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Sri Guru Tattva

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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Sri Guru Tattva</TITLE>



</CENTER><FONT size=2>

We come

to know the necessity of acceptance of Sad Guru from following



<CENTER>tad-vynanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet

samit panih srotriyam


</CENTER>(Mundaka Upanisad 1/2/12)



</CENTER>To learn the science of transcendental devotional

service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a person should approach, with

firewood in hands, a self-realised spiritual master who is expert in vedic

literatures and fixed in devotional service directly to the Lord.


<CENTER>acaryavan puruso veda

</CENTER>(Chandogya Upanisad -



"A person who takes shelter, with devotion, of a bonafide

spiritual master will know the science of the Absolute Truth



<CENTER>utisthata jagrata prdpya varan nibodhata

ksurasya dhara nisita


durgama pathas tat kavayo vadanti

</CENTER>(Kathopanisad -



Thus addresseth the Vedapurusha regarding the pious ones

(sadhus) :-


Oh Sadhus ! be relieved of the thoughts regarding various

earthly possessions. Desert the unwanted elements, get spirited in the real self

and try to acquire knowledge regarding the Godhead by obtaining the compassion

of the blessed ones. This mortal world is like the sharp edge of a blade, and

cause of innumerable sorrows. It is beyond easy means to cross this mortal world

without acquiring knowledge regarding the Godhead. The divine seers pronounce

that the world reliever Brahma is attained with great efforts. There is no other

way to swim accross the sea of mortal world except persuing the Godhead at the

lotus feet of Srila Gurudev.


<CENTER>yasya deve para bhaktir

yatha-deve tatha gurau

tasyaite kathita

hy arthah

prakasante mahatmanah

</CENTER>(Swetaswatara Upanisad -



Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the

Lord and the spiritual master are all the imports of Vedic knowledge

automatically revealed.


<CENTER>nayam atma pravacanena labhyo

na medhaya na bahuna srutena


evaisa vrnute tena labhyas

tasyaisa atma vivrnute tanum svam


</CENTER>(Kathopanisad - 1/2/23)


The Supreme Lord is not attained

by reasonings or by vast intelligence, nor even by much hearing. He is attained

only by one whom he Himself chooses. To such a person He manifests His own



<CENTER>janan maranadi samsaranala-santapta

dipta kira jalarasim


upahara panih srotriyain brahma nistham

gurum upasrtya


</CENTER>(Vedanta Sara)


As a man goes to water when

his head becomes very hot, so a disciple who is tortured by the fire of birth

and death in the mortal world approaches a Spiritual Master who is well versed

in the conclusions of Vedic literature and strictly follows his instructions and

becomes subservient to him


jiva nitya krishna das taha bhuli gela

aei doshe maya tare galay


</CENTER>(Chaitanya Charitamrita madhya 22/24)



krsna bhuli'sei jiva anadi-bahirmukha

ataeva maya tare deya


</CENTER>(Chaitanyacharitamrita, madhya - 20/117)



<CENTER>krsna-bahirmukha haya bhoga vancha kare

nikata-stha Maya tare

japatiya dhare

pisachi paile jena matichanna hay

mayagrasta jiber hae se

bhaba uday

ami nitya krishna dasa-ei katha bhule

mayar nafar haya china

dina bule

kabhu raja, kabhu praja, kabhu bipra sudra

kabhu sukhi, kabhu

dukhi, kabhu kita khyudra

kabhu swarge, kabhu martye, nanake ba kabhu


kabhu deva, kabhu daitya, kabhu dasa prabhu




When the Jiva forgets that he is ever servant to

Lord Sri Krishna &amp; desires of earthly possessions he is caught by Maya for

his fault.

Forgetting Sri Krisna, the living entity has been attracted by the

external features from time immemorial. Hence the illusory energy (Maya)

punishes him with worldly miseries.

Turning away his face from Krisna as he

desires earthly enjoyments, he is immediately struck down by illusory energy

(Maya) of Lord. The condition of a living entity (jiba) captured by illusory

energy is the same as one who lost his head when confronted with a she demon. He

forgets that he is subsurvient to Lord Krisna and moves about as a servant of

illusory energy forever.


<CENTER> brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva


prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija

tate krishna bhaje kare gurur


mayajala chhute pay shrikrishnacharan


Madhya - 19/151 &amp; 22/25)



wandering through the entire universe, some fortunate soul gets the seed of

bhaktilata (creeper) by the grace of Spiritual master and Sri Krishna. Then he

worships Krishna under the guidance of Guru and frees himself from the illusory



<CENTER>mukam karoti vacalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-krpa tam aham


sri gurum dina tarinam

</CENTER>(Bhabartha Dipika)



offer my respectful obeisances to the Spiritual Master whose grace turns a dumb

into an eloquent speaker and enables the lame to cross mountains.


<CENTER>Rareness of a qualified Guru and disciple:-



<CENTER>shravanayapi bahuvir jo na lavyah

shrunvantopi bahavo jam na


ascharjyosya bakta kushalosya labdha

ascharyo jnata kushalanusistah


</CENTER>(Kathopanisad - 1/2/7)


That Atma (Paramatma) is neither

audible nor attainable by many, because an experienced adviser versed in vedic

scriptures and a realised person are rare. He only can make the disciple

efficient. Some efficient souls come to know Him after being advised by

experienced Acharya (Guru).


<CENTER>tasmad gurum prapadyeta

jijnasuh sreya uttamam

sabde pare ca


brahmany upasamasrayam

</CENTER>(Srimad Bhagabat - 11/3/21)



</CENTER>One who is inquisitive about his duties and otherwise

should take shelter under Sadguru in order to know the best of principles. One

who is an exponent of Sabdabrahma i.e the Vedic scriptures and who has acquired

the experience of Parambrahma and beyond any scruples is the Sadguru.


<CENTER>kripasindhu susampurnah sarva satvopakarakah

nisprhah sarvatah

siddhah sarva vidya visaradah

sarva samsaya sancchetta 'nalaso gurur


</CENTER>(Haribhakti bilasa - 1/45/46)


Such person is

called Guru who is an ocean of mercy, who feels pain on seeing the unhappiness

of others, who is always satisfied and who works for the welfare of others, who

does not desire sense gratification, who is perfect in all respects, who is

expert in all scriptural knowledge, who removes the doubts of his followers and

who is not lazy. (always busy in serving the Lord).


<CENTER>vaco vegam manasah krodha-vegam



etan vegan yo visaheta dhirah

sarvam apimarh prthivim

sa sisyat

</CENTER>(Upadeshamrita - 1st sloka)


A sober person who

can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the

urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over

the world.


<CENTER>sat-karma-nipuno vipro


avaisnavo gurur na


vaisnavah sva-paco guruh




Even if a brahmana is very learned in Vedic

scripture and knows the six occupational duties of brahmana, he cannot become a

guru or spiritual master unless he is a devotee of the Supreme Personality of

Godhead. However, if one is born in a low caste family, but is a pure devotee of

the Lord, he can become a spiritual master.


<CENTER>Vaisnab is the Guru of all caste and creed



<CENTER>bipra khsyatriya baishyascha gurabah sudrajanmanam


gurabastesham trayanam bhagabatpriyah




Those born as brahmin, khsyatriya and baishya may become guru

of those born as shudras, this is the general principle. But those dear to the

lord even if born as shudra can become the Guru of those three castes i.e.

brahmin, kshyatriya and baishya.


<CENTER>kiba bipra, kiba nydsi sudra kene nay

jei krishna tatwa betta sei

guru hay

</CENTER>(Chaitanya Charitamrita - Madhya -



Whether one is a brahmana, a sannyasi or a shudra regardless

of what he is - he can become a spiritual master if he knows the science of



<CENTER>kiva varni kivasrami kiwi varnasramahina

krsna tattva vetta yei, sei

acarya pravina

asal katha chadi bhai varne ye kare adara

asad guru kari

tara vinasta purvapara

</CENTER>(Prema Bibarta)


Any person can

become a genuine acarya, regardless of his position in varnasrama-dharma,

whether born as a sudra or even an outcaste, if he truthfully speaks the science

of Krsna. If he gives up a true spiritual master and chooses another spiritual

master based on caste, he may in fact obtain an unqualified spiritual master and

destroy even his previously earned spiritual advancement.


<CENTER>Who is Acharya ?



<CENTER>upaniya to jah sishyam bedamadhyapayed dvirja


sarahasyancha tamacharjyam prachakhyate

</CENTER>(Manu Samhita -



A bramhin who gives upanayan to his disciple and teaches him

Upanishad with the entire Vedas, is pronounced as Acharya (guru) by all the

munis (saints).


<CENTER>acinoti yah sastrartham acare sthapayatya 'pi

svayam acarati yasmad

aicaryas tena kirtitah

</CENTER>(Vayu Purana)



</CENTER>One who understands the essence of Vedic literatures,

and who teaches this standard to others by his words and his personal example,

is accepted as an acarya.


<CENTER>yadyadacarati sresthastattadevetaro janah

sa yatpramanarh kurute


</CENTER>(Bhagabad Gita - 3/21)


For whatever a

great man does, that very thing other men also do; whatever standard he sets up,

the generality of men follow the same.


<CENTER>A guru teaches by word and example -


<CENTER>apane acare keha, na kare pracara

pracara karena keha, na karena



</CENTER>Some behave very well but do not preach the science of

Krshna, whereas others preach but do not behave properly. (Caitanya-caritamrta,

Antya 4.102)


<CENTER>'acara', 'pracdra',-- namera karaha 'dui' karya

tumi-- sarva-guru,

tumi jagatera arya

</CENTER>(Chaitanya Charitamrita, Antya -



You simultaneously perform both duties in relation to the holy

name by your personal behavior and by your preaching. Therefore you are the

spiritual master of the entire world, for you are the most advanced devotee in

the world. (Caitanya-caritamrta Antya 4.103)


<CENTER>apani achari bhakti sikhamu sabare


Adi - 3/20)


I will teach bhakti to everybody by following all the

principles myself.


<CENTER>apani no kaile dharma sikhdna na jay


</CENTER>(Chaitanyacharitamkrita, Adi - 3/21)


Unless one observes

the principles of religioun himself it is not possible to teach



<CENTER>acaryam mam vyaniyan

navamanyeta karhicit

na martya-buddhyasuyeta


sarva-deva-mayo guruh

</CENTER>(Srimad Bhagabat -



Lord Sri Krishna told Uddhaba --

One should know the

acarya as Myself and never disrespect him in any way. One should not envy him,

thinking him an ordinary man, for he is the representative of all the



<CENTER>vande gurun isa-bhaktan

isam isavatarakan

tat prakasamas ca




Adi - 1/32)


I offer my respectful obeisances unto the spiritual

master, the devotees of the Lord, the Lord's incarnations, His plenary portions,

His energies, and the primeval Lord Himself, Sri Krsna Chaitanya.


<CENTER>krisna gurudwaya bhakta abatara prakasha

shakti ei chhay rupe karena


</CENTER>(Chaitanyacharitamrita, Adi - 1/342)



manifests in six forms, His own self, the two types of gurus, (Sikhsya and

Dikhsya) Avatara, Prakasha and Shakti.


<CENTER> Dikhsya Guru -

jadyapi amara guru

chaitanyera das

tathapi janiye ami tanhara prakasha


</CENTER> (Chaitanyacharitamrita, Adi -



Even if my guru is the servant of Lord Chaitanya I recognise

him as His manifestation.


<CENTER>Sikhya Guru -



<CENTER>guru krsna-rupa hana sastrera pramane

guru-rupe krsna krpa karena



sikhsya guruke ta'jani krishner swarup


bhaktashrestha - aei dui rupa

</CENTER>(Chaitanyacharitamrita; Adi 1-45,



According to Shashtras guru is the manifestation of Sri Krishna.

Krishna blesses the devotees in the form of Guru. Sikhsyaguru is the embodiment

of Sri Krishna. One who is all-knowing and one who is the best of devotees these

are the two forms of sikhya guru.


jibe sakhsyat nahi tate guru chaitya rupe

sikhsya guru hay

krishna mahanta swarupe

</CENTER>(Chaitanyacharitamrita, Adi -



Without manifesting Him outside, Krishna dwells inside the mind

as chaitya guru, and again he becomes the teacher in the form of guru



<CENTER>naivopayanty apacitim kavayas tavesa

brahmayusapi krtam rddha-mudah


yo `ntar bahis tanu-bhrtam asubham vidhunvann


acarya-caittya-vapusa sva-gatim vyanakti

</CENTER>(Srimad Bhagabat -



Uddhaba speaks to Lord Krishna - Oh Lord You destroy all the

evils of the mortal souls by unimaginable grace and in order to establish

Yourself You exist as Acharya (Guru) externally and as 'Antaryami' in the mind.

The learned ones can not fathom the depth of such pastimes of yours even if they

get the years of life that Brahma has.


<CENTER>Grace of guru can be achieved by mercy of




<CENTER>krsna yadi krpa kare kona bhagyavane

guru-antaryami-rupe sikhaya


</CENTER>(Chaitanyacharitamrita, Madhya - 22/47)



</CENTER>If Krishna blesses some fortunate person, He gives

lessons as Guru without and Supersoul within.


<CENTER>Guru is the giver of Divine knowledge-



<CENTER>om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena

tasmai sri-gurave namah


I offer my respectful obeisances

unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the

darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.


<CENTER>na dharmam na dharmam shrutigana niruktam kila kuru


radhakrishna-prachura paricharyamiha tanu

sachisunum nandiswar-patisutatve


mukunda presthatve smara paramajasram nanu manah


</CENTER>(Mana sikhya - 2)


Oh ! mind, don't persue the dharma

which has been described in the Vedas as Punya (good deeds), and Adharma which

has been described as sin (papa). You only worship Sri Radha Krishna in 'Braja',

and Gourasundar the son of Sachi knowing him as the manifestations of Sri

Krishna the son of Nanda and Srila Gurudev as near and dear to



<CENTER>saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair

uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih


kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya

vande guroh sri-caranaravindam


</CENTER>(Gurbastaka - 7)


Srila Gurudeva has been described as

Hari in all the scriptures and the sadhus know Him as such. But I pray at the

lotus feet of Srila Gurudeva who is the dear servant of Lord Sri krishna



<CENTER>suddhabhaktah sri guroh shri shilasyacha

bhagabata saha aveda

drustim tatpriyatamatwai neba manyante

</CENTER>(Bhakti Sandarbha - 2/16)



</CENTER>Advanced devotees understand that a pure Spiritual

master is nondifferent from the all-auspicious personality of Godhead and

simultaneously His very dear servant.


gurur na sa syat sva-jano na sa syat

pita na sa syaj janani na

sa syat

daivam na tat syan na patis ca sa syan

na mocayed yah


</CENTER>(Srimad Bhagabata - 5/5/18)


One who

cannot deliver his own dependants from the path of repeated birth and death by

his devotional instructions, should never become a spiritual master, a father, a

mother, a husband or a worshipable demigod.


<CENTER>sei se parama bandhu sei pita, mata

shri krishna charane jei

premabhakti data

sakala janme pita mata sabe pay

krishna guru nahi mile

bhajaha hiyay

</CENTER>(Chaitanya Mangal - Madhya)


One who offers

loving devotional service at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna is the dearest

friend, father and mother. One begets father and mother in all births, but one

does not easily beget Krishna and Guru. Hence worship him in your



<CENTER>sabda-brahmani nisnato

na nisnayatpare yadi

sramas tasya


hy adhenum iva raksatah

</CENTER>(Srimad Bhagabata -




</CENTER>If one though well-versed in Veda has not attained

perfection in the knowledge of Sabda Brahma; his study of the Vedas is

fruitless, like a man who milches a cow not yeilding milk.


<CENTER>A spiritual Master must be a Vaishnava-


<CENTER>maha kula prasuto 'pi sarva yajnesu diksitah

sahasrasakhadhyai ca no

gurum syad avaisnavah

</CENTER>(Shri Hari-bhakti-vilasa- 1/45)



who is born in higher caste and is initiated in all jagnyas and has learnt

thousand sections of Veda, can not be established as Guru if he is not



<CENTER>Unqualified Gurus-


<CENTER>guravo vahavah santi dipavac ca grhe grhe

durlabho 'yam gurur devi

surya vat satva dipakah


</CENTER>There are many Gurus who exploit the

wealth of the disciples (sishya) but real gurus who can alleviate the sorrows of

the disciple are rare.


<CENTER>guror apy avaliptasya karya akaryatn ajanatah

utpatha pratipannasya

parityago avidhi yate

</CENTER>(Mahabharat udyog parba &#8211; 179/25)



</CENTER>One who is fond of pleasures, unmindful of his duties

and follows mean path leaving behind pure devotion (Sudha Bhakti) is a Guru for

the name sake and should be deserted forth with.


<CENTER>snehadba lobhato bapi jo gruhniyadadikhsyaya

tasmin gurau sasishye

tu debata shapa apatet

</CENTER>(Shri Hari-bhakti-vilasa -



By affection or by greed if Guru offers mantra without observing

the proper principles of initiation(dikhsya), and if the disciple (sishya)

accept him, as such both Guru and disciple are cursed by the devatas.


<CENTER>jo byakti nyay rahita manyaena

tabubhou narakam ghoram brajatah


</CENTER>(Shri Hari-bhakti-vilasa - 1/101)


One who

(in the guise of Acharya) preaches matters against the accepted scriptures and

who listens to the same as disciple (sishya), both of them fall in hell for

unlimited time.


paramartha gurvasrayo vaharika guru

adi pratyagena api


</CENTER>(Bhakti sandarbha - 210)


One should reject a

worldly, materialistic, and spiritually unqualified guru and should take shelter

of a qualified pure Vaisnav guru.


<CENTER>avaisnava upadistena mantrena nirayam vrajet

tasmac ca vidhina

samyag grahayed vaisnavad guroh

(Shri Hari-bhakti-vilasa -



</CENTER>If one is initiated by a non-vaisnava, then he is

destined for hell. As such, one should follow scriptural injunctions and accept

re-initiation from a Vaisnava guru with a Vaisnava mantra


<CENTER>nr-deham adyatn su-labham su-durlabham

plavam su-kalpam


mayanukulena nabhasvateritam

puman bhavadhim na taret sa


</CENTER>(Srimad Bhagabat - 11/20/17)


That man

(undoubtedly) kills his soul (brings about his own spiritual degradation), who

having secured the exceptionally fit vessel of a human body, the source of all

blessings and (therefore) a most rare boon, yet easily obtained (without any

effort by the grace of God) and piloted by (an expert helms man in the form of )

a preceptor and propeller by a favourable wind in the shape of Myself

(nevertheless) fails to cross the ocean of mundane existence.


<CENTER>gurushuanaramatirjasya ba narakis Sah

</CENTER>(Padma Purana)



</CENTER>One who thinks Gurudev as a human being is to go to

hell. (naraka).


A pure guru is nondifferent from god-


<CENTER>yasya saksad bhagavati

jnana-dipa grade gurau


srutam tasya

sarvam kunjara-sucavat

</CENTER>(Srimad Bhagabat -



Analogous to the bath of an elephant (which throws dust on

its body immediately after washing it,) is all sacred knowledge possessed by a

man who entertains the perverted notion about the teacher -(who has conferred on

him the light of wisdom and (as such) is no other than the Lord) that he is a

mortal being (like himself)


<CENTER>tadviddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya

upadeksyanti to jnanam


</CENTER>(Bhagabad Gita - 4/34)



Arjuna) Understand the true nature of that knowledge by approaching illumined

soul. If you prostrate

at their feet, render them service, and question them

with an open and guileless heart, those wise seers of Truth will instruct you in

that Knowledge.


<CENTER>evam gurupasanayaika-bhaktya

vidya-kutharena sitena dhirah


vivrscya jivasayam apramattah

sampadya catmanam atha


</CENTER>(Srimad Bhagabat - 11/12/24)



</CENTER>Having thus subdued yourself and remaining alert, (all

the while) cut at the root of your astral body (the distinguishing appurtenance

of a jiva) with exclusive devotion (to me) acquired by sitting at the feet of a

preceptor (guru) or by means of the keen-edged axe of wisdom (in the form of

self realisation): and having (thereby) realised the self, cast off forthwith

the weapon (with which you have rent the veil of ignorance in the form of your




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