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how do you know?

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Hi all,

I have read some of BV Swami's books and I had some questions concerning the Hare Krishna religion. I hope some of you who have great faith in this path can help me out. Thank you in advance for your time.


1) How do you know that what BV Swami calls "revealed knowledge" about Krishna is really true? I mean to say, historically speaking, how do you know that Krishna was even a real person and even more, that he was the supreme God?


2) Also I was wondering why , individually some of you have chosen this path? What made you chose it over others? How much of other paths have you studied?


So thats just two questions to start with. I hope to hear from you soon and thanks again for your responses.



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1. Krsna offers a variety of methods to us designed to shake away our complacency and attachment to the mundane. Once we are real the truth becomes apparent.


2. I chose this path because it works. I started believing nothing, followed the procedures as best I could, and finally received the proof I didn't need anyway. Long into the process I came to appreciate Christ's teachings much more - I understood them finally.


It's simply about disengaging from the drama of childish dreams and needs, and waking up to our reality. Quite simple actually, in retrospect.


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<blockquote>1) How do you know that what BV Swami calls "revealed knowledge" about Krishna is really true? I mean to say, historically speaking, how do you know that Krishna was even a real person and even more, that he was the supreme God?



Revealed knowledge is the knowledge that was revealed to the seers of truth (rishis) in ancient times, which has been transmitted down to us through the channel of Guru-parampara, the preceptorial succession of spiritual masters who have realized the same truths that the rishis experienced. Thus, the revealed truth is perpetuated when a person of the next generation realizes the "revealed knowledge" that his Guru taught him.

Krishna taught us the Bhagavad gita, which states that the soul reincarnates, and never dies. Thus, all the souls who are alive now were alive in the past, and Krishna himself was living in this world just 500 years ago, as Sri Chaitanya Avatara. As Sri Chaitanya, he showed people he was Krishna. This is recorded in the historical documents which describe his life.

How do we know that Krishna is the supreme God?

Read the Bhagavad gita, the answer is in there.



2) Also I was wondering why , individually some of you have chosen this path? What made you chose it over others? How much of other paths have you studied?



Souls are evolving from one state of mind to another. Reincarnation and spiritual evolution are occurring. People choose a path because of their personal level of understanding. Some people are guided by the feelings they feel in their genitals. The urges of their bodies lead them to follow various paths in life.


Life is like that.


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1) There are many types of 'God' - sense Gratification [Eating, sleeping, mating, etc] and Oneness with God [impersonal Liberation]. This is concluded. God means pleasure. Devotees call this person Supreme Lord Krishna.


2) I seriously think hardly anybody follows their own path 100%. But when its told to you through a easy medium, [Prabhupada Books]. Then I couldn't help but be attracted!


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