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mahak-fla controversy

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I have always contended that a culling is taking place. I know of the SSN San Francisco, operating in the south Indian Ocean in December, 2004, is now crippled with a huge dent in its HY80 3" plate steel. This LA Class sub is fully equipped with ELF technology. Tsunami, anyone?


This Bush supportof the lady is opportunistic and as phony as the rest of this dude, as stony has proven by his recognition of Bush's support of killing and culling, his fanatic embracing of the false doctrine of Rapture, introduced into Christian Culture in the late 1800s.


Jeb can insert the tube, he has the right. GW can insert the tube, he has the right. But they want the courts decisions to stand, for future precedent.


The culling project has three diseases on the horizon that eat brain tissue,makee cerebral cortices disappear. West Nile, Mad Cow, and Avain Flu will infect perhaps millions, here and abroad, with debilitating conditions where personal awareness can be denied, thus the precedent to off us all is fully in place.


Actually, I agree with Theist to a great extent. But he has this Foxed up idea of Governmental sainthood, this nationalistic pride of "my country, right or wrong".


I believe that the lady is dead, and has been for many years. I dont believethat it is euthanasia to withdraw life support, because euthanasia is an action, not a refrain from action. If euthanasia was the case, then physician assisted death would be taking place,such as a lethal morphine drip, etc.


I also believe that the fascists are always opportunistic in grabbing public opinion with disinformation. Bush has no regard for life, he is a butcher. He has legislated pulling life support from those who have no insurance, he has enacted capital punishment against those with IQs of less than 70, and allows full slaughter of Africa without a comment of brutality. Now he arms Pakistan who shelters ben ladin because he has great fear of India.


So, my main sorrow is with those who get their info from Foxandthe neocon propagandists who gladly invite armageddon, thinking that they invite the second coming by cr4eating a killing field and cull the population.


After all, Pol Pot and the Khymer rouge were supported by CIA because they were anti-Ho Chi Minh. And the bodies were stacked. And we kept Baby Doc Duvallier and Idi Amin well fed with their cannibalistic desire.


Haribol,nice place this martya loka,the death star.


mad mahax

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Actually, I agree with Theist to a great extent. But he has this Foxed up idea of Governmental sainthood, this nationalistic pride of "my country, right or wrong".




I have never said anything of the kind. What a insult mahak!

Forget this stupid conversation.

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I believe that the lady is dead, and has been for many years. I dont believethat it is euthanasia to withdraw life support, because euthanasia is an action, not a refrain from action.



I did not know that dead people can smile and show recognition when their parents are the room talking to them. I did not know that dead people can cry when their mothers hold them. I did not know that dead people can grunt trying to respond to things that are being said.


But then I am not a doctor.

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You are right, theist, my remark was uncalled for, and I recognize your ability to not be led by fanatics. I humbly apologize for my excess here.


All in all, at the end of this troublesome event, I find that there is a bit of crossing over. Many republicans are breaking with the neocon ideals, and many democrats, even highly liberal ones like Senator Harkin (who I fully favor as a future president), seem to be jumping to a more "life conscious" ideology.


Maybe this lady has been given fleeting fame in the last stage of her life to get us gross materialists to delve deeper into the subject of "what is life and death". I wish her well, and pray that Lord Yamaraja's agents recognize her rosary beads as Vaisnava paraphenalia. Her death experiance has been very prolonged, but the actual DEATH is only felt by us who are alive in form. The first thing she discovers is that death is illusion.


Again, very sorry, theist. I liked the term "foxed up", but I shouldnt have used it on a friend. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Thanks mahak. Actual I have turned on the Bush administration especially since the spectre of a Kerry presidency is past for the moment.


I recently learned that they dropped the voucher system from the no child left behind bill in congress before it was enacted. That was a big chunk of my support. Now the Republicans are acting weak about stopping the demoncrats filibustering the pro-life judges. If they drop the ball there it is all over. Today six Iraqi's were caught trying to sneak across the southern border. Leaving that wide open and at the same time crying "homeland security" is a cheap shell game. I have always held the Republican apathy towards the uninsured against them.


They talk a better game but they don't fight for what they say they believe in. I can only say "the lesser of two evils" and "take a thorn out with a thorn" so long.


It's a good thing someone kindly placed some japa beads into my hands at one time or I may have a bomb in them today.

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