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Are we sober yet?

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We each have our test ahead. We are here so I take it we all failed last time. To be dhira, undisturbed as we pass from the body is not a small test.


Just see how seriously law students take an upcoming bar exam. Then compare that with our own seriousness concerning the upcoming test at bodily death.


Lord have mercy.

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We just stay at the base of the wall (anartha) we cannot climb. There is a lifeline hanging from the top of this wall, guru (anyone who has climbed successfully and has compassion to help others haveing a tough time of it) keeps it there to help us all. We may not grab, but we MUST meditate on that lifeline. we must never go back, keep the wall and the lifeline in proximaty. Only when we go back do we lose the ground we have covered, all those millions of walls already climbed to even utter the names of Krsna.


Sober, not really, but I know of sober folks over the wall who knopw Im trying to dry out.


Unlike Clinton, I never exhaled. But the high is dry, and even monkeys and goats can enjoy like that, so maybe sobriety can be looked into. Over the wall.



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Our ten step program starts with this first premise: <blockquote>1> I came to believe in a power greater than myself.</blockquote>

Hello. My name is Gary, and I'm a nitya-baddha.


I had spent several eons crawling kicking and screaming through eight million species of life to finally get to this human form. Now I'm working my way through another four hundred thousand human species to eventually get free of matter.


I was fortunate to come into contact with our founder, my sponsor, Sri Krsna Caitanya, thirty years ago. In spite of my addiction to matter, He has graciously drawn me away from most of my favorite material haunts.


I can say I'm a better man for it. I could not have done it without Him. Everywhere I looked, atoms beckoned me: see me, taste me, feel me!


This is my secret. When I get a craving for matter, I just call Him up and He saves me. A better friend, a man could never have - a truly sobering God.


Soon matter won't matter anymore.





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