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Coming Home to ISKCON

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simply i would consider the issues of guru and organization separate, and , as i see in all gaudya math (obviously except iskcon even if things are slightlychanging), one as a grihasta or brahmachary/sannyasi will serve a temple when there's need for him.. if simply there's an agreement with temple authorities about purposes and styles


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What do you say to those that say iskcon left Prabhupada? If that is so would it still follow that one should always remain in Iskcon?



Is this question for me? Prabhupada personally asked me to stay in ISKCON. The context was that my GBC and a leading sannyasi had left. At the time, there really was little or no scope in the West for preaching outside ISKCON. It was possible to maintain one's practice (although most found it hard), but ISKCON was the only institution outside India decdicated to those purposes Srila Prabhupada listed. Nowadays the situation is different. I have no real argument with those who suggest that Srila Prabhupada may have "left ISKCON," at least in some figurative sense. I have some stories. . . . But I don't accept that the essence of all Srila Prabhupada's instructions is to stay within that particular institution, no matter what.

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But I welcome your input.


I was more or less just trying to raise the issue that many have raised for years. That is if the disciple holds to the spiritual masters instructions how can he be said to leave the spiritual master?


I just had an interesting experience at the store. There is an area out front set aside for people to relax and eat. I was sitting there with Gita verses in my walkman and my mind watching the young lady forms go by. Another guy comes up with a headphone and cd playing and he sat down in an adjoining booth. Black guy with semi dredlocks for hair and dressed down kinda hip like. I thought to myself something about how crows like to listen to hip hop all day and probably some other self righteous bs as well.


A little later I looked over and he had a small book opened to a picture of Prabhupada proped up before him as he sat there reading Narada-bhakti-sutra. I was so happy to see the man I had misjudged as a crow who was really a swan. We had a small exchange when I left. I felt Prabhupada in that young mans heart.


To me Prabhupada is Iskcon and wherever his way is followed and respected there is the real Iskcon.


I think most already agree with this.

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Yeah on this board we almost always agree. That is to my fortune.


On the world review board we fight like anything. After the election I lost 99% of my interest. There just is no satisfying nectar in thinking of those topics more then necessary. I just develop anger.


I need a new perspective.

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I'm with you; those topics are generally peripheral to our real business. It's healty, I think, to explore our understanding of how Mahaprabhu's philosophy applies to the ephemeral world, but I think we're mistaken to allow ourselves to develop too much attachment to such positions. And as far as many perspectives on how to relate to these issues, I don't think my conviction in a position different from yours necessarily means that you are wrong (not I, for that matter). Thakur Bhaktivinoda upset many "traditional" practitioners of Krishna consciousness with perspectives on the ephemeral world that were somewhat different from what more orthodox teachers had previously presented. As I've said before, I'm at least as intersted in how we conduct such discussions as in the topics themselves.

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Home is where the heart is!

Srila Sridhara Maharaj told Srila Prabhupad that Vrndavan is where ever you are.

Both went on to establish wonderful missions, but both had to formally remove themselves from their masters Gaudiya Math that was also very dear to Srila Bhaktissidanta Saraswati. But His preaching was even dearer.

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