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What the hell am I here for? Don't I have something better to do than post ???

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I am here because Krsna is very sweet, but He becomes sweeter still when we all gather to glorify Him. Srimad Bhagavad Gita confirms:


Chapter 10. The Opulence of the Absolute



mac-citta mad-gata-prana

bodhayantah parasparam

kathayantas ca mam nityam

tusyanti ca ramanti ca




mat-cittah--minds fully engaged in Me; mat-gata-pranah--lives devoted to the service of Krsna; bodhayantah--preaching; parasparam--among themselves; kathayantah ca--talking also; mam--about Me; nityam--perpetually; tusyanti--are pleased; ca--also; ramanti--enjoy transcendental bliss; ca--also.



The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are surrendered to Me, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss enlightening one another and conversing about Me.



Pure devotees, whose characteristics are mentioned here, engage themselves fully in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Their minds cannot be diverted from the lotus feet of Krsna. Their talks are solely on the transcendental subjects. The symptoms of the pure devotees are described in this verse specifically. Devotees of the Supreme Lord are twenty-four hours daily engaged in glorifying the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. Their hearts and souls are constantly submerged in Krsna, and they take pleasure in discussing Him with other devotees.


In the preliminary stage of devotional service they relish the transcendental pleasure from the service itself, and in the mature stage they are actually situated in love of God. Once situated in that transcendental position, they can relish the highest perfection which is exhibited by the Lord in His abode. Lord Caitanya likens transcendental devotional service to the sowing of a seed in the heart of the living entity. There are innumerable living entities traveling throughout the different planets of the universe, and out of them there are a few who are fortunate enough to meet a pure devotee and get the chance to understand devotional service.


This devotional service is just like a seed, and if it is sown in the heart of a living entity, and if he goes on hearing and chanting,


Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna,

Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/

Hare Rama, Hare Rama,

Rama Rama, Hare Hare,


that seed fructifies, just as the seed of a tree fructifies with regular watering. The spiritual plant of devotional service gradually grows and grows until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and enters into the brahmajyoti effulgence in the spiritual sky. In the spiritual sky also that plant grows more and more until it reaches the highest planet, which is called Goloka Vrndavana, the supreme planet of Krsna.


Ultimately, the plant takes shelter under the lotus feet of Krsna and rests there. Gradually, as the plant grows fruits and flowers, that plant of devotional service also produces fruits, and the watering process in the form of chanting and hearing goes on. This plant of devotional service is fully described in the Caitanya-caritamrta.


It is explained there that when the complete plant takes shelter under the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, one becomes fully absorbed in love of God; then he cannot live even for a moment without being in contact with the Supreme Lord, just as a fish cannot live without water. In such a state, the devotee actually attains the transcendental qualities in contact with the Supreme Lord.



The Srimad-Bhagavatam is also full of such narrations about the relationship between the Supreme Lord and His devotees; therefore the Srimad-Bhagavatam is very dear to the devotees. In this narration there is nothing about material activities, sense gratification or liberation.


Srimad-Bhagavatam is the only narration in which the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord and His devotees is fully described. Thus the realized souls in Krsna consciousness take continual pleasure in hearing such transcendental literatures, just as a young boy and girl take pleasure in association.






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Krsna has placed you here Krsna das and it is precisely that what your name implies you are serving Krsna. By posting so many relevant and inspiring gems of Hari Katha. Plus it's all preparation and training for your self purification apart from helping those that read your valuable contributions. Keep up the vaisnava seva.

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Its true we are here to talk about Krishna and a pure devotee cannot resist talking about Lord to anyone in any or all of his conversation. But why do some people hate us. I was shut the door by a friend (Probably pretending friend) who refused to give me even his address, when I told him that I would like to send him a picture of Sree Krishna that brought blessings to me. I asked him with a good intention, but he kept quiet for so long and even after repeated innocent question to him, finally he bashed me up saying that I dont deserve to know his address. I am yet to find any justice for this from Krishna. I knew him for good many years but we are miles apart now. A person because he is a doctor, he thinks attimes that he himself is God and finally now, threw me off. as this has been pricking me for so long, I just wrote it here to get rid of the burdened thought and hurt. While Paramathma is present as supersoul in all the jeevas, why sometime people behave like this. Its like talking Baghwatgita to Duryodhana.

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Yes I like this point best of all.


I'm preparing that one day soon I can be a genuine devotee of Sri Sri Radha Krsna . Before then I need a strong dose of self-purification - which this forum has so kindly afforded this lowly and sinful soul.


I have realized that with each post a little of the false,lusty,greedy,angry and spiteful 'me' is being purified. All glories to Audarya!


Thank you for the encouragement,


Praying for the unlimited blessings of the Vaisnavas,


krsna das



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Have you considered that Krsna may be helping you cut some attachments? Only the devotee is your friend. And even among devotees only a very few will actually have your best interest in heart.


You tried but now you must also respect his wish to not be reminded of Krsna. Krsna from within is fullfilling his desires to remain in forgetfullness. So now you can find another of your brother souls that would welcome such a picture.


Your friends may reject you as they come to associate you with Krsna. That is to be expected considering this universe is filled with souls rejecting Krsna. The fact that he now associates you with Krsna is actually a very high compliment.


You are remembering you are an eternal associate of the Lord but he still wants to remain ignorant and dream some more in maya. Ever have a friend get mad at you for trying to wake them up when they want to sleep longer? It is something like that.

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Yes..I did think the way you have mentioned that its all Krishna's act to keep my friend in this stage for him to learn better about Lord in a way. Its not the attachment for my friend, but the happiness what I have obtained in realizing Lord's companionship, I want all my friends to get. While He blessed me with success with good number of friends, this particular friend remains a mystery to me and I am doing my best asking Krishna to help him out. The fact is once upon a time several years back, this friend has been doing Satyanarayana Vritham and now he has forgotten Lord and considering himself as a great person with lots of ego out of which he never respects anyone. I dont want him to suffer out of his ego and get punished by Lord later. Finally I got frustrated, and I wrote to him a letter recently that, "if its true that I am Krishna's devotee, He will make you (my friend) realize the ultimate truth and happiness is Sree Krishna and not being egoistic".

But you know, I also feel attimes that this mystery friend came in my life years back, primarily to even correct me or make me more devoted. I have observed lots of prayers and japam on behalf of this friend just for him to get back to Lord and serve Him. I have read Gita several times, more an more almost everyday just to argue with this friend that I have never done with others. This weekend something surprise happend. As I am leaving for my country in few days for a vacation, I did not want to leave with a misunderstanding with a longterm friend, but at the same time things are not working out. I got so frustrated and verbally I shouted at Krishna for all His play (to me that Sree Krishna is my first friend than anyone else and so I take all liberty with Him) and said give me some answer why you are doing this". Strangely when I finished my shoutings and just did a namaskaram, another best of mine called me and asked me if I am doing Gayathri japam. I asked him why he is asking me, He said, I should start doing it regularly atleast few times a day and he reminded me the words in Gita where Krishna mentions that among the mantra He is Gayatri mantra and the sylable ohm. This friend did not know anything about my misunderstanding and I felt like Krishna telling me to do this. The next day itself (Sunday) i started and that day evening as a strange surprise, the friend who is not in touch with me and ignored me for my devotion to Lord, called me to wish me safe trip and he said he would like to be my friend again. I could not beleive my ears.

For everything we face, there is always a reason from Sree Krishna and nothing gives me more happiness when He makes me realize something and reveals Himself in that to me. Sometimes sufferings are also sweet if its going to show me that Sree krishna in those sufferings at the end of it.



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It can be a very beneficial exercise sharing our realizations, be they profound or meagre, if we can stay focussed on helping those in need it will often have a ripple effect out to so many others that may be feeling the same, and each little glint of light we try to share may well increase anothers hope, faith, and love and enlighten their consciousness a fraction towards our friend of friends and all other living entities.

The transcendental secret is the more you give the more you

will have, because Krsna likes to see this kind of behaviour. Not that this is our motive, but deep inside we all would like to be overflowing with the nectarean stuff.

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You are indeed a good friend to this person Raghavan. He will come to appreciate it someday also even as guest pointed out Krsna already does. To try so hard to give Krsna to someone is indeed following in the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada. More so then just quoting him here and there. So many gallons of blood energy is used in such an endeavor but what else can a friend do.


Hare Krsna

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Whatever we may try to do anything including inculcating the Bakthi, Only if that Lord really wishes to give that blessing to an individual, that person will get. Finally this is what is clear from my experience with my friend. So howmuch I ask Lord to make my friend a good person, its that Sree Krishna who should be willing to make him a goodguy with devotion. So until his time comes to get realization, my friend may not realize that I am his friend who is trying to really help him. So I have left everything to that Govinda as He is the cause of everything. I only hope He makes my friend realize that in this birth itself. I even prayed that I will come and shave my head in Tirupathi, if alone my friend becomes truely devoted to that Govinda and come with me regularly to His temple in this birth itself. I could do only this much and rest in His Golden Hands. I dont know why many people dont understand that the ultimate source of Happiness is actually in realizing that Bhagwan.


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