this post how little respect you have for girls/women - I'd say, go fight it out...

Get rid of 2 wacko's beliefs in 1 battle....


Ah, but cannot say that as do not wish you to experience hell even for the worst of you all.

Jesus tell us to love our enemies even /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Guess thats why america rebuilds other nations that went to war against us.


We are going downhill in morals but still high on a mounbtian, but you all are in the deep valley stuck in the swamp of dispair

How pitiful life is over there.

How long you been like this - like russia with a dark cloud over its-self as it tried to get rid of Jesus's gift of eternal life


Maybe you should stop, look to see how America became so great - truely a blessing God had for us because we were founded upon Him.

Your god has not blessed you very well now has he - or is it a she?

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America was not founded on God, America was founded on the genocide of a whole race of people, the Native Americans, and the wholesale enslavement of another race, the Africans. This is fact, so be proud of your 10 TVs and 6 cars and 2 super computers or whatever but realize that the whole lifestle was founded on explotiation and genocide. Also, freedom to live in ignorance and sin is actually a form of enslavement. By the way, its meat eaters like you who cause world wide famine, if all the wasteful grazing land was turned into agricultural farming land, we would have so much food that the price would be nearly free. But instead you want to eat a damn Steak so people have to starve. Its actually a pity that Jesus Christ has such a foolish diciple as you, who partakes in the slaughter of innocent animals and worships gross materialism, worshipping his 6 cars and 3 camcorders and whatever else! In the end we all will recieve the Karma that we deserve, I implore you sir to take a good hard look at what you're saying here and how you're living, if you are truly a diciple of Jesus, then truly study his teachings, and give up this violent and materialistic mentality.


Jai Sri Krishna!


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where you going with all that stuff since Lord Jesus doesnt snowmobile or throw shrimps beef tips or any thing else on the Barbie, you and your not so materially demanding 80 plus shoe clothing collection russian wife could advance yourselves spiritually by having a yard sale ...better yet why not just renounce as your Lord Jesus instructs.


man where do you go with that many feet is she almost a centipede ...ah well maybe next life eh?

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THe point above is that even though I am poor, I have a lot compared to you.

Since God is the Creator of all, He loves to bless those who love him.

Why you think America is so great?

And, americs was created as a Christian nation.

Since the British didn't like Christians, they left for America.

You no nothing of our History other than propaganda.

Our slums here are better than your country is.

And who is it that helps out the most and donates food, clothing, medicine in times of great trouble

All you like to do is kick us in the teeth if you had the chance.

You live on lies

I kick of the dust off my shoes concerning your plight

Gota go, cookign another steak /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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you are in the deepest of illusion - the indiginous persons of the land you call america existed long before the coming of christian crimminals from european continent.


as well once the "christians" got there to america they bought from Queen Isabela millions of blacks from Africa to slave for the "christians"

your lord Jesus would shame those that did this sinful thing .


and you - your ignorance of the human suffering caused even this day by your lol great americans is sickening to real christian souls. the way you treat indians mexicans latinos vietnamese japanese chinese canadian and anyone else not white anglo catholic american whatever, is detestable.


it is pathetic you think that everyone wants to be an american like you, when pretty much you guys are hated everywhere in the world right now.


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By Acharya Shri Vijayabhuvanbhanu Soorishwarji


The Evidence Regarding the Ancient Origin of JainismJainism has been in existence from times immemorial and it is older than many religions of the world. This point is evident from the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, and the opinions expressed by Indian and foreign scholars. In his preface to "Jain Dharm Ane Teni Prachinata" (in Gujarati) Pandit Ambalal writes, "Buddhism emerged only two thousand five hundred years ago. Buddha expirenced the impact of the Jain doctrines. This is more than evident. Not only this; it is also evident that Bhagwan Buddha gave currency to his famous Middle-path only after being fed up with the apogee of the wisdom that had been expounded in Jain doctrines and theories; and that Middle-path became disseminated under the name of Buddhism. This is an indisputable historical truth".


The language and meaning of the Vedagranthas which constitute the Prime source of Hinduism, remain recondite and abstruse even to this day. Through the centuries several commentators have written commentaries on the Vedas in consonance with their respective philosophical outlooks, but some of the names that appear in the Vedas are suggestive of the names of the Jain Tirthankars. The same tradition is clearly discerni- ble even in the grantha, Shrimad Bhagavata. The author of Shrimad Bhagavata has tried to narrate clearly the story of Bhagwan Rishabhdev. He has been given a place in the twenty four Avataras (incarnations of God! of Hinduism. All these facts naturally point to the conclusion that the Jain Dharma as a rich tradition has been in existence from times immemorial. The twelve great "Ganadhars (Erudite disciples) of Bhagwan Mahavir and most of the great Acharyas that emerged later were brahmins who had attained an absolute mastery over the Vedic Shastras. Because those scholars found Diksha and became initiated into the "Charitradharma". This ought to strengthen anyone's faith in Jain Dharma.


The Jain Dharma has been in existence from times immemorial; and so, a collection of the opinions of the Western and the Oriental scholars has been given here. These opinions have been given not by ordinary scholars but by mighty scholars who made a comparative study of all the philosophies of the world and came to those conclusions.

Panyas Shri Sushilvijayji (at present, Acharyashri Sushil- sooriji) in his book "Jain Dharm Ane Teni Prachinata" says.

"There are many great religions in this world. The place of Jain Dharma among them is unique. It has been in existence from times immemorial".


Some Dharmas in this world bear the names of individuals or individual Gods and are famous by those names. The Buddha Dharma is named after the Buddha. The Shaivism is named after, Lord Shiva. The Vaishnavadharma is named after Lord Vishnu. In the same manner, many other Dharmas in this world are named after individual prophets or Gods; and are famous by those names. But the Jain Dharma is not named after any individual exponent or prophet. It is not named as Rishabh Dharma after Rishabhdev; or Parshwa Dharma after Parshwanath; or Mahavir Dharma after Mahavir. Actually, the _____expression Jain Dharma signifies certain lofty virtues. "Anyone who has attained an absolute victory over the inner enemies such as attachments and hatred is called a Jin". The Dharma that has been expounded by the Jins is called Jainism; and those who follow the Jin Dharma are called Jains.


Arhat darshan, Syadvad darshan, Anekant darshan. Vitrag darshan, Jain darshan, Jain Shasan, Jain Dharma are the other names of Jainism. The uniqueness and the excellence of the Jain dharma are well known throughout the world. Just as all things are absorbed by the ocean, the Jain dharma has absorbed all the other Dharmas and philosophies. If each of the others take one particular Naya as the basis of its philosophy, the Jain Dharma takes the seven Nayas as the basis of its philosophy; and so it comprehends all the Nayas. The great master of Nyaya (the science of logic) the Nyayacharya, Shrimad Yashovijayji says in his work, Adyatmasar "The Bauddha Dharma is based on the Rijusutra Naya (The Naya that treats the object as the modification of the transient present); the Vedantic philosophy is based on the Sangrahanaya (The Naya that seeks unity in diversity). The case of the Sankhya philosophy also is the same. The Naiyayik and the Vaisheshik philosophies are based on Naigam Naya(the Naya that seeks to synthesise the gene-rality and the particularity of an obiect) ".

The Mimamsa philosophy originates from the Shabhanaya. (This Naya seeks to determine the exact meaning of the word in its context). The Jain Dharma comprises all the Nayas. (Naya means a way of comprehending an object). It comprises such doctrines as the subtle and intricate philosophy of karma; the subtler interpretative exposition; and the beautiful conception of the Navtatva (the nine principles); the incomparable exposition of the four Anuyogas or inquiries; the delightful description of the four Nikshepas (dialectical processes of understanding the nature of things). The seven types of Naya; the speciality of the Syadvad and the Anekantvad, the excellent theory of Non-violence; the sublime nature of Tapas (spiritual austerity); the endeavours relating to Yoga and the undertaking and observance of ordinary vows and extraordinary vows. In this respect, the Jain Dharma is great. Not only this; thousands of scientists and philosophers spending crores of billions, causing violence to the six kinds of jivas could not realize their objective of discovering the truth even with the help of countless sophisticated machines and equipments.-Inspite of all this, a lot of research has gone on and the result is the acceptance of the soundness of the atomic theory of the Jain philosophy. It is for this reason that the greatest scientists-and philosophers have praised the Jain philosophy without any reservation. The Jain Dharma is complete and comprehensive in all respects. If there are ways by which the nations of the world that are heading towards disastrous wars, can be brought back to the path of peace and prosperity one is found in the Jain doctrine. Many western scholars and others have written books and published articles in newspapers and magazines expressing the view that the Jain Dharma is a branch or development of some other religion; but now scholars and thinkers are free from this false notion; yet the history text books used in schools and colleges continue to encourage that false notion; but it is definitely not acceptable and has to be discarded. The truth has to be stated.


Evidence in support of the theory that Jain Dharma is an ancient religion: The Jain Dharma existed even before the emergence of the Vedas and the Puranas which are said to be ancient.




These Statements are mentioned in Hindu purans about Jineshwar /Tirthankars / Jina / Arhan / Arihant--- terms used for Jain 24 gods , Hope you all enjoy this truth . God bless you all.


"I am not Rama. I have no desire for material things. Like Jina I want to establish peace within myself."

- Yoga Vasishta, Chapter 15, Sloka 8 the saying of Rama

"O Arhan! You are equipped with the arrow of Vastuswarpa, the law of teaching, and the ornaments of the four infinite qualities. O Arhan! You have attained omniscient knowledge in which the universe is reflected. O Arhan! You are the protector of all the Souls (Jivas) in the world. O Arhan! The destroyer of kama (lust)! There is no strong person equal to you."

- Yajur Veda, Chapter 19, Mantra 14

Sanskrit verse from Shivpuran Lord Rishabhdev Jineshwar the omniscient and the all- pervasive incarnated himself on the magnificent Kailas (Ashtapad Mountain).


Sanskrit verse from Brahmandpuran Nabhiraja and Marudevi gave birth to a son named Rishabhdev, the greatest of Kshatriyas and the first ancestor of all Kshatriyas. Mahadev Rishabhdev was born to Nabhiraja and Marudevi, in the Ikshvaku dynasty; assumed the ten kinds of Dharma; and after attaining Kevaljnan (the supreme knowledge) disseminated it.


Sanskrit verse from Prabhaspuran Lord Neminath abides on Raivatadri (Girnar) and Lord Adinath abides on Vimalachal (Shatrunjay- Siddhagiri). These mountains enable people to pursue the path of Moksha since the ashrams of great Rishis (sages) were located there.


Sanskrit verse from Skandpuran Man will not have punarvajanma (he will be free from the cycle of birth and death ) if he touches Shatrunjay Tirth; if he bows to Girnar; and if he bathes in Gajapandkund. All meditate upon Maharishi(sage) Rishabhdev , who has an ideal form ; who inspires enthusiasm in men; who is a pure soul having attained kevaljnyan(supreme knowledge); who is spotless and formless.


Sanskrit Verse from Nagpuran The fruit that can be attained by visiting the sixty eight holy places, can be attained by meditating on Lord Adinath. (Lord Adinath is the other name of Rishabhdev)


Sanskrit Verse from Nagpuran The word Arhan begins with (a) and ends with (ha).

Above and below it has has the crescent moon shaped curves with Nadbindhus (dots or drops of sound). Oh Goddess!

This word signifies the supreme truth. Those who realise this truth cut off the bondage of the sansar and attain moksha (salvation).


Sanskrit verse from Agnipuran Rishabh was born to Marudevi. Bharat was born to Rishabh.

Bharat (India arose from Bharat and Sumati arose from Bharat.


Sanskrit verse from Rigveda The Arihant is the foremost in carrying out the noble action of rendering benevolence to others and he is absolutely heroic. In the same manner, make sacrificial offerings to the worthy Gods.


Sanskrit verse from Manusmriti Marudevi was the sixth founder of lineage and Nabhi was the seventh. Rishabh who possessed wide feet was born to Marudevi and Nabhi, the eighth fouder of lineage. He was a guide to heroic men. He was venerated by Gods and demons. He expounded and taught the three great ethics. He became the Jin in the beginning of the yuga (millennium).


Full details of first jain god Rishabh dev and Bharat chakravarti after whom india got its name bharat are available in Adipuran and Mahapuran of Jinsenacharya and Shrimad-Bhagavat.

“Rshabha dates back to a pre-historic period. Legend associates his name with the Ikshvaku dynasty of Ayodhya as its primordial ancestor.

As a ruler, Rshabha encapsulated his vision of civil society in three rhyming words: asi (sword or civil defense); masi (ink, representing writing or language and script) and krishi (agriculture, animal husbandry or the means to settled social life). To these he added commerce (vanijya), the arts (kala) and architecture (shilpa). He established the institution of marriage as well as villages, government, laws and penology. He taught 72 art forms and imparted the knowledge of scripts and numerals. In a sense, that was the beginning of human civilization. As noted by Pandit Sukhlal Sanghvi, during an excavation in 1949 in Cyprus a bronze statue of Rsabhdev was found from around the second millennium, cca.1250 BC. Recent marine archeology in the Bay of Cambay threw up underwater discoveries of submerged civilisations that existed before almost all other known ancient civilisations. The Bhagawat Purana describes Rshabha as and incarnation of Vishnu. A seal from Mohen-jo-daro is often referred to as the seal of Rsabha

--- Shri L.M. Singhvi”.


Till date brahmins bless by name of Aristanemi means neminathji 22nd jain tirthankar.

Biography of Neminathji is available in Harivanshpuran. Aristanemi, the twenty-second Tirthankara belonged to the Andhak-Vrisni clan of the Yadavas. He was a younger cousin of Lord Krishna. His father, Samudravijiya and Lord Krishna's father Vasudeva were brothers.

“Rishabhnath, in the Vedic literature, especially the Rig Ved, can be accepted as the same founder of both the Brahaman and the Sraman religions. He is recognized as the point of integration between them. Apart from Shri Rishabhdev there are references of other Jain Tirthankars in Vedic literature. Mr. B. R. Kundu has confirmed it in the case of Tirthankar Sumatinath "We also learn from the Bhagwat Purana that the Tirthankar Sumati followed the path of Rsabha.”(J.J. 1981 Pg. 67).

In order to understand the original source of Indian culture, apart from Veda and other ancient sources, we can certainly draw fountainhead of knowledge from the remains of Mohan-Jodaro and Harrappa. Both these relics establish the presence of Sramanic culture overflowing the ancient civilization.

Mohan-Jodaro and Harrappa represent the culture of pre Vedic era. The seals containing the icon of bull (Brishav) and of meditating yogis, clearly indicate the Sraman school of thought. Undoubtedly the Sramanic culture existed in India, not only prior to the composition of Rig Veda, but was the foremost and principal stream of cultured civilization.

Dr. Thomas Mcevilley of Rice University of Los Angeles and Dr. Katherine Harpar of Loyola Marymount University further strengthen the suggestion that “there existed Pre Aryan Jain tradition in the Indus Valley.”

According to Prof. A. Chakraborti- "The religion of Ahimsa or no violence was the basic principle of Pre Aryan civilization in India is known to the scholars, who carefully studied the Indus Valley as revealed by the excavations of Mohan-Jodaro and Harappa. Thus to the great surprise of the experts, they found no weapons for the purpose of offence and defence. From the absence of destructive implements, the experts have come to the conclusion that the people of the Indus Valley civilization did not entrust themselves in wagging was with anybody.”

The influence on Indus valley civilization is a contribution of the Sraman culture. There is no indication of any existence of the Vedic religion. Hence the Arhat school of thought is the original main stream of civilization. "The religion of the Jinas can be traced before the advent of the vedic Aryans to the Pre historic period in India. The first of these Jinas was Rsabha whose bull insignia is found in Indus valley civilization.”

Shri T. N. Ramchandran (Joint director of Indian Archeologists) has clearly stated that “we are perhaps recognizing in Harappa statue a full fledge Jain Tirthankara in the characteristic pose of physical abandon (kayot sarga). The statue under description is therefore a splendid representative specimen of this thought of Jainism at perhaps its very inception.”---- “www.jainsamaj.org


Jainism is eyes of world wide scholars by Acharya Shri Vijayabhuvanbhanu – soorishwarji & courtesy by Pankaz chandmal hingarh






"We learn from scriptures (Sashtras) and commentaries that Jainism is existing from beginning less time.This fact is indisputable and free from difference of opinion.There is much historical evidence on this point.Meat-eating and wine-drinking in Brahminism were discarded on account of the influence of Jainism.” - Bala Gangadhar Tilak Lokamanya "I adore so greatly the principles of the Jain religion, that I would like to be reborn in a Jain community."



- George Bernard Shaw

"There is nothing wonderful in my saying that Jainism was in existence long before the Vedas were composed. Vardhaman Tirthankar made the traditions of the F'rinciples and ideologies that had been expounded by the 23 earlier sages or Tirthankars go forward. We have a lot of evidence to establish the view that there were countless devotees and followers of Rishabhdev even before the commencement of the modern era. The Tirthankars are given prominence and honour even in the Yajurveda. The Jain Dharma has been in existence from times immemorial"



- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Vice President, india

"Jainism has contributed to the world the sublime doctrine of Ahimsa. No other religion has emphasized the importance of Ahimsa and carried its practice to the extent that Jainism has done.Jainism deserves to become the universal religion because of its Ahimsa doctrine The modern research in history has proved that the Jain Dharma existed even before Brahminism or the Hindu Dharma."

- Justice Ranglekar, Bombay High Court

"Lofty ideas and high ascetic practices are found in Jainism.It is impossible to know the beginning of Jainism."


- Major General Forlong

"I say with conviction that the doctrine for which the name of Lord Mahaveer is glorified nowadays is the doctrine of Ahimsa. If anyone has practiced to the fullest extent and has propagated most the doctrine of Ahimsa, it was Lord Mahaveer."


- Mahatma Gandhi

"What would be the condition of the Indian Sanskrit literature if the contribution of the Jains were removed?The more I study Jain literature the more happy and wonder struck I am."


"The Jains have written great masterpieces only for the benefit of the world."

- Dr. Hertel, Germany

"Jainism is of a very high order.Its important teachings are based upon science.The more the scientific knowledge advances the more that Jain teachings will be proven."



- L. P. Tessetori, Italy



"I tell my countrymen that the principles of the Jain

Dharma and the Jain Acharyas are sublime; and that the ideas

the Jain dharma are lofty. The Jain literature is superior to the Buddhistic literature. As I continue to study the Jain Dharma and its literature, my fascination for them keeps increasing".

Dr. Johannes Hurtell (Germany)

The Jain Dharma is an entirely independent religion in all

respects. It has not borrowed ideas from other religions; nor is it an imitation of other religions.

Dr. Herman Jacobi

The history of the Jain Dharma and its teachings are greatly

beneficial to human beings in their endeavour to attain spiritual development and progress. This Dharma is true, independent, simple, straightforward, very valuable and entirelydifferent from Brahminism or the Vedic religion. It is not an atheistic religion like Buddhism.

Dr. A. Girnot (Paris)

The Jain Dharma is absolutely different and independent from the Hindu Dharma.

Max Mueller

It is probably impossible to find out when the Jain Dharma arose and when it was established; and since when it has been in existence. It is the most ancient of the religions of Hindustan.

G. J. R. Furlough

In the ancient history of India, the name of the Jain Dharma is evergreen and immortal.

Col. Toad

Undoubtedly, the Jain Dharma has reached the highest point of perfection in respect of its religious philosophy.

Dr. Purdolt

The Jain Dharma belongs to the highest rank of religions. The main principles of the Jain Dharma are based on scientific thinking. As science keeps progressing it keeps proving the soundness of the Jain philosophical principles.

Dr. L. P. Tessifori (Italy)

Jainism is unique in preaching kindness to all animals; and in preaching the need to give protection to all animals. I have not come across such a principle of benevolence in any other religion.

Ordi Corjeri (An American Scholar)

Compared to Buddhism, the Jain Dharma is more ancient. Twenty three Tirthankars~ existed before the emergence of Buddhism.

The Imperial Gazette of India.

Adinath had two daughters- Bramhi and Sundari and sons – Bharat and Bahubali. He founded the system of education to society for the first time. He imparted education to his daughter before he did to his sons, because he said that a mother was the first teacher of her children and needed education first. This shows that education of women is more important than education of men. Adinath used to teach the two daughters seating them in his lap, Bramhi in the right and Sundari in the left lap. He taught language and script to Bramhi and arithmetic to Sundari. The script taught to Brahmi later on came to be known as Brahmi Script ( Tamil language evolved from brahmi script). Brahmi wrote from left to right and this became the style of Bramhi Script. Sundari wrote numbers seating in the left lap and hence numbers had descending value from right to left. It we write 123, 1 is in hundred place, 2 in ten and 3 in unit place. It has been said,that the progress of number is from right to left.

Adinath invented grammar for the language he taught.


Bharat , the eldest son of Rishaba ( first tirthankar ) , was a sovereign ruler after whom the land around & eastwards of the river Indus came to be known as Bharat varsha / Bharat.

The constitution of India refers to India that is Bharat ; perhaps it would be more accurate to refer to our country as Bharat that is India.

“We come across the word ‘Arhat’ being described in the Rigved, thus it is clear that even prior to the writing of Rigved, India had been deeply influenced by the Arhats.

Anavaranam Rishabhm mamdri jinahm brihaspati vardya navayamarke, (Rigved 1 su0 160 m0)

Mishtbhani gyani, stuti yogya Rishabh ko puja sadhak mantro dwara vardhit karo ve stoat ko nahi chodte.

Aho mucham Rishabhm yagiyanamvirajant pratham madhvaranam apaam na paat mashvina hue indriyen indriya datt mojah: (Atharvaved –19-42-4).

Sampurna paapo se mukt, ahimsak vratiyo ke pratham raja, aditya swaroop shri Rishbhdev ka mei ahawan karta hoo. Ve mujhe buddhi, indriyabal aur atma bal pradan kare.

Naaabhirmarudevyaam putramjan yadrishabhnaamaan, tasya bharto putrascha taavapraj tasya bharatsya

Pitaa Rishabh, hemaadrerdakshinam varsha mahat bharatam nami shashaas. (Baraah Puran 74)

Naabhi ne Maarudevi me Rishabh naamak putra ko paida kiya. Us Rishabh kaa sabse badaa putra Bharat thaa. Bharat ke pita Rishabh ne Himaalaya ke dakshina me Bharat varsh per shaashan kiya.

Greek culture was deeply influenced by the followers of Sophist thinkers, amongst them were well known philosophers like Sukrat, Arastu and Plato. According to Magesthenes the most highly respected people in the society were called Hylobioi or Allobioi or Arahat, Greek names for Arhant, the name attributed to the Jain Tirthankaras. ‘its Hierophants were the prophets among the Egyptions, the Chaldeans among the Assyrians, the Druids among the Gauls, the Sarmanaeans who were the philosophers of the Baktrains and the Kelts, the Magi among the Persians and among the Indians the Gymnosophists.’(Mc. Crindle’s Ancient India) ”---- www.jainsamaj.org


Lord parshwanathji 23RD JINESHWAR was born in kashi ( varanasi ) in 19th century BC. His parents were King Aswasena , the ruler of kashi & Vamdevi mataji.


Lord Mahavir was the senior contemporary of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. In Buddhist books Lord Mahavir is always described as nigantha Nataputta (Nirgrantha Jnatrputra), i.e., the naked ascetic of the Jnätr clan. Further, in the Buddhist literature Jainism is referred to as an ancient religion. There are ample references in Buddhist books to the Jain naked ascetics, to the worship of Arhats in Jain chaityas or temples and to the chaturyäma dharma (i.e. fourfold religion) of 23rd Tirthankar Parsvanath.

Moreover, the Buddhist literature refers to the Jain tradition of Tirthankars and specifically mentions the names of Jain Tirthankars like Rishabhdev, Padmaprabh, Chandraprabh, Puspdant, Vimalnath, Dharmanath and Neminath. The Buddhist book Manorathapurani, mentions the names of many lay men and women as followers of the Parsvanath (23rd jain tirthankar )tradition and among them is the name of Vappa, the uncle of Gautama Buddha. In fact it is mentioned in the Buddhist literature that Gautama Buddha himself practiced penance according to the Jain way before he propounded his new religion.

Shramans and shraman culture preceded Vedic religion and culture in India ,term shraman culture constitues 24 jain tirthankars / gods/ jinas/ arhats whereby shraman culuture was started by first tirthankar Rishabhdevji/ Adinathji.

Aryans were too influenced by 23rd tirthankar parswanathji . Lord Mahavir & Lord Gautam Buddha were both heirs to lord parshwanathjis legacy. During The time of Lord Mahavira & Lord Buddha , there were many shraman monks who belonged an order, samgha, founded by Lord parshwanathji . They eventually joined Lord Mahavirs order or Lord Buddhas order. Jainism & Buddhism both belong to shramana tradition . Unlike Buddhism , which traces its origin to lord Buddha , The jain shramana tradition is represented in its legendary glory by 24 jinas / tirthankars , the first of whom was Lord Rishabha/ adinathji & last 24th lord Mahavira. Hence shraman culture today constitutes to Jainism & Buddhism.


There exist Jain Ramayan & Jain Mahabharat whereby its shown Lord Rama & Lord Krishna were jain Followers & in next cycle of tirthankars Laxman & Ravan would be born as tirthankars & will get liberated.




Meat-eating and wine-drinking in Brahminism were discarded on account of the influence of Jainism.

Lokmanya Tilak

Jainism and Buddhism are absolutely Indian but they are not offshoots of Hinduism.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

If those who are hostile to Jainism make a careful and incisive study of the Jain literature and assimilate it. their hostility will surely cease.

Dr. Ganganath Jha

The true and sublime message of Mahavir inspires in us the lofty emotion of universal amity as if through the cry of a 'conch shell.'

Sir Akbar Hydari

Shri Rishabhdev first disseminated the Jain Dharma.

Shri Varadikant M. A.

The Syadvad is an impregnable fort of the Jain Dharma. The bullets of the arguments and the counter-arguments of the controversialists cannot penetrate this fort.

Pandit Ram Misra Acharya

"Though the Jain Dharma had to face hateful opposition and countless impediments it has always and at all places! been victorious. Arhan is none other than Lord Parameshwar". A description of Lord Arhan is discernible even in the Vedas.

Swami Virupaksha Professor,

Sanskrit College, Indore

The Jain Dharma is so ancient that its origin and early history cannot be easily discovered.

Kannulal Jodhpuri

"I once saw two books in the hands of a Jain disciple. When I read them I found that they were true and impartial; and that I had entered ~ new realm of thought. I found that what I had studied from my boyhood and the Vedic flag which I kept flaunting were unreal and untrue. If there is a religion which is ancient, true and supremel?J sound, it is the Jain Dharma.

Yori Jivanand Paramhamsa

Only the Tirthankars, the founders and promoters of the Jain Dharma have conferred upon us the extraordinary gift of absolute non-violence.

Dr. Radhavinod Pal

The modern research in history has proved that the Jain Dharma existed even before Brahminism or the Hindu Dharma.

Justice Rangnekar

The fact that the Jain Dharma is an ancient religion has been proved by countless rock-edicts, caves, fossils and the excavations at Mohenjodaro. The Jain Dharma has been in vogue from the time of creation. It is more ancient than the Vedanta Dharma.

Swami Misra Jhah `

"The Syadvad provides us with a point of view of compre- hensive and unified visualization. It is not related to the fundamental secret of an object. According to it, we cannot attain a complete knowledge of an object unless we view it from various points of view. The syadvad is not a conjectural approach to reality. It teaches us how we should look at the universe.

Prof. Anandshankar Dhruva

The Jain Literature is greatly useful to the world in the sphere of historical research and studies. It provides abundant material to historian~, arche.ologists and scholars to carry out their research. The Jain Sadhus have set a magnificent example to the world of self-discipline by disciplining their senses absolutely and by observing vows and principles with the greatest degree of austerity. Even the life of a householder who has dedicated himself to the Principles of Jainism is so faultless and perfect that it should be honoured througho ut India.

Dr. Satish Chandra Vidya Bhushan (Calcutta)

Lord Mahavir communicated the message that Dharma is the only truth, with his voice that resounded like the sounds of a kettledrum. It is really significant that this message has captivated the whole country.

Dr. Rabindranath Tagore

We can attain absolute serenity by following the path shown by Mahavir. In no other religion do you find the philosophy of .non-violence developed to such an extent. On account of its philosophy of non-violence, the Jain Dharma is worthy of becoming the religion of the world.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

The Jain Dharma was in vogue even before the emergence of the Vedant darshan. The Jain Dharma has been in practice even from the beginning of creation.

Dr. Satishchandra

Vardhaman Tirthankar made the traditions of the F'rinciples and ideologies that had been expounded by the 23 earlier sages or Tirthankars go forward. We have a lot of evidence to establish the view that there were countless devotees and followers of Rishabhdev even before the commencement of the modern era. The Tirthankars are given prominence and honour even in the Yajurveda. The Jain Dharma has been in existence from times immemorial.

Dr. Radhakrishnan

The Jain literature is more ancient than the others and it is useful for the daily spiritual austerities and practices. So, I heartily desire to acquire a know1edge of Jain Dharma. It had an independent existence even before the emergence of Hinduism. Its impact was experienced by the greatest men of the past.

Ravbahadur Poornendra Narayana Sinha

It has been clearly established that Jainism is not a branch of Buddhism. In the Jain philosophy, there is a detailed discussion of the principle of life or existence. No other darshan has so many philosophical works.

Abjaksha Sarkar, M.A.,LLB.

The greatest principle of Jainism is its principle of non- violence. The greatness of this religion is that it permits even women to become initiated into Charitradh arma and to lead a life of service and dedication. The Buddhists do not fear com-mitting violence so much as Jains.

I very much like the subtler aspects of the Jain philosophical doctrine

Mohammad Hafiz Sayad, B.A.,LL.B.

I am greatly interested in the Jain doctrines because they contain a subtle and profound discussion of the Karma Philosophy.

M. D. Pande


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absolute nonsense. Please check Hindu Holy books for verses about Jainism & for rest confirm truth with Indian Archeology Department for ur belief. And u'll be confirmed its not fiction but a bitter truth supressed till now.


Thanks . God bless You.

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That Jain post made me laugh, in Bhagavatam it says about Lord Rasabanu, and before that it says about many previous incarnations, so how Jain' is older well.. lol


Oh yeah Gita it says Krishna spoke Gita to Sun-God visvasan [whos representative of Krishna]. Gita tells you how to become devotee of Krishna.


And this post I like to comment on:

As for Lord Krishna, he's only a lord in his own mind!

One day he will stand before Almight God as a sinner like I was. Difference is my sins are washed away

For All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the GOD!!! Even the pope

I answer only to one - Almighty GOD the Father, Son & Holy Spirit!

Krishna will have to answer too but his fate is not good unless he believes and asks for forgivness.



Krishna is God. YOU will have to answer to Lord Jesus Christ.

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He firmly believes that Jainism is the oldest, even though the very idea sounds silly. And of course, the guy doesn't believe in Krishna, so he's gonna brush His words aside. No use arguing with these 'patriots.'

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He firmly believes that Jainism is the oldest, even though the very idea sounds silly. And of course, the guy doesn't believe in Krishna, so he's gonna brush His words aside. No use arguing with these 'patriots.'

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we gotta laugh at the poor american....his leaders have convinced him that they are "helping-out" HEE HEE ..does he mean giving saddam hussein poison gas to murder 1,000's of Kurds ? or perhaps funding al-quaeda and the taliban ? or maybe the cia puting pinochet in power ? or blowing-up a gas plant in Cuba, killing 400 people (cia job) ? or coka cola opening a plant in czechoslovakia "AFTER" hitler invaded ?or the dropping of 2 nukes on japaneese CIVILIANS ? or perhaps their support for the unelected brutal saudi regime,a nation where you can be beaten in the street for not praying ? or the economic and political blackmail of half world ( via the IMF and world bank ) ie..do what we want or you won't get "aid" ! the list is almost endless ! throught the world US citizens are known as mushrooms ...their leaders keep them in the dark and feed them ...sad but true ! ps do Christians keep slaves ? have a nice day.

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We sick an’ tired of-a your ism-skism game -

Dyin’ ’n’ goin’ to heaven in-a jesus’ name, lord.

We know when we understand:

Almighty God is a living man.

You can fool some people sometimes,

But you can’t fool all the people all the time.

So now we see the light (what you gonna do? ),

We gonna stand up for our rights!

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we gotta laugh at the poor american....his leaders have convinced him that they are "helping-out" HEE HEE ..does he mean giving saddam hussein poison gas to murder 1,000's of Kurds ? or perhaps funding al-quaeda and the taliban ? or maybe the cia puting pinochet in power ? or blowing-up a gas plant in Cuba, killing 400 people (cia job) ? or coka cola opening a plant in czechoslovakia "AFTER" hitler invaded ?or the dropping of 2 nukes on japaneese CIVILIANS ? or perhaps their support for the unelected brutal saudi regime,a nation where you can be beaten in the street for not praying ? or the economic and political blackmail of half world ( via the IMF and world bank ) ie..do what we want or you won't get "aid" ! the list is almost endless ! through-out the world US citizens are known as mushrooms ...their leaders keep them in the dark and feed them sh*t ...sad but true ! ps do Christians keep slaves ? have a nice day.


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"Ahh, the spoils of the world is here. Anything you want is here."


Still, there are parts of the world where minorities suffer less prejudice and discrimination than in America, no doubt.


"It the name of one that all other religions hate."


Hinduism and Islam don't hate Jesus or his name(s) at all and on the contrary if I'm not mistaken recognise Him as a great prophet - the difference being that, in Islam at least, He is not also regarded as God incarnate.


"Meanwhile on the other side of planet earth, crazy muslims blowning themselves up, hindus going hungry as they won't eat meat thinking there eating relitives (what a stupid joke that is that got you suckered into)"


While I can't be sure that no Hindus (or Buddhists) believe the above, the impression I get (and which I'd welcome corrections from anyone on if I'm wrong) is that adherents of Hinduism tend to look upon reincarnation as being, generally speaking, a progressive line in the sense that once a soul or spirit has left the animal kingdom behind, it will not return to it, with any errors or sins committed as a human thus having to be paid for in one's present or future human incarnation.


"Since the British didn't like Christians, they left for America."


But the UK has always been a mostly Christian society - at least until 50-100 or so years ago at any rate. (It is possible mind you that the Christians who left England for America may have been driven away by persecutions from fellow Christians - perhaps such disunity and blatant disregard for the teachings of Jesus is partly what puts many outsiders off the religion eh!)


"Maybe you should stop, look to see how America became so great - truely a blessing God had for us because we were founded upon Him."


The following are some quotes attributed to certain Founding Fathers copied and pasted from this article I stumbled upon - http://www.positiveatheism.org/writ/founding.htm - and which can be found therein about two-thirds of the way down:


Thomas Jefferson: "I have examined all the known superstitions of the word, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth."


More Jefferson: "The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ."


John Adams: "The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity." Adams signed the Treaty of Tripoli. Article 11 states: "The Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion."


Thomas Paine: "Among the most detestable villains in history, you could not find one worse than Moses. Here is an order, attributed to 'God' to butcher the boys, to massacre the mothers and to debauch and rape the daughters. I would not dare so dishonor my Creator's name by (attaching) it to this filthy book (the Bible)."

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"He got kicked out of our schools by our courts,"


My inkling is that God is more concerned with the spirit of what is going on in courtrooms, classrooms and whatnot, than He is with whether the Ten Commandments are on display or with outward professions of faith from those who feel forced through obligation to pray to the Christian God irrespective of what their inner beliefs might be.


"Our slums here are better than your country is."


Not all of urban India is slummy even if the pictures and footage of the country that we Westerners are permitted to see could lead us to think that - I once knew someone who hailed from northern India and whose house and neighbourhood were, if the way she described them was anywhere near accurate, about as far from slummy as could be.

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