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Hateful atheists

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Some atheists are eager to ask all sorts of questions about God, wherever they can.

While they might start out politely, they end up being extremely hateful, resentful and resort to swearing and calling names. But they won't leave on their own accord.


How can a theist act meaningfully and responsibly in such a situation?

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He leaves it all so mysterious that it is entirely viable not to believe in His existence. This way those who want to rule as gods can satisfy those lofty desires, and eventually become materially exhausted. When all the cherries are picked from the tree they will turn once again to Krsna.


The atheists become angry because of all that uncontrollable hankering they have, which seems in danger of being unsatisfied if they are ever to admit that your preaching is correct. While contemplating all that they survey, attachment arises; attachment leads to lust; lust when not satisfied leads to anger; anger to complete delusion; and that delusion finally leads to bewilderment of memory and loss of intelligence - drowning them helplessly in the whirlpool of the material elements.


The atheist is the emperor of his dream world. His great mind is his invincible army. His agitated heart, clouded with attachment, appears empty. We should know that Krsna is working on the problem. He will decide whether and how we might become part of His solution.

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An agnostic at least has the quality of some honesty and a little humility.


An atheist is claiming the position of omniscience. He has consider all the possible knowledge that exists and has determined there is no God which is another way of saying they believe they are God.


Miracles can happen. I grew up an atheist and was one until I was 18. Then a little knowledge and a little faith just started awakening with me. This through no conscious effort on my part to investigate the issue of God or no God nor was it the result of anyone preaching.


Leave the atheists to Krsna and Lord Caitanya.

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Thank you for your replies.


I must say that in a strange way, I feel attracted to atheists. That is, there seems to be something in them crying for help, but it is covered with the coat of hatred and anger, and "reason".

So I try to get to that crying something. So far, I could tell that most of the more militant atheists I have spoken to, are unhappy and feel they live empty lives (they have said so themselves).

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