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new to Krshna

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I am pretty new to Krshna Conciousness. I have been reading the Bhagavad-Gita everyday for 6 months now. I have studied relgion for many years and fell in love with Krshna. I am at a point now where i want to meet with a spirtual master so i can progess spirtually. I want to join a temple but I am afraid that I might not want to leave. My wife is not a spiritual person but she as agreed to let me join a temple for six months. I love her very much but God comes first for me. I am concerned of what affect this might have on her if my desire to stay is greater. I would appreaciate any comments from devotees who have had simular delimas.


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I have seen too many undergo false renunciation, only to later want to marry a new partner. Not saying you are doing this at all. Matter of fact most are very sincere in their various neophyte endeavors. Simply over time, once the newness of it wears off and one must get that spiritual 'high' from their own endeavor rather than initial mercy the Lord often gives the new devotee - we often see some degree of desire for a spouce return or other things they thought they could give up, they later wanted back. Why not practice Krishna consciousness at home and take patience with your wife? I have also seen this work, when one doesn't shove it down her throat (for lack of a better term -sorry), and is patient, leaves small books lying around for her to read according to her convenience/desire, just allows it to 'unfold' at its own pace and in its own way (women often practice Krishna consciousness in different ways than men who want to become brahmacari-like), show by mellow example how blissful it is to be Krisna conscious, exhibit compassion and understanding, etc., it usually turns out better for everyone.


Yes, God comes first, but there need not be competition in Krishna Consciousness. Prabhupada did not set it up that way. Actually, we are one of the few religions that dont require one to give up wife and life and become a monk. Rather, one can still be a fully recognized devotee while remaining in the Grhasta Ashrama. Vedically it is a husbands responsibility to facilitate the spiriutal advancement of the wife, at least as much as possible. Yours is willing to let you go tho, and that makes me wonder how the relationship is doing anyway.


Well, I have said enough. Do whatever seems right for you. Good luck and Hare Krishna! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Our relationship is great i love her to death and i do practice at home and try to get her involved. What brought me to Krshna was through lucid dreaming. I have practiced it for 25 years. It happened when i was dreaming and i decided to stop my dream totally. I centered myself on AUM in the dream then when everything stopped and went black then i dropped the Aum and held the state of no mind. Which in turn i suddenly felt joy and bliss then evrything went blue and a saw a person what looked like was on the other side of a see through curtain. Blue skin bueatiful person i wasn't sure who or what it was but the joy that i was feeling was better than anything i have felt in the past. The person was motioning me to come with hand signals. I didn't realize it untill i was down a a used book store and picked up a copy of the Bhagavad-Gita and saw the same person in the book. Since then i have realized that it was my paratama. Now if the knowlege and bliss from the paratama are only partial i am afraid that if i am blessed enough to recieve full knowlege and bliss from krshna then i may not want to return and deal with the material world. But still I pray for krshna to have mercy on my wife and help her grow more aware of God and help us grow more spirtually together. thank you for your info on the subject

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