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Samskara Shuddhi

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But sometimes past traumas can be such an acute problem that they block our spiritual practice or even just our lives in general and should be dealt with like one would deal with any disease.


I would recommend past life regression through hypnotherapy. A very experienced practioner is important. This of course is nothing more than a health practice but it can be very effective and quick for treating things like "irrational" phobias and a whole host of mental emotional problems that plauge us.


A good book on this is Other Lives, Other Selves - A Jungian Psychotherapist Discovers Past Lives -by Roger J. Woolger -Bantam New Age Books.


While I disagree with the implications of the title(He is a Buddhist as I believe you said you had a similar interest) it is a very interesting and informative look at the subject from this person's own case files.

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The problem is with all fixes that don't change the core of the heart is that we stay in the material world where we are bound to incur more traumas. We clear a water phobia by tracing it's origin back to a recent death by drowning. That's good. But then we die in this life by fire and next birth even someone lighting a match sets us off.


Chanting Hare Krsna or any name for the Lord simultaneously clears past samskaras, material impressions and replaces them with eternal spiritual impressions. It also cures us of the taste for creating more material impressions.


Impressions are natural it is the quality of those impressions that should concern us.


Compared to this all other processes are simply attempts to treat the symptoms. Krsna consciousness uproots the disease by it's roots.


Hare Krsna


I should have mentioned I don't know of any other specific practices.

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