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Puri Temple Opening and Pran Pratistha Ceremony

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Temple Opening


On 19th & 20th November 2005 At Bhakti Kuthi, Swargadwar, Puri, Orissa.


Dear Maharaj/ Prabhu


Please accept my dandabat pranam.All glories to Guru And Gouranga.All glories to shrila Prabhupada and Shrila Saccidanda Bhaktivinode Thakur.


With immense pleasure,I cordially invite you and your family and friends to attend the most auspicious opening ceremony of Bhakti Kuthi temple and installation ceremony of Shri Shri Radha Giridhari and Gouranga Mahaprabhu,at Bhakti kuthi Swargadwar,shri Jagannath-dham,puri on 19 & 20 Nov 2005.


Please join ISKCON Governing body commissioners His Holiness jayapataka swami maharaja and His Holiness Bhakti Purusottam swami Maharaja, and Gajapati Maharaja Dibyasingha Deb,as well as other eminent national and international personalities for this special occasion.



Yours in the service of Lord Shri Krishna,


Gour Nitai Das.


Temple president ISKCON Puri Orissa




19th November 05 (Saturday) swasti vaachana, shanty mantras,sankalpa, sudarshna puja,Rakshs Bandhana,Vastu mondal puja and vastu Home.Netronmilanam Adhivasam.


20th November 05 (Sunday) Mangala Charan,Maha Abhishekam for all Deities, pranapratistha,Bhoga Offering,Opening of Temple by Chief Guest and feast prasadam.


In 1902, Shrila Bhaktivinode Thakur purchased a piece of land at Swargadwar, Puri,near to Haridas Thakur samadhi,and built a house called “Bhakti Kuthi”. He resided in this kuthi from 1902 until 1914, and did Bhajan here. He fixed the following inscription on the wall:


gaurah prabhoh prema-vilasa bhumau

niskincano bhaktivinoda-nam

kopi sthito bhakti-kutir kosthe

smritva- nisham nama –gunam murareh


In 1984, the Administrative General, West Bengal, offered this place on auction, and His Holiness Jayapataka Swami took the lease on behalf of ISKCON, wanting to revive the spiritual atmosphere of the place. At that time the land was occupied by many unauthorized persons and it took almost a decade to get the place vacated and start the renovations.By immense mercy, and tireless andcontinuous encouragement of His Holiness Jaypataka swami, now a1500sqft, temple with natmandir stand here with 21 guest rooms to extend gracious hospitality to the devotees.


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