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Please help save the women!

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I realize that many here are not into ISKCON, but may we please put aside all politics in order to help women (and therefore children) in general? I humble request folks to please, PLEASE, P-L-E-A-S-E sign the following petition, in order to stop something bad before it starts.



This email was forwarded to me:


Dear vaisnavis and vaisnavas,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Kindly take a moment to go to this address:




to sign and then send the petition about women in ISKCON before March 27th, time of the GBC meetings in Mayapur. A proposal is being made this year by Vasu Ghosh to reduce the role of women in ISKCON and to suspend the 2000 resolutions which were passed after more than 25 years of overlooking the inequitable situation of women in ISKCON.


1000 names are needed (We already have 500), so if you would kindly take a few more minutes to send the above web address to others

in your address book, that would help too.


Thank you.

your servant,

Gaurangi dasi


PS: It is very important to get these signatures and express our disaproval, whether we are in men or women's bodies.




[Date Correction]


Dear Prabhu,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I sent you a petition about women a few says ago. But I was informed that there was a mistake: the date is before February 24th .


The GBC deputies meetings begin on the 24th, 3 days before the GBC meetings. Of course the petition will reach the GBCs, but since matters are usually discussed by the deputies first it may be helpful for their deliberations to know of the petition so they can take it into account.


Your servant,

Gaurangi dasi




Therefore please take a moment to visit:




and sign, then send the petition about women in ISKCON now. I did it and it is VERY easy and quick.


Thanks. All glories to Prabhupada's REAL teachings (which do NOT include woman abuse, nor 'disguised' woman abuse such as oppression, etc!)

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"I realize that many here are not into ISKCON, but may we please put aside all politics in order to help women (and therefore children) in general?"


i remember that in your site you discourage the partecipation of "non iskcon" devotees)


if the iskcon is in such state of anarchy if you sign for this problem, very soon you'll have another one..


follow prabhupada and bhagavad gita, find a pure devotee and ask for guidance.. that's iskcon (=krsna consciousness)

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Not really sure what you are trying to say here. can you explain please?


This problem transcends all politics and whether we are part of Iskcon, ritvik or something else we should be appalled by this resolution put forth by this misogynist who has clearly missed the point of Prabhupada including women in temple worship, gayatri initiation etc.


So set aside all politics and open your hearts. I have signed this petition and encourage all to do the same.


This stay in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant attitude needs to go.



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i remember that in your site you discourage the partecipation of "non iskcon" devotees)



You must have me mixed up with someone else. I LIVE on ISKCON property. lol



if the iskcon is in such state of anarchy if you sign for this problem, very soon you'll have another one..



No kidding. I have addressed all these issues repeatly and am not blind. My point was, lets NOT get political and just help out the women and children by singing the petition.



follow prabhupada and bhagavad gita, find a pure devotee and ask for guidance.. that's iskcon (=krsna consciousness)



I do not disagree. Please stop trying to create an argument or debate. So often I find when devotees need REAL help, other devotees rather get on the mental platform and talk philosohy than lend a helping hand. Please devotees, either sign or dont sign, but lets keep it simple. Thanks.



Prtha dd

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This problem transcends all politics and whether we are part of Iskcon, ritvik or something else



Thank you Mikey. My feelings exactly. Its not about me or my web sites or even my personal beliefs. Its about protecting and saving those who can end up severely abused if these misogynist beliefs get pass off as "law" as if it is Krishna consciousness.


And thank you for signing the petition. I hope more will do the same, regardless of affiliation.


Sorry I am not signed in. I didn't expect the first response so hit the reply button I guess. But if I come back, I will sign in first.



Prtha dd

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I signed it! Jaya Radhe-Krishna!



I vaguely remember some email exchange with someone that 'might' have been by that name. Even if that was you (as am not sure), your issue if that is the case, is with ME, not the topic of my post here. I recall that emailer did not agree with my philosophical understanding and tried very hard, point by point, to convince me how wrong my perspective is! Well, I was not swayed, as you (or this other person if its not you) are not. So what? I'd rather agree to disagree. Its not like I emailed him (or you) to lodge complaints. It was the other way around. I was minding my own business. So now you bring up something that is really getting your goat from several years ago? Gee, I hope that was not you, but if it is, take care of it in private by emailing me if you feel that strongly about getting into it. Here on the message boards, I have only posted about helping abused women and therefore chidren. Would like the focus to stay there, but thats not up to me.


Ok, next time will REALLY sign in - promise! /images/graemlins/smile.gif



Prtha dd

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I have no problem signing something if it helps relieve others burdens or suppression, what skin off our teeth? This is just a basic living entity rights issue.

It seriously seems like no matter how many partitions you sign, until some fundamental issues are resolved in your society this attitude will continue to pervade the atmosphere, partitions won't disolve it, personally I feel some of you women would be better off serving in missions where your contributions are appreciated, and these hard lines are softened somewhat to accomodat all, otherwise it just ends up so much frustrated service ,eventually embittering your enthusiasm and souring an initial sweet heart.

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I feel some of you women would be better off serving in missions where your contributions are appreciated



Prabhupada set up Iskcon and put women in positions that until then had been unheard of in temples. This misogynist wants to erase Prabhupada's work with this initiative. This is extremely offensive.


The women who have put in many years of devotion and work for their spiritual master should not be compelled to walk away. Too many have already done that and now another one of Prabhupada's very valuable spiritual daughters said goodbye.



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pritha prabhu


" Please stop trying to create an argument or debate. So often I find when devotees need REAL help, other devotees rather get on the mental platform and talk philosohy than lend a helping hand"


the true helping hand is that iskcon members get guidance of pure devotees, otherwise we are human, iskcon leaders are common humans, and now you solve this mistake, then you'll get another. The fact that you need the thing you are asking, and that you hope to get any result it is in itself a sign of failure of the system.

If Prabhupada were alive no one were upset if someone said strange things to him because he was a pure devotee and he knew the truth.. but now there's so little faith in the leaders, and so big suspect that they make the wrong decision, that everybody is trembling simply for a proposal.




"The women who have put in many years of devotion and work for their spiritual master should not be compelled to walk away. Too many have already done that and now another one of Prabhupada's very valuable spiritual daughters said goodbye."


if they are chanting hare krsna under guidance of a pure devotee they are not gone away from iskcon.. they're actually serving srila prabhupada and following his instructions. We are devotees, we do not put much attention on material bodies, buildings, organizations.. We have to find the better situation where we can chant hare krsna and serve, that's iskcon, that's following prabhupada..









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In reply to:



I signed it! Jaya Radhe-Krishna!







I vaguely remember some email exchange with someone that 'might' have been by that name. Even if that was you (as am not sure), your issue if that is the case, is with ME, not the topic of my post here. I recall that emailer did not agree with my philosophical understanding and tried very hard, point by point, to convince me how wrong my perspective is! Well, I was not swayed, as you (or this other person if its not you) are not. So what? I'd rather agree to disagree. Its not like I emailed him (or you) to lodge complaints. It was the other way around. I was minding my own business. So now you bring up something that is really getting your goat from several years ago? Gee, I hope that was not you, but if it is, take care of it in private by emailing me if you feel that strongly about getting into it. Here on the message boards, I have only posted about helping abused women and therefore chidren. Would like the focus to stay there, but thats not up to me.


Ok, next time will REALLY sign in - promise!



Prtha dd




I swear I really did sign the petition! I do not have any problem with you! ??? /images/graemlins/blush.gif)


Good luck, sister /images/graemlins/blush.gif)

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Are you saying that if the women don't like the treatment they are receiving that they should just go elsewhere?


I disagree. The devotees who choose to stay within Prabhupada's house be they in male, female or child bodies should be treated equally and not made to feel that if they don't like being treated badly then leave or keep quiet and just tolerate.



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"Are you saying that if the women don't like the treatment they are receiving that they should just go elsewhere?

I disagree. The devotees who choose to stay within Prabhupada's house be they in male, female or child bodies should be treated equally and not made to feel that if they don't like being treated badly then leave or keep quiet and just tolerate."


if someone is treated in the way you are saying, it is obvious that you are not speaking of the prabhupada's house even if there's written iskcon on the door..


(if there's not a true acharya, no voting or signing will have any effect)

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I am hesitant to sign. Not because I don't sympathize with the concerns of women. There are other reasons.


But first and foremost, I would like to know how Dasanudas Vanacari feels about this petition. If he says yes, then I will seriously consider signing, but only after waiting a while to see whether he changes his mind or not.


Is there anyone here who knows him and can enlist his endorsement for this fine cause? He's already the Poster Boy for "coming back to Iskcon." Perhaps he could also be the Poster Boy for women's rights within Iskcon?


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Dear Me

We are souls

and we need to be saved from ourselves,i.e.,our material minds and material consciousness.


Women rights?

But what about the rights of the souls?


these souls need the basic rights of Krsna prema.

I just cannot relate to the rights only of women seperate from the basic rights of souls everywhere.

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How we treat others should primarily be a personal issue and not one of offical institutional proclamation.


If everyone did that then such controversies needn't arise. But the reality is different and some offical consensus must be enforced for eveyone's well being. In this case one person's opinion makes up the offical consensus. Which party is representing his viewpoints as he wrote them done for his institution?, should be the question.


Calling people misosgynist and other names may not be helpful. Is Srila Prabhupada a misoggynist?

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