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Suggestions on how to improve ISKCON requested from SSPT

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Posted on Chakra January 31, 2005


A few weeks ago, the Spiritual Strategic Planning Team for ISKCON North America has sent out to the devotees and wellwishers of ISKCON an e-mail message requesting them to send in ideas on how to revitalize and improve ISKCON. For details of the initiative, visit the SSPT homepage:




In this way we can fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s desires for us to cooperate—with "organization and intelligence."



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Strategic Planning Statements


ISKCON North America


Organizational definition


ISKCON is dedicated to fostering every person’s spiritual development through the process taught by Lord Caitanya and conveyed to the world by Srila Prabhupada. To do this, ISKCON provides appropriate spiritual, cultural, and educational programs led by exemplary practitioners to a wide variety of groups and individuals, through temples, social networks, and other innovative venues. ISKCON’s services satisfy a person’s need for continuous spiritual advancement throughout all stages of life.


Strategic mission


By December 2006, ISKCON’s 40th anniversary year, we will build bridges to contact and cultivate receptive groups and individuals whom we have systematically identified. To realize this, ISKCON leaders will craft and instill a unified, innovative preaching vision founded on enhanced communications and trust, leading to a cultural transformation within ISKCON and an improved reputation in American society.


We will educate and train ISKCON leaders to serve the spiritual, emotional, social, and physical needs of our members more effectively. We will devote special attention to strengthening our families. The results will be enhanced unity and individual empowerment; stronger, more viable temples and local communities; and an ever-deepening culture of integrity and trust.


ISKCON recommits itself to a mood of dynamic expansion, rekindling the enthusiasm manifest in Srila Prabhupada’s physical presence. This expansion is focused on the development of new and innovative venues that will complement and also benefit existing temples, projects and communities. The measurements of success shall include an expanded and better-trained clergy, more and higher-quality programs and facilities for the congregation and the public, increased quantity and quality of book distribution, larger and more committed congregations, and increased income for all temples and projects.


Core strategy


Distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books with the focus of nurturing a sanga of Vaishnavas who exemplify the ideals in His books.


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Initiatives for maximizing temple, community & outreach development

Welcome to the Initiatives Workbook, an overview of initiatives geared to the dynamic expansion of ISKCON and a rekindling of the enthusiasm manifest during Srila Prabhupada’s physical presence.


These initiatives follow the SSPT’s pyramid of organizational development, focusing on two of ISKCON’s key results areas: community and society-at-large. Several other key results areas are also served: resource management, operational systems and management systems.


The initiatives emerged from development sessions that included input from a majority of governing body commissioners (GBC) and presidents of North American temples, as well as from surveys of more than 200 devotees across the continent.


Purpose of the workbook


Products, services & engagements for the community

The welcome mat - temple hospitality

Sunday school programs - ages 3 – 12

Youth programs - ages 12 – 16

Grihastha initiative - spiritual family planning and development

Counseling - personal and group services

Healthcare - individual, family, group policies

Weekend warriors - ISKCON’s front line of devotional service

Nama hatta - bring the temple to your home

Classes & seminars - a structured curriculum

Festivals - events for congregants

New devotee training - spiritual mentoring

Life membership - the gradual path back to Godhead

Revitalization of brahmacari and brahmacarini ashrams

Products, services & engagements for the society at large

Introductory coursework - basic tools of spiritual education

Yoga - helping others link to the Supreme

College outreach - preparing for life

Festivals - public celebrations

Kirtans - the art of sacred music

Scalable gift shop - more than quality goods

Scalable restaurant - doing good while eating well

Sunday feast revitalization - overhauling an ISKCON tradition

Programs for teens - young people talking with their own

Internet - growing an online presence

Lecture and seminar series - noteworthy lectures by noted speakers

Retreats - weekend and holiday excursions

Cow protection - a rallying point for various causes

How do I fit in? - (not yet an initiative)

Nama hatta - vaishnava fellowship

Think tank - ISKCON’s atomic core

New methods of book distribution

Enhance and update street sankirtan - ISKCON’s public image

Summer of youth - on the road with Krishna

The prasadam initiative - what kind of feasting?

Unified presentation of KC - creating continuity of message

Resource management

Financial solvency - achieving a strong fiscal position

Property care & development - protecting a temple’s value

Branding - how the world sees Krishna

Legal affairs - affordable counsel

Security - peace of mind, within and without

Operational systems

Marketing & advertising - outreach in print and non-print media

Increase & coordinate BBT leads - answering the call

Develop database - phone numbers of our future devotees

Volunteer resources - sharing the bliss

Prospecting - searching for gold in our own backyard

Istaghosti - informal dialogs among devotee friends

ISKCON resolve - making molehills out of mountains

Communications - how to talk good

Newsletter - staying up to date with ISKCON developments

Accounting - one Hare Krishna, two Hare Krishna…

Management systems

Temple expansion - the growth of ISKCON

Accountability of leaders - assessing the quality of service

Establish best practices - in search of excellence

Management training coursework


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But one also wonders if simply recapturing a taste for hearing and chanting might not be sufficent. To really realize one's joy in life from kirtan, prasada and book distribution. So much so in fact that was would be no time left over for strategic planning teams and big big conferences and Rand corp. styled think tanks.


I remember the first Krsna festival I ever attended. It was a Gaura Purnima festival in Berkeley Ca. It poured down rain that day as the devotees took a giant murti of Lord Caitanya onto Sproul Plaza at UC campus for kirtan. Eventually going back to the temple for kirtana all day long. It was a three story building somewhere around campus and on every floor there was a roaring kirtan. The place rocked, the building literally shook and ALL DAY. Not much really formally structured just enthusiastic chanting.


I felt that Krsna consciousness was branded onto my soul somehow that day in a most delightful way.


Something powerful about that simple spontaneity.



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Yeah I did miss it. That's hilarious. It was too many words and thoughts for me so I didn't really read it.








I just want to be clear it's not the plans themselves that I question. I am sure they will be great or even perfect. It is the act of over-planning itself that I think may be the trap.

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Mahaprabhu has got the Big Plan to flood the world with Krsna Prema. We've just got to let Him do it. So we might as well step right out of the way with our flaming little egos and puny intelligence. We ain't doin' nothing on our own strength,power or merit. If we pray that we can only go with the flow of Gauranga Prema, we will also be inundated and not drown.

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Growing pains. SP created GBC to plan and map out things. The more they do this, the more pleased Srila Prabhupada is.


The early christians had growing pains as well. The gnostics were the bonafide branch, but became obsessed with mystic powers. The roman govts took over because there was no unity among the various factions.


We are stll infants. If we ruin all the furnature, it is to be expected, but we must mature. GBC is maturing, its a gradual process (where have I heard that before, gradual process)


hare krsna, we must wish all devotees well in all their sincere efforts to spread this movement.


ys mahaksadasa

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I for one do not get it. All of the things in that list Iskcon has already been doing to one degree or another depending on the size and abilities of each temple.


What exactly are they attempting to do?


They say they want to bring back the enthusiasm of the devotees to the level during Prabhupadas manifest association. They say they want to make Iskcon America a better managed organization. They say they want to accomplish this by:



For Srila Prabhupada’s followers in North America, strategic planning involves deciding about the future direction of ISKCON and the capabilities it will need to succeed. The process includes analyzing the North American environment for future opportunities and threats; assessing ISKCON’s strengths and weaknesses; and formulating its mission, objectives, and specific goals along with action plans to achieve them. It also includes a system for monitoring performance against the standard of the plan.



Now correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the above exactly what Iskcon has been doing all along?


Or, isn't that what the leaders have supposed to have been doing?


By making these plans they are essentially admitting that they have not been responsible managers.


These "strategies", every single one, are nothing new. They are the exact strategies used by Iskcon leaders when I was in Iskcon, I took part directly in various aspects of those strategies.


So I have to ask those devotees whose names are listed as being the directors of this thing:



Anuttama dasa, Badrinarayana dasa, Bhakti-tirtha Swami, Bir Krishna Goswami, Divyambara dasi, Jayadvaita Swami, Gopal Bhatta das, Kalakantha dasa, Krsnadas Kaviraj das, Kuladri dasa, Malati devi dasi, Nityananda dasa, Ramabhadra dasa, Ravindra Svarupa dasa, Romapada Swami, Sandamini dasi, Sesa dasa, and Svavasa dasa.



What have you been doing for the last 20-30 years? Have you been managing the society without any type of rhyme or reason? If you admit that these "strategies" are a new approach to your management, then you are admitting that you haven't been implementing these basic Iskcon preaching methodologies.


There is absolutely nothing new in any of their "strategies".


Since I know many of these devotees have been managing Iskcon for a very long time, I know that those strategies are nothing new to them.


So all I have to say is: what gives?


What is this really all about?


As far as I am concerned it is not the strategy that needs to change, it is the people who have failed at managing. Funny how those people are named on that list of SSPT members.


They write:


In selecting the team members for the SSPT we looked for these traits:


{Who is we? I guess on their website they say: Anuttama dasa, Badrinarayan dasa, Bir Krishna Goswami, Malati dasi, Ravindra Svarupa dasa, and Romapada Swami—all North American GBC secretaries}


The ability to focus on the "forest" (ISKCON as a whole) more than the "trees" (specialized functions or projects)


{This is a special "ability" I guess. Although it sounds more like a way of telling us that the people involved are going to focus on an overall strategy, although I wonder why they word it to try and make it appear that this requires some special "ability"? Again they seem to be telling us that they are the chosen ones with the special ability we may lack.}


A real passion for envisioning future Krishna conscious possibilities (rather than seeing only past failures or current limitations)


{Seems like these qualifications to be on their board are that you are pro the spreading of Krishna consciousness. Why would they mention this as a qualification to be on their board? It would appear to be self evident due to the nature of this whole thing. Only people who are interested in spreading Iskcon would be interested in being involved, thats a given.}


In-depth insight into how ISKCON really functions.

More interest in ends (the what's and why's) than in means (the how's)


A-ha! "How Iskcon really functions"! Lets see, um, they...the leaders, have dictatorial command over everyone beneath them, they control the money and bank accounts, they tell people what they have to do, where they have to live, and what they are allowed to do and not to do, and who they are allowed to associate with and not associate with, they live materially opulent lifestyles while the average devotee has no money, no home, no insurance, no bed, no guarantee and no recourse if the local leader is abusive of his position and in his treatment of those under him.


More interest in ends (the what's and why's) than in means (the how's)


Well that just about sums it up folks. They care about the goals more then the means? This has got to be the most ridiculous statement in the entire presentation. The entire presentation is supposed to be about the means, the how-do-we-do-this-thing. Then they come right out and state that the qualification of the leaders of this plan should be that they should be more focused on the goal rather then the means to attain the goal? What a bizarre claim. This whole presentation is about focusing on the means. We all know the goals, or should.}


Strong commitment to the ultimate success envisioned for ISKCON.


{Again, another useless statement that seems to have as it's purpose the glorification of the "team leaders".}


You want to know the real problems and solutions for Iskcon America? All those who have led Iskcon into the ditch, should resign. They have had almost 30 years on their own, they are responsible for Iskcon America's slide into it's present state. They are responsible for the gurukula situation, and everything else. They have been the people in charge. It happened under their watch. They have proven themselves to be unqualified. They are the problem, not the solution. They say they want to bring back the enthusiasm felt during Prabhupadas time with us. They are the reason the enthusiasm is gone. Can't they see that their mismanagement, their favoritism, their misleading, their mistreatment of those under them, their hording of all the wealth, their use of Iskcon as their own personal playpen/penthouse, their neglect and use of so many who worked backbreaking hours of sweat and blood only to have the wealth from that go into the leaders personal expense accounts, these guys want our respect and devotion?


They have driven off the mass of devotees because the devotees are not blind to their mismanagement and petty power trips and petty vendettas. The main problem is that most devotees will have nothing to do with Iskcon as long as those leaders are in charge. That is the real problem. Everyone who has ever become associated with Iskcon, almost all leave and want nothing to do with Iskcon, solely because of the obnoxious leadership.


The problems with Iskcon America are them, the solution is in getting rid of them.

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is always appreciated by me even when I disagree with it. In this case I can't say I disagree. I don't know the individuals named but Shiva raises some points that will be hard for anyone to refute.


The formula for becoming enthusiastic is to associate with enthusiastic bhaktas and pick up on their bhakti shakti. I see little sense in a planning commission and more meetings and subsequent proclamations and resolutions being sent down from on high.


But I wish them well. If they get all fired up some of it may rub off on me and I could sure use some.

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Seems like this prabhu hit the nail right on the head. First reaction I had when I saw the commitee members was, Hey these are the one's that but us in this situation and now they are the one's that are going to save ISKCON. With out trust and community involvement nothing will happen. How does one trust this group after the way things are been ruined the last 25 years.

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Just start offering real HONOR in true humility to those other missions spreading Krsna Consciousness and everything will be set in motion again. All will flourish according to Prabhupad and Krsnas' sweet will.

They are not the enemy, Maya is. Of course this is a big ask for conditioned jivas who can only see Krsna in our camp, but try it, what's to lose?

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"This chanting should go on.

Instead of meetings, resolutions, dissolutions,

revolutions and then no solutions,

there should be chanting."


Like mahak prabhu said if that was the case why did he create the gbc, why did he emphasise co-operation thoughtfulness, intelligence planning etc.


Yes shiva prabhu very scrutinizingly anaylised, you seem to have a lot of hate in your heart, let krsna judge their sincerity and he will award their rewards, and if you can do better please do it, it is said a pure devotee at once can purify the atmosphere, dont point fingers at others to be pure an armchair critic try and change your self if your desire is so great to see a better movement then purify yourself automatically you will change so many peoples hearts. If you have any specific problems why dont you write to them, just unconstructively critising attempts isnt going to help anyone except you'r anarthas get bigger.


Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 20, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great concern. I do not know what are exactly the facts of the matter, but if there are any discrepancies as you say in the temples of ISKCON, they should be immediately rectified by conscientious officers. Of course, we cannot expect to find always any utopia in this material world, that is a fallacy, and it may appear to someone who is materialistically inclined that what we are doing is not only harmful to our materialistic condition, but also that we are not caring for our students and so many other things.


HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Report on N.A. ISKCON Initiative Meeting in Dallas

by Gopala Bhatta das


Posted February 7, 2005


Dear Vaishnavas,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


By Krishna's grace the ISKCON North American strategic planning meeting in Dallas Jan. 22 and 23 succeeded beyond our expectations. Drawn together by their devotion to Srila Prabhupada, 120 devotees -- gurukulis, congregational professionals, Temple Presidents and GBCs -- gathered, formed teams and addressed fourteen key Initiatives designed to uplift ISKCON in North America. A list of the teams and initiatives appear below.


Within two weeks I'll send to you results of their deliberations so that you can share in their insights and, if you wish, contribute to their dialogue.


Meanwhile, please send your questions or comments to our website at Spiritualstrategicplanningteam.com. We intend to move forward with these and many more initiatives, and your participation is welcome.


Your servant,


Gopal Bhatta dasa


PS: If you're a Team Member and your name is misplaced or omitted, please let us know.


**** Quotes from participants ****


"This was as powerful a strategic planning session as any I've seen take place in Fortune companies. The organizers have every right to feel encouraged by the results." Joshua Greene (Yogesvara dasa), former Senior Vice President, Ruder Finn Public Relations


"It was an honor and a privilege to be part of the Vaishnava counseling team in Dallas. Our objective was to produce a list of ways to enhance the care of all devotees through the medium of counseling, and I felt very pleased with our progress and potential. In all the teams everyone I saw was quite focused on enhancing Srila Prabhupada's mission for this generation and generations to come." Bhakti dasi, Family Therapist, Gainesville, FL.


**** Initiative Teams ****


Revitalization of the Sunday Feast Program

Gunagrahi Goswami

Malati devi dasa

Pranaballabha dasa Jaya

Rama dasa

Daruka dasa

Arati devi dasi

Damodara dasa

Madhavendra Puri dasa


Unified Presentation of Krsna Consciousness

Mahatma dasa

Jai Nitai dasa

Abhay Dhir

Ravindra Svarupa dasa

Caitanya Nitai dasa

Gauravani dasa

Karnamrita dasi

Seva Priya dasi


Financial Solvency

Divya Gopal dasa

Syamasundara dasa

Lynn Plumback

Surapala dasa

Kartamisa devi dasi

Madhupati dasa

Kuladri dasa

Kris Ford

Rupanuga dasa



Bhakti devi dasi

Rupa Vilasa dasa

Tamohara dasa

Dasarath dasa

Radha Caran dasa

Yogesvara dasa

Samikrsi dasa


New Methods of Book Distribution

Vaisesika dasa

Jaya Baladeva dasa

Lavanya-mangala devi dasi

Teja Prajash dasa

Svavasa dasa

Sundararupa dasa

Kesava Bharati dasa Goswami

Guru Prasad Swami


College Outreach

Savyasaci dasa

Jaya Gaurasundara dasa & Kaumodaki dd

Anasuya Morrill


Youth Programs

Manu dasa

Radhavallabha dasa (NY)

Gadadhara Pandit dasa

Kanti dasi

Laksmana devi dasi

Yogindra dasa

Krsna Mayi dasi

Jayanti dasi

Ambarisa dasa

Bhakti Raghava Swami

Anuttama dasa

Nanda Suta dasa

Murari dasa


Welcome Mat

Caitanya dasi

Rama Vigraha dasa

Subuddhi dasi

Dinanath dasa

Sandamini devi dasi

Nityananda dasa

Lavangalatika devi dasi


Nama Hatt

Balabhadra Bhattacarya dasa

Bhadra dasa


Romapada Swami


Accountability of Leaders

Sudharma devi dasi

Narsingh Caitanya dasa

Laksmi Nrsimha dasa

Pariksit dasa

Harivilas dasa

Kamala Mukha Krsna dasa

Sikhi Mahiti dasa


Revitalization of the Brahmacari Ashram

Purusa-sukta dasa

Yajna Purusa dasa

Advaita Acarya dasa

Thakura Haridasa dasa


New Devotee Training

Krsnadasa Kaviraja dasa

Naikatma dasa

Syam Gopal dasa



Abhimanyu dasa

Murari Caitanya dasa

Guru Mayi dasi

Nimai Nitai dasa

Jagarini dasi

Murari Gupta dasa

Pancaratna dasa


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Vijay- Why should I be labled as as "having hate in me heart" if I give criticism when they asked for input?


If we don't learn from the mistakes of the past we are doomed to repeat them.


That famous quote [i forgot who siad it] is what the SSPT fails to understand.


For all of the verbiage and intent of their "strategy" will not help them when the root cause of all the problems Iskcon has gone through for the last 27 years is that the leadership has been self serving more then serving the vaisnavas.


Like I said already all of their initiative are nothing new. Every single one of them were being implemented when I was in L.A Iskcon in the late 70's early 80's. Yet instead of Iskcon America flourishing and growing from that, it fell apart. FATE dissolved, Bhakta programs dissolved, schools shut down, dinner programs, college preaching, all of the "new" strategies dwindled or dissolved, thousands upon thousands of devotees left saddened by the dictatorial turn of events. What had used to be a spirit of all for one and one for all changed completely into Us Versus Them. Management became a privileged class who used every opportunity to exploit whatever means at their disposal for financial exploitation.


Now these same managers from back then, are leading the SSPT, they were the cause of Iskcon America's slide into it's present state. Their abuse of their positions are legendary.


I will give you a few examples. I was cooking in a temple for the lunch offering. It was getting near offering time and I was the sole cook. As usual I was in a rush to get everything ready in time. In walks the local GBC who was visiting the temple. He yells at me to put on tilak. I tell him that I couldn't leave the kitchen because I had numerous things cooking and had to watch over everything. He said he didn't care, go get tilak on. I told him the preps couldn't be left just then. He storms out. Later that day the temple president calls me to his office, he informs me regretfully (he was almots in tears) that the GBC had told him to throw me out of the temple, I was gone that night with no money, and no place to stay, he is still a jetsetting Swami and Guru.


Another example, when I was a new devotee one morning I was feeling sick and couldn't get up to go to the morning program, a sanyassi (who is one of the leaders of the SSPT) physically grabbed my legs, and started dragging me down a flight of stairs laughing maniacally, by my legs.


Another example, one day as a new devotee I was called into the temple president's office (one of the SSPT leaders) and he informed me he had "traded me" to another temple. I was shocked, but had no choice. When I got to the other temple my job was working 8-10 hours a day working a maching making candy, the candy was then sold and the money was kept by the temple president (another SSPT leader) and the owner of the candy factory. They both lived in lavish homes and drove expensive cars and did no work of any type that I could see, they lived off of the sweat of others, while I lived in a basement. I made no money and was essentially slave labor. They then decided to move the factory to some remote farm. I just took off.


Another example, I was travelling with a sanyassi, (an SSPT leader) and we were doing preaching programs, we stayed at a persons home for a week and the swami convinced the guy to leave his girlfriend and leave his home and come back with to join the temple. When we got back to our home temple the new person was shocked to that everyone was worshipping a strange looking little guy who sat on a huge vyasasana, they were doing kirtn to him and puja to him, the new guy wanted to leave. He didn't know what he getting involved with, he asked for his money back which he donated to the swami. the swami laughed at him and through him out on the street with nothing.


Another example, One time I saw a devotee friend of mine sitting on the curb a block away from the temple. He had his head in his hands and looked dejected. I asked what was upsetting him. He told me the temple president (one of the SSPT) had broken open his locker and found a few hundred dollars, and that he took the money and then when the devotee complained, he was thwon out of the temple with nothing but the shirt on his back. He had been collecting money as a "sankirtan" devotee, he was keeping 5 dollars a day in order to save money to go to India. The temple president new this, but laughed it off, all the while I could never see the temple president doing ny actual work, yet he lived in a lavish home, drove a mercedes benz and travelled all the time.


I could literally tell you dozens upon dozens of similar stories. As could thousands of other people, with even much worse, much more violent stories to tell.


If you want to slough the past off, good luck with that. I don't hate them, but I am not a fool. The same people are in charge now in America as was back when I was in Iskcon. They were the reason for Iskcon's problems. They misused their positions, abused devotee and horded the hard earned money for their own lavish lifestyles. That is what went wrong. Anyone who says different doesn't know what they are talking about. And anyone who thinks Iskcon will change as long as those people are in charge, you are dreaming.

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I can believe those things happened as much worse has happened, I dont have the experience that you have had so can hardly imagine how it felt, I personally think that most memebers in this commitee are serious and are trying, as for what you described I would suggest writing a detailed account of what incidences happened with whom and send it as a private letter to whoever is in charge or even an open letter at least those that have done this and are still around may realise what they have done and even if they dont then at least the new generation can learn from the past.


I've only been around for the past 7 years and am fairly young, but have heard and read alot from devotees such as your self, because of this I've always made sure ive taken association from those with very good charachters in iskcon choosing my athorities carefully, and because of what has gone on I pray i can make a difference one day in the culture of how devotees are treated and not let the same things happen again in my small way. I also dont believe that all of the SSPT are "self serving" many of them have served selflessly for many years such as bhakti tirtha swami and others setting up nice communities with nice devotees, but may be you know something about their pasts and intentions that i dont.





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would be to accept what ever came down as part of your personal education on the path, which means learning the lesson behind the drama, forgiving if warranted and moving on internally.


This does not mean forgeting and repeating the same mistakes of misplaced trust however. And I believe it is like rubbing salt in wound to speak of people who have gone through some of these horrible episodes as having left Prabhupada's mission just because they no longer call Iskcon home.

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"And I believe it is like rubbing salt in wound to speak of people who have gone through some of these horrible episodes as having left Prabhupada's mission just because they no longer call Iskcon home. "


I agree those that have left due to being treated in such a way should never be condemned for leaving, I remeber a few instances that ive read where his diciples couldnt get along due to some problems with some of the god brothers and so srila prabhupada encouraged them to stay in iskcon however if they couldnt he gave his blessing for them, to practice independently of the mission although srila prabhupada felt bad about this he was more concerned for their spirtual well being.

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Sudama: Questions, Prabhupada? (break)

Devotee: ...one is sufficient to ask is that are Siddha-svarupananda Gosvami and Tusta-krsna Maharaja and their followers more advanced in their understanding of Krsna and the spiritual master than the other devotees in ISKCON; and secondly, are they, have they advanced beyond following the rules and regulations of ISKCON?

Prabhupada: That is up to you to judge--by the result. If they are actually advanced, why they should leave this company of ISKCON? Therefore, I know they're very good souls. They might have done some mistake out of misunderstanding, but you invite them to come back again and take their position. It is not very good sign that they have left. They'll never be happy. That's a fact. (pause)

Hare Krsna. (end)


HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Regarding incorporation of our ISKCON centers, we want to run all our centers as nonprofit religious organizations; that is the main point. Keeping this point in view too much official control is not good in spiritual life. The centers should remain spiritually fit and independent. Some control must be there as is now. Too much control means so many vouchers. Gradually it will become a mundane institution. All our managers should be spiritually advanced simple and honest in carrying out the orders of the spiritual master and Krsna. That will be a nice standard. Democracy in spiritual affairs is not at all good but breeds power politics. We should be careful about power politics. Our only aim should be that each and every devotee is full dedicated to Krsna, then things will go on nicely. As it states in the Vedas:



HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


There are very nicely run temples in iskcon also very badly ones, all we need is like prabhuji said know the standard and speak out when need be, else we allow nonsence to continue in the name of being humble or just giving up (which may be good for a while to recoup (-:).

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Here's a good post from the past:

Re: Iskcon [good or bad]




Iskcon is neither good nor bad. Its a collection of a very diverse group of people, with various levels of realizations. As with everything in the material world, there will be bad elements, as is the case with every institution and group of people. But there are also a lot of sincere, devoted individuals who wish nothing more than to worship the Almighty in a fashion that they find attractive.

Hopefully we can all find a common ground in which to relate to one another and the Almighty. Sri Caitanya said that common ground is Hari Kirtana. So regardless of technical philosophical differences, those who are Vaisnavas can be united in singing the praises of God.






I started thinking about this some more and had a wonderful realization. This is in relation to the diversity in Iskcon. Now, I can only speak in regards to my local temple, but I started to visualize all of the people who attend every week and I honestly can't think of a more diverse congregation.

We have of course the most commited individuals who are the brahmacharis and brahmacharinis wearing dhotis and saris and who attend all the worship services in the morning. Then of course we have the community devotees who work outside (such as myself). In terms of age, we have young kids running around, and old men. Racially we have blacks, whites, asian (chinese, japanese, and philipino), hispanics, and Indians. We have a parapelegic (paralized from the neck down who is wheeled in front of the deities), we have some local homeless man who has a set of japa mala. He keeps to himself, chants, and then comes for the sunday feast. Every few months there is a really tall african tribal who comes. He is like 6ft 5 inches tall, wears traditional african garb, holds a sort of "danda" walking stick, and has those african plates in his lip. I'm not kidding, he actually has a plate in his lip, and in his ears. But he comes and pays respect to the deities. We have a midget, I swear to God, wearing tilak and dhoti (he's a westerner) who dances in the temple. We have many Indian engineers whoe are very conservative and respectful. They mostly stand with folded hands paying respects to the deities. We have those who are wealthy and those who are poor, and just a large group of middle class working westerners who come. We have one lady who is extremely rich who drives around in a Jaguar. We also have some neighborhood guy who has this big Elvis style hair and sideburns. He never comes to the temple, but loves the sunday feasts. We have Russians, and Mexicans, and an Australian. And I could go on and on. I honestly can't think of any church, temple, synagogue or mosque that I have ever been to having such a wide range of completely different people. But they have all come together under the banner of Sri Caitanya to engage in Hari Kirtana. Just thinking about it started to make me laugh.


All glories to Sri Krsna Caitanya. Haribol.





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Response to the "Initiative Committee"

by Niscala d.d.



PART A: Bureacratic Resolutions:No Solutions


Personally I am well familiar with ISKCON bureacratic processes, and so naturally it came as no surprise to me that the initiative to reform ISKCON, to make the leaders accountable for their actions, and other similarly laudable resolves, is once again the appointed responsibility of an "initiative committee" and its various hand picked teams. I would like to ask that committee: Will the process of bureacracy itself come under scrutiny? After all Srila Prabhupada warned us very firmly to avoid it at all costs.


We are very fond of warning each other about the vaisnava aparadha one commits when one speaks of unpleasant, necessary facts to "senior vaisnavas", despite the fact that there is no basis in sastra that such unpleasant truth is ever offensive. But when will we heed Srila Prabhupada's warning that bureacracy "will finish everything"? When will each of the rank and file devotees be encouraged to speak up when something is amiss, and when will such action be acclaimed as courageous, rather than branded offensive?


When Duryodhana criticized Vidura for his birth, that was offensive. But when Vidura, who was socially inferior, criticized the king in scathing language, it was glorious. We read the example of these Mahajana's but do not follow their meaning what to speak of their footsteps. Drtarastra appreciated and acted on the criticism of Vidura, because despite his faults he was honest; it was his honesty that saved him. Rama in all his glory heeded the criticism of a lowly washerman and acted on it. Honest leaders appreciate critical feedback from minors; they do not manipluate a philosophy based on truth to protect their positions.


We do not need more committees for reforming ISKCON. As long as reform is in the hands of the few and priveleged we will have more abuse of the philosophy to maintain the status quo, and reform will only be cosmetic. Truth is the basis for reform, whether the problem is abuse of philosophy, people, children, cows or finances. The witnesses to such abuses are the everyday rank and file- the potwashers, the sweepers, the cleaners of bathrooms, the very fresh newcomer. Any criticism if found to be truthful, should be welcomed and taken on board, regardless of the source. To speak the truth is not the responsibility of the few, but the many.


Truth is, everyone has a conscience, a sense of right and wrong, and to protect what is right and reject what is wrong. This inborn sense is the Supersoul within, guiding us. To connect each member of ISKCON with Him, is our mission. In addition to guidance from within, everyone in ISKCON studies, or should study, the sastra. They should learn to see through the sastric eye. So everyone is potentially qualified to reform, but our bureaucracy castrates them, for bureacratically one must be in a position, or appointed by one in position, to enact change.


Srila Prabhupada gave us advice how to avoid this and have the conscience of the individual as paramount. His advice was that if a temple member observed a leader transgressing vaisnava principles, he was to complain directly, and if that was ineffective, to complain to the leader above that leader, and if that was ineffective, to take it to the top. Never did he request that the individual be silenced because he could commit aparadha. He wanted change from the bottom up.


PART B- The Organizational pyramid: Flip it over


This pyramid on the strategic committee's website is more proof of bureaucracy, being based on marketing strategy instead of spritual values of the individual. It is upside down, as it is not our strategy that should support our values but vice versa. It seems therefore that the committee has looked to corporations for its solutions, instead of varnasrama, blueprint for a spiritual culture.


The basis of varnasrama is the qualities of the individual- it is these qualities alone which determine the organizational structure. Truthfulness in all circumstances, regardless of position or backlash, is recognized as being brahminical, an indicator of a deeply independent thoughtful person, and therefore qualifies one as a leader/reformer in society. On the other hand, one who is affected by power, either in a sense to worship it or possess it, is not in the category of brahmana. For him, profit, control or comfort are more important, and accordingly, one is vaisya, ksatriya or sudra, respectively. A brahmana will be in no one's pay or favour in any way, even if it is offered.


Since his integrity is not affected by circumstances, he is easily recognized in a varanasrama society such as ours. For example, when he is threatened to keep quiet (as we do), he disregards the consequences in favour of speaking that which he feels needs to be said, which is truthful and beneficial to all. For though it may put him at a material disadvatage, he feels more under the protection of the Lord by cleaving to truth, regardless of backlash.


When such defacto leaders are recognized by their guna and karma and when our very powerful mundane executive heads listen to them and go to them for advice, then we will have some sattva guna in our society- purity, steadiness, integrity. Srila Prabhupada's final instruction was to introduce varnasrama within ISKCON specifically for this purpose "to bring our members to the mode of goodness". We have ignored this instruction, ignored his warning against bureacracy, and are using this disregard for his instruction as a means to achieve his mission. Thus we have no faith in the process itself, but hope to make it a solid fact and spread it all over the world. This is the problem, and it cannot be solved by a committee. Sorry.




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