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The Red Pill

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Over the past couple of years I've looked at many videos on the internet that pertain to the miraculous events of September 11, 2001.


Here is over 12 hours of essential video that you should download and share with your friends and neighbors who don't use the internet or have computers.


I buy blank CDs for about 20¢ each and burn these videos to 80 minute VCDs that can be played on most DVD players. These discs are effective 'red pills' for the average citizen. If your computer has a CD burner, then all you need is these videos, some video conversion/editing software and blank discs to make your own pills.


To any American who watches any two of these

and truly understands what is being shown,

it should scare the . out of you.



911 In Plane Site (.avi 52 mins 30 sec 104 megs) fourwinds10.com/news/08-media/A-audio-video/01-government/2004/911_In_Plane_Site.zip


9-11 The Road To Tyranny SHORT (streaming Real: 48 mins 40 secs)


9-11: the Road to Tyranny: LONG (Real media: 2 Hrs 22 Mins 48 Megs)



Painful Deceptions (Windows media 41 min 5 sec 25.7 MB)



Matrix Of Evil (Windows media: 2 Hrs, 87 Megs)



911: The Great Illusion (Windows media 2 hrs 82 MB)



Police State III: Total Enslavement (Windows media: 2 Hrs 37 Mins 111 Megs)



Masters of Terror (Windows media: 2 Hrs, 92 Megs)



S-11 Redux (Quicktime 10 mins 54 sec 17.1 MB)



Cynthia McKinney: August 2003 (Quicktime: 11 mins 40 sec, 18.9 Megs)



Michael Ruppert Interview March 2004 (Windows media: 14 min 37 sec 4 MB)

movies01.archive.org/opensource_movies/newsreal/indybay/uploads/ruppertint erview911m ar0456k.wmv


Painful Questions (Shockwave 4 min 1.44 MB)




Here is some disc filler where you can demonstrate your hippness.


Eminem - Mosh(GNN)



Eminem - White America




I recommend using EO Video to convert the Real, .rm, Quicktime .mov, Windows media .wmv and the .avi video files to the .mpg format required by most VCD creator software.


I use TMPGEnc to split the large the VCD .mpgs.


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Miraculous is a very poor choice to use here. Tragic is the right term, as many lives were senselessly lost all due to an expression of violent hatred by a faceless enemy that we are still seeking to identify in the dark.


Miraculous denotes a positive occurrence, and there was very little that was positive on that day. Aside from people all over the world at least temporarily putting their differences aside and share a moment of silence for those who suffered on that tragic day, there was nothing positive that resulted from it.

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I've been through all of those videos in the past and you know, it didn't help me the least in anything to do with spirituality. At the end I ended up saying "Ok, so I know I am being cheated by the government, so what am I to do now? I can't fight the government, so whats the point?"


They'll continue to cheat me more as long as I don't practice Krsna Consciousness. And now that I know, it's also said in the Bhagavatam that kings of Kali Yuga will be plunderers.



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