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Sharma el-Sheikh bombing

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Bombs kill scores in Egyptian resort town

Attacks may be tied to October terror strike in another Red Sea resort


Saturday, July 23, 2005; Posted: 9:06 a.m. EDT (13:06 GMT)


An Egyptian soldier stands in front of a market in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, that was hit by an explosion Saturday.

Dozens dead in blasts in Egyptian resort town (3:58)


(CNN) -- Three deadly explosions in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh on Saturday may be linked to bomb blasts last October in the Red Sea resort of Taba, Egypt's interior minister said.


"We are trying to find out who committed these crimes," Habib al-Adli told reporters while viewing the extensive damage at the Ghazala Garden Hotel in Naama Bay, a popular tourism area of Sharm el-Sheikh.


That city is on the Red Seat at the tip of Sinai Peninsula. Taba is also on the Red Sea, on the Sinai near the border of Jordan.


"It is likely that they have some relationship to the Taba operation."


At least 83 people were killed and 200 wounded when three blasts -- believed to be two suicide car bombs and a third explosive device -- went off in Sharm el-Sheikh early Saturday. It was Egypt's deadliest bombing in recent years.


In Egypt's northeastern Sinai in October, attackers struck the Taba Hilton and nearby camping areas around Ras al Sultan and Tarabeen in a series of bomb blasts, killing 34 people. (Full story)


Al-Adli said it was not yet known who was behind the attacks, "but whoever it is, or whatever groups they belong to, this is ugly terrorism, and there's no humanity or values or feel of belonging in these acts."


Asked whether he thought the blasts might be related to Islam, he replied, "What Islam? This terrorism has nothing to do with any religion, because all religions do not allow aggression and do not allow killing civilians in innocence. Those don't belong to Muslims. They are a gang of criminals."


The bombings occurred on Egypt's National Day, which commemorates the 1952 bloodless revolution that brought a group of army officers to power after deposing King Farouk.


Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak toured the area Saturday to survey the damage.


One suicide car bomb killed 17 Egyptian workers in a coffee shop at the city's Old Market, authorities said. The other suicide car bomber struck the Ghazala Garden Hotel, speeding past a security checkpoint and ramming the hotel's reception area before exploding.


The hotel lobby area collapsed, along with its roof. Police were sifting through the rubble Saturday looking for bodies and, possibly, for survivors. Video footage showed the Old Market area littered with broken glass and debris.


The third bombing -- an explosive device left in a bag -- killed six tourists at a beachfront parking lot and shuttle stop frequented by tourists, about two miles from the hotel.


The explosions happened about 1:15 a.m. (6:15 p.m. Friday ET), but the hotels and the market were crowded. "It's very hot here, so people go out and stay up all night," journalist Sandy Petrykowski told CNN.


Twenty foreigners were among the injured, and seven died, said Hala el-Khatib, spokeswoman for the Egyptian Tourism Ministry. Among the dead was one person from the Czech Republic and one Italian, she said, but the other nationalities were not yet known. The injured included nine Italians, five Saudis, three Britons, a Ukrainian, a Russian and an Arab-Israeli, she said.


The Israeli Arab woman suffered minor injuries, said a spokeswoman for Israeli's foreign ministry.


Spain's Foreign Ministry, however, told CNN that three Spaniards -- two men and a woman -- also were injured, and two of them remained hospitalized, although none of their injuries was life-threatening. One of the Spanish men was to be flown to a hospital in Cairo along with other wounded victims, said a diplomat at the ministry. The woman was hospitalized in Sharm el-Sheikh, while the other man was treated and released.


Witness felt building tremble

An employee at the Ghazala Hotel said she heard a huge explosion and felt the building tremble. Guests were being transferred to other hotels, and police cordoned off the area, she said.


Video from Nile TV showed men at one site carrying body bags to emergency vehicles, and other bodies lying amid debris on bloody ground, covered by sheets or blankets.


"We are trying to comfort those touched by those explosions," el-Maghrabi said. "These groups, those criminal groups, will never be able to steal the right of people to move and travel. This is very unfortunate."


One husband and wife were awakened by the blasts.


"My wife and I were asleep and, basically, I just woke up because our house is made out of glass doors, and simply the glass started shaking really hard," said Ahmed Mansour, who lives in Sharm el-Sheikh, 7 kilometers (4 miles) from Naama Bay.


"I personally just thought it was an earthquake. ... Fifteen minutes later, I started to get phone calls from, basically, people asking us if we were all right," Mansour said.


After the October blasts in Taba, the Interior Ministry said the attacks were meant as "a response to the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories and it was directed at Israelis staying in the hotel and two camps."


Egypt had been operating under heightened security in recent days, Interior Minister al-Adli said, because of the bomb attacks in London.



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Vedas say a human life is obtained after so many births and rebirths. Only a human is capable of becoming a God by his deeds. Alas what we are seeing is that Humans have degenrated lower than animals and insects. Even they do not kill each other except for food.


Who is winner and who is loser in this sickening violence...and cycle of reaction and counter reactions..


Only divine intervention can save mankind from self annihilation now!

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SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt - Police investigators said Monday that they were searching for six Pakistani men as the probe into the weekend's terrorist attack at this Red Sea resort widened.


Police were circulating photographs of the six, who have apparently been missing since before the attacks, at checkpoints in and around this southern Sinai resort city. An Associated Press correspondent who saw the images said the men appeared to be between the ages of 20 and 30.


The involvement of Pakistanis in the attack in Sharm el-Sheik would be unprecedented, as non-Egyptians have rarely been linked to attacks here. It would also be extremely difficult for a group of young Pakistanis not to be noticed in Sharm, one of the heaviest policed cities in Egypt and a favorite place of residence for President Hosni Mubarak.


An official at the Pakistan Embassy in Cairo said his embassy was in contact with Egyptian authorities over the issue of the missing Pakistanis.


"But they have not officially informed us that the Pakistanis are suspected of involvement in the bombing. They are only saying: 'We are searching for them. We cannot trace them,"' said Khalid Ahmed, a counselor at the Pakistani mission.


"It is very difficult for us to confirm whether any Pakistani was in Sharm el-Sheik but it is possible that someone may have been there. I have a strong belief that Pakistanis cannot be involved in terrorism here," he said.


Many Pakistanis use Egypt as a route to travel to Europe to find jobs, he said. Last week, police arrested between 40 and 45 Pakistanis in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria for being illegal immigrants.


Police have detained more than 70 people in Sharm and other parts of the Sinai Peninsula during the investigation, which is also following different threads, including possible Palestinian involvement and whether the attacks were linked to last October's bombings in two other Sinai resorts.


The investigators, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the inquiry, said they are looking into whether the six men had any involvement in carrying out Saturday's attack, Egypt's deadliest ever.


Police were to conduct DNA testing on the remains of a suicide bomber found in a car that rammed into the Ghazala Gardens Hotel in Naama Bay, the city's main tourist area, early Saturday. Two other blasts rocked a car park near the hotel and an area about two miles away called the Old Market.


According to local hospitals, Saturday's pre-dawn bombings killed at least 88 people; Egypt's Health Ministry put the death toll at 64. Hospitals said the ministry count does not include a number of sets of body parts. At least one American was killed.


If independently confirmed, any involvement of Pakistanis would suggest that those behind Saturday's bombings belong to a much wider terror network than previously thought.


Until the latest news broke Monday, suspicions had primarily focused on a Sinai-based network thought responsible for bombings in the area last October that also targeted tourist sites.


The involvement of the Pakistanis, if proven, would also increase suspicions that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida may have been involved in the attacks. The Saudi-born bin Laden is popular among militant Pakistani groups and is known to enjoy support in tribal areas close to the Afghan border.


On Sunday, security officials said the bombers appeared to have entered Sharm in two pickup trucks loaded with explosives hidden under vegetables and that police were searching for three suspects believed to have survived the bombings. It was unclear if police were linking those three in any way to the six Pakistanis being sought.


Before the attacks, the militants rubbed serial numbers off the trucks' engines, the officials said. Such serial numbers had been a key clue Egyptian investigators had used to track down those behind similar vehicle bombings last October against two resorts further north in the Sinai Peninsula, Taba and Ras Shitan.


Investigators were also examining whether the suicide bomber who set off the blast at the Ghazala was one of five suspects still at large from the October attacks that killed 34 people.


Police took DNA samples from the parents of the five Taba suspects to compare with bodies found at the Ghazala, a police official said in el-Arish, where the parents were briefly detained.


Egyptian authorities portrayed the Taba bombings as an extension of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, rather than a homegrown Islamic militant movement or an al-Qaida-linked operation. They said a Palestinian who died in the attacks had recruited Bedouins and Egyptians to plot the bombings.


But the sophistication of the Sharm bombings — and their timing on the heels of two rounds of explosions in London — raised worries of a wider international connection and possible al-Qaida links.


Two rival claims of responsibility have emerged for the Sharm bombings, but neither statement could be authenticated. One was by the Abdullah Azzam Brigades of al-Qaida in Syria and Egypt, which also claimed responsibility for the October bombings. The other was by the previously unknown Holy Warriors of Egypt.



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"You can't handle the truth!!"


So true. The only way this will be stopped is to allow covert squads (spooks) to identify to their satisfaction, main terrorist players and supporters, and extract info. by any means necessary and/or kill them on the spot with impunity.


Did you just cringe at the thought? Then you are still part of the problem.

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are doing. It is called pre-emptive sanctions. Another big attack on the USA and we'll be doing it in a heartbeat! Until then, I guess we'll just have to be satisfied with putting panties on their heads.... /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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"It is called pre-emptive sanctions"


suuuuuure... or murder. just like these undercover cops in London (trained by the Israelis) executing the Brazilian guy in the subway.


these people kill anybody they like (or dont like) and nobody protests because "they are fighting terrorism"... what a load of BS... remember Pinochet and his Death Squads? they had "public safety" in mind too...


DEMONS! that's what they all are...

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bigot like yourself Kula, I now know that the Israelis are on the right track. /images/graemlins/cool.gif


As far as the idiot Brazilian, sometimes you have to poor chlorine into the gene pool. He spoke English and ran away from armed men shouting "Stop or we'll shoot!". He ain't intelligent enough to breath our air. /images/graemlins/ooo.gif

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folks like you are not in charge of the War on Terror!


And who's participating in ugra-karma? I'm not. Are you?


Its folks like you that allowed India to be conquered by barbarian hordes worshipping a pedophile terrorist. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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by supporting unjust wars and criminal activities of your politicians you ARE participating in their ugra-karma (how about these 100,000 Iraqi civilians killed in the name of "war on terror"?).


real kshatriyas actually rule by using JUSTICE, not by using mere brute force. the corrupt indian kshatriyas were overcome by the forces of Kali... boo hoo friggin hoo... they did not deserve to be in power.


anyway. people like you are too afraid for their own safety to actually see what is going on. they think their life is more valuable than someone else's. so they sanction injustice for the promise of safety. good luck... the teeth of Yama will bite into all of us.



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I guess we'll just have to be satisfied with putting panties on their heads....



NPR this morning announced that more pictures from Abu Grahaib will be coming out. These pitiful morons. Everyday we hear of suicide bombers killing 20 -50 Irags, like the 25 children that US soldiers were giving candy to last week, and these dumb ass liberals are still crying over the panty scandal.

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