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Will krishna do my sadhana?

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I've identified four problems blocking my spiritual elevation.


1) Identification with the body

2) Anger and lust

3) Identification with thoughts, lower impulses, emotions

4) Desire


I also prayed to Krishna to remove these problems, but so far nothing has materialized. Does it mean Krishna wants me to solve these problems by myself? What am I to make of his silence? It is not as if I am passive, I tried a hundred times to cut off identification and all that, but I failed each time. Every time I tried to control my lower impulses, they only gathered more intensity. Every time I try to stand back from my thoughts, more thoughts attack me. ANd since this game continued everlastingly, I was forced to realize my helplessness. But Krishna doesn't answer my prayers either. So what can I do, when my personal efforts have failed and also when Krishna refuses to help?


Is there any hope?

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That is, if it's true that Krsna doesn't answer your prayers. But we know He does answer for all living beings so what would make you so special as to be the only one that Krsna will not help? He even liberated Putana so who are you?


No Krsna surely hears your prayers and is conscious of your plight. Who do you think clued you in that you are in trouble in the first place? He knows and He cares but He is not an order supplier and will do things on His own time table.


By Krsna seemingly not answering your prayers, what is the effect on you? Does it make you feel even more helpless and does it enhance your budding perception of being absolutely at His mercy?


If so then recognize that is Him answering your prayers.



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Goto Lord Nityananda.


It's like if all else fails take shelter of Lord Nityananda. But thats not really the case.


In Chaitanya Bhagavata Vrindavana dasa Thakura always says that Lord Nitai is his life and soul. Because only throught Lord Nitai can you even hope to approach Lord Gauranga. But it works both ways. If you goto Lord Gauranga, Lord Nitai is automatically pleased. Thats devotees worhip them together.

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Keep praying- probably He is working on it- give Him some time and try to improve yourself also. He will give you the strength to improve, and also you will be helping yourself by not blocking His efforts to help you advance. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


It takes time, yes. Thank Krishna we have the whole eternity to improve more and more to please Him... no "one birth and then heaven or eternal hell" thing here. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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I also prayed to Krishna to remove these problems, but so far nothing has materialized. Does it mean Krishna wants me to solve these problems by myself?

--it is not your business to solve these problems and it should not be your main interest.

Your (and my) main, or better, exclusive goal is to develope love for Krsna. Krsna says in the Gita that if we surrender to him, he will protect us.

That's the only way..


What am I to make of his silence?

--nothing.. your business is surrendering, so surrender to the fact that krsna has his own plans about yourself..


It is not as if I am passive, I tried a hundred times to cut off identification and all that, but I failed each time.

--it is obvious that you have failed, maya is krsna, we cannot defeat maya..


So what can I do, when my personal efforts have failed and also when Krishna refuses to help?

--krsna is conquered only if we put our efforts in developing love for Him. Do you chant Hare Krsna Mahamantra? are you concentrated? are you associating with vaishnavas? are you following a uttama adhikari spiritual master? are you initiated?


let us surrender to krsna and devotees.. our efforts against maya are useless

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He's probably out tending the cows!

He might have left His cell phone at home.

Then again what time you all praying? He could have had a wild night and He hasn't checked in at the office today.

His messager told me His message bank is like a sausage factory gone mad.

Never mind you're on the list. At least He doesn't have one of those automatic answering machines. Where the Maha mantra just keeps turning over in vain repetition. While you get redirected to ten other departments.

Remember patience is a virtue, and persistence pays.


I think what most people don't realize is that God works on a different time zone to us

You see I think a second of Lord Brahmas day is about 432 million years, so what about Krsna when he's out to lunch in that timeless place. It's just not such an easy call to get an audience.

Consider there are only about 6 billion souls on this planet alone in human form, probably about half of em pray depending how desperate they are, and the seriousness of their partition, or conditioned state.

Theres about A billion Muslims that have to pray 6 times a day. Keep in mind that this is one planet in an unknown amount of universes all populated with varying degrees of God consciousness. Ours would maybe be in the mid range of suffering and need, but we have recently had Lord Chaitanya here, so there is some very great hope that He knows our predicament and is doing something about it.

So hang in there, miraculous things have been known to manifest through sincere prayer and service, if we can only find that attitude that attracts His attention.


Just consider this, Krishna states, “If you give yourself wholesale to Me then I will give Myself wholesale to you.” Srila Rupa Goswami has given us an example of the gradation of service. When Krishna is at the summit of Govardhan hill and he sees Balaram and his sakhya friends playing in the pasturing ground below, He also sees Yasoda with all her helpers busily preparing His meal. All the dasya servitors are seen to be engaged in some arrangement under the direction of Yasoda. Chandravali, with her group, is approaching a particular meeting place, while His beloved Srimate Radharani is coming with her friends to an appointed place to be united with Krishna., All the different groups represented together around Govardhan are assembling there - santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya - all are in His sight. He is overseeing everything. So very many affectionate servitors are all vying for His attention. But His eyes are always drawn to Srimate Radharani and her group.


So if in some way we can connect to such a group of servitors in this line through the telescopic system we have a pretty good chance of gaining His focus.

Then on top of it all, his nature is whimsical so you never quite know what He may do or when He will answer.

But never doubt He loves you very dearly and will answer if you keep calling. Our only option is to drown in our misery, so prayer will keep ustreading water at least.

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Krsna won't do your sadhana for you, He may ignite the inspiration to do it if you really want some service, He may direct you to devotees that encourage each other. But the work has to be done on our side, we are the servants and He's the Master. Your sadhana will mould your character and increase all the good qualities in you, that's what it's for. Where do you live?


Just remember God helps those who help themselves.

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Krsna did not do arjunas battle. Although he demonstrated, by showing his universal form, that all the enemies of arjuna were vanquished, still, arjuna had the job. Accept and take credit, or reject, and join aswattama in eternal forlornness.


Sadhana means practice. We Practice bhakti, and when we get good at it, bhakti becomes our very selves. Krsna descends to us, makes himself eternally available as a receptical of our love, but he does not MAKE us love him.


Love is choice. Otherwise it is rape. Krsna does not force us to love him because that would be rape.


If He is not attractive, it is because our eyes are covered with garbage. Sadhana is a practice designed to remove the pollutants. We certainly pray that the pollution gets taken away, but we dont just sit around and wait, because that kind of determination is in the mode of ignorance. I highly recommend that the last chapter of the teachings of Queen Kunti be read. Srila Prabhupada makes a very humorous instruction there, by saying "Krsna doesnt tell arjuna to go sit and smoke ganja, and He will take care of the enemy. It is up to Arjuna to do DHARMA, and in the case of the Vaisnava, this is beyond varnasrama dharma, it is sanatana dharma, the eternal duty of the living entity.


So we gotta get rid of the dirt, pray for help, welcome Krsna to drive our chariot on this battlefield, but the arrows must come from our bow, because Krsna promises that he will not take up arms in this battle (except in the case of King Bhisma, which is a transcendental rasa, to be discussed on another topic, of how krsna can lie for the pleasure of one already fixed up in pure devotional service).


Also read up on determination, in the 18th chapter of Bhagavad Gita As It Is.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa.

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What was that movie where Morgan Freeman played God, answering everyones prayers?

I thought he looked a little weathered for God, isn't He supposed to be stress free? Interesting concept tho, but I don't know this Krsna conception is totally unique.

Ever-fresh most beautiful youthful form just enjoying Himself in the forest with His pure loving friends, what a life.

Talk about the lives of the 'Richest and Most Famous'

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