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Opera Browser with Voice Feature

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Can also use this browser as an e-mail account [like

Microsoft Outlook] I use my Gmail account, it works perfectly, makes sending and recieving e-mails easy.


Here's some steps:


1. Get Gmail account.

2. Get Opera


3. In Opera follow these simple instuctions:

1.Tools/Mail and Chat Accounts/New..

2.Select Reguar e-mail [POP] Next..

3.Fill in the Details, Name, E-mail, Organization, Next..

4.Login Name [Your E-mail add] Password [E-mail add


5. Incoming Server: pop.gmail.com

Outgoing Server: smtp.gmail.com

Tick 'Leave messages on server' Only. Next..

6. Now goto Your Gmail account on the Website:


7. Click Setting [Top Right-hand corner]

You are in `General Tab' Click and Goto:

Forwarding and POP, Under POP Click Enable PoP For all mail.Click Save Changes.

8. Open Opera, Tools/Mail and Chat Accounts, Select Your

Account/Edit/Incoming [Mark 3,4,5,6 [if not already

selected] Under 5 Select 5Mins [Or Your pref]

9. Outgoing [Mark 1,4]. Put your Signature, this will appear on all e-mails you send out. Click Ok/Close

10. Mail/Read Mail. Now you can get started!

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Did you know Opera 9.0 beta is out?


I've been using Opera 8.5 since they made it free, 9.0 is an upgrade and it is much better the 8.5 even though it's still in beta. Get it at:




If you want to get the most out of Opera go here




For those of you who don't know; Opera is the fastest browser according to numerous browser speed tests, and the new 9.0 release is the most web standards compliant of all browsers on the market.


This website goes into the comparisons




I use Opera as my main browser but sometimes you need to use Internet Explorer for certain sites. I recommend Maxthon which uses the IE engine and is far superior to IE alone, in fact Microsoft executives are on record saying they use IE with Maxthon. Get it at:



Firefox is faster then any IE based browser but slower then Opera, although Firefox has many extensions and plugins which makes it very popular. But if you don't need the plugins I advise using Opera because you just can't beat it for the speed and responsiveness.

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You can also change the setting of how often Opera checks a webite for new documents and images.


Go to tools>preferences>advanced>history


The cache in Opera allows fine adjustment to get the most out of it. The settings you choose depend very much on how important it is for you to see the 'latest' version of a page.


Use the following at history:


Check documents

Check Images

Check Others


You are able to choose how often Opera checks to see if a webpage has new stuff on it if you have that page in your cache, and if you have cache enabled.

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