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nice excercise

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I have just tried it with a fired up kirtan CD blaring....it is great.....also cures depression.




Rebounding: Unique Euphoric Exercise


Carter's conclusion was: "Rebound exercise is the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man." (from the Miracles of Rebound Exercise; 1979). In 1980 a NASA study confirmed his claim. Bouncing on a rebounder is unique because:


Vertical Coherence. Usually exercise involves 3 forces going in 3 different directions: gravity pushes down, acceleration pushes back and deceleration pushes forward. When the human body bounces on a rebounder those three forces align vertically. So with rebounding the forces are only up (acceleration) and down (deceleration and gravity). Such vertical coherence is more efficient.


Energy Recycles. Usually you have to spend as much energy decelerating as you do accelerating. But at the bottom of a rebound bounce the force gets recycled upwards rather than expended. When the downward impetus of gravity and deceleration impact with the mat, the mat absorbs the shock and both springs and mat stretch to absorb the force. When the mat and springs reach their stretch limit, then the downward force is reversed into the upward force of acceleration. So the rebounder acts as a leveraging tool - a small energetical input from the bouncer is transformed into a much greater result that lasts longer. And like the Energizer Bunny we just keep on going!


Double Down. At the top of the bounce - when acceleration is fully expended - gravity reverses the energy's direction and as the body's mass begins to descend - deceleration kicks in to increase - perhaps double - the force of impact at the bottom of the bounce. So even though the impact is cushioned, it still strengthens the entire body more thoroughly than any other form of exercise.


Low Impact. Bouncing on a Permatron mat absorps up to 87% of the shock. The new muscle-shaped, soft-bounce springs increases that percentage in a very noticeable way. Thus, rebounding causes very little wear and tear on the body.


Effects Every Cell. When you rebound every cell in your body goes up with you and comes down with you. At the top of your bounce - for a micro-instant - you become weightless. Every cell in your body is floating without structural pressure or stress. At the bottom of your bounce you increase - maybe double your weight - depending on how high you jumped; every cell experiences extra pressure - a gentle squeeze. On the top you are relaxed; on the bottom you are stressed. At the top is rest; at the bottom is work. Up expands; down contracts. When bouncing on an indoor trampoline your cells may experience this yin-yang alternation up to 100 times each minute.

Rebounding is both massage and exercise at the level of the cell.

It increases circulation of molecules into and out of the cells by a factor of 3.

The effects of rebounding at the cellular level are: greater relaxation, increased strength, more nourishment and better detoxification.

Since the cells are the body's living building blocks any positive change to the cells cascades up to the tissues, organs and systemic functions.

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