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Resurrection gets a bad rap?

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If a nice young father awaits his son and daughter returning home from school but they don't come it matters to him. If they were raped and killed and dumped in the jungle then he being loving and just canot over look this and is angry. If he overlooks it, this is corruption. Few would not care if any. He is angry, he wants revenge. And the good side of his natural sense of justice is for imprisonment, to protect other families. He is just and outraged as well.


Jesus sacrifice takes up the sin to cleanse the heart of the person of much evil. And to prevent further evil, when the wrongdoer accepts Jesus life poured into his foul heart, it changes. Jesus bridges the gap between God and sinful man, even though we don't deserve it. He wants forgiveness.

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Real cleansing of sin entails more than just the forgiving of the negative results of past transgressions. One who has received that form of forgiveness needs to go farther still. Who need to become cleansed of the propensity, the tendancy to commit such sins again. We must be transformed from the core of our hearts.


This you cannot get by sacrificing some helpless animal or even someone else doing it on your behalf. We must have the change from the core of our hearts.


This is accomplished by God's grace in teaching us and helping us follow His ways.


Here is an example of real Christianity beyond the popular "Just believe brother..." that is so popular today.


In Jesus's prayer in which he taught us how we should pray it says that we should ask God to forgive us our tresspasses AS WE FORGIVE the tresspasses of others.


Now actually doing that, or even sincerly practicing that is Christianity and I have great respect for those individuals. I myself even try it once in a while. Such a true Christian is far more advanced in Godly life than I am, that is a fact.


It's this present teaching that gets presented as Christianity that many here cannot make sense of. The one life to get it right or burn eternally in hell business. That stuff will never fly here.


But real Christianity is Vaisnavism and is perfectly compatable. It is in essence Bhakti-yoga and in practice is karma/bhakti or working in loving devotion to the Lord. That is also called Krishna consciousness.


Jaya Yeshua Jaya Krishna

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We cannot change oursleves. We need both God's word and Presence. We need Him in our hearts. Even in the "core" as you say. We need the creator's recreation, in His love and wisdom...


He is the answer. The Answer in Himself, by His Spirit.


Knowledge will help but not save. To know His teachings is not enough. His teaching is empowered to be taken in faith and obeyed by the power of His Spirit. Philippians 2:12 "So then, my beloved, even as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;"

Phi 2:13 "for it is God who worketh in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure."


We needed Jesus to take the sins into Himself and destroy it's power before we could have that power taken out of us for that change which means it doesn't happen again and which means the conscience can be well cleared.


No one can boast, "I did it myself, I worked hard"... God calls us, then we respond, and ask Him for blessings, changes... He does it. It spiritual not of works. Good works come later. We must ask Him to fill our hearts with His Spirit, drink living water to heart, He gives life to dead hearts. Green hearts, alive with living water work.


We are made to be dependant, not independant. Independance is the sin of Lucifer, later given to Adam.


Nice picture, what does it mean?

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