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Chanting 100 a day ok?

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Great you're going to try the chanting - it's the best yoga practice there is!


To start - do not worry about chanting 16 rounds - chant 2 rounds each day on your beads - one in the morning when you get up and one at night before sleep.


Each round will take from 8-12 minutes - depending on your speed - it's not a race so take your time and Hear the Names as you chant them.


Do this each day - without fail - no matter how you feel - if you feel down - all the more reason to get your beads out and - chant another round.


But at first - only promise two rounds a day - that's easy enough.


Do you have beads?


There are a 108 beads on the strand - you can make one if you have to - so one round - is the full mahamantra chanted 108 times - do this twice a day - you'll see the difference in your spirit...


But pleae take it from me - do not fail to do what you promise - in terms of the number of rounds per day - only promise what you KNOW you can do and don't ever 'not' do it.


This chanting will be very good for you - if taken like this - no real pressures if you do not promise more than possible.


Gradually over time you'll do more rounds - but just know that each day it has to be the two - when you're better fixed up in this process you can increase it by double - so do four rounds - and go on like this and increase slowly - but 'always' do the least amount promised.





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