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Alzheimers and Mad Cow disease

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I had never heard of this before. Apparently there are many cases of people with Mad Cow disease being diagnosed with Alzheimers. I Googled on Alzheimers and Mad Cow and a lot came up. Here is one book review on a book that was recently released.


Brain Trust - The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer’s Disease BRAIN TRUST is a medical expose that explores the origin and spread of Mad Cow disease and investigates it may have ended up in America’s food supply. It also shows how human Mad Cow disease may be hidden in the current epidemic of Alzheimer’s Disease.


(PRWEB) October 21, 2004 -- With an adult population of 120 million, the number of Americans with Alzheimer’s Disease seems epidemic—4 to 5 million Americans in this country have Alzheimer’s Disease, a number which has increased 9,000% in the last 20 years. And scientific research showed between 5% and 13% of Alzheimer’s cases may actually be another devastating brain disease called CJD (linked to Mad Cow).


Now, for the first time ever, the possible causes are examined in Brain Trust - The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer’s Disease (Paraview Pocket Books Hardcover; October 19, 2004; $22.00) by Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.


This illuminating expose of the threat to our nation’s health reveals for the first time how Mad Cow Disease (a.k.a. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) has jumped species, infecting humans in the form of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD), and may be hidden in the enormous increase in the number of Alzheimer’s cases since 1979.

Detailing the history and biology of Mad Cow Disease, BRAIN TRUST discloses how an investigation into the mysterious deaths of thousands of cannibals in a remote part of the world evolved into a research program in the United States that may have had unforeseen and frightening consequences.


The shocking questions examined include: · Have millions of Americans already been exposed to the prions known to cause Mad Cow Disease through years of eating tainted beef? ·

Does the epidemic of prion disease spreading like wildfire through the nation’s deer and elk pose a threat to hunters and venison eaters?


· Are the cattle mutilations discovered in the last 30 years part of a covert, illegal sampling program designed to learn how far the deadly prions have spread throughout the nation’s livestock and beef products?


BRAIN TRUST is a medical detective story that explores the origin and spread of the deadly infectious prions that are linked to Mad Cow disease and investigates the extent to which they may have jumped species and ended up in America’s food supply. It also shows how human Mad Cow disease may be hidden in the current epidemic of Alzheimer’s Disease.


BRAIN TRUST inoculates Americans with an effective cure: the truth.


Advanced Praise for BRAIN TRUST: “Dr. Kelleher uses forensic medicine to explore one of the most complicated medical enigmas of the past 100 years and wrests from it some frightening conclusions. A remarkable and very important book.” —Christopher Green, M.D., Ph.D. Fellow, Neuroimaging, Harper University Hospital, Wayne State School of Medicine


“Anyone who thinks the meat on their plate is safe is living in a fantasy world. When the public sees this book, there will be hell to pay.” —George Knapp, Emmy Award-winning journalist


“This well-documented, accessible tale is the wake-up call that could literally save your life.” —John L. Peterson, President, The Arlington Institute


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., is a biochemist with a 15-year research career in cell and molecular biology. Following his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Dublin, Trinity College in 1983, Kelleher worked at the Ontario Cancer Institute, the Terry Fox Cancer Research Laboratory, and the National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine. For the past eight years he has worked as project manager and team leader at a private research institute, using forensic science methodology to unravel scientific anomalies.


BRAIN TRUST: The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer’s Disease By Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D. Publisher: Paraview Pocket Books Hardback Price: $22.00 Publication October 19, 2004 ISBN: 0-7434-9935-2


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They claim they've cured something, yet all diseases r still going on... with new horrific additions, of course.

Kaliyuga means COVER UP.

Hide all your bad habits; pretend u r advancing.

External supercedes Internal, HA!!!

Fernando Lamas epitomized Kaliyuga stupidity as he always advised Carson:

"Johnny, always remember: It's more important to look good than to feel good."

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The Prions that cause Mad cow or any other animal are extremely tough. To burn them once the soul has transmigrated, the fire needs to be at least 1800 degrees Fahrenheit.


... How Hot Is A Volcano? Lava and Lava Flows. Temperature of basalt lava at Kilauea reaches 1,160 degrees Celsius (2,120 degrees Fahrenheit). http://www.paintingroom.com/popups/popup3.php?fid=62


A giant version of "Browns Gas Welder" may work, very hot water welder www.eagle-research.com



Whether affected or not~~

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www.WaterCure2.com ~ simple health

www.SolarHealing.com ~ sunbathing at it’s best

www.mhDewormer.com ~ link to ObeyNature.com

http://www.Geocities.com/churchofyoga/exercise.html ~~ rites


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