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Unpublished Prabhupada Nectar

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I am trying to collect this subject matter. If anyone else posts something here, I'll send it on to Bhakti Vikasa Maharaja.



Srila Prabhupada in Santa Fe


Srila Prabhupada visited the Santa Fe, New Mexico Temple (ISKCON) in 1968. Tosan Krishna and I were the two initiated disciples living at the temple. What follows is the interesting story of events leading up to his arrival and how he greeted us.


Govinda dasi who at that time was his servant, arrived in Santa Fe a few days early to see that the accommodations were proper. A few hours before we were to pick up Srila Prabhupada at the Albuquerque airport, Govinda dasi told us she had just talked to a doctor who said that a high altitude (like that of Santa Fe) was not good for people with heart conditions (Srila Prahbupada recently had a heart attack). Govinda dasi suggested we meet Srila Prabhupada at the airport in Albuquerque and explain to him that arrangements were not complete in Santa Fe and that he should fly on to Los Angeles. Govinda dasi felt that if we told Srila Prabhupada that the Santa Fe altitude might be bad for his heart, Srila Prabhupada would protest and for preaching would be willing to take the risk to his heart.


The four or five other devotees at the temple were bewildered about what to do. Should we ask Srila Prabhupada to fly on to Los Angeles or to come visit the Santa Fe Temple? Much work had been done in preparation for his visit including housing arrangement, decorating the temple and telling many people about the visit.


Govinda dasi and myself drove to the Albuquerque airport, a distance of about 60 miles. We met Srila Prabhupada at the gate. We sat down in a nearby sitting area. Feeling foolish, I told Srila Prabhupada that arrangements were not complete in Santa Fe and that he should fly on to Los Angeles. Srila Prabhupada was upset. ‘What is this? You invite me to come and when I get here, you tell me to leave.’ Govinda dasi started to cry. Srila Prabhupada said he was tired and wanted to stay in Santa Fe at least for the night before traveling on to Los Angeles. At that time I told Srila Prabhupada the reason we wanted you to continue on to Los Angeles is that Govinda dasi just talked to a doctor who said that the high altitude of Santa Fe could be bad for a heart condition. Srila Prabhupada said his heart was in good condition to stay in Santa Fe. He said, ‘ It is Govinda dasi who is sick. She will be sick in Krishna Loka.’ He asked us: ‘What do you want to do?’ Govinda dasi said: ‘Prabhupada, you know Krishna. What does Krishna want us to do?’ Srila Prabhupada said: ‘That is not the point. Krishna wants to know what you want to do!’ At that point I decided we should take Srila Prabhupada to Santa Fe.




Original Santa Fe Deities now located in Denver Colorado


We drove Srila Prahbupada from Albuquerque to Santa Fe in our Volkswagen beetle and as we drove past the suburbs and outskirts of Albuquerque, Srila Prahbupada said, ‘Just like India.’ The devotees at the Temple were very happy and surprised to see him. He paid obeisances to Lord Jagannath.


A little later on four or five devotees sat in a circle with Prahbupada who was in a jolly mood. Prahbupada took out his lunch bag and distributed remnants of his lunch that had been cooked for him in Montreal where Srila Prabhupada was previously. He gave us pieces of kachaoris and laddu. At that time we did not know what a laddu was (a laddu is a sweet ball made by mixing butter-roasted chick pea flour with powered sugar.) He put some laddu in each of our hands. He told me Here, Harer Nama. Take!’ One guest said, ‘ This is the best peanut butter I ever had. ( The laddu tastes like peanut butter.) Srila Prabhupada said: This is what Krishna and his friends eat for their lunch. The guest asked: Who is Krishna? Srila Prahbupada said, " Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who plays with the cows in the fields."


Sri Krsna having lunch with his friends


Srila Prahbupada stayed in Santa Fe for two or three days. His health was good. Many guests attended the evening program. He said they were intelligent.


All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who encouraged his young disciples and inspired us to continue on the path of Krishna Consciousness.

Submitted by Harer Nama Das

( ACBSP 1967 )

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Prabhupada-lila from 1969 Vyasa Puja book


Blissful Return to New York


Namah Om Vishnupadaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin Iti Namine. Just hearing that Prabhupad was coming back to New York, the devotees, having felt separation from their Spiritual Master, were filled now with so much bliss as could be observed through flowing tears and joyous shouts of "Haribol." On the day Prabhupad was to arrive, the temple was swarming with activity like a beehive. After morning kirtan, Jayadvaita and Brahmananda gave everyone some task to help prepare arrangements to satisfy our spiritual master. Cleaning the temple spotlessly was very important, for as Prabhupad says, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." It could be definitely said that each devotee engaged to his utmost abilities in this preparation before the transcendental arrival of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.


Knowing that my father's apartment in New York City would be vacant for The weekend, I called my father begging him if our Spiritual Master could stay there while explaining to him that anybody who can render service to Prabhupad can be relieved to some past sins. At first my father refused giving me the excuse that a guest would be occupying the room, but when I told him that Prabhupad means a million times more to me than Arnold Palmer means to him, he got the message and okayed my most important request. Before I put down the receiver, jubilant and ecstatic shouts expressed our feeling of thankfulness.


At around noon on the day of arrival, most preparations were finished And the devotees took Prasadam, their spiritual food. Soon after, we Gathered all the transcendental paraphernalia and departed for the airport singing joyfully the Holy Names of God while travelling on the bus. Arriving at the airport, the devotees paraded into the National Airlines Terminal pushing chairs aside and began to start kirtan. A crowd of spectators and National Airline officials watched as the devotees danced in ecstasy to the Hare Krishna Mantra. Finally, Prabhupad's plane arrived, and the Swami stepped out of the terminal building while the most respectful man in the community, Kirtanananda Maharaj, offered a most beautiful garland of flowers to Prabhupad. Prabhupad, accepting the flowers from the sannyasi, then walked over to the seat prepared for him, as all of the devotees offered their obeisances. Gasps of joy were exulted as Prabhupad touched Balai's baby in approval. Then Prabhupad was offered his khartals, and he led Kirtan. Then there was a procession out of the airport, as Ekayani strewed rosewater and rose petals in Prabhupad's path as he walked to the car followed by the devotees, who have taken shelter at his lotus feet. In the car, driving toward my father's apartment (which is really Krishna's), Prabhupad warned us that no matter how far we have advanced, Maya is so strong that we can easily slip back, so always be engaged for Krishna and have complete faith.


After settling down in the apartment, Brahmananda offered fruit to Prabhupad, which he then accepted and handed out to Purushottam, Hayagriva, Kirtanananda Maharaj, Jayadvaita, Chandan Acharya, and myself. I was as lucky and nervous as anyone could be and the pat my spiritual master gave me on the head was just another example of his causeless infinite mercy. Truly, this was the most treasurable and fortunate day in this life.


-Jimmy Feldman

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"One day, when I was first with His Divine Grace in L.A., Brahmananda Prabhu came from New York and they were talking about the printing of a Bhagavad Gita with Sanskrit included. Evidently, there was a question as to whether the western people could pronounce the transliteration with diacritic marks.


Srila Prabhupad rang his bell, and I came into his room. Brahmananda was there. Srila Prabhupad handed me a paper with Sanskrit transliteration and said 'Read this!' I have been able to read since I was three, so evidently, I made the pronunciations close enough. Srila Prabhupad said to Brahmananda, with great enthusiasm, 'See! I told you they could do it!' He was very happy.


So the printing went on, and in New York, when His Divine Grace was there, Brahmananda brought in the first edition of the big Gita with all the Sanskrit in it. Remembering the LA experience, he very kindly gave the Gita to me, and said 'Here, you can give this to Srila Prabhupad.' I was overjoyed, and went to His room to offer it to Him, followed by a photographer. I gave it to Him and said 'Here is the first copy of Your new Bhagavad Gita, Srila Prabhupad.'


In His amazing way of innocence and childlike excitement, He took it and held it to His head, saying 'Jai! Jai!' It was awesome to be present for such an important and empowering moment. Srila Prabhupad was so kind to me. Even though I was/am a deeply entrenched rascal, He has engaged me so many times in wonderful service. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!"


Nanda Kumar Das



Although I never directly met or talked to Srila Prabhupada, I did have the good fortune to attend a morning Bhagavad Gita class that he gave at the old Henry Street Temple in Brooklyn. I think that the year was 1972. Srila Prabhupada mentioned that people in the San Francisco area were complaining about devotees going out on the streets and chanting and dancing -- practically calling them irresponsible for not working and what not. I'm paraphrasing this to the best of my ability, so please bear with me. Anyway, Prabhupada said that it could be understood by their comments that they were envious of the devotees (for being happy and carefree). "Don't envy us," he counseled: "Come and join us."


You know, it's funny that if someone else had said such a seemingly simple thing as an inducement to join any other endeavor, I would have shrugged at its triteness. However, when His Divine Grace made that statement it seemed to have a very profound effect on me -- simply stated and amazing in its potency. I will remember that morning and the effect it had on me for the rest of my life.


Roger "Raj" Leonard



I think that one of the most profound experiences I had with Srila Prabhupada took place in 1969 when I was serving him during his visit to Hamburg, West Germany. I was somehow chosen to take Srila Prabhupada on his morning walk, cook his lunch and give him a massage each day. There weren't very many devotees in Hamburg at the time, so I somehow got the mercy. This incident took place on Ekadasi. I had given Srila Prabhupada his breakfast and taken away his plates. He then proceeded to cover his head with his chadder, sit in his chair by the window and chanted. So naturally, I figured something was up, but didn't know what. Sometimes on Ekadasi you don't quite know what to expect because it is a special day. As the morning progressed, I cooked his Ekadasi lunch and then got ready to give Srila Prabhupada his massage. Reflecting back, I probably didn't give Srila Prabhupada a very good massage, but at the time, I didn't really know what he needed. Anyway, he kindly accepted my service. I got out his oil and put down the mat he usually sat on, and then he came in and said to me: "You should pray to Krsna for me."


Well, needless to say, I was quite taken aback. Here is my spiritual master, a great exalted Krsna conscious personality, asking me to pray to Krsna for him. Well, I went through quite a few changes in a few seconds, and finally blurted out: "Well, I don't think that would work."


"Why not? You are a devotee of Krsna," he replied. Well, I just left it at that and gave Srila Prabhupada his massage.


It was wonderful and surprising that such a great personality as Srila Prabhupada could be so humble. This is one of the qualities of Srila Prabhupada that is very attractive to me, and also very endearing.


Sivananda dasa



Greeting Srila Prabhupada at the airport was never an ordinary occasion. Some of my fondest spiritual memories are of those wonderful times when devotees would gather together en masse to meet the world traveling paramahamsa. One such occasion was at the San Francisco International Airport in 1974, when Srila Prabhupada so kindly gave us a glimpse of his true transcendental nature. The sweet memory of those few moments of ecstacy remain embedded in my heart forever.


Devotees of all sizes, shapes and colors from all corners of the universe (and perhaps from even beyond), merged together in the bliss of Prabhupada's famous "airport arrival lila," completely oblivious to the unbelieving stares and wide-eyed wonders of the unsuspecting passengers. Flowing robes and dangling beads decorated the long corridors like the colored flags and festoons waiting to greet Lord Krsna upon His triumphant arrival in Dvaraka. Sannyasis, grhasthas, brahmacaris, mothers and babies all united together in their love for Srila Prabhupada. It was like a big family reunion with everyone present, save and except the kind and well-wishing father, whose eagerly anticipated arrival would make everything complete and fully satisfying to everyone.


The dynamic intensity of spiritual emotion grew deeper and deeper with the arrival of more and more devotees. The atmosphere was electrified, crackling with excitement and suspense. "Prabhupada is coming. Prabhupada is coming." Those prophetic words rang in our hearts. The kirtan gained momentum like the steam engine of a fast locomotive determined to reach its destination: "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare."


Suddenly, the kirtan leader jumped into the air with a powerful surge of enthusiasm (as if springing from some deep primeval source). Simultaneously, he broke into the most resounding and heart-throbbing rendition of our all-time favorite Krsna conscious melody: "Jaya Prabhupada! Jaya Prabhupada! Jaya Prabhupada! Jaya Prabhupada!" The moment we had all been waiting for had finally arrived.


I pushed and squeezed my way through the pulsating mass of devotees, desperately trying my utmost to catch even a fleeting glimpse of Prabhupada's transcendental form as he walked from the customs checkpoint through the arrival gate. Peering intensely at each succesive emerging body with the pinpoint concentration of a yogi (for once in my life), I was struck with horror and disappointment to hear a faint voice struggle to announce above the swelling melee: "This is the wrong door. Prabhupada is coming from over there."


Confusion. Panic. A wave of bodies, no less powerful than the rolling tide of the Pacific Ocean, surged forward in perfect unison. Without my feet hardly touching the ground, I arrived at the next gate, pinned against the metal railing separating the newly arriving passengers from their waiting loved ones. This was the chance of a million lifetimes, and everyone knew it. There was no time to be shy.


The deep longing of the crowd to see Srila Prabhupada was nothing less than the deep longing of the spirit soul to get free from the clutches of maya and at long last attain the soothing shelter of Krsna's lotus feet. He was the approachable and all-merciful connection with Krsna, and his arrival that night signified the perfection of our long difficult sojourn through this hellish material world of repeated birth and death. The event was spiritually momentous, and also contagious, as even a number of airport personnel dropped their duties, abandoned their posts and hastily ran to join the devotees in their glorification of the all-attractive jagat-guru.


Then, most gloriously, like the appearance of the rising morning sun on the horizon, Prabhupada's beautiful lotus face -- decorated with his unforgettable transcendental smile -- illuminated the entire airport. Cries of ecstacy and devotion filled the air: "Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Hari bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!"


Hundreds of hurried obeisances were performed in a frantic effort not to miss even a second of Prabhupada's most exalted association. In the mad rush that ensued, one devotee's watch was kicked completely from his wrist and sent spinning in the opposite direction, but he didn't care. He just wanted to look at Srila Prabhupada, whose presence was so pleasing and beautiful that nothing else mattered.


Calmly, smoothly, like a royal white swan floating on a lotus-filled lake of cool crystal clear waters, Prabhupada glided gracefully through the heaving crowd, far removed from the chaos and euphoria which surrounded him. It was obvious to everyone present that he was fully conscious of Krsna, his beloved Lord, at every second.


One boy offered Prabhupada what appeared to be a large piece of fruit. With familiar cane in hand, he walked through the aisle, silently pondering the gift with a dignified air of genuine interest and amusement. Srila Prabhupada clearly revealed to us -- right in the most unexpected place -- the most profound yet reassuringly simple personality in the whole universe.


The opportunity to participate in loving exchanges between Srila Prabhupada and his devotees in large numbers was a rare blessing. Although the crowds were big, the exchanges were sweet and intimate. To get close to him and see the compassion on his face, or to receive a merciful glance from Prabhupada during those occasions was indescribable. His deep lotus eyes, twinkling with the ointment of pure love and devotion, spoke directly to the heart: "I am your eternal father, your eternal spiritual master." It was enough to last forever.


In a quick perfect motion, Srila Prabhupada entered his waiting car and smiled softly. As a final gesture of his love and humility, he folded his palms and bowed his head. Then he disappeared into the late San Francisco night (a beautiful swan taking flight), leaving his disciples and admirers completely stunned and awestruck on the pavement behind him.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.





bow my head at the feet of all Vaisnavas and beg that they have mercy on me. I am a very fallen soul and have no other shelter than their kindness upon me.


By the Grace of Devotees of Srila Prabhupada I was allowed in the door and received the mercy of Srila Prabhupada in many ways known probably only to me.


Even though Srila Prabhupada was a Bhaktivedanta scholar and aware of all the etiquette of Gaudiya Vaisnava behavior, he nonetheless was more interested in the soul. He saw living entities embodied and was concerned that they somehow or other make some spiritual advancement in this lifetime. He radiated pure unalloyed compassion for us. Just like a parent looking at a child struggling to walk, the parent is always encouraging, sometimes looking in a different direction if some accidental offense may have been committed. He is without a doubt the embodiment of compassion, tolerance and mercy.


In this life our physical bodies appear in many different ways and most people will be rewarded or punished based on their preconceived conceptions of pious and impious. Srila Prabhupada however did not see the body and welcomed even a fallen, ugly person as myself into his transcendental home.


I think this is one reason why he was so attractive and popular to everyone, even persons outside the "inner ring" felt loved and wanted. The transmission of spiritual consciousness is certainly real and genuine and I bow my head again and again at the feet of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.


Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya!


Dandavat Pranams.


Arijit Das



In June of 1972, I went with the Vancouver devotees to Portland, Oregon to attend a festival with Srila Prabhupada. I was very surprised when he arrived at the temple to see that he was so small, and although apparently old, he seemed like one in the prime of youth -- proud, satisfied, content, joyful. When Srila Prabhupada went to his room, I went to the brahmacari quarters and I met his servants and shaved their heads. I had sent Srila Prabhupada a sketchbook of my cartoons and he had written to say that he enjoyed it and was sending it to BTG for publication. I had worried that my act was inappropriate, but his servants assured me that Srila Prabhupada had looked at it long and often and had laughed heartily over it, so I felt some success in my life.


The next day on harinama, Visnujana Swami told me a story. I gave him a bottle of Coconut Spiritual Sky oil and he said, "I remember when I was just a 'big hippie.' All I had to offer Srila Prabhupada was two bottles of scented oil like this -- not Spiritual Sky but something else. And I was told that Srila Prabhupada used to keep these oils in a little drawer in his room and he used to go sometime and open the bottles and then put them back. That's how much Srila Prabhupada loves his devotee!"


When Srila Prabhupada went off to his preaching programs, I stayed back and collected roses door-to-door for his garlands. I showed everyone at their doors a picture of Srila Prabhupada in his book. "See that man -- he's my guru; and you see this garland -- it's my job to get the flowers for these garlands." Surprisingly, everyone became equally excited by these simple words and ambled down the stairs to give me bags and bags of roses and other flowers.


One day I went on the morning walk with Srila Prabhupada in City Park in Denver. We were approaching the zoo and the president said, "Radha Damodar dasa sometimes distributes 100 books here at the zoo on Saturday." Srila Prabhupada immediately turned around, jumped off the sidewalk, hopped over a little rock and ran to the back of the parade where I was. He came right up to my nose, nodding strongly. "Oh, big books?", he said. "Uh no, Srila Prabhupada. Mostly coloring books and small books," I replied. He said, "Oh, small," and walked on.


I walked with him and we went up to the zoo entrance. He stuck his nose in the fence and turned and asked me, "Can we go in?" I said, "No, Srila Prabhupada. I think it's closed now." He said, "Oh, closed," and walked on. I was surprised at this exchange because, not being formerly introduced, I didn't expect that Srila Prabhupada would know my name and face from the other devotees.


After the walk, I performed the gurupuja, while Kuruksetra and Pranaballava Prabhus washed his feet with hot milk to a roaring kirtan. "It's too hot," Srila Prabhupada said as Kuruksetra poured. "What's that, Srila Prabhupada?", said Pranaballava, holding the bowl. "The milk, it's too hot, " said Srila Prabhupada. Kuruksetra and Pranaballava looked at each other and shrugged. They couldn't hear him over the kirtan, so they just carried on with the ordeal.


Radha Damodar dasa



Although my own experiences are indeed very small in comparison to many of my elder godbrothers and godsisters, I have decided to share a few here anyway just to help jumpstart our memories section which has been created for this purpose. Many devotees have memories and stories to tell, so hopefully, more will be inspired to participate in the near future.


For me, the most prominent feature of Srila Prabhupada (especially in his personal presence) has always been his overwhelming compassion and love. Never have I seen or felt such incredible mercy. Even the simple act of receiving prasadam from his hand was filled with spiritual meaning and joy.


I'll always remember the time when Srila Prabhupada so kindly gave me some

prasadam. He gently but firmly pushed it in my hand, as if to say: "Here, take the mercy." When his soft lotus fingers touched the inside of my palm, I knew that I had (undeservedly) received a most wonderful benediction. Such an incident might not appear noteworthy to others; but for me, there was nothing more valuable. To receive a morsel from the hand of Krsna's pure devotee left nothing to be desired or attained in all the three worlds.


Once during a Sunday feast program, I was performing arotik on the altar; and of course, after offering each article to the deities, I had to turn and offer them to Prabhupada's vyasasana. But this time, Srila Prabhupada was personally sitting on his vyasasana. Each time I turned to make Prabhupada's offering, I was overwhelmed with both happiness and a deep sense of unworthiness. "How did I manage to get here?", I kept thinking. My mind was scattered in a thousand directions, yet Srila Prabhupada glowed serenely and transcendentally as I bumbled my way through it all. Every time that I looked at Prabhupada, it was like gazing through a window to the spiritual world. What causeless mercy indeed.


Another time, Srila Prabhupada had just finished giving Srimad-Bhagavatam class. As he made his way up the stairs to his room, a group of us were enthusiastically chanting, "Jaya Prabhupada! Jaya Prabhupada!" The further Prabhupada climbed, the more intense and loud our chanting became. Finally at the top of the landing, Prabhupada turned around and smiled the most beautiful oceanic smile, illuminating the stairwell -- and our hearts -- with his pure spiritual effulgence. He then bowed his head and folded his hands in the traditional pranams gesture. To receive this simple and humble acknowledgment from Srila Prabhupada was the perfection of our lives.


One of my favorite pastimes was Prabhupada's airport arrival lila, in which hundreds of devotees converged to greet and adore our triumphant leader and spiritual father. The energy and electricity coursing through the airport was just plain indescribable, but there was no doubt that we were in the presence of Krsna's dearmost servant. There was no better place to be in the universe, and we all felt so grateful and humbled to be there. In spite of the large crowds, the loving exchanges between Srila Prabhupada and his devotees were very sweet and intimate. Prabhupada's potency was unfathomable, but we all received a taste that was undoubtedly from beyond this world, by his grace.


San Francisco Rathayatra was another one of my favorites. Pulling Lady Subadra's cart with Srila Prabhupada on board was as good as being in the spiritual world. I fondly remember the 1974 Rathayatra in particular, where Srila Prabhupada stood up and danced after throwing flowers to the audience (see above photo). I was fortunate enough to be standing near the front of the stage, and as Prabhupada danced, I was thinking that "Prabhupada is blessing everyone. Prabhupada is blessing the world." My hairs stood on end and shivers ran down my spine. Later, I managed to secure a portion of holy remnants from Prabhupada's plate (after much enthusiastic jostling with the crowds). Prasadam ki jaya!


During the Mayapur/Vrindavan festivals every year, the devotees were most fortunate to see and hear Srila Prabhupada every day throughout the festival in both of the holy dhamas. I remember taking great pleasure in the bell ringing pastime in Mayapur. Prabhupada would circumambulate the temple room, stopping to ring each of the two bells on either side of the room. As Prabhupada pulled the rope ("ding ding ding"), the devotees chanted and danced in ecstasy like eager bumblebees hovering around the supreme flower of all flowers.


Whether it was sitting with him at darsan, watching him bow down and greet the deities, hearing his classes, going with him on morning walks, or bowing at his lotus feet, it was all pure unadulterated bliss. Srila Prabhupada was our lord and master, and there was no mistaking it. Wherever Prabhupada traveled, he distributed his love and compassion freely. In his divine presence, the mercy flowed like nectar from the gods. Thankfully, that mercy is still available to everyone.





The ecstacy, the electricity, the empowerment of the moment -- "Srila Prabhupada is coming, Srila Prabhupada is coming." At the time, I don't think I appreciated enough the service of washing the stairs and decorating them with flower petals -- the stairs Srila Prabhupada himself would ascend to his apartment. My dhoti got all wet as I scurried to find a replacement. I almost missed the trip to the airport and the indescribably ecstatic kirtan led by Lokanath Prabhu (now Maharaj) to welcome His Divine Grace as he returned to the Bombay temple from a recent trip to Mauritius, I believe. One hundred and fifty devotees, accompanied by mrdangas and karatals, were all chanting "Jaya Prabhupada, Jaya Prabhupada" at the top of their lungs.


I had been working with Murti dasa and Surabh (Maharaj) in the architecture shack, and the latter introduced me to Srila Prabhupada as a bhakta from Canada. Srila Prabhupada replied, "That is very nice."


I only wish that I had relished this service and moment longer.


Jagajivan dasa



Although Srila Prabhupada's health was not strong, he traveled to Allahabad in January of 1977 to preach at the Kumba Mela festival. Over ten million people were expected to attend the grand spiritual event. At the auspicious astrological time, the pilgrims would bathe in the Triveni, the holy confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and Sarsavati rivers. That Srila Prabhupada had chosen to attend this festival in the city where he had lived for many years was an especially significant historical and spiritual event. It was a great benediction to be there.


The early mornings were very cold. In fact, to walk on the sand in barefeet was like walking on ice or snow. The living conditions were austere for everyone, yet Srila Prabhupada stayed in a tent like the rest of the devotees. The electricity kept going off and the situation was less than desirable in many ways, but having Prabhupada's association turned everything into a positive and wonderful experience for everyone. Nonetheless, we were all concerned about Prabhupada's health.


During the day, the devotees went out on harinama and book distribution. It was very powerful because we were directly representing our beloved spiritual master who was nearby. Every conceivable tyagi and yogi was present at the mela, and there seemed to be more gurus than followers. But we were serving the supreme guru and acarya in disciplic succession, so we all felt blessed and protected.


Fortunately, there were opportunities to enter Prabhupada's tent and sit near him as he preached to visitors and instructed his disciples. The chance to be there and watch him closely as he interacted with others was priceless. His every word and gesture were divinely eloquent and pure. Millions of pilgrims had traveled from all over India to bathe in the holy rivers, but somehow or other we were sitting at the feet of Krsna's beloved pure devotee. This was the pinnacle of all auspiciousness. After one such holy darsan, Srila Prabhupada's personal servant surprised me with the remnants from Prabhupada's prasadam plate. Although I'm such a rascal and have no qualifications, I came to appreciate the true meaning of the phrase "causeless mercy."


Eventually, Srila Prabhupada traveled on to Bhubanesvar and then to Mayapur for the annual festival. It was especially sweet that year. One night we all watched a play on the Ramayana with Srila Prabhupada in the audience. When Prabhupada laughed, the entire crowd laughed. In fact, I think that we were watching Srila Prabhupada more than we were watching the play onstage. What a joy to be with our spiritual master in such a relaxed and happy setting.


Later Srila Prabhupada went to Bombay. His health had markedly deteriorated by then, so it was a somber occasion. Gradually most devotees were encouraged to return to the West for preaching and other duties. Before leaving, I had one last chance to render some service. I was asked to clean the floors in Prabhupada's room. With rag and bucket in hand, I was so happy and thrilled to be able to offer a menial service while Srila Prabhupada gently rested. The next day as I was leaving, I bowed on the road outside the temple compound and prayed. I knew in my heart that it was probably the last time that I would be in Prabhupada's physical presence. As I gazed up to Srila Prabhupada's room, I didn't want to leave. That deep pain of separation will stay with me forever.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.





As mentioned in an earlier post, my memories are quite small and limited. However in the mood of sharing, I'll try to relate a few more instances of being in Srila Prabhupada's association. Looking back now, I can see how fortunate we were in those days to be with Srila Prabhupada in so many different places in the world.


Having been born in Toronto, Canada, the opportunity to be with our spiritual father when he visited Toronto in 1976 was an especially memorable occasion. The nectar was flowing everywhere. Some of my previous entries were also about Prabhupada's visit to the Toronto temple, i.e. New Remuna dhama (see above photo).


I received my first chance to go on a morning walk with Srila Prabhupada during this particular visit. Of course, I'm totally insignificant and so my association was in the mood of awe and reverence. In fact, on different occasions in L.A., India, etc., I was on the periphery, observing and honoring Srila Prabhupada from a respectful distance. Although this was the case, I never felt anything lacking. As a young brahmacari, I was happy just to tag along unnoticed.


Usually there was a circle of older devotees and leaders surrounding Srila Prabhupada as he carried out his preaching activities. It wasn't always easy to get close to him. On morning walks, the group of devotees ebbed and flowed along with Prabhupada's unique rythym of walking. He would stop abruptly, make a philosophical point, and then quickly resume his former pace. It was sometimes difficult to hear the entire conversation. But what was most important for me was the chance just to be there with Srila Prabhupada. In the chapter entitled "Expressions of Love for Krsna" in The Nectar of Devotion, Srila Prabhupada states the following:


"Similarly, in the Tenth Canto, 2nd Chapter, 27th verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Lord Brahma says: 'My dear Madhusudana, persons who are pure devotees of Your Lordship actually feel Your ecstatic friendship, and as such they are never vanquished by enemies. They know they are always protected by You, and so they can matter-of-factly pass over the heads of their enemies without any care.' In other words, one who has taken complete shelter under the lotus feet of the Lord is always proud of being able to conquer all enemies."


When walking alongside Srila Prabhupada, one could not help but feel a similar sense of spiritual pride and confidence. We knew that no one could harm us in Prabhupada's presence. He was greater than any king and greater than any foe. We were invincible in his divine association. What a blessing to be allowed such a rare privilege. I hardly remember any of the conversation, but I'll never forget walking beside Prabhupada.


Srila Prabhupada was so kind to everyone during that visit. He personally distributed prasadam to not only the children, but to many of us present there. Additionally, I was fortunate enough to made friends with his personal servant, who saved me remnants from Prabhupada's plates. There were darsans in his room and a personal tour of the building. Every word that Prabhupada spoke was quickly circulated amongst the devotees and we learned much about what he liked and wanted. After one morning class, a number of Indian gentlemen lunged for his feet, hoping to get some holy dust. Immediately one of the leaders tried to stop them, but Prabhupada said, "No, let them." I watched in amazement as Srila Prabhupada stood there patiently as they availed themselves of his mercy.


Later that day, we all assembled for a photograph with Srila Prabhupada at the front of the temple -- a beautiful church which had recently been acquired by the devotees. Sitting at his lotus feet only two or three persons away was another source of pure spiritual joy. In a large city like Toronto full of millions of people, there were perhaps only eighty of us there for the photo shoot. So how lucky could we be?


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.





One morning I was walking along Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg (see above photo) chanting japa. It was very quiet and a few peacocks could be heard cooing in the distance. Suddenly from out of nowhere, Srila Prabhupada's car came driving down the road. Prabhupada was on his way to one of the holy places in Vrajabhumi to go for a morning walk with some of his leading disciples. The car was approaching fast and I was standing alone on the roadside. There was nothing else to do but fall flat and offer my prostrated obeisances to Srila Prabhupada. As the car zoomed past my head, I was in total bliss. My dear spiritual master had just passed by, and my body was covered from head to toe with the sacred dust of Vrindavan. It was one of the happiest days of my life.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.





The year was 1977 and I had just returned to Vrindavana after visiting Jaipur. It was quite a decision to visit India since it was public knowledge that His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada was traveling to the west even though gravely ill. It was a difficult decision based upon the fear that the frailness of his health could rob us of a last opportunity to spend time with the spiritual master.


Rightly or wrongly, I went to India and immediately preceding my return to the holy dhama, Srila Prabhupada arrived unannounced from England. We quickly learned the news that his health had taken a turn for the worse and that he had come to Vrindavana to spend his last days. To say the least, the devotees were in shock at the thought of losing Srila Prabhupada's association and guidance. We all prayed that our worst nightmare wouldn't come true.


Srila Prabhupada left his quarters only twice after his return from England and both times were to circumambulate the Deities. Recently, I saw a video of him circumambulating the temple and was surprised that the kirtan was so subdued. I had attended his last two outings and the kirtans were incredibly intense. My only thought is that the video-recorded instance occurred upon his arrival before my return.


In any event, the next day, as Srila Prabhupada sat on his palanquin, he was accompanied by a throng of devotees and a roaring kirtan. We were leaping and chanting in a manner I don't think any of us had experienced before. It was a herd of singing and dancing white elephants.


To see His Divine Grace in such a weakened condition was a jolt for us all. It drew out our love but was mixed with the unthinkable thought that Srila Prabhupada may not be in our midst forever. The chanting and dancing reflected our love for Srila Prabhupada and the thought of losing his direct association drew out even more intense emotion. The threat of his departure brought new realizations and intense appreciation of what he had done for us. It was both wonderful and horrible all mixed together. The sweet and sour emotions sparked intense kirtan, wild dancing and free-flowing tears. Our only contribution was to bathe him in the holy name and pray that Lord Krsna would save the situation for our benefit.


As we accompanied His Divine Grace around the temple courtyard, I had the opportunity to be dancing directly by his side. As I looked his way, there was a tear flowing from the corner of his eye and down the length of his cheek.


Of course, I cannot say for certain what was on Srila Prabhupada's mind. But my feeling was that he deeply appreciated that his disciples had developed a genuine attachment and affection for him and the holy name. Even in the closing moments of his pastimes he inspired us and drew out our dormant love of Godhead. As always, he was the perfect devotee and our spiritual beacon. Life without him was unimaginable.


Vyapaka dasa



After Srila Prabhupada's two outings to circumambulate his beloved Deities, Radha Syamsundara and Krsna Balarama at Vrindavana dhama, he returned to his quarters and was to remain there until his departure. It was then, during a visit to Srila Prabhupada's rooms, that provided me with the most moving experience of my life.


The pastime of the devotees approaching Srila Prabhupada to plead with him to remain with us is well known. Since I was not a member of the "inner circle," I had no direct experience with these going-ons as my time was spent chanting outside Srila Prabhupada's rooms amongst other devotees awaiting news of Srila Prabhupada's health.


There was always a large contingent of devotees present and to say that you could cut the atmosphere with a knife would be an understatement. I don't think any of us could be more Srila Prabhupada conscious than during those long days. Time took on a new dimension as seconds seemed like hours and hours seemed like days. Everyone was immersed in thoughts of Srila Prabhupada while praying to Lord Krsna to allow his pure devotee to remain with us. The Hare Krsna mantra resonated in all directions. Even during his illness, Srila Prabhupada inspired us in our Krsna consciousness.


The thought of not having Srila Prabhupada to uplift us with a Srimad-Bhagavatam class or to walk alongside him during a morning walk seemed too much to bear. Life without the opportunity to hear about Srila Prabhupada's inspired preaching; to no longer live in anticipation of when we could see him next; or to find out which book he was working on and the snippets of nectar from therein appeared before us like a nightmare. It just didn't seem possible that the movement could carry on without his supervision. When the news arrived that Srila Prabhupada had agreed to stay and that he had begun working again on the Srimad-Bhagavatam, it caused elation throughout the community of devotees. It was as if life had returned to us all once again.


Since the Christmas marathon was quickly approaching, my temple president asked me to return to Montreal. After all the crisis seemed to have passed and it was time to get back to our practical service to His Divine Grace. Since Srila Prabhupada had declared that he was going to begin eating again and return to his writing, it seemed the practical thing to do. If any of us had realized that Srila Prabhupada would become discouraged by our leaving, certainly none of us would have considered departing. As well, the fact of the matter was that being a mere rank and file devotee, it was very difficult to get into Srila Prabhupada's rooms to chant for him.


But seeing it was time to leave and not knowing if this could be the last opportunity to see Srila Prabhupada, on the last day of my stay I summoned the courage and attempted to get into Srila Prabhupada's rooms. The sannyasi guard relented to my pitiful begging and allowed me in to see His Divine Grace. But for five minutes only. No longer!


As I entered Srila Prabhupada's bedroom the mood was very somber. Rupanuga Prabhu was there with one other devotee chanting plus another sitting by Srila Prabhupada caressing his lotus feet as he lay in bed. Some prabhus get all the luck.


Srila Prabhupada's body had been reduced to skin and bones. In order to hear him speak, it was required to place one's ear close to his mouth. And he was in such a weakened state that assistance was required even to move. To see him in such a condition was a shock. It had been described to us that Srila Prabhupada's bodily sensations compared to burning in fire. True or not, his frailty was beyond comprehension let alone description. It was devastating to think of the difficulties he was forced to bear in those last months.


As we sat there chanting for our beloved spiritual master, he suddenly began to speak. His servants instantly appeared from another room to see what Srila Prabhupada required and to tape his every word. He summoned the disciple in charge of arranging the first "Life Comes from Life" conference which was currently being organized in Vrindavana.


Srila Prabhupada began inquiring about the lodging of the scientists and wanted to ensure that the guests would be comfortable and properly taken care of. Watching this lila of the pure devotee left me in total awe and reverence of His Divine Grace.


Here I was sitting there worrying about Srila Prabhupada's physical condition and the pain he must be suffering while lying there in a near impossible situation physically. On the contrary, Srila Prabhupada was there meditating on his service of smashing impersonalism and atheism throughout the world. I cannot describe the effect observing this had on me.


How many times had Srila Prabhupada told us that we were not this body. But this time Srila Prabhupada was teaching once again through his example. There could never be a more difficult circumstance for Srila Prabhupada to show that he had transcended bodily attachment. And simultaneously there could never be a more graphic nor potent situation to teach us this most important, yet basic, axiom of Krsna consciousness.


If there was any doubt in my mind that Srila Prabhupada was a pure devotee, it quickly evaporated. Who could ever question Srila Prabhupada's position as an acarya? He not only talked the talk but walked the walk. Who amongst us could have ascended the gangplank of the Jaladuta penniless, unsure of even being able to find vegetables in a foreign country and with only the name of a complete stranger as his contact in the U.S. Was this gangplank fabricated from wood and steel or in reality a construct of the faith and love Srila Prabhupada had for his own beloved spiritual master and his compassion for the conditioned souls? Now Srila Prabhupada was showing his mettle once again.


So sitting watching Srila Prabhupada worry about his guests' accommodations became the most moving moment of my life. Pure devotion in action. A Vaikuntha man. This simple act provided me a glimpse of the stark difference between the consciousness of a neophyte bhakta and a bonafide spiritual master.


So as I slipped out of Prabhupada's room, I carried with me a memory of seeing a true paramahamsa in action. It was an humbling, enlivening and enlightening event all rolled into one. Krsna consciousness never seemed more real, alive or attractive. And all by the grace of Srila Prabhupada. May I be his eternal servant.


Vyapaka dasa



The year was 1976.


Srila Prabhupada was visiting Toronto's temple. I had only recently joined the movement a few months prior to his visit.


I was standing outside the temple along with my brother, Isavatara dasa, and another devotee when, accompanied by some of ISKCON's "big brass" of that era, Srila Prabhupada came down the stairs and walked towards a car.


After they all had entered the vehicle, it slowly drove in our direction. As it passed a few feet away from where we stood, we peeked intensely into the cabin to have a last glimpse of Srila Prabhupada. The other "big brass" in the car, probably entranced by the pure devotee's proximity, did not seem to notice us at all.


Srila Prabhupada however, in spite of overseeing the spiritual life of thousands of disciples all over the world, looked and waved at us. We were suddenly so overwhelmed by his glance and simple gesture. Here was a paramahamsa, constantly absorbed in loving devotion to Krsna, who took the time to personally acknowledge the presence of a few young aspiring devotees.


Srila Prabhupada is so personal and merciful. The image of Krsna's pure devotee waving at us for a few precious seconds has left a deep permanent impression on my mind and my life. After 26 years, I can still relive it in minute details.


Such is the potency of Lord Krsna's pure representative.


Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!


Aprakrita dasa

(Editor, Vedaveda.com)


I saw Srila Prabhupada in New York, Brooklyn temple in 1974 and in New York, 55th St. temple in 1976, first Rathayatra.


He gave me a cookie.


Nama Sankirtan dasa



The Hare Krishna movement in New York just opened a mammoth temple in Manhattan, 340 West 55 Street. Adi Kesava Swami, a really young sannyasi, was the temple president. The temple was packed with hundreds of saffron clad devotees from different parts of the country. They were to hold the first Rathayatra in New York. It would be a stroll down 5th Avenue. Everyone was really excited. You could sense it thick in the air. All the devotees had beaming smiles on their faces.


When His Divine Grace first walked in the door of that 12 story building, it was a major feat the New York devotees had accomplished. It was His Divine Grace's long dream to conquer New York. He was about to walk in the building, the kirtan was roaring, His Divine Grace was so happy. I could witness that this will stay with me for the rest of my life! I can see it now. He has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.


His Divine Grace stopped at the door to touch this bronze plate that was inscribed in the wall. It read: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder-acarya, The Hare Krishna movement. Then Srila Prabhupada, with all his happy followers, walked in the building. Srila Prabhupada just conquered New York City.


Nama Sankirtan dasa

July 1976, 340 West 55 St., NYC



A fleeting memory... It was mid morning, I believe the summer of 1975. I gazed up to see Srila Prabhupada standing alone, outside an open door, at the steps of the side entrance to the L.A. temple in the alley just below His quarters. Smiling, he held a silver tray in one hand, giving out cookies with the other to just a small handful of children, only two or three, and to one woman in a white or pale sari, whom I believe might have been Man Mohini Devi Dasi. I had never seen Srila Prabhupada alone like that, without the usual shield-like barrier of saffron and white, and shaven heads, and tridandi sticks pointing in every direction. In awe I stopped and was unable to move closer, especially since I felt embarrassed that my head was no longer clean shaven. I turned my head around to look behind me towards the sidewalks on Watseka Ave.; and there, just a few feet behind me, were dozens of devotes in white, saffron and colorful saris all milling about, chanting and conversing, with great big bright expectant smiles on every face. It looked like a toothpaste convention. Clueless that Srila Prabhupada was just around the corner in the alley way, they glanced here and there with anxious expectations. But when I turned my head back around Srila Prabhupada was gone, just as quickly as he had appeared, the door was closed, the children had gone, and the woman ran past me like a little girl back into the cheerful crowd with a cookie in her hand, showing the biggest, widest smile yet.


I still remember the chill that ran all the way up my spine and into the crown of my head, and scalp, when I realized what had just happened. There was some kind of magic about New Dvarka in that brief incident that reverberates in my heart to this day, like a small bubble in time or space that allowed for those few children to share a lone moment with Srila Prabhupada, amidst the commotion of eager yet unknowing numbers of smiling faces that were expecting His presence just a few feet away -- yet were totally unaware.


I had just arrived to New Dvarka from the Berkeley temple the day before, to join what appeared to be hundreds of devotees at the Los Angeles airport to greet Srila Prabhupada. Before coming here, I had been part of two Rathayatras on the East coast, and lived in three temples, but until this day in New Dvarka I had never seen so many Hare Krsna devotees assembled in one place. It was tumultuous. This magical place seemed like a transitional segue between Earth and Vaikuntha. As it turned out, I had fallen in love with New Dvarka on that particular day and chose not to return to Berkeley.


It is now twenty eight years later, I am sitting in the balcony of the temple room overlooking the street through wooden arched windows that seem to have been here forever. It is a weeknight just before eight in the evening and just after a sincere and refreshingly simple Bhagavad Gita class, a down to earth reminder that I was not this body, but a jiva soul servant of Krsna. Below on the marble floor awaits the nightly crowd of three dozen or more devotees and guests that are patiently anticipating the sweet bhajans and last arati of the day. The restaurant tables were all full when I left a few moments before, the store was clad with new costumers, there are a dozen or more happy children playing and laughing innocently out front, and the appearance of the grounds and gardens is clean, safe, and most importantly 'trouble' free.


The Conch shell blows and the deity doors are opened to reveal Their Smiling Lordships, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Rukmini and Dvarkadish, and Jagganatha, Baladeva and Subhadra, who gaze upon the sincere visitors that come every single night. The magic is still here, that same magic that I remember from that one morning when Srila Prabhupada appeared smiling with cookies and children, and disappeared as quickly into that still morning, like a promise that 'everything was going to be alright'. Now, almost 30 years later, I realize that here in New Dvarka everything is more than just all right -- this is the Holy Dhama, like Srila Prabhupada had insisted so many times. The lord Himself and His devotees have managed, maintained, and developed this, community with impeccable care and devotion. All this is revealed through the continuing smiling faces of devotees, friends and new comers that pour into the morning and evening programs everyday. From where I am standing, outside-looking-in, all is running as it should be running in what appears to be auto-pilot through dedication and devotion.


Now, every time I pass that alley doorway I am reminded of that reassuring moment in time which was so sudden that I almost don't trust if it was real or a just dream. All the same, it has left me with a comforting note about Srila Prabhupada's presence and magic in this beautiful New Dvarka Dhama -- a snap shot of the children and the cookies, and the love in His smile, and the grown woman who appeared to turn into a child, and the crowd so close and unaware...


Yadunandana . Dasa



I don't remember so many details of all those years ago but I was at the airport in San Francisco when Srila Prabhupada arrived in 1974 for Rathayatra. It was a big scene with at least 150 devotees doing kirtan. Because I knew the geography of the airport I positioned myself in the place where I thought Prabhupada would have to walk to get to the car. However, the devotees who organized Prabhupada's ride had a different route planned. So what happened when Prabhupada entered the airport waiting area was that instead of walking through the crowd of devotees and everyone getting darsana, they whisked him off through a side corridor. This caused chaos because everyone paid obeisances when they saw him and by the time they surfaced -- he was gone. So they all ran around the airport to find Prabhupada. SF airport is not so modern with not so wide corridors so the crowds of devotees running through the airport caused a huge commotion.


Because I knew the geography I was one of the first to catch up to the Prabhupada group. Prabhupada was surrounded by devotees and he was walking quite quickly. The most surprising feature was that he was so small of stature compared to the devotees around him. This was surprising to me because most of the pictures that I had seen did not convey this image. Another impression I had was that he looked like he was gliding rather than walking.


The next morning after mangala arati, Bhakta Glen told me he knew where Prabhupada was staying and that we could both go and have darsana when Prabhupada came out to go on his morning walk. So we went and a few others were there as well -- I remember Jayo was one of us -- and waited on the sidewalk by the gate of the place where Prabhupada was staying. When Prabhupada came out our small group paid obeisances. Prabhupada saw us and called out: "All glories to the assembled devotees." And we all replied "Hare Krsna" like we do for Prema-dhvani prayers. Then Prabhupada got in the car with some devotees and left for his morning walk.


Ranjit das



In Mayapur in 1976 I arrived before the main arrival of devotees. Srila Prabhupada gave Bhagavatam class every morning and after class he would give out the mangala-arati milk sweets to all the devotees personally from his hand while still sitting on the vyasasana. It was an unforgettable experience to go forward and try to shove your way through to the front as inoffensively as possible in anxiety that maybe the sweets would be finished by the time you got there. Somehow there was always enough and everyone got a taste. Once the huge crowds of devotees arrived this was discontinued.


Ranjit das



May I first offer my obeisances to the lotus feet of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada, then to the feet of my dearest godbrothers and godsisters. I beg your blessings and forgiveness for the years of offences that have been commited at your feet.


The details of Srila Prabhupada's arrival at San Francisco airport are more clear today, as I read Sriman Ranjit's rendition. I must add however some very intrinsic details I'm sure my godbrother did not leave out intentionally.


As Srila Prabhupada's plane arrived, "Bhakta Bob" and myself were not able to get so close to see the arrival of His Divine Grace and as I recall we were stuck quite some distance from where it was expected to arrive. We were standing on the back of the airport chairs looking out the window just as the plane pulled up to the dock. Srila Prabhupada was sitting in a window seat looking toward the terminal. It appeared to my limited perceptions that he could see two newly saffron-robed brahmacaris with their faces glued to the window staring back at Him. The feeling of Srila Prabhupada's glance is truly indescribable in words. It was something I'm sure many devotees will have experienced themselves.


I recall thinking how fortunate for those devotees that were able to be near the front as Srila Prabhupada disembarked, as always my envious reptilian mind immediately lamented nothing in life is fair. At that instant a side door adjacent to where Bhakta Bob and I stood on the back of those chairs exploded outward and there I could not believe was our dearmost effulgently glowing Srila Prabhupada. Needless to say I think we were both stunned at our most prodigious good fortune. We literally dove off the chairs landing prostrate at the beautiful lotus like feet of His Divine Grace, us mumbling our obeisances. This was perfectional mercy. I only recall these details due to the bump that arose on my forehead from taking the face dive to the floor. The next instant unfolded rather quickly as we jumped to our feet to catch up to the entourage that was whisking by. I remember looking up from the floor and watching in slow motion time the feet of Srila Prabhupada as he walked regally with his cane tapping cadence while the rest of the devotees ran to keep up.


I will never in my life forget this instance where the mercy of jagat-guru was given to a couple of wild crazed Jagai-Madais. That is the mercy so freely distributed. The incident described by Ranjit Prabhu of going to where our Srila Prabhupada was staying is missing one detail. That is the services we were given by the temple president collecting tree branches with a chainsaw for the festival site, as well as doing some last minute painting touch-ups at His Grace's quarters. Standing in the hallway behind me I heard footsteps, only to turn around to see Srila Prabhupada's smiling face. He looked around the hallway, then looked at me and said, "Very nice." I will always remember the sweetness of His voice and I pray at the time of death that I am able to simply remember this one thing that Srila Prabhupada said: "Very nice."


I hope that all of Prabhupada's disciples have the opportunity to continue to serve His feet, and for the generations that come today and tomorrow, I pray you take this mercy and make it your only life's goal. There is nothing in this world of any value than to serve caitya-guru and His devotees. This is the only perspicacious path in life -- humility and surrender in loving service to one another. Our co-operation with each other is what Srila Prabhupada told us would be the success of Lord Caitanya's moon as it is rising.


Gopijana das



Srila Prabhupada often referred to his disciples as "boys and girls," even though many of them were in their twenties and thirties (and even older). When Prabhupada visited the Toronto temple in 1976, I saw this statement come to life.


After his morning class, Srila Prabhupada would hand out cookies to the children. At the time, Ayodhyapati Prabhu was the head cook and he kindly prepared extra amounts. So one morning, after all the children had received prasadam from Prabhupada's own hand, there was an extra plate of cookies sitting beside his vyasasana. Srila Prabhupada saw them and then motioned to his leading disciples -- including visiting sannyasis and GBC members -- to come forward and accept a cookie just like the children had done before them. I could see the first leader hesitate for a brief second, but then he stepped forward and we all lined up to receive the mercy one by one. Everyone was completely satisfied. Srila Prabhupada, our eternal father, had once again displayed his causeless mercy to his "boys and girls."


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.





One time when Srila Prabhupada arrived at the Toronto temple, a foot bathing ceremony was performed with milk, ghee, honey, etc. Somehow or other, a few of us managed to hijack the entire bowl of nectar and make off to the brahmacari room. There we drank the sacred amrta from Prabhupada's lotus feet, laughing aloud and rolling on the floor in bliss. Who can measure the joy of that, or describe it in mere words? Srila Prabhupada's mercy is inconceivable and unlimited.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.





I feel fortunate and grateful that I had the opportunity at the age of 20, in 1970 to join His

Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's mission. Srila Prabhupada wanted his group of artists to flood the world with Krishna art and his books were the medium in which the artwork flourished. I had direct association with Srila Prabhupada on a number of different occasions: when I was initiated in 1971 in Los Angeles, and other occasions in New York and India.


Srila Prabhupada mentioned a few times that he appreciated my artwork and one time he asked for me to come to India to paint. The first time I asked Prabhupada if I could go to India he kind of smiled and said "No, I think Baradraj and Adi Deva should go. They can learn to make dolls (dioramas)." It was then agreed that I was needed more at Tiffany St. with the other artists to help with the artwork for the Caitanya-caritamrta books. That was in I think 1973 or '74 in the Brooklyn temple, but later in 1976 Prabhupada saw my wall murals of Krishna pastimes in the Manhattan temple and he then said I must come to India.


When I stayed in Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada was there and I spoke with him a few times. I had a routine each morning to sit in front of his open window to direct guests to his room. My first day doing this I was chanting there and I nodded out because of the heat. I was awakened by Prabhupada's voice through the window when he said "There are some guests coming now, can you show them around to the door?" I was a bit embarrassed of course, and I stood up immediately noticing an Indian family of about five people approaching. I said "Yes Srila Prabhupada, uh, do you mean that door over by where Brahmananda is staying?" Prabhupada said, "Yes, that's the one, go help them. Always be ready to serve our guests." So I showed the guests the way, and Brahmananda greeted them nicely and brought them into Prabhupada's room. I could hear almost every word that was spoken in there but it was mostly Hindi which I knew very little of. But Prabhupada at first spoke in English because the man did at first. Prabhupada was such a perfect gentleman asking them questions about how the family's health was, and how the children were doing in school etc. Prabhupada was always very thoughtful and genuinely concerned about people. All the qualities of a pure devotee of Srimati Radharani were manifest in his every word, and every movement.


Another time I sat there in front of that same window chanting, and Prabhupada was chanting in his room walking back and forth. As he walked up closer behind me I could hear his chanting getting louder and louder, and as he walked back, his chanting got softer and softer. This went on for about forty minutes, and it put me in a hypnotic trance, another dimension of reality that made me feel totally invincible to the fleeting illusions of this material world. His chanting was that effective. This was indeed a very special time for me. We were there alone chanting together, and I thought that this is truly my constitutional and most blissful position, to have my eternal sat-guru always coming back whispering the

holy name in my ear over and over again until I realize all of his teachings. It was all there in this moment, this materially short but spiritually eternal moment that would never leave my memory. That experience would stay with me forever. As I was contemplating all this, he came up and said "Now you are chanting much better." I turned around and I said with lowered eyes, "Srila Prabhupada, sometimes it's hard to focus on Krishna when chanting. The mind goes all over the place." He said, "Then focus on the sound of Krishna's name, it's not hard. Listen as I chant then get the idea."


Then he continued walking back and forth chanting softly. I realized then how powerful a pure devotee's words are, and also just by hearing him chant, he was blessing me with the ability to chant. Before that I think I was pretty much like a parrot, mumbling away. Since then I've had much more respect for the mahamantra and I try to follow exactly what Prabhupada said that day. When I remember the sound of his chanting voice, I am able to focus much better on my own chanting. Only the pure devotee has the vibration that can give his student the correct chanting ability, I'm convinced of this.


One day I asked Prabhupada what is the best way to paint Krishna. He said "Always paint Krishna as the most beautiful, the strongest, and always with His devotees, never alone. God is never alone." I said "What about technique or style of painting, which is best?" Srila Prabhupada said "That you can find out, but you have already found it, I have seen. Now

just do more and more... and Krishna will reward. Every temple must have Krishna art. This is best preaching." He chuckled "You have a nice service, the painting... you have no end to it."


Now I think I'm finally able to understand Srila Prabhupada's words..."the painting... you have no end to it," and it sounds strange, but sometimes I feel like I could use more arms, maybe four or eight, to get all the artwork done that I would like to do to please my beloved guru, the pure devotee, saktyavesa avatar A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.


Yours in the service of the Lord -- stumbling toward the Land of Krishna.



(Editor, Krishnaland)



It was the summer of '75, and we were hustling like anything, getting ready for Ratha-yatra and the coming of Srila Prabhupada. We all greeted Srila Prabhupada at the Frisco airport, and Jayananda was there with an umbrella and bouquet for him. There is a very nice photo of this in the Vyasa Puja book for '97. You can look at the photo and see the person holding the umbrella over Prabhupada, with flowers in his hands for Prabhupada, but can't see the person's face. One could notice that this person wore a cuffed white shirt, like a business shirt. Jayananda didn't even have a decent kurta to wear to the airport, and he wore this dress-type shirt along with his dhoti. But he looked good in it; it was totally him, Jayananda. And Prabhupada was smiling so wonderfully. You could see the relationship, the master and the servant, and how Prabhupada was happy to be with his dear servant, Jayananda.


The next day we were having the parade and Srila Prabhupada got out of his car to ride on Subhadra's cart. As he was walking toward the cart, he did a 180 degree turnaround and looked directly into my eyes. There were hundreds of people there, but he seemed to look right into my eyes alone. It was as if he was saying, "Yes, I know you're here." I've heard many stories like this from other devotees. We all had this similar experience with Srila Prabhupada, sort of like how Krishna was with all the gopis but each gopi thought He was with her alone. It is a mystical thing, and since other devotees have told me the same thing, I suppose I was not delirious to think that it actually happened to me.


The best moment was when Srila Prabhupada was giving the lecture from the platform. There were thousands of people and I could not even get close to the stage, and I could not see Srila Prabhupada. But while listening to the lecture, every word I heard penetrated my heart very clearly and deeply, and it was an unusual time of aural reception for me. Every word from Srila Prabhupada was very profound to me. It was so heavy and wonderful that I could not stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. It was a true moment of full consciousness, and I truly understood the nectar words of my spiritual master at that time. I feel that this was my actual initiation, rather than at the ceremony. As they say, divya-jnana is injected into the heart of the disciple by the bonafide spiritual master, and that is initiation.


It was the summer of '75, and a bunch of us were up for initiation. Bhakta Dasa and Jayananda and Bahulasva Dasa were acting as temple presidents. I kept waiting for Bhakta Dasa or Jayananda to tell me that I was getting initiated, but they didn't. I was with Bhakta Dasa for an hour or so the night before Ratha-yatra, and I expected him to tell me about the initiations the next day and how I was a candidate, but he never said anything. Neither did Jayananda. And so I was thinking that I wasn't getting initiated.


Then we had the festival, and when evening came I did my night watch to guard the Ratha carts. Consequently I was sleeping in the next morning. I was suddenly awakened by Jayananda, who exclaimed, "Oh Bhakta Tom, I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you -- you were supposed to get initiated this morning. I'm sorry, you missed it. But don't worry, Srila Prabhupada wants to see you in his room." I said that I thought I wasn't going to get initiated, and Jayananda said how I was "humility personified," which was his usual way of praising other devotees.


So I went to Berkeley and got to go into Srila Prabhupada's room and be alone with him for a minute. This is another tall tale, but I was paying my obeisances and while reciting the pranam prayers, I happened t

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Dandavat Prabhu. Hare Krsna. Jaya Prabhupada.


Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavan


by Gauridasa Pandita Prabhu


"Arrival In Vrindavan"


(May 17, 1977)


Pradyumna and I arrived in Vrindavan from Hrishikesh at about 4am. We alerted the temple President, Akshayananda Maharaja, of Srila Prabhupada’s statement that he was coming to Vrindavan to ‘leave his body’. We were all shocked at the news. The Maharaja didn’t tell the devotees right away why he was coming, just that he was coming soon and the devotees started ecstatically cleaning his quarters during the morning program. The Holy dust of Vrindavan had blown about everywhere and there was a lot of mercy to deal with.


Srila Prabhupada arrived at the temple at about 7am. At this point Srila Prabhupada’s health had deteriorated so much that he could no longer walk on his own. The devotees in Vrindavan, and around the world, were unaware of this. We brought a rocking chair out to the car to carry Srila Prabhupada in. He asked, as usual, to see the Deities first. We carried him into the temple and placed him before Sri Sri Gaura – Nitai. Srila Prabhupada stood up offering his respectful obeisance's. At this point someone took the chair away. Srila Prabhupada stood there gazing at Their Lordships for a few moments with tears decorating his face. Then he moved to sit in the chair that wasn’t there. We had to catch him. The devotees looked at each other with grave concern. We brought the chair back and carried Srila Prabhupada over to Sri Sri Krishna and Balarama. Again Srila Prabhupada stood up with tears in his eyes. (This time the chair stayed!) We then moved over to Sri Sri Radha Symasundara and Sri Lalita and Sri Visaka's alter. Again Srila Prabhupada rose up and gazed lovingly at the Deities. After a few moments he turned to us and said that he wanted to see all of the devotees in his room.


We carried Srila Prabhupada to his room and he took his seat at his desk. The devotees filled the room quickly and were crowded around the doors and windows trying to see and hear our divine master. When all the devotees settled in as much as possible Srila Prabhupada began to speak:


"So I cannot speak. I am feeling weak. I was to go to other places like Chandigarh, but I canceled the program because the condition of my health is very deteriorating. So I preferred to come to Vrindavan. If death takes place, let it take here. So there is nothing new to be said. Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to understand it and continue your endeavor. Whether I am present or not present, it doesn't matter. As Krsna is living eternally, similarly, the living being also lives eternally. But kirtiryasya sa jivah: 'One who has done service for the Lord lives forever.' So you have been taught to serve Krsna, and with Krsna we'll live eternally. Our life is eternal. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. A temporary disappearance of this body, it doesn't matter. Body is meant for disappearance. Tatha dehantara-praptih. So live forever by serving Krsna. Thank you very much."


At this point most of the devotees were crying. To me it still hadn't sunk in that Srila Prabhupada was about to depart this world leaving us to grieve in his absence. Srila Prabhupada told us to discuss amongst ourselves and we talked about the future of ISKCON without Srila Prabhupada. It was unthinkable actually, but we were forced to think about it due to the time factor.


Philosophically we understood that Srila Prabhupada would live with us in his books etc. but we would so miss his physical presence. The devotees began to wonder how the movement would go on without Srila Prabhupada to personally direct it. How would the BBT operate? How would the GBC act? Would someone else become the next acharya? Srila Prabhupada answered all of these questions in the next few weeks and months.


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"Reading Srimad Bhagavatam"


Vrndavan India June 1977. I used to take Srila Prabhupada's paraphelnelia to translate his books up to the rooftop before sundown every evening. Part of the roof was covered and part was open and there is an inside room also and a bathroom. Srila Prabhupada would come up just at about sunset to start his translation work for the night.


My duty was to set up everything at Srila Prabhupada's desk and then guard it so the monkeys wouldn't run off with anything. The monkeys in Vrndavan are notorious for stealing things and going to the market place to trade their goods for bananas. They toss things to the vendors who toss back some fruits. These things are still going on! One evening as I was waiting for Srila Prabhupada's arrival I sat there reading the Srimad Bhagavatam. All of the sudden Srila Prabhupada entered so I put the book on his desk and offered my obeisances. When I rose up Srila Prabhupada asked me what I was reading. I replied that it is your Srimad Bhagavatam 4th Canto part 4. Srila Prabhupada then smiled bigger than any other time the whole 4 months I was with him. He turned to his secretary and said, "He's reading in his spare time; this is very good!" I was elated. Such a simple thing was so pleasing to His Divine Grace. Simple living and high thinking - ki jai! All the times when I watered his window mats with a low presure hose in the scorching heat and did so many menial services I never got such a smile as when he caught me reading in my spare time. All glories to the book Bhagavata and the person Bhagavata! Now that we don't have the physical presence of Srila Prabhupada we can still serve the books; and thus make him,ourselves, and others, supremely happy.


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"A Shocking Experience"


Vrindavan India June 1977


This is the story of the time I got electrocuted right in front of Srila Prabhupada. I had been gathering his paraphernalia to take it downstairs and I noticed an extension cord that was rolled up and hanging on a hook on the wall. Some of the visiting devotees wanted to help so they rolled it up and hung it there still plugged in. Thinking it must be ready to go I grabbed it as I walked by. There was a bare spot on the cord wherefrom I got shocked with 220 volts. I remember taking three steps and melting like a candle in front of Srila Prabhupada who was sitting in his chair waiting to be carried downstairs. Everything went black as I melted to the ground and I thought I died.


Upendra Prabhu was in the bathroom gathering a few things when he heard Srila Prabhupada yell, "save him!" pointing at me rolling around in the wires. Upendra ran out and pulled the plug; probably saving my life. They said my heart had even stopped. Premana Swami pounded on my chest and restarted my heart. After about two hours I started to see the devotees faces above me. Still I didn’t have my memory. I didn’t recognize anyone or myself for about twenty minutes. After I had finally got my memory back I was told that Srila Prabhupada wanted to see me. I entered his room and offered my obeisance’s; feeling embarrassed for making such as scene. Srila Prabhupada looked at me most compassionately and said, "so you are alright?" I replied, "yes, Srila Prabhupada" and then he said, "So you should take this as a good lesson that death can come at any moment; and you should always be ready." I could see That Srila Prabhupada really was my ever well-wisher. "Thank you Srila Prabhupada" I said, as I offered my obeisance’s and backed out of his room grateful to have such a loving Spiritual Master.


Actually it wasn’t so bad ‘leaving my body’ as I thought I had. Being in the service of the guru in Sri Vrindavan Dham would be the best way to go. The best part about staying is that I can serve and share my spiritual master with others. This is the perfection of our lives. Afterall, death can come and any moment and we should always be ready.


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"Fanning Around The World"


(Vrindavan India 1977)


I used to take care of Srila Prabhupada's garden in Vrndavan. He used to come into the garden every morning and chant japa or listen to some devotees chant bhajans; he liked the gurukul children and Sacidananda alot. Sometimes the secretary would read letters and Srila Prabhupada would dictate a response. Srila Prabhupada liked his Brahma toped fountain alot. It always had to be running when he was in the garden. It created a soothing sound in harmony with the chirping birds and temple bells in the distance. Before Srila Prabhupada's arrival in the garden I would change the cloth on his vyasasana and light his favorite incense sticking about 10 sticks in the ground on both sides of the vyasasana; the smoke would be billowing up and around nicely. One day I lit 'Sai Flora', a very strong incense, and Srila Prabhupada told me to take it away. He said it was too strong. (especially when you light 10 sticks!) I brought back a mellower scent, Kesar-Chandan, (saffron-sandlewood), and Srila Prabhupada said it was very nice; so that's the kind I lit from then on. One of my favorite duties was fanning Srila Prabhupada. I thought I was the best camera fanner around. One day as I was tending to His Divine Grace in his garden a fly landed above his lip. He was chanting with his eyes closed and I was trying to shew the fly away with my finger without touching his face. Just then Srila Prabhupada opened one eye and looked at me as I jumped back and he said, "You are fanning around the world; but you can't get the fly off my face!" He then told me to give the camara to him and he demonstrated how to fan him by whisking it right across his face, saying, "Do like this". Moments later the fly reappeared determined to get some more mercy from the lotus mouth of the pure devotee. I reluctantly brushed the camara across the face of His Divine Grace and he smiled and said, "Very nice!". That made my day. I learned from that experience that devotional service was not just for show but is a practical thing; the way to please the spiritual master and the Lord Sri Krishna. After fanning Srila Prabhupada in his garden we would escort him to the temple where he would sit under the Tamal tree and listen to bhajans from about 9am until about 11am. I had to share my fanning duties more then, but it was ecsatic just to be in the presence of His Divine Grace,Srila Prabhupada.


All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!!


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"Magic Flowers"


{Vrindavan, June 1977}


I was preparing Srila Prabhupada's garden for his arrival early one morning. I had replaced the cover on his vyasasana; turned on the fountain, which he liked very much, and lit one of his favorite incense's Kesar Chandan. I was thinking of what else I could do to make the atmosphere as pleasant as possible when I noticed a little bush with about 4 flowers on it. They were very fragrent little white flowers. I placed them on Srila Prabhupada's armrest. When Srila Prabhupada arrived and took his seat he immediately picked up the flowers and smelled them. He held them for most of the morning. The next morning when Srila Prabhupada came into the garden and took his seat he immediately put out his hand. I knew he wanted more of those little flowers without him saying a word. I had picked all of the flowers the day before and didn't think there would be anymore but I hurried over anyway and to my surprise there were twice as many flowers as the day before. I picked them and dropped them into the lotus hand of His Divine Grace and he smiled. Krsna takes care of His devotees! Srila Prabhupada again held the flowers most of the morning smelling them repeatedly. At one point he said, "Simply by smelling this type of flowers it regulates your life airs." Srila Prabhupada did everything with purpose. Every day for the next month that little bush provided more and more flowers to the pure devotee. I was constantly amazed at the happenings of and around His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada. May those memories always remain in my mind. Your servant, Gauridasa Pandita Dasa


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"I Appeared For Two Reasons"


{Vrndavan, India June 1977}


I was fanning Srila Prabhupada in his garden. Swarupa Damodar Swami had just come and began to tell Srila Prabhupada about the scientific conference they had just held in Bombay. Even though this was the time when Srila Prabhupada was sick; he became very enlivened by hearing of the preaching program. Srila Prabhupada sat up straight and pointing his finger to the sky, he declared, "Actually I appeared in this world for two reasons: to establish Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and to defeat the rascal scientists!" He told Swarupa Damodara that he was very pleased that he was preaching in the scientific community like that. Srila Prabhupada wasn't against all scientists; just the ones who tried to 'replace' God and promote their atheistic theories such as the 'big bang' and the like. Some of the devotees today are doing a good job preaching in the scientific community. I'm sure this is very pleasing to Srila Prabhupada. There is a big debate, in India and around the world, over who is the Supreme Godhead. Srila Prabhupada cleared up the issue and established that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He did this using guru(teacher); sastra (scriptures) and sadhus(saints) to support the facts and his own realization. Srila Prabhupada didn't water-down the philosophy just to attract some easy followers. He presented the highest truth. Because of Srila Prabhupada, people in every town and village around the world are now chanting the Holy Names of the Lord and perfecting their lives. All glories to the greatest guru of our times; who worked so hard day and night, to translate the Vedic literatures that benefit us now and for thousands of years to come. Srila Prabhupada gave us the highest treasure; the 'matchless gift'. Let's take advantage of the gift and go back home, Back To Godhead!


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"I Am Living Proof"


Upendra Prabhu and I had just observed Nirjala Ekadasi in Sri Vrndavan Dham.It was June of 1977. The temperature was over 100*. Even though we were young we became very weak and I could hardly stand up by the end of the day.Upendra would cook Srila Prabhupada's lunch every day spending hours every morning toiling away in the kitchen. Srila Prabhupada had been sick and he actually came to Vrndavan specifically to 'leave his body'. Even though Upendra worked so hard to prepare the foods the way Srila Prabhupada liked it; Srila Prabhupada had been refusing to eat. For the previous few weeks when the Plate was brought to Srila Prabhupada he waved it off saying, "Distribute!". Well after fasting the day before and becoming so weak Upendra got frustrated when Srila Prabhupada again refused to eat. Upendra asked Srila Prabhupada how it was that we young boys could barely survive one day of fasting in the Vrndavan heat and he had been fasting for weeks now. Upendra asked Srila Prabhupada, "How do you do it?" Srila Prabhupada responded, "I am living proof that the soul is not dependant on the body for subsistance; but rather the body is dependant on the soul"! Although I was a neopyhte I could see that Srila Prabhupada was totally Krishna conscious and above the bodily concept of life. He was/is a total inspiration to me. Those were the best days of my life. To serve Srila Prabhupada in Sri Vrndavan Dham was a dream come true. I counted my blessings as I gazed out my window at night and could see Srila Prabhupada translating his books all night long on his rooftop.I could hardly sleep at times anxious for the next morning when I could resume my daily services for Srila Prabhupada. All glories to our transcendental spiritual master; the acharya, our living proof!


"He lives forever by his divine instructions and the followers live with him"


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(Vrindavan 1977)


Srila Prabhupada had not been eating regular prasadam for quite some time due to his illness. Almost daily when his lunch was brought to him he waved it off saying to distribute it. Some times I would do the distribution. On one such occasion Srila Prabhupada noticed some of the devotees pointing at the particular preparations that they wanted. Srila Prabhupada called me over and told me to mix the prasadam all together and said that the devotees should not discriminate. So I mixed it up and continued distributing 'the mercy' to the devotees. Now they were looking a bit confused and taking a more humble amount. About the only thing I remember Srila Prabhupada taking was some sugar-water. We used to take rock candy and dissolve it in water. He would sip from about two ounces of it while he translated his books all night long on his rooftop. Another one of my services was to hold Srila Prabhupada's spittoon if he needed it. Due to his illness he did need it often. One time one of the devotees took the container and began to 'honor the prasada.' When Srila Prabhupada found out he said not to do that. The devotees were so anxious to 'get the mercy.' Sometimes they went overboard!


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(Vrindavan June 77)


Srila Prabhupada was sitting with some devotees up on his roof in Sri Vrindavan Dham. I was sitting by the air-conditioner trying to keep it running; a difficult task in India. Srila Prabhupada motioned to me to come over to him. He said that he wanted some limbo-pani, (Lemon & water). I looked around for Upendra or Bhakti Caru, who would usually do that service. I couldn't find either one of them so I trotted into the kitchen. This wasn't my normal service so I was extra nervous. I squeezed some lemons into a silver cup; got a cup of water and put some honey in a little silver cup. Putting them on a silver tray I hurried up the stairs and presented the offering to His Divine Grace. He immediately pointed at the honey and asked what it was. I said it's honey and he said, "Did I ask for honey?" I said, "well no Srila Prabhupada; that's why I didn't add it in." I thought , that’s it I'm going to get 'blasted' but Srila Prabhupada kindly nodded his head in approval and I retreated to the air-conditioner. Another, 'mission accomplished'!


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"The Lost Keys"


(Vrindavan June 77)


I was fanning Srila Prabhupada in the garden as Tamal K.G. read some letters to him. When Tamal got up and left he forgot the keys which must have fallen out of his pocket. They were actually Srila Prabhupada's keys to his house and safe etc. Srila Prabhupada immediately noticed the keys on the carpet and told me to hand them to him. Then he told me to "go get Tamal." I went out to the front room and told Tamal K.G. that Prabhupada wanted him. When he came out Srila Prabhupada told me he wanted his sapphire ring out of the safe. Tamal K.G. felt his pockets nonchalantly for the keys and took a quick look around before disappearing into the house. After a few minutes Srila Prabhupada told me to get Tamal again. This time he was busy tearing his little office up looking for the keys. He asked me if I had seen his keys and I didn't want to lie so I just made a dumb look and put my hands in the air. When he came out into the garden again Srila Prabhupada asked him where his ring was and Tamal responded that a guest had just come and he had to help him and he would get it right away. He just couldn't admit that he couldn't find the keys. As he hurried off again Srila Prabhupada shook his head. I couldn't help but laugh at what was going on. For the third time I was sent out to get Tamal who asked me to go look in the shower upstairs for the keys. I said that I couldn't leave Prabhupada alone that long and returned to the garden. When Tamal K.G. came out Srila Prabhupada asked him again where his ring was. Tamal started to make another excuse when Srila Prabhupada pulled the keys out from under his dhoti and dangled them in the air saying, "Here you nonsense, if anything is stolen; it's your fault for giving them the chance." Upendra and I cracked up at this because we hardly ever saw Tamal get 'blasted' as he did to us so often. Of course we sobered up real fast for fear of Tamal's temper. This story exemplifies how security conscious Srila Prabhupada was. He was very careful about every detail and didn't waste a penny of Krishna's Laxmi.


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"Don't Waste A Farthing"


(Vrindavan June 77)


Srila Prabhupada had some problems with his eyes and told Upendra Prabhu to go to the market and get a glass eye washer. It's a little cup that you put water into and hold it up to your eye to rinse it out. Upendra went and returned with the desired item. Srila Prabhupada asked him how much it cost. Upendra replied that it cost 4 rupees. (about 50cents) Srila Prabhupada said ,"it should of only cost one rupee, maybe two but you have paid four! You have wasted Krishna's money!" He went on chastising him for quite some time. He said, "I have millions of dollars but I don't waste a farthing of Krishna's money." I didn't like to see my friend, Upendra get chastised so much but couldn't help from laughing a bit to myself at his surprised reaction for what amounted to less than 50 cents. Then again I realized how serious it was/is to spend Krishna's money properly.


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"Don't Show Your Beads"


(Vrindavan June 1977)




One time Upendra prabhu was holding his beads in his hands as he chanted. Srila Prabhupada asked him where his bead bag was. Upendra said that he had just washed it. Srila Prabhupada said that we should have two bead bags so if we wash one we can use the other. Srila Prabhupada said that we should not show our beads. My understanding of it was that when somebody looks at your beads there was some kind of subtle karmic exchange. The beads have to be protected and respected just like our Bhakti lata bija, our spiritual creeper of devotional love.


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{Vrindavan 1977}




When Srila Prabhupada was sick and preparing to leave his body in Vrindavan so many doctors came to see and treat him. I saw doctors from many schools come with various treatments. Some would see Srila Prabhupada and prescribe some medicine etc. and go out in front of the temple and boost that they had 'saved' Srila Prabhupada.


The day after one such episode the secretary, Tamal Krishna Goswami, brought some medicine for Srila Prabhupada to take. Srila Prabhupada refused to take it. Tamal K.G. then pleaded with Srila Prabhupada to take it, saying that he told the doctor he would. Srila Prabhupada said that he simply was accepting the doctors service, but he didn't want the medicine. He said, "Krishna is my medicine!"


Srila Prabhupada was/is an ocean of compassion. He accepted even a little service as very significant from the doctors and even the street person who donated a roll of toilet paper in the early days.


Srila Prabhupada was totally dependant on Krishna. He fasted for days on end and still had the strength to preach. It was obvious that he was getting his strength from Krishna. Balam balavatam caham


"I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire." (B.G.7-11) Srila Prabhupada was devoid of material passion although he had great spiritual passion. He was the most expert preacher. He had daily darshans with all kinds of people. Many mayavadis and impersonalists would come and try to argue their ideas but Srila Prabhupada, the perfect host, would gently and charmingly convince them of the defects of impersonalism and the superiority of Krishna Consciousness. For the few that didn't accept our philosophy they at least left feeling that they were treated respectfully and appreciated Srila Prabhupada's graciousness. Srila Prabhupada was expert with the crowds and often humorous. These times were bliss for us to experience.


Srila Prabhupada had no material desire; he had total spiritual desire. He had 108% spiritual desire. He used to say, "first deserve, then desire." He deserves Krishna and therefore he has Krishna. When you have Krishna you have everything. So we should not lament that he is gone, because he's with Krishna and at the same time he is here, as is Krishna. We should just hurry up and follow his instructions on how to go back to Godhead and join Them personally.




Your servant,


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"Transcendental To The Rain"


(Vrindavan June 77)


This is another story that exemplifies Srila Prabhupada's pure transcendental nature. Srila Prabhupada was translating on his rooftop in Vrindavan. At about 2am I was awakened by loud thunder. It was the beginning of the monsoon season. My room in the guesthouse overlooked Srila Prabhupada's roof. Whenever I woke up at night I would look out and see Srila Prabhupada translating away. This time it was raining pretty hard and Srila Prabhupada was ringing his bell. I could see no one else there. There was supposed to be someone with Srila Prabhupada twenty-four hours a day. Believe it or not sometimes devotees just didn't show up for their shifts especially late at night. I jumped out of bed and ran over and woke up Tamal K.G. and Upendra and told them of the situation upstairs. We ran up and offered our obeisance's quickly and then proceeded to pick up the whole bed that Srila Prabhupada was sitting on and carried it to the covered part of the roof. (Keep in mind that at this time Srila Prabhupada could not walk by himself.)


He was soaked! I thought he was going to be very angry and chastise us for neglecting his service. On the contrary, Srila Prabhupada was chanting 'Jaya Radha-Madhava' to himself. Upendra Prabhu proceeded to dry Srila Prabhupada off and help him change his clothes. All the while Srila Prabhupada continued to chant, completely transcendental to the modes of material nature. I was astonished.


Some devotees have wondered how I got to do so much personal service for Srila Prabhupada. One reason is that I was always available. If someone didn't show up for their shift I'd take their shift if possible. To be one of Srila Prabhupada's close personal servants you had to be quick, quiet, clean, innovative, and have a lot of energy. Of course being with the pure devotee gave us all the sakti in the world. We knew he was going to leave us soon because he told us so many times and I wanted to get all of the mercy I possibly could. I'm so grateful to have done the little service that I did and hope that I will always feel Srila Prabhupada's presence and act like he's still here, (because he is spiritually), and could walk into the room at any moment. I better grab a book!


Ys, Gauridasa Pandita Dasa


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"Srila Prabhupada's Ecstatic Symptoms"


(Vrindavan June 77)


One time I was watching Srila Prabhupada waiting for him to wake up when all of the sudden he started twitching severely. His arms were moving and his face was contorting. I was alarmed I thought maybe he was having a heart attack. I ran downstairs and got Tamal K.G. to come up and take a look. Watching for a few minutes Tamal said that Srila Prabhupada's not having a heart attack he's having ecstatic symptoms; and said not to worry about it. This continued for about a half of an hour; then Srila Prabhupada woke up and started to talk about Krishna. A similar incident happened back in 1976 when I was a pujari in Vrindavan. Srila Prabhupada was chanting 'Jaya Radha Madhava' when all of the sudden he went into samadhi. He stopped playing his kartalas and sat there for a few moments with his eyes shut. The pujari next to me whispered to me that Srila Prabhupada had 'nodded out'. I told him that he hadn't 'nodded out' because his head was still up. A moment later he continued with the kirtan. All glories to the ever blissful Srila Prabhupada who is always absorbed in the mood of the Gopis.


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"Massaging Srila Prabhupada"


Vrindavan 1977




Upendra Prabhu would massage Srila Prabhupada along with the assistance of another devotee every day, after the regular morning program. One morning the assistant was sick and couldn't help with the massage so I got to fill in. I wanted to do this service, but I was very nervous to get too personal with the pure devotee. Srila Prabhupada had said earlier in a class in Vrindavan that the two most dangerous positions in spiritual life were being a pujari and being his personal servant. He said this was do to the possibility of becoming too familiar as familiarity breeds contempt.


I entered Srila Prabhupada's room and saw him lying on a mat on the floor with a towel over his face. Upendra instructed me to start rubbing some mustard seed oil on Srila Prabhupada's legs. As soon as I touched the soft and golden body of His Divine Grace he raised the towel to take a look. I thought he was going to send me out because I had never done it before and was unqualified, but he so mercifully allowed me to continue.


Although Srila Prabhupada was 81 years old/young his legs were soft and smooth just like a 16 year olds. It reminded me of how Krishna is ever youthful. Similarly, Srila Prabhupada was also ever youthful. Even though he was older than all of us we could hardly keep up with him on his morning walks. He was also mentally very youthful and surprised us all with his charming Vaisnava wit and enthusiastic preaching spirit.


Srila Prabhupada gave us everything we need to live a happy healthy life and ultimately go back home, back to Godhead. He saw everything in relation to Krishna and engaged/engages unlimited fortunate souls in Krishna's devotional service. He had regular massages with mustard seed oil. He ate only healthy Bhagavata Prasadam. He took regular morning walks etc. etc. He gave us remedies for so many problems spiritual and physical in his teachings, especially in his letters to the devotees.


That day was very fortunate for me to be able to touch the lotus body of the pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada. A few other times I got the opportunity to massage Srila Prabhupada's head with Brahmi oil at night. This was a nectar service. Srila Prabhupada was/is the swanlike pure devotee. The oil is made with herbs such as Brahmi (Gotu Kola) which is said to relax the brain and increase the memory and decrease the time needed to sleep. Most of the Sikh taxi drivers drink tea made from these herbs at night. As we all know Srila Prabhupada slept very little and spent most of his time at night writing his books for our benefit and the benefit of future generations in the Golden Age of Lord Chaitanya. All glories to our Founder/Acharya Srila Prabhupada, the pure devotee, who practiced what he preached!




Your servant,


Gauridasa Pandita Dasa


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"Prabhupada's Jokes"


(Vrindavan June77)


Srila Prabhupada would often tell jokes but they were hard for us to understand. One time he told a joke and Upendra started laughing almost hysterically, and Srila Prabhupada asked him if he understood the joke. Upendra got real serious and embarrassed and replied that he didn't. Srila Prabhupada then said, "Then why do you laugh?"


We were always happy when Srila Prabhupada was telling a joke but when he was upset about something watch out. Actually in the four months that I personally served Srila Prabhupada I only saw him get angry about two things. One was the slamming of the guest house doors which he could hear from his garden and the other was when he found out that his books were being edited without his authorization


One joke I remember Srila Prabhupada telling was, he said "I am an old man, I can't even walk anymore, but if I have to go to the bathroom four men and an elephant will come to take me." You couldn't help but laugh and be happy when Srila Prabhupada was in these transcendental moods. All glories to our loving spiritual master who is full of Vaisnava wit!




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"Srila Prabhupada Tours The Gurukula"


(Vrindavan India June 25, 1977)




It was a beautiful morning in Sri Vrindavan Dham. We carried Srila Prabhupada in his rocking chair into the temple as usual. He took darshan of the Deities and listened to the devotees chant bhajans under the Tamal tree in the courtyard. Srila Prabhupada was very happy. Even though he was very sick and couldn't even walk anymore, it was obvious that he was self satisfied and relishing the mellows of pure devotional service.


After leaving the temple Srila Prabhupada went on a tour of the Gurukula building. The construction work was almost done. When Srila Prabhupada saw the contractor he said, "It is all very nice, thank you very much."


Visvambhar, who was one of Srila Prabhupada's good friends told Srila Prabhupada that the veranda space in the gurukula was especially for the students to take rest in the hot summer months. Srila Prabhupada approved of the idea.


When Srila Prabhupada saw a class room he said, "This is very nice." We took Srila Prabhupada around and showed him all of the rooms. He approved of the size of the living quarters. Then Srila Prabhupada said, "Now we have a big building, so you must bring 500 students. Bring from India or abroad; but you must fill up this school. Everyone wants this place that office, one leg here, one leg there, but now you must get students."


Srila Prabhupada continued, "In Bengal there is a proverb which says, 'Do not face the north with your head.' One man said, 'How can I face anywhere without having a head!' Everyone is planning, this office, that office, but bring students first!"


Then Srila Prabhupada paused at the stairway and spoke for a few more minutes. He said, "This university education is useless! Boys are going to schools and then they become hippies. The most important thing is self-control. Acaran dasa van nico - Now they get degrees and then they are unemployed. When I was in India before I tried to get Indian children, but everyone was saying that 'What will happen to my son? He will become a sadhu. What is the use? He will not earn money! They do not know. They are simply thinking money, money, money. No one is thinking of the next change of body. Na jayate mriyate va kadacin. The soul does not die, nor take birth. Anyway we must try to bring 500 children. Whether they are ISKCON or non-ISKCON children, that does not matter."


Then Visvambhar asked if the education should be given free. Tamal Krishna Maharaja said that would attract low class people and Srila Prabhupada said, "No, we want high class people. The low class they do not need to come to school. They can learn from another person. Book education is for the brahmanas and kshatriyas. The others can plow the fields.


We carried Srila Prabhupada back to his quarters. As we passed the temple door Srila Prabhupada asked what they were chanting. We said they are chanting, "Jaya Prabhupada Jaya Prabhupada…" Srila Prabhupada said, "I do not like this! Tell them to chant Hare Krishna!" Srila Prabhupada was so humble that he didn't even like his name chanted in the kirtans. I understood that it was ok a couple of times but not over and over.


When Srila Prabhupada got back to his room he continued talking about the gurukula. He said, "Before one can manage, he should bring 50 children. What is this 4 children and 300 managers? Bring 500 children from all over the world. I built this school because there in America the government wanted this change, that change. So I built this school for that purpose." Gopal Krishna Maharaja asked if the school should be associated with the Government. Srila Prabhupada said, "No! Otherwise they will want to change everything. They will say- Study in this way- eat 3 eggs per day- Do not go to the Yamuna - it is polluted!"


Srila Prabhupada was very proud of his Vrindavan project. He called Vrindavan his home. He wanted the devotees to visit as much as possible. I remember when I was a pujari in Vrindavan and was sitting by the Deities while Srila Prabhupada gave class. He said all of the devotees should come to Vrindavan to get trained up for at least 2 years then go out and preach around the world. He said you make 7 times the advancement in Vrindavan as in the west. He said after preaching during our lives around the world, to come back to Vrindavan, to retire and go back home, back to Godhead.


[by Gauridasa Pandita Dasa using Yasodanandan's diary]


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"Leaving Vrindavan"


(July 1977)


Serving Srila Prabhupada personally in Bombay, Hrishikesh and Vrindavan were the best days of my life. Those days were numbered and unfortunately ran out at the end of July of 1977. I had entered India on a three month tourist visa. I had received a three month extension already when I applied for another. It was denied. I considered just staying past my expiration date so I could remain with His Divine Grace who I knew was leaving soon. I decided it would be better to go back to America and get another visa and return.


It was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make; leaving Srila Prabhupada's precious personal service. Srila Prabhupada always told us to follow the law; so I did. I had packed my belongings and had it loaded onto a horse drawn cart for my trip to the Mathura train station. I went to offer my obeisance's to Tamal Krishna Maharaja in his office before leaving. He told me I couldn't leave without telling Srila Prabhupada. I said Srila Prabhupada knows everything; I don't want to bother him. Tamal K.G. said to wait and he entered Srila Prabhupada's room. A moment later he stuck his head out of the door and told me to come in. Now I was really getting nervous. This would prove to be the last time I would see Srila Prabhupada before his divine departure for Goloka Vrindavan.


Upon entering Srila Prabhupada's room I offered my full dandavats. Tamal K.G. said, "Here's Gauridasa Pandita, Srila Prabhupada; he has to go back to America now because his visa is expiring and the government wouldn't give him an extension." Srila Prabhupada said, "Just see. I just train him up and the rascal government takes him away!" He was sitting behind his desk and looked at me with compassionate eyes, melting my heart. Then he said, "Thank you very much for all of your service, you've been very sincere. You are welcome to be my personal servant anytime. So you go worship Radha Damodara and be happy."


I was ecstatic at the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. Not only did he acknowledge me; but he said I could return to his personal service! I had renewed hope. I said, "Thank you, Srila Prabhupada" and offered my dandavats again and slowly backed out of his room. I paused at the door one last time and he gave me his final nod of his head. Then he continued to translate.


I boarded the horse cart sitting facing back and heading out of Vrindavan. The one hour trip seemed to last for forever as I lamenting having to leave Srila Prabhupada. I became overwhelmed with the thoughts and couldn't help crying most of the way to the Mathura Station.


Days later I arrived at Gita Nagari and became co-head pujari for Sri Sri Radha-Damodara with Sasthi Prabhu. We were a good team. When we got a letter from Upendra saying that we should fast to help Srila Prabhupada get better we took it up. We fasted for three days straight, then took prasadam one day, then fasted again for three days, like that, until Srila Prabhupada left his body.


When we got the news that Srila Prabhupada had decided to come to Gita-Nagari; to establish the Varna-ashrama system, we were all ecstatic. The devotees were morose before, knowing that Srila Prabhupada was sick and maybe going to leave his body. Now we had renewed hope! The devotees were happy again and very enthusiastically preparing for Srila Prabhupada's arrival. We painted his house and made all of the necessary arrangements. Seeing all of the renewed enthusiasm I wrote a letter to Srila Prabhupada who was in London at the time. We got a response from his secretary, Tamal K.G., which Paramananda Prabhu, the temple president, read to all of the devotees since it was about Srila Prabhupada. The letter started out, "I read your letter to Srila Prabhupada as I found it very poetic and an excellent description of Gita-Nagari. When I told Srila Prabhupada you had written the letter; he remembered you very fondly." I was ecstatic to hear this. I was glad to hear that Srila Prabhupada even remembered me. Out of the whole four months I was allowed to serve him I only talked to him shortly a few times. This was because right in the beginning of my service in Bombay, Srila Prabhupada said that the proper etiquette for the servant was to not talk to the spiritual master unless the spiritual master spoke first. He complained about some of the Indian life members who were a bit too talkative and familiar with him at times. So from then on I didn't say much, but listened as much as possible.


Later we got the unfortunate news that Srila Prabhupada had decided to return to Vrindavan and wouldn't be coming to Gita-Nagari. We were saddened again.


I wrote Tamal K.G. and got his permission to return to resume my service to Srila Prabhupada. I had to train up a new pujari before leaving Gita-Nagari though. He turned out to be Radha Damodara Dasa! It took two weeks to train him up properly. The day he took over completely I chanted my japa outside the curtains circumambulating Tulasi Devi and the Vyasasana. During that time we got a call from India, that Srila Prabhupada may be leaving his body soon. Then we got a call a little later confirming that he had indeed made his divine departure for Krsna Loka. I sensed something special was going on during my japa, as it was. Actually I didn't want to see that particular pastime. I thank Krsna for saving me from that. I know that Srila Prabhupada is as present as ever, for me now, and everyone who takes shelter of him.


He reasons ill


Who says that Vaisnavas die


When thou art living still in sound


The Vaisnava dies to live!


And living tries


To spread the Holy Name around.


Your servant,


Gauridasa Pandita Dasa

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March 1, 1999

Gaura Purnima


Dear devotees,


Please accept my humble obeisances.


These stories are largely unedited and flow in a stream of consciousness style from my early morning meditations on Srila Prabhupada. Please excuse the rough story style. Srila Prabhupada always encouraged us to "do something for Krsna immediately, not to wait until our situation or service was perfect." He also would point out that our life is very short, at any moment we may die, so we should immediately do service. Never mind, it may be imperfect or lacking in training or skills; his mood was not one of the perfectionist or the procrastinator, as mine tends to be. In an effort to overcome these tendencies in myself I am printing this material that I know is in need of editing, polishing and proofing but I hope it will spur me on to improvement and at least my work is begun.


I also feel the need to keep intact the way these events were remembered as I want these memoirs to be untampered by contemporary thought, politics or social conventions, even my own. I want them to be "as it was". Though this may be unsettling to some, I feel the need for overall honesty is more important. Please forgive me if anything disturbs anyone or anyone's modern day belief structures. This is not my intention. My only wish is to share my experiences of living with and traveling with my beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada for the benefit of devotees now and in the future. His glories are unlimited, yet my abilities are very limited. Please excuse my frailties as a writer and as a devotee as I sincerely attempt to portray my gurudeva, Srila Prabhupada, my relationship with him as his servant and secretary and the wonderful adventures of an era when things were incredibly simple. That special time of 1967, '68 and early '69 could be liked to a plump rose bed, swollen with splendor but not yet in full bloom. After 1969 and 1970, Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON movement began to "take off" in many directions. The year I spent more with Srila Prabhupada from late 1967, all of 1968, and the early part of 1969 was the year on the launching pad; the wonderful things were in the making and the not so wonderful things, such as politics, ambition and greed had yet to surface. It was a special time and I want to share it with everyone.


For several years I have searched for a suitable format. Only recently was I inspired with ideas as to how to present this material. I wanted to somehow incorporate the hundreds of photos by Srila Prabhupada, mostly never before seen, and many of them homey type shots, and yet the cost of publishing such a work is not within my scope. So my plan is to present the memoirs as a series of short stories accompanied by photos. Doing this on a Web-site will enable me to share these treasures more immediately with everyone without the limitation of printing cost and perhaps in future the possibility of printing a book from them but the possibility of printing will also emerge.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I am open to suggestions from everyone. I especially hope to hear from my godbrothers and godsisters who shared this special era as I feel we have a bond of understanding and love that becomes more special as we grow old and face the realities as taught us by Srila Prabhupada: the realities of old age, disease, and death. Indeed, I believe we each have some special memories of Srila Prabhupada to share with the world and with all posterity and it is our duty to do so before our time is up, I encourage everyone to write such memories and if you so desire to put them on this Web-site, please do so. Our aim here is to remember Srila Prabhupada in at least 1008 ways.


I beg to remain your servant at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada.


Yours in seva,


Govinda dasi



PS: Since my computer skills are very lacking I wish to thank my dear devotee friends for their help in making this presentation possible. Especially I want to thank Sadhusangananda for his help, Kusa devi, Vasanta, Mukunda Datta, Kosa Rupa and Harikantha and all the others who have helped me. All glories to the wonderful devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. May they kindly grant me their blessings birth after birth.

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Prabhupada Uvaca



Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 1

October 1972, Vrindavan, India

Camp: Radha Damodara Temple

(Excerpt from a letter)


It is about 5:30 in the morning and Srila Prabhupada just called me into his sitting room wanting to know why Shyamasundara and Pradyumna are still sleeping. "I don't know," I replied. He tells me to bring them to his room. When we returned Srila Prabhupada tells us all that we must conquer over sleep.


"Rising early and taking a cold shower are not austerities, but just common sense and good hygiene" says Srila Prabhupada. Then revealing a wonderful truth His Divine Grace says, "By chanting 16 rounds, following the regulative principles, rising early, reducing one's eating and sleeping, one gets spiritual energy. If one follows these guidelines for 12 years, all he speaks will be perfect!"


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 2

September 8, 1972

Camp: ISKCON Pittsburgh


This is my first full day as Srila Prabhupada's personal servant. The sum total of training to be Srila Prabhupada's servant consisted of getting to watch Sudama Maharaja give one massage, as well as being told, "When Srila Prabhupada rings the bell go immediately to his room and see how you can serve him."


It is now about 2:00 p.m. The bell rings. I nervously trot into his room and pay obeisances. Sitting up I inquire, "What can I do, Srila Prabhupada". He smiled and said, "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see how quick you are."


After successfully completing my first mission, I relaxed and went back to my room. Srila Prabhupada was expertly putting me at ease with his sense of humor, gentleness and kindness.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 3

October 1972, Vrindavan, India,

Camp: Radha Damodara Temple


Brahmacari: "Srila Prabhupada, it says in one of the Krsna book stories that Krsna and Balarama jumped off a mountain 88 miles high. Where is this mountain located?"


Srila Prabhupada: paused, then replied, "In the sky".

Another Uvaca:

October 1972, Vrindavan, India

Camp: Radha Damodara Temple


Brahmacari: Srila Prabhupada, I always want to sit by your holy lotus feet!


Srila Prabhupada: That will be very difficult because I am always moving.


Srila Prabhupada has a great sense of humor.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 4

Camp: ISKCON, New Dwarka

Srila Prabhupada's Garden


Srila Prabhupada was in the garden with the parents of a young devotee. Being responsible for landscaping the garden for Prabhupada they had the good fortune to please His Divine Grace.


Kirtanananda Maharaja and I were also present. "A devotee is very proud that we are Krsna's servant," Srila Prabhupada said, "A devotee has that pride. We are not ashamed that we are Krsna's servant." Srila Prabhupada then spoke directly to the parents saying, "Your son is a very nice boy and a good devotee." They were very pleased by His Divine Grace's sweet words. Now at ease -- but with concern -- they mentioned to Srila Prabhupada, "The devotees don't seem very ambitious."


"That's right," Srila Prabhupada said. "A devotee has no ambition. He simply wants to do some humble service for Krishna. He is not trying to do anything big. A devotee is not ambitious. We have no ambition."


Seeing the parent's discomfort, Kirtanananda Maharaja interjected, "What Prabhupada means to say is that the devotees have no material ambition." Srila Prabhupada emphatically replied, "No! We have no ambition. The devotee is not at all ambitious. We just want to serve Krishna."


Srila Prabhupada always knew the exact point he was making, even if others didn't. Sometimes disciples would interrupt Srila Prabhupada to interpret his statements, thinking that owing to the difference of cultures Srila Prabhupada didn't understand the person.


Understanding the exalted position of our beloved Srila Prabhupada, one can appreciate that His Divine Grace knew who he was dealing with, what they meant and exactly what he wanted them to understand. Srila Prabhupada doesn't compromise the philosophy to please anyone. He speaks the absolute truth!


Jai Srila Prabhupada!

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 5

October 7,1972, Camp: San Francisco, ISKCON

(excerpt from letter)


In light of our 1,000,000 book marathon we'd like to share this nectar lila for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and all his disciples and grand disciples.


Recently Srila Prabhupada said that our real preaching is to distribute books. He said, "What can you say to a person in three minutes?" he asked. "But if he reads one page of a book it may turn him around. However you have to do it, that is okay; but if you get the person angry and he doesn't take a book, then that is your foolishness."


Srila Prabhupada's statements mark the difference between our words and Srila Prabhupada's words. Purity is the force. Srila Prabhupada is the pure devotee, we are his humble servants. It is our good fortune to distribute his words in book form.


Srila Prabhupada said, "My Guru Maharaja daily printed a small paper. The paper cost a few cents and whenever a brahmacari would come back from the streets and said he had sold one, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati would become very happy and say 'Oh, that is very nice what you have done. You are a very good boy.'"


P.S. Dear Godbrothers and Godsisters, I've gotten many requests & inquiries regarding if and when a book of Prabhupadamrita will manifest, the answer is yes a book will be forthcoming. When depends on how much help I get. Due to the mercy of His Divine Grace and His enthusiastic devotees, I have become serious about sharing Prabhupadamrita during His centennial year.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 6

Camp: ISKCON, New Dwarka, LA. Ca.


Today my wife, Kusa devi, my son, Mayapuracandra, and I took a small sparrow that was in the backyard bird feeder and placed it in a spare cage with food and water. It looks sickly and might be dying but we couldn't let it happen without trying to give it some special attention. We put it next to a continuous play Hare Krsna CD in case he was leaving his body. We will see if he gets better by living or dying.


Sometimes, we devotees may not respond in this way. I always heard that it is better not to get entangled in the affairs of other living entities. After all we are not our bodies. We are spirit soul, constitutionally part and parcel of Krsna and His servant. If we serve the bird perhaps we may have to take birth again to get the pious benefit of serving birds. The following story may explain why we did it.

July 16, 1972


It is spring of 1973 at New Dwarka, Srila Prabhupada rang his bell. I immediately went to his room and paid obeisances. When I sat up, his eyes widened. Looking at me with great concern he pointed to the floor near my legs and said, "Do you see that bug?" Looking around for a few moments I finally spotted the small insect. I nodded in agreement having no idea what was to come next.


In a very serious voice His Divine Grace said, "I have been watching that bug for some time now and he has not moved. I think he is hungry. Get a prasadam flower and take him outside. Put him on a plant so he can get some nourishment." I immediately did what my most merciful Guru Maharaja asked and returned to the servant's quarters.


Neither of us spoke of the bug again. It was just another wonderful occasion in which he showed me just how indiscriminately merciful a pure devotee is. His Divine Grace didn't feel it was a waste of time to transcendentally mitigate the suffering of even the smallest of living entities. Now, just seeing the smallest of insects, I am forced to think of my beloved Srila Prabhupada. However insignificant we maybe, if we are fortunate to get the glance of the nitya-siddha, our life will be immensely benefited.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 7

April 26, 1973, Los Angeles, California

Camp: ISKCON, New Dwarka (excerpt from letter)


Since we've come back to Los Angeles, Srila Prabhupada has come into my room a few times and shown me how to cook some new preparations. The way he comes in, sits down on the floor and directs the activities is really endearing.


The other day Jayatirtha gave Srila Prabhupada a desk clock that tells the time of any city in the world with a turn of the dial. Prabhupada was quite pleased with it and said the man who invented it deserved the $300 it cost for taxing his brain so much.


At this moment there is a famous designer upstairs. He is the man who designs clothes for millionaires all over the world, and he wants to outfit Prabhupada with a whole wardrobe of clothing. I can't imagine what he can do to make a kurta and dhoti different and still have Srila Prabhupada wear them.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 8

September 12, 1972, Dallas, Texas


These last few days have been the most wonderful days I have had in Krsna Consciousness, despite the fact that I don't know what I am doing. I have given Srila Prabhupada three massages, his only comment after them was "Thank you very much". Yesterday he came into the kitchen and showed me how to prepare his lunch in the cooker. He made dahl and vegetables using the same chaunce and showed me how to roll chapatis without a pin. He said they are better that way -- if you can do it. Today he again cooked his lunch for my benefit. He made three vegetables, dahl, and rice in the cooker, and I made the chapatis. For his other meals he said he desired a little fruit with milk in the morning and fruit in the late afternoon -- nothing more. He stressed the fact that he only wants small portions on his plate.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 9

Excerpt from letter dated October 7, 1972


This morning, while walking in Merit Park, downtown Oakland, we passed a small zoo with a large sign in front of it. It read: Children's Fairyland. Prabhupada read aloud "Children's Fairyland." Then pointing to the skyscrapers he added, "Adult's fairyland".

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 10

Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa-Puja 1973

Camp: Bhaktivedanta Manor, England


I have been a brahmacari for two and a half years now, and I feel restless. My senses are pulling me. Srila Prabhupada explained innumerable times that one must reduce sleeping and eating to make spiritual advancement, so I decided to utilize the two upcoming fast days to reduce my eating. When breaking fast at midnight on Janmastami, I ate very little. The next afternoon after Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa-Puja celebration I again eat sparingly. I don't feel very hungry. I suppose my stomach has shrunk.


The next day, after I again ate a small lunch, Srila Prabhupada called me to his room. After skimping on only a few meals Srila Prabhupada stated his observation, "Your face is looking thin. You are not feeling well?No, Srila Prabhupada, I feel fine. I was trying to cut down on my eating.What is this!?" Srila Prabhupada exclaimed, "You have service to perform. You shouldn't cut down on your eating. This is nonsense. You have to give massage and do so many things. Don't cut down. You should eat whatever you can digest. That is what you should eat."


Amazingly, in our first 16 months together, this is Srila Prabhupada's second conversation with me regarding my prasadam intake. Finally, I've decided not to worry about how much prasadam I eat at my meals.


Just see how merciful Srila Prabhupada is! His Divine Grace has keen powers of observation and is always looking out for our welfare. Sometimes, we are busy concocting how to make advancement, but Srila Prabhupada guides us and cares for us at every level.


Jai Srila Prabhupada!

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 11

Summer 1973- Bhaktivedanta Manor, England


Allen Ginsberg just returned from India. When he came to have darsana with Srila Prabhupada he brought a harmonium with him. "You are chanting Hare Krishna?" Srila Prabhupada asked. "Yes, I still chant Hare Krishna and I am chanting some other things. Is it all right if I play the harmonium for you and chant?" said Allen. Srila Prabhupada said, "Yes, you can do."


Allen Ginsberg began playing the harmonium, chanting, "Ooooommm." Each time he chanted "Om" his voice would get deeper and deeper. All the while, Srila Prabhupada reclined comfortably behind his desk. When Allen Ginsberg finished Srila Prabhupada said, "You can chant what ever you want to chant, just keep chanting Hare Krishna. As long as you are chanting Hare Krishna everything else is all right. You can chant whatever you want, but don't stop chanting Hare Krishna."


By this time, there were many devotees in the room. Srila Prabhupada said, "So have kirtan." Allen Ginsberg began to lead, playing the harmonium and chanting the maha- mantra. After a couple of minutes Srila Prabhupada looked at Hamsadutta and said, "Your turn to lead." Then, turning to Allen Ginsberg he said, "He'll lead, he'll chant." By Srila Prabhupada's mercy all of us were engaged in ecstatic kirtan.


Srila Prabhupada knows how to encourage everyone irrespective of orientation and background. His Divine Grace inspires us on the path back home, back to Godhead.


Jai Srila Prabhupada!

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 12

June 1973, Camp:Mayapura Candrodaya Mandir


This month, Srila Prabhupada's godbrother Damodara Maharaja came to visit often His Divine Grace. Srila Prabhupada was not very anxious to see him. Once he said to me, "If Damodara Maharaja comes, I do not want to see him. He simply comes and talks, 'this math, they are doing this and that math, they are doing that and my disciples they are doing like this.'" Srila Prabhupada said, "I am not interested in these things. I would relish it if he came and talked about Krishna or talked some philosophy, but he talks all these nonsense things. I am not very interested to hear it."


I told Srila Prabhupada that I would try to prevent Damodara Maharaja from coming in. The next time he came, I told him that His Divine Grace was resting and could not be disturbed. Damodara Maharaja was not satisfied with my reason. "Prabhupada said I could come whenever I want. Why don't you let me see him?" he asked. Again I explained, "I cannot disturb him while he takes his afternoon nap." Damodara Maharaja angrily paced about, determined to have his way. I was sweating.


Miraculously, Srila Prabhupada came out of his room out onto the verandah started for the bathroom at the end of the building. Immediately Damodara Maharaja called out, "Prabhupada! Swamiji!" Srila Prabhupada replied, "Oh! Come on, come on. I will be right with you." When Srila Prabhupada returned to his sitting room, Damodara Maharaja said, "Your disciples are giving me such a difficult time. They won't let me come in to see you."


Srila Prabhupada turned to me, "Why are you giving him such a hard time. I told you whenever he comes, you should let him in. He is my God-brother. He should be allowed to come in right away." I submitted, "All right, Srila Prabhupada."


I was thrilled to have been able to serve Srila Prabhupada in this intimate way. I felt blessed to be privy to Srila Prabhupada's inner views. His Divine Grace was able to endear His God-brother to him and I was given the opportunity to assist. Srila Prabhupada showed us how to treat a God-brother no matter how we feel. He was a transcendental diplomat and I relished being Srila Prabhupada's confidant.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 13

September 1972


This evening in the garden Srila Prabhupada sat with his back very straight and with his eyes opened wide chanted, "Govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami. This is our pride. We are servants to the most regal person -- Krishna. Everyone is servant but our pride is that we are servant to Krishna. Govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami."

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 14

A Morning Massage with Srila Prabhupada!


As a very young boy walking in the marketplace with his Mataji, Srila Prabhupada saw some toy guns. "I saw the guns and immediately I had to have them", he said. His mother did not want to get him one, so he started crying. Finally his mother said, "All right, all right, I will buy you a gun". Srila Prabhupada looked at the gun in one hand and then looked at his other, empty hand. "I don't have a gun for it. I must have one for each hand", he said. "No", his mother said. But even at such a young age, Prabhupada's determination was unshakable and he was able to get what he wanted. "At that point" he said, "I lay down in the street and started to kick my hands and feet and bang my head on the ground". He called it a tantrum. Pointing to a mark on his forehead, he said, "this scar is from that time. I was very sure that I had to have two guns. So, then she got me the other gun."


He said, "When I wanted something I had to have it and my mother would get it. Otherwise, I would tell my father and he would get very upset with my mother and then she would have to do it. I don't know," He said, "maybe my father knew."


Srila Prabhupada makes a very brief statement here about his father "knowing" what the position is of his beloved son. Prabhupada does not get any more specific, giving us the opportunity to come to our own conclusions. Here, again, we are able to see the great humility that the pure devotee of the Supreme Lord has.


Jai Srila Prabhupada!

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 15


Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, it's very difficult to control my mind when I chant. It wanders.


Srila Prabhupada: So what is the controlling of mind? You have to chant and hear. that's all. You have to chant with your tongue, and the sound you hear, that's all. What is the question of mind?

November 31, 1972

Camp: ISKCON Bombay (excerpt from letter)


I received your letter and was happy to hear some of the current news of the western world. None of the items were known by Srila Prabhupada. One item was especially interesting. It involved the separation of men and women in the New York temple. Srila Prabhupada received a letter involving this matter at the same time that yours arrived. When he heard that the women were only allowed in the temple at certain times because of agitating the brahmacaris he said that the brahmacaris could go to the mountains as it wasn't possible to have such rules in our temples.


In Srila Prabhupada's letter to Ekayani Srila Prabhupada said, "I don't know why these inventions are going on. We have already got our Vaisnava standard. It is sufficient for all the big, big saints and acaryas in our line -- why it shall be inadequate for my disciples so they must manufacture something? That is not possible. Who has introduced these things -- that women cannot chant japa in the temple, they cannot perform arati and so many things? If they become agitated, then let the brahmacaris go to the forest, I have never introduced these things. If the brahmacaris cannot remain in the presence of women in the temple, then they may go to the forest, not remaining in New York City, because in New York there are so many women so how they can avoid seeing? Best thing is to go to the forest for not seeing any women, if they become so easily agitated, but then no one will either see them and how our preaching work will go on?"

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 16

September 12, 1972, Camp: ISKCON, Dallas

(Excerpt from a letter)


The other day Srila Prabhupada rang his bell to call me. I went into his sitting room and paid obeisances. When I sat up he smiled and said, "Srutakirti, your name is too long. I will call you Sruto." The next few days His Divine Grace playfully called me "Sruto". My affection for him increased immensely. Srila Prabhupada's personalizing my name was so relishable.


Last night Srila Prabhupada stayed up until 11:30 at night enlivening a few of us philosophically. I felt tired but was unable to pull myself away from such nectarine talks.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 17

Excerpt from letter dated October 7, 1972


One day in his room in Los Angeles a psychiatrist was criticizing the devotees because they force the public to accept their services. Srila Prabhupada quickly pointed out that this made us better than him. He said that we give our services to all for free by going to them while he makes the people come to see him and then charges them. The psychiatrist suddenly fell silent.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 18

Letter to a Devotee about

Srila Prabhupada and Sleeping


Srila Prabhupada did speak about sleeping on different occasions. When I first became his servant, he called me into his room after taking a short nap after lunch. This was at the Dallas temple when Srila Prabhupada went to see the gurukula facility. He asked me if I took rest after eating lunch. I said no. This was not something that was done at this time. He then said, "I am an old man. I can not sleep very long at one time so I take a nap after lunch."


I had only been with him for a few days at this time. But his humility had already captured my heart. On another occasion, when he was getting ready to take rest in the evening, he said to me, "Whenever I go to take rest 'I think now I am going to waste my time.'"


Srila Prabhupada was so amazing. After being with him for two years one thing I know for certain is that he never, ever wasted his time. At 20 years old I would have a difficult time keeping up with him as he traveled around the world to enliven his disciples. He was 75 at the time. Sometimes on the morning walk some of his disciples would shake their heads, looking at each other, and wonder when he was going to turn around and head back because they were getting tired of walking.


Once Srila Prabhupada was on a short flight out of JFK. Since it was a wide-bodied plane -- that particular jet must have had about 10 seats going across -- many of the devotees got tickets that placed them in the same row as Srila Prabhupada. Who wouldn't want the chance to sit near their guru? I was next to Srila Prabhupada -- my most fortunate duty as his servant. As the flight progressed, unfortunately, some of his disciples began to do the devotee dive-bomb (nodding out). It was quite a sight -- shaven heads bobbing up and down across the isle, like the little dolls with heads on a spring people put in the back window of cars. Prabhupada was not amused by the tamasic display and let me know about it. "Just see" he said "everyone is wide awake except for the devotees. They are in maya, sleeping. Everyone else is awake. Why they can not stay awake". Usually whenever Srila Prabhupada addressed me in this way I would become quite silent. Afraid of saying the wrong thing, something that might further disturb him, I would just sit there and wait for him to stop, without saying a word. This was one such instance. During my stay with Srila Prabhupada, I learned there was no such thing as a good reason. There wasn't a point you could bring up that Prabhupada couldn't defeat, and I was not advanced enough to have him start chastising me on a regular basis. Therefore, I didn't even try the argument that the devotees only slept a few hours compared to the ******. Prabhupada spent a few more minutes pointing out how even the ****** were up but his devotees could not stay awake. One thing was certain: I did not nod on that flight.


There is another story about sleeping I'm sure you would like but it is a little long and I thought I would put something on the file quickly. I will also tell you more about his schedule if you are not familiar with it.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 19

October 7, 1972, Camp: ISKCON, S.F.


In New Dwarka, every evening around sunset, Srila Prabhupada would go into the garden for two to three hours. Here we were, in the middle of smoggy Los Angeles, but when we entered the garden we were in another world. The light filtered gently through the trees casting a surreal glow on the foliage. Sometimes, we would be alone. At other times one or two devotees would join us. When we were alone, Srila Prabhupada spent much of His time chanting japa while sitting on His small raised asana. The garden is cozy, and lushly decorated with an arch, laced with flowering creepers, and a trickling fountain.


Very often His Divine Grace commented how much he liked the garden. He said that after traveling around the world several times he concluded that this place is his favorite spot. I think it is due to over 30 beautiful Tulasi plants luxuriously growing in his garden. Srila Prabhupada said, "Wherever there is Tulasi, it is Vrindavan."

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 20

Krishna Balarama Mandir: Vrindaban, India


Today I am alone in Srila Prabhupada's quarters giving him massage. I feel very awkward. He is sitting on the mat cross-legged and I am sitting in front of him massaging his head with sandalwood oil. I am embarrassed because it is very apparent that he has been staring at my feet for awhile. I don't think I have ever felt this self conscious in the presence of my spiritual master.


To my amazement His Divine Grace said, "So, your mother is very beautiful?" Now, in a state of shock I answer, "Well, she is almost 50 now, but yes, she was a very good looking woman". He said, "Yes, I can tell. I was noticing your feet. Your feet are very nice. They say that means that your mother is beautiful. I was checking. I wanted to see if it was actual."


Srila Prabhupada is very personal with his disciples. He cares for us, looks out for us and is interested in us. Jai Srila Prabhupada!

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 21

July 1974, Camp: New Vrindaban


I just rejoined Srila Prabhupada after six months away from his personal service. Today devotees have been talking about the proper way to make rasgulla. Srila Prabhupada said, "I will show you how to make rasgulla. You get everything ready today." All the devotees were excited. Most would get their only opportunity to see Srila Prabhupada at work in the kitchen. Srila Prabhupada explained how to prepare the curd and to make the sugar water ready. When everything was in order Srila Prabhupada entered the kitchen and began to cook the rasgulla. All eyes were on Srila Prabhupada as he artfully coaxed the balls to rotate in the syrup. All except for one sannyasi who was looking at the rasgulla. Srila Prabhupada chastised him saying, "You have already half eaten these."


After a little while Srila Prabhupada turned to Kirtanananda Maharaja and said, "Now you can take over." The moment Srila Prabhupada took His hand off the spoon the rasgullas collapsed, shrinking to half their size. Kirtanananda Maharaja tried to save the offering but it was useless. They were ruined. A few of us tasted them just to make sure, unfortunately, they tasted terrible.


By the causeless mercy of the Spiritual Master all things are possible.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 22

September 1975, Calcutta


Srila Prabhupada is being driven in a car. Paramahamsa Swami and I are with him. As we go past a playground Srila Prabhupada smiles and says, "I played football there when I was young. I would be the goalie because I was lazy. I didn't like to run around. That was the position I liked."

Time and place unknown


Today while massaging Srila Prabhupada he points to a scar on his leg and says, "See this scar? That happened when I was young. I was out in front of the house and I had matches. Somehow I started some fire and my clothing immediately went up in flames. It was very bad. I do not know what would have happened but out of nowhere some man appeared and put out the flames and then he left."


Srila Prabhupada did not get more specific about the gentleman who came out of nowhere. He definitely made it sound as though the person came directly from the spiritual world. I know I couldn't ask him to be more specific. After having been with Srila Prabhupada for so long I knew that he had already told me as much as he wanted. In the course of two years that I was with him, Srila Prabhupada never made any statement in my presence that he had come down from the spiritual world. He is so compassionate and merciful that he encourages us by saying we can become Krsna Conscious in this very lifetime.


He is the acarya, teaching by example. He never asked us to do anything that he wasn't doing. He ate, slept, chanted rounds, rose early, read Srimad Bhagavatam. He never acted superior to his disciples. Sometimes he would say, "It is my duty to chastise because you are my disciple." We are his children and his responsibility is to teach us.


We know that Srila Prabhupada has been sent to us from the spiritual world by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, but one reason I am so attached to him is because he allowed us to be comfortable with him by acting as if he were "practicing" Krsna Consciousness rather than the embodiment of it.


Personally, I have always felt that the person who put out the fire was Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 23

October 7, 1972, Camp: ISKCON, San Francisco

(excerpt of letter)


One evening while in his New Dwarka garden, Srila Prabhupada looked into the sky and said, "So, is the sky the color of Krsna?" A disciple said, "In Krsna Book it says that Krsna is dark bluish like the thunder cloud." Srila Prabhupada said, "The sky is the color of Krsna. It is the light from Krsna's bodily effulgence that makes the sky blue."


Sometimes after leaving the garden, he would go back to his room and listen to the recording of that morning's Srimad Bhagavatam class. Then he would have me pick night blooming star jasmine growing on the bushes just outside his garden. The flower's scent is especially fragrant at night. One evening while holding a sprig of blossoms up to his nose for several minutes, he said, "Ahh, this is Krsna!"


Often times I would bring them to his bedroom just before his evening massage. Throughout his massage he would smell them off and on. He would then keep them on His pillow (close to His nose) all night. The following morning, I would find the flowers gently laying on the pillow exactly where they had been the night before. The flowers looked as fresh and fragrant as ever, looking as if they had just been picked. His Divine Grace is always showing us how Krishna is in every part of this material creation.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 24

October 25, 1972, Vrindavan, India

Camp: Radha Damodara Temple

(excerpt from letter)


While taking morning walk along the Yamuna Srila Prabhupada asked one of us to get some water. Shyamasundara prabhu brought a handful to him. Srila Prabhupada sprinkled some on his head and told us to do the same. He then said, "This is as good as bathing in the Yamuna".


While we were all at the palace at Keshi-ghata Srila Prabhupada warned the devotees not to dive into the Yamuna as there are too many large turtles in the water and injury is possible. Srila Prabhupada is always looking out for our welfare, in every way.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 25


A Post In Response to Lilamrta Bashing and Fighting between Factions

Fears of Revealing My Heart


I just finished posting some drops of Prabhupada nectar, however I am realizing my lack of qualification and the insufficiency of my endeavor. Who can properly glorify the Lord or His pure devotee? Reading specific critiques given by respected devotees, I have become frightened. I was already worrying that in the course of daily writing someone may find the expression of my memories offensive or blasphemous. Obviously, I am full of fault. My intention is to glorify His Divine Grace and share with all my Godbrothers and Godsisters some Prabhupada nectar. My hope is to share Srila Prabhupada's glorious enthusiasm in serving the Lord, so we can all be inspired to continue the process of devotional service desiring to personally serve our beloved Srila Prabhupada and push on his mission.


I feel it is my duty to tell my memories of His Divine Grace. I was never very philosophical but I always loved the way Srila Prabhupada conducted every minute of His life. He was literally my father. My own father died when I was three and until I was 19 and met Srila Prabhupada I never had any major male influence in my life. I think that's one reason my stories of Srila Prabhupada tend to be on the softer side of His personality. There are so many facets of Srila Prabhupada's character, but I only remember his sweetness, compassion and mercy, and his childlike innocence and kindness. In giving class over the years it has been apparent that the devotees are anxious to hear about these qualities.


Some of the favorite stories are the ones when I describe how He chastised me calling me such colorful names as "melechha", "dead man", "rascal" etc. They are ecstatic stories because when I tell them, I hope people can see and feel the love Srila Prabhupada has for me. I know that he loved me and therefore he could call me these names to try to get through my thick skull. If I were to write the same stories I am sure that someone would be offended and think that I was seeing Srila Prabhupada as an ordinary person.


In 1978 I sat down with Satsvarupa Maharaja and he recorded my memories over a five day period. I am looking at the manuscripts now and I can see so many things that would be offensive to some devotees. However, these activities did occur. Please forgive my imperfect recollection. I realize my ability to share is full of fault, but if I wait till I become pure, I fear you may never hear them. Srila Prabhupada said so many things. He managed a worldwide transcendental society with a band of western rogues. He was and is the "Krishna Consciousness" within ISKCON.


In my manuscripts many times I said that Srila Prabhupada was in anxiety or that he chanted loudly when he was upset. He instructed others to do the same. He once told me that "when you are sleepy and you have rounds to finish you can walk around the room and chant, like I do." I know that Srila Prabhupada was never sleepy, not in the way that I am sleepy. I am asleep, even when I am awake. Actually, the only time I am awake is when I am remembering him. In his sleep, he was with Krsna just as when he was awake.


I saw Srila Prabhupada in distress, in anxiety, upset, angry, enraged. It was usually due to our immaturity, or our adulterating the philosophy etc., but no matter what his mood was it was always filled with Krsna Consciousness.


I pray to all of you that I may continue to write about the transcendental pastimes of His Divine Grace. I know that I am fallen and it is very likely that I will not present him properly. I depend on my wife, Kusa devi, to edit my writings as she is much more advanced than I and can delete most of my offenses before I post. I was Srila Prabhupada's servant for 2 years and I know that I committed more offenses than you can imagine but his mercy is so great that he allows me to continue to do some service.




I've said, "All glories to Srila Prabhupada," thousands and thousands of times, unconsciously repeating these beautiful words without full awareness, attention, or comprehension. I repeat them like a robot. I need to rejoice in the full meaning of this mantra.




Reading over the posts in this folder this phrase "All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!" has personally taken on more meaning then ever before. I am not interested in presenting my personal views on initiation into our ISKCON branch of Brahma Madhava Gaudiya Sampradaya in this forum.


Srila Prabhupada would often say the absolute truth is unchangeable. He has given us the priceless gift of "Absolute Truth". My understanding will not be changed by philosophical points presented by different parties in or outside of ISKCON.


It is apparent that this is true for many heartfelt devotees, who have authored volumes of papers, letters, pamphlets, etc. They have been fortunate to be exposed to the process of devotional service by our glorious spiritual master Srila Prabhupada.




These beautiful words mean so much to me right now. It is 3:00 a.m. I just woke up from a dream of my beloved Spiritual Master as he engaged some of his disciples. I am so happy to be able to have such activities take place in my life & I must share his blessing with others.


If not for Srila Prabhupada what would be the cause of our disagreements in life? Some of us might be arguing about who will win the world series or the super bowl. Others might be more inclined to argue over stock prices etc. More pious individuals may be having debates about how to present the teachings of Lord Jesus more purely.


We are so very fortunate. We are able to argue and discuss about the best way to engage one's body, mind and intellect in the process of devotional service to Lord Krishna. Srila Prabhupada has taken this bickering lot and made us very fortunate.




There are some devotees that want to take initiation from Srila Prabhupada directly, chant 16 rounds and follow the regulative principles. There are others who want to take initiation from one of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, chant 16 rounds and follow the regulative principles. And so on.


I can see Srila Prabhupada smiling now. It is a beautiful smile, I have seen so many times before and pray to see his smile again and again. He has certainly had the last laugh. He has taken an unholy gang of westerners, expert at fighting and has us fighting over him. What could be better?


Working cooperatively for him? That would be nice. Obviously, the only way to do that is serve him and if need be spar a little also




It appears that is what is happening here, however we are all engaged in the process of glorifying Srila Prabhupada.


I must admit, I derive some pleasure from a good fight. That is to say I like to watch the action from a safe distance. My ego seldom lets me fight directly, unless I know I can beat my opponent. It would be too much of a blow to my false ego if I were to lose, but as a sports enthusiast, I like to watch a good brawl. That is natural. But this topic is way too voluminous for my small mind. It is necessary to present a thesis in order to present a tiny case. I am not at all qualified for such an endeavor. In school, I had no attraction for the debate club. The only thing debatable was whose car was faster, or whose girl was prettier and of course who might win the world series.


I do not wish to criticize any Vaisnava here, nor do I desire to minimize the subject matter being discussed by an assembly of devotees. I stand humbled before all who have taken shelter at the lotus feet of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada. I hope that I can get the mercy of the assembled devotees so that I may be so passionate in my love for him.


It's 3 o'clock in the morning and Srila Prabhupada woke me from a wonderful dream. It's his causeless mercy, and he is ecstatically on my mind. During the two years I spent in Srila Prabhupada's personal service, it was most apparent that he wanted us to work cooperatively. Disagreements have always been there and will always be there. Despite our problems it is possible to work cooperatively.


Srila Prabhupada would sometimes tell the story of the sons who were massaging the father. They had some disagreements. The one son would poke the father in the back where the other son was massaging and the other son of course would do the same where his brother was massaging the father. In this way they were only successful in hurting the father. Obviously, this was not good for anyone.


In the course of our arguments and debates it is important to remember that we are all massaging our father, Srila Prabhupada. If we keep that in focus, the differences may be there but by respecting one another as loving children of Srila Prabhupada, we can still provide our father with an excellent massage. ISKCON is Srila Prabhupada's body. Srila Prabhupada said that his morning walk and massage kept him in good health. Let's contribute to the health of our beloved Guru Maharaja by giving him a good massage while honoring our Godbrothers and Sisters. Let our motives and actions be focused on:




Most every morning Srila Prabhupada would rise at two or three in the morning and do translating work so that his disciples could have his transcendental ecstasies in print for all time to read. Some mornings I was fortunate enough to wake to the sound of his voice in the next room. He may be doing word for word translation, or carefully and slowly speaking the purport into the Dictaphone. Even though I was entrenched in the mode of ignorance, I still felt so fortunate to be able to hear transcendental history being recorded. Now, after 25 years I have finally risen early in the morning to write the only transcendental ecstasy that I have realized by the mercy of the assembled devotees and my Spiritual Master and that is:




Begging to remain Srila Prabhupada's servant,


Srutakirti dasa


To Uvaca 26...

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Once an older godbrother, Rasamrta prabhu, told me what he saw and heard directly from Srila Prabhupada many years ago. In Brooklyn, Srila Prabhupada was speaking before the devotees when he looked at a picture of Krsna with the cows and cowherd boys, across the room from him.


Gazing at it, he told the devotees that when a pure devotee sees such pictures, he sees much more than others can see. Prabhupada also said that in addition to Krsna, the cowherd boys, land, and cows, a pure devotee can see that one cow has a tear coming from her eye. He asked the devotees why, but no one could answer. He then explained that this one cow was completely overwhelmed with love, because the little calf that Krsna was holding was her very own calf.



Srila Prabhupada then added that out of profound humility and respect, every single blade of grass in the picture was inclining towards Krsna’s lotus feet. All of the devotees were fairly stunned to hear this revelation, especially because it seemed that Srila Prabhupada had a direct perception of the spiritual world he was describing.


Mukunda Datta dasa

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"The singer in our high school rock band (Mahashraya Das) that first took me to an ISKCON temple told me of how he saw baskets of flower petals being tossed over Prabhupada and how not a single one of them touched him. He also spoke of how others had seen this same phenomenon happen in the rain and how he had not gotten wet while his disciples were literally soaked."


Minaketan Ramdas


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