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Blasts hit London again, 2 weeks after bombings

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Hare Krishnas Undeterred

"Calm Replaces the Crowds"

BY: Mark Tran, Guardian Unlimited




Tottenham Court following evacuation. Photograph: Martin Godwin/Guardian







On an ordinary afternoon, Tottenham Court Road would be full of tourists and Londoners looking for bargains at its furniture and electronics shops.



But this was not an ordinary day. Warren Street tube station, at the end of the road, had been closed in a bomb attack - two weeks to the day after four suicide blasts on London's transport network killed 56 people.



As a result, Tottenham Court Road, on this bright sunny afternoon, looked like a ghost town. Police had evacuated virtually the whole length of the street, sealing off the side roads with blue and white tape.



The only people allowed on to the street were a gaggle of reporters, who were at first stationed outside the upmarket Heals furniture store, opposite Goodge Street tube station.



As a helicopter clattered overhead in a gloriously blue sky, the police moved away the few stragglers, bellowing: "Can you move back, please, for your own safety."



One unfortunate merchant had to dismantle his stall - an elaborate structure full of suitcases, handbags and wallets - after the police told him to close up.



Eventually, officers allowed the reporters to move closer to the Warren Street, where a man had earlier been seen running towards the nearby University College Hospital.



Although the streets were empty, people had stayed inside their shops and offices. Three women employees at the travel agent Going Places stood behind the glass doors, looking out at the unfamiliar scene.



Next door, office workers stood on a balcony as police cars and fire engines tore past, sirens wailing.



By around 4pm, Tottenham Court Road began to return to normal. The shops started reopening and the traffic returned, although police kept the street sealed off around 200 yards from Warren Street tube.



Gilly, whose husband Steve runs the nearby Kingsley photographic shop, said police had asked them to close up and stay inside at around lunchtime.



"I had never heard so many sirens - gosh, it was loud," she said. "The police pulled over all the buses and evacuated them.



"It's sad for humankind, it's happening again. I hadn't thought it would happen so quickly, just after two weeks. But why should any of us be surprised?"



Gilly said there had no significant drop in takings since the attacks of two weeks ago and, as she was speaking, a group of Hare Krishna, chanting and banging on their tambourines, walked past.



She laughed and said: "Look at that. That is so London. These terrorists are bonkers if they think they can make a difference. Not in London they won't."


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He had a heavy coat for weather in the upper 70's. Carried a backpack. He ran from the cops and jumped a turnstile and then stumbled on to a train with the cops in pursuit. All of this less than 24 hours after a major terrorist strike.


What we do know is the guy didn't have a brain.

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I know there is no bill of rights in england with thier terrorism combat over 25 years ols, but is the guy "stupid" for assuming that he had rights?


We (Amerikkkans) have to get a grip that there is no more fourth amendment (search and seizure). Theist describes what is available to those who think they have a right to private possession.


The way it works is that you have the right to refuse an unreasonable search of your body, house, car, etc. There is no "probable cause" for the one wanting to search you. But now there is ample demonstration that those who refuse to submit, those who value their human and civil rights, are now determined (via patriot act and other vicious statutes of fascism) to have provided probable cause.


We knew this was coming. The "I have nothing to hide" garbage of those who agree to give up rights have nothing to do with anything, and smacks of the "I am not a Jew" chant of our german great grandparents. As a Union representative, I saw a lot of heroes who refused drug-tests in the eighties. They stood their ground and some even lost jobs. Not because they were potheads, but because they valued the Constitutional protections that many have shed precious blood for.


They are going, you have gladly given up your rightsd in exchange for protection against terrorism. But the joke is on you, because now you have no rights and terrorism is ten times worse than when you fell for the ruse, hook, line, and sinker. Now the one who insists on human rights is seen as the terrorist, just like the comment by theist indicates (not jammin ya, theist, this is common, not just yours).


Running from cops is not a bad thing to do. Alfred Hitchcock, the great mystery and horror writer, was asked what scares him into irrationality. He stated that nothing scares him as much as police in pursuit.


Now, for all us outlaws here, lets describe our flight from the law. I was good at it until I got too old. But when I was young, I was a target of the SS-LAPD pig squad. Orange county no better. I had no intent of letting pigs get me ever, and I was not a criminal, I knew they planted drugs on hipsters, I knew they had guns in baggies so they could kill you if necessary and plant a gat. Nothing would be more insulting that to be dead in a pool of blood by cop with a sterling arms 32 placed in your hand. If I do go that way, better my walther PPK in my hand, what an embarrisment to die with the wrong piece.


No, running from the piggies is not criminal activity, it is survival instinct. Now if he was shootin back at those in pursuit, by all means, blast away. But runnin is not punishable by five slugs to the head at close range. Sounds more like he was runnin from the hoovahs or the rollin sixties than from legitamate enforcers of common law.


lets have runnin stories. Cmon, Rx, Im sure you escaped unrighteous oinks in your past.


yo brah, mahaksadasa

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"What we do know is the guy didn't have a brain."


lets not jump to conclusions. there is a lot more to this story. for example, this guy was attacked 2 weeks earlier by a gang of whites and roughed up pretty bad. "police" guys were not in uniforms. they looked and acted like thugs.

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Hello Lads,


I don't know what sort of news coverage you're getting in the U.S, but I just thought I'd show you some pictures of London yesterday... 3 days after the terrorists struck:


<center>Posted Image</center>


A Lancaster Bomber, escorted by a Spitfire and a Hurricane flies over Buckingham Palace to the Mall. Between 250,000 and 500,000 people are in the Mall. The Queen and the Royal Family are on the balcony of Buck House just as she was with Winston Churchill in 1945.


<center>Posted Image</center>


The bomb doors open, and a million poppies fall to earth to commemorate those who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and peace.


<center>Posted Image</center>


So, if anyone thinks they can force us to change our ways with bombs, and start being cowed by terror, then they'd better think again. The Daily Mirror summed it up nicely:


<center>Posted Image</center>


I was in the summer sunshine in the Cotswolds, when I was fortunate to see something that I'd never seen before "live" before me. Coming towards me over the trees and climbing slowly towards its cruising height was the unforgettable sight and sound of a Spitfire, with its stunningly shaped wings. Perhaps one of the most beautiful planes that ever flew. It was on its way to a flypast to commemorate the 60th anniversary of WWII celebrations. I felt overwhelming proud to have seen it fly over my home.


<center>Posted Image</center>


65 years ago, over the same summer skies, Spitfires and Hurricanes, and the young men who flew them, saved my little country and in saving it helped save the world from a terrible darkness.


So if those bloody cowards with their sodding beards, heads with tea-towels wrapped round them, and their "jihads" against innocent women and children think they can do better than Hitler, or Napoleon or Phillip the Second of Spain or any of the rest of them, well they'll be in a for a shock.


An "islamic" web site claimed that "London was ablaze with panic and fear" after Thursday. As one wag at Kings Cross station noted on a sign underneath a huge Union Jack: "London ablaze with panic and fear"... "MY ARSE".


Hope to have a pint with you all soon. Thanks again for the kind messages.

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Gotta love those Brits.


Mahak, see the difference I don't call checking backpacks after the bombings unreasonable. Especially checking a guy they followed out of a suspect house under survelliance, wearing a bulky winter coat on a warm summer day, who when told to stop decided to run and carrying a back pack etc.


If the cops hadn't shot him and he did have a bomb everyone would be quoting what I just said as a reason why they should have the cops heads for not shooting him.


Turns out the guys visa had expired. I hear he is getting a nomination for a Darwin award.

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the days of the London blitz. If the Nazis could not break their spirit, these pathetic Islamofascists don't stand a chance either.


Turns out one of the wannabes was on the dole. Socialism at its best!:


<h3>Would-be bomber was on benefits</h3>


One of the would-be suicide bombers who tried to blow up a London Tube train last Thursday had been given thousands of pounds in British taxpayers’ money.


Yasin Hassan Omar, 24, was given £75 (€108.70) a week in housing benefit to pay for the one-bedroom flat where he has been the registered tenant since February 1999.


His housing benefit stopped in May.


The flat, on the ninth floor of a 12-storey tower block in New Southgate, north London, is believed to have been used as a bomb factory by the suicide team who unsuccessfully targeted the London transport network last Thursday.


Explosives experts were today examining material found inside.


Neighbours said another suspected bomber Muktar Said-Ibrahim, 27, had also been staying at the flat.


They described seeing men lugging boxes into the flat only a few weeks ago. The men said the boxes contained wallpaper stripper.


Police have spoken to Ibrahim’s father, who lives in north-west London, as they look into the backgrounds of the bombers, but he has not been arrested.


UK Home Office officials were today trying to establish the immigration status of Omar and Ibrahim, who are both thought to be of east African origin.


Today the cordon around their tower-block flat was widened and police were searching lock-up garages nearby.


As the hunt for the bombers continued, British Prime Minister Tony Blair met opposition leaders in Downing Street.


Conservative leader Michael Howard called for new anti-terror measures, including allowing electronic intercept evidence to be admissible in court.


But he voiced reservations about a police call to be allowed to hold terrorist suspects for up to three months without charge.


London was on alert and armed police were continuing with a shoot-to-kill policy which involves aiming to hit suspected suicide bombers in the head.


Detectives now fear there were five would-be suicide attackers on July 21.

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U.K. Police Nab Suspect in Botched Blasts


BIRMINGHAM, England (AP) - Police stormed a brown-brick duplex Wednesday and used a stun gun to arrest a Somali suspected of being one of four men behind botched attacks in London - a breakthrough that could yield the inside story on terror bombings that set the British capital on edge.


Yasin Hassan Omar, 24, was carted to a top-security police station in London, and a key official called the arrest significant - but warned that until all the bombers were in custody, the threat remained.


Dozens of anti-terrorist police and bomb disposal experts, some in heavy body armor, swept into a neighborhood of Britain's second-largest city to arrest Omar, a Somali citizen with British residency who is suspected in the botched July 21 attack on the Warren Street subway station.


"They had him dressed in one of those white suits. He had plastic cuffs on the front," said one neighbor, Andy Wilkinson, who recognized Omar from police images of suspects. Police use such suits to preserve physical evidence that may be on a suspect.



(Excerpt) Read more at apnews.myway.com


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