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Wanna live to a 1000 ???

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Everyone recognizes disease, old age and death as enemies but who will admit to birth as an enemy?


The story of Hiranyakasipu instructs us in the folly of hanging our hopes on this approach. Death will come, that is a certainty. And after that 1,000 years or 100 kalpas if we are not Krsna conscious.... "For one who takes birth death is certain and for one that has died birth is certain."


They are trying so many imaginative things like cryonics. People are paying other people to freeze their bodies or just their heads hoping that in the future they will be able to reconstitute them. LOL Great scam but stupid science.


Nothing wrong with leading a long healthy life in this world but for immortal beings to strive to live a paltry 1,000 years before ceasing to be is laughable and at the same time rather sad.


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