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Vrindavan was the place you wanted to leave your body??? You had better think again!

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Vrindavan - Land of Krsna and His Devotees




In case you were thinking Vrindavan was the place you wanted to leave your body you had better think again.


Naturally, if you have had your birthday converted to an appearance day then all facility will be given to you.


I like the part that says you will damage ISKCON's public image if you die irresponsibly.


No food or water???






Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to

Srila Prabhupada!


It has come to our attention that some temples are

sending devotees to Vrindavan with terminal diseases

for the purpose of leaving their bodies in the Holy

Dham, expecting support, facility and cooperation.


We are sorry to inform everyone that at this time

ISKCON Vrindavan has NO Hospice facility or funds for

this nor is there any medical personnel or support

group to assist such terminally ill persons. We have

encountered serious difficulties while attempting to

accommodate dying devotees without the proper

arrangements, and therefore we have decided not to

accept any more terminally ill persons on our ISKCON

properties until proper arrangements are secured.


If a person decides he/she wishes to come to Vrindavan

to die they will have to take full responsibility

themselves and do so on private property. For your

information, please keep in mind the following:


1. Any visitor to India who enters the country with a

reportable contagious disease such as HIV, AIDS, TB or

venereal diseases is liable to be deported by the

Government of India. At our ISKCON Vrindavan

properties we are legally obligated to report such

persons to the local authorities, as are all public

guest facilities in Vrindavan.


2. Medical facilities and doctors in Vrindavan are not

at all up to western standard and are often

insufficient for handling the problems that terminally

ill persons have. The nearest adequate hospitals are 3

hours away.


3. Staying in Vrindavan during a terminal illness may

not be as expensive as in the west, but everyone who

has come here in the past with dying devotees have

faced stress or difficulties meeting their expenses.

Our temple cannot assist dying devotees financially.

The care of the dying person, food/water and

accommodations, maintainnance of support persons,

doctor visits, transportation, communications, needed

supplies and all the legalities and procedures must be

paid for by those persons accompanying the dying



4. There are multifarious legal complications that

must be dealt with before and after the death. The

individual or temple sponsoring the devotee must be

prepared to pay for these and should bring a person

whose sole job it will be to process these

formalities. Our temple is not able to process the

legalities nor provide persons to arrange for them or

the posthumous formalities such as embassy and police

notification, obtaining the death certificates, the

do-it-yourself cremation, etc.


5. Persons who arrive in Vrindavan without their legal

documents, medical reports, Doctors prognosis/orders,

living wills, property wills, power of attorney and

who have not already notified the next of kin/closest

relatives and have not filed with their Embassy will

not receive permission for a cremation in Vrindavan

and will encounter difficulties with the embassy and



6. Dying persons who are not accompanied by a

licensed caregiver or trained relative to administer

the appropriate care are risking possible legal

difficulties here and at home.


7. Persons who decide to come to Vrindavan to die must

fully understand that they are coming into a

third-world situation where western facility is

practically not available and ANYTHING could happen

and that they may have to endure the very same

sufferings as all the dying sadhus here.


8. No terminally ill person should arrive here

unprepared and expect help from ISKCON. This kind of

irresponsibility in the past has made many

difficulties for us with local and international

officials and our public image.


Persons coming to Vrindavan to die should do so

responsibly, not whimsically or illegally.

Further information on requirements is available from:

Iskcon Vrindavan Community Services email:



Your servant,

Dhanajaya das, MVT, Ganapati das, KB Guesthouse,

Devamrita das, KBM TP

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I can definitely see it from the Temple perspective. But... what would be the harm if such an important function and service was properly organized by Iskcon? Most people in that situation should be able to come up with the needed funds - it is the local organization that they require. It is only going to be more and more frequent problem in our society.

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That was the purpose behind His Divine Grace intiating the MVT was to facilitate the living and passing of His disciples in the holy land.


I hope they work it out. I am sure they can as there are many intelligent and talented individuals serving in Iskcon.

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I heard that an Iskcon Hospice was being built there in Vraj. Any1 know anything about it? Chowpatty devotees and HH Giriraj Swami at 1 time wanted to offer this service 2 the dev community.

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I have no doubt they can do it if they focus on it. But it remains a world wide obligation and can't fall on the heads of those that are there now. I can understand there are many unseen burdens that are beyond just going there and dying. I don't think these devotees arenbeing cold hearted in the least but just speaking realistically.


So those that are planning to leave their bodies in Vrndavan need to make expert plans while they are healthy to prepare for it.


Don't just assume that big Iskcon has already done it. They have already done so much to facilitate visiting and staying there that came a great personal cost to themselves.


Push for a hospice, work and fund a hospice project and one will appear.

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“We must understand the transcendental importance of Mathura, Vrindavana and Navadvipa dhamas. Anyone who executes devotional service in these places certainly goes back home, back to Godhead after giving up his body." (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.1.28 Purport)


There must have happened some quite dramatic scenarios before they wrote such an instruction manual about the most natural thing in the world, dieing, even composing it with eight verses to make it look like an astakam. However, people who dont have the facts what happened there in the past might feel shocked about this repelling verbalisation of an organisation which claims to feed daily 50.000 poor children. Every western city has a crematorium for the poor so what they need is proper management and not behave like helpless laymen.

Since a crematorium is something like a social service for the poor but also a business for burials who can be paid by a suitable fee this broadcast by Dhanajaya das is more or less evidence of incapacity for an institution who teaches in essence nothing else than to successfully give up your body at the end of live and go back home, back to Godhead. Why not consult an accredid advertising agency how to successfully run a crematorium in the Holy Dhama? No money to install the most important facility of spiritual live, to properly leave this world in Vrindavana and have a little grave, reminding, this person donated so many years of work to serve Iskcon?


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Try and think of Krishna at the time of death, wherever you happen to be, by the Lord's grace. Vrindavan would be wonderful, but not all can go there. Maybe the Vaishnava Hospice program will eventually be able to establish something in Vrindavan.



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"Terrified, about to die, a man collapses on his bed. Although his voice is faltering and he is hardly conscious of what he is saying, if he utters the holy name of the Supreme Lord he can be freed from the reaction of his fruitive work and achieve the supreme destination. But still people in the age of Kali will not worship the Supreme Lord." ]Bhagavatam canto 12


Don Muntean

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He created Vraj where he was....Srila Prabhupada created dhams allover the world...one has to cultivate gr8 relationships with devotees around u so dat they help create Vraj mood around u

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substitute alternatives are surely fine and welcome but the topic is that in Vrindavana Dhama obviously some mismanagement has to be corrected. Helpless devotees seem swamped with a situation that is purely spiritual - to arrange a dignified atmosphere for departing Vaishnavas who desire to go back home back to Godhead in Vrindavana Dhama.



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Yeh Suchandra Prabhu it is most admirable to explain the importance of responsible management of facilities for the natural process exemplified by Our Srila Prabhupada and the same time Srila Prabhupada Did Establish the consciousness of Vrndavana where ever he went,


as some one who twice during intense physical crisis went to vrndavana, transportation was provided by the mercy of Vaisnava friends.


although it was my wish to leave this body there in the Dham it was not to be


as far as sagacious advice to those wishing the same experience, watch what we wish for


The lord Krsna knows when its time regardless all the well intentioned plans to do otherwise


no one can kill you no one can save you but their Lordships


I've not read any where specifically ya gotta die at Iskcon temple though some hospice activity is definatively pro-active to the whole exciting possibility of going home to God-head Hare Krsna Hare Rama Jai Rhadhe Syama

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You're right, right so right!

All devotees who I know from the past always tell me - don't do it - don't ever think of visiting Vrindavana/Mayapur. Too many mysterious deaths of middle age, dedicated, nice devotees in these places of Mayapur/Vrindavan past years. You're right it's Kali-yuga and even when Lord Krishna performed his lilas on earth - where did the most obnoxious demons assemble, in the Holy Dhamas. Yesterday I read a report of devotees visiting Vrindavana and explaining how real "professionals" steal you just everything right in the Dhama and these aren't rare exceptions. Obviously the managers of Krishna-Balaram Mandir noticed the postings on some Vaishnava-forums about their warnings and in order to reconfirm it posted their Vrindavana-astakam today at dipika.org. Thanks for the "most admirable".



Even the young devotees feel quite insecure!


When You get sick in Mayapur, what do You do? Newsletter for Residents of Iskcon Mayapur 2005, Vol 8 No 1


Lila Vrindavana devi dasi says: First of all I go to the local Mayapur Hospital, near Yoga Pitha. They usually help. Why I don't go there in the first place - because they have usually two hundred people lining up to see a doctor for free. They are very expert and have ample experience - if you get to the doctor, they know what they are doing. You can get doctor's darshan for thirty rupees if you don't want to line. These doctors saved my baby twice and me one time. When glorified Krishnagar child specialists did not find what was wrong with my baby, these doctors immediately identified pneumonia and gave instant help. So, I do respect them. You can see them for 30 rupees in any time of day and night, 24 hours, doctor is living right there. I you want for free - go in the morning, there is huge crowd of people, doctor have not time to even look at people, simply ask what's their problem, writes prescription on a piece of paper and they go and get it, they have free medicines and injections, they have all kinds of medicines, in Iskcon we did not find such medicines.


Ratnavali devi dasi says: It would be nice to have a 24-hours medical shop here in Iskcon, sometimes I get really sick I need some particular medicine, I can not expect when I will get sick., I keep a stock of it, but sometimes it happens that it finishes and I really need it, it would be nice to have 24-hour medical shop. I ´t is nice that they have brought from Krsna Nagar some good doctor, weekly once he is coming once on Sunday, now he is coming on Monday 1-3 pm, it's written on the board over there.

Only once I showed to him recently I didnt have to much need to see the doctor, but at least I know that if I need I can make an appointment to see that doctor at the time, but I can not wait for a week every single time sometimes you need to go to the doctor, I can't say "OK, sickness you please prolong after one week when the doctor comes you come back!" I can not say that, but he is a good , fortunately at that day doctor came and I was sick, on Sunday, and so it worked out for me, otherwise it would be very difficult.

Otherwise, without him I dont feel realy comfortable to go to any doctor over there (boundary wall Medical Center), I dont know what they are going to give, and is it really wirth while going.

This doctor from Krishnanagar helped me very much, he had good knowledge and it worked immediately, he could understand. Otherwise everytime I have to go to Navadviipa that's what I was doing when I got some serious complications, a general fever and cold or whatever I could go there, but if some extra care is required then I go to navadvipa doctor that's the only option that I have right now, it would be nice if we would have more facility.


Bhakta Priya devi dasi:

First of all I try to diagnose myself - what disease it is I got now? If it's something I had before, I don't bother for doctor - go and get medicene myself. If it is something new I go to see Gour-baba in Chaitanya Mission and also do a search on the Internet - what traditional and non-traditional medicine offers for that condition, I am trying to find the course for this disease.

Some simple diseases can be taken care of by simple herbs and spices. I have a book on herbal healing from Russia. I have experience that when all kinds of doctors and medicines did not help, the herbal answers that I found in that book did help me. Regarding doctors that are available here, I prefer Gour-baba. I tried the doctors in the boundary wall, one doctor comes from Krishnanagar - he is good doctor, but prescribes lots of expensive medicines, to make money, and I end up using not even half of them, and I am trying to avoid allopathic medicine in general.


Ramaniya devi dasi says: Chanting Hare Krishna, I fully depend on Krsna! I dont go to doctors, unless it's very, very, very urgent or important. By Krsna's mercy I have good health.


Lila Madhuri Devi Dasi says:

Ayurvedic system, means adopting the nutrition to the need of the moment. I kind of have some knowledge of it myself and also I take help from the doctor in Navadwip, I don't know his name, in Oladevitala. I do nothing else and sleep a little bit more.


Pitambara das says: I say, those people who call themselves doctors, which can only know two names for the medicines - antibiotic and penicillin - that's himsa. Last festival, Radhanatha Swami sent five doctors and one of those doctors saved my life, because these people that call themselves doctors at the dispensary here, they are a joke. I have no idea of their names, they are death personified! No. it's really true they know two antbiotics, I had one friend from Sweden, he had a little bacha (child) with him - they gave the kid same antibiotic as to adult - they only know these two things. It's a joke. And the fortunately, OK. to die in Mayapur, but, it's so interesting that you took up this question, I have been meditating on that, I did full pranamas to Radhanatha's disciple - he saved my life during the festival. Thank God! - there was someone educated, but you know these two guys, who sit in the small chamber on boundary wall..than it's even the brahmacaris they know more than these two, "doctors", Narayana is one, with very bad teeth. I mean that's my experience I only live here nine years, so what do I know? Hmmm...


Phani Sevaka devi dasi says: I depends if it's little or if it's heavy. And sorry, I can not find a good doctor here, in Mayapur. I must go to Calcutta, if it's simple disease I just have to take rest and sleep nicely more hours, but it's not good, I have to go to mangala aratik everyday, but it's OK just to sleep for more hours to take care of this body, then it's OK, but my own experience when I'm very sick, have a very big headache, nobody can do anything in Mayapur, so I have to go to Calcutta to find some specialist.


Maha Laksmi devi dasi: If my children get sick I go to Homeopathic doctor, Devnath, Vikas Sanga or Adi dev Prabhu, Nmahatta. And myself I just take maha-tulasi and pray.


Sevika Radha devi dasi says: I take maha-tulasi and charinamrta. Whenever I try to take medicines doctor gives, I have side effects. When I take charinamrta, and maha -tulasi I get better.


Amrita devi dasi says:

I am going to Navadwip to the Dr. Oladevitala, while I am staying at I am waiting to recover and praying, that's what I am doing normally.


Atul Krsna das says: Usually when I get sick I take more rest, and take some drugs from the dispensary - whatever they give me usually, I try to get some antibiotics. I go to dispensary on the matin gate. Usually I always get the same thing, the flu. And if bad I just have to take antibiotics to get rid of it.


Bhaktajanapriya das says: I call some medical help, if I am sick I have to take help from the medical. It depends on what type of sickness, if it's a little fever I dont go to the doctor just take some medicine by myself. And if it's a little more serious then I will go to the ayurvedic doctor trying to avoid the allopathic, I go for homeopathy or ayurvedic - in Navadwip, at Oladevitala.

And pray to Krsna, like if you wish then I know I can be cured, or that I can have nice health so that I can serve God better, that way - because without His sanction the medicine will not work.


Padmini Radha devi dasi says: As long as it is not an obstacle to our regular sadhana it's OK, otherwise when it becomes difficult to get up for mangala-arotik, the you really feel "OK, Krsna, help me, because I need this body to serve You!"

Usually we try to go to homeopathic doctor from Mayapur, Vikas sanga. We try to avoid allopathic medicine as much as possible. Kavita is from Mayapur, she stays there at the land department and goes to the villages. Since she knows us, she is very close to my prabhu,so sometimes we just call her up and tell her. like for a few days I was completely down all the time feeling completely tired and very sleepy, I have just to lie down. I ahd to go to her, blood pressure was low and she gave me some medicine and I feel better. She is our medical help, until now nothing else has been required. She can be found usually in the morning, I think before 8:30, she has a mobile and you can call her up and fix an appointment, or she comes to the Mayaour Vikas Sanga office, but usually her business she has to go the village and do some visits, so it's not very regular so it's better to call her on mobile to fix an appointment: ph# 9434056807

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