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What are you going to do if Maya-devi hits you up ???

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From Caitanya Caritamrita Antya-lila 3rd chapter.



CC Antya 3.223: Advaita Acarya was always absorbed in thoughts of how to deliver the fallen souls of the entire world. "The entire world is full of nondevotees," He thought. "How will they be delivered?"


CC Antya 3.224: Determined to deliver all the fallen souls, Advaita Acarya decided to cause Krishna to descend. With this vow, He began to offer Ganges water and tulasi leaves to worship the Lord.


CC Antya 3.225: Similarly, Haridasa Thakura chanted in his cave on the bank of the Ganges with the intention of causing Krishna's descent.


CC Antya 3.226: Because of the devotional service of these two persons, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu descended as an incarnation. Thus He preached the holy name of the Lord and ecstatic love of Krishna to deliver the entire world.


CC Antya 3.227: There is another incident concerning Haridasa Thakura's uncommon behavior. One will be astonished to hear about it.


CC Antya 3.228: Hear about such incidents without putting forth dry arguments, for these incidents are beyond our material reasoning. One must believe in them with faith.


CC Antya 3.229: One day Haridasa Thakura was sitting in his cave, reciting the holy name of the Lord very loudly.


CC Antya 3.230: The night was full of moonlight, which made the waves of the Ganges look dazzling. All directions were clear and bright.


CC Antya 3.231: Thus everyone who saw the beauty of the cave, with the tulasi plant on a clean altar, was astonished and satisfied at heart.


CC Antya 3.232: At that time, in that beautiful scene, a woman appeared in the courtyard. The beauty of her body was so bright that it tinged the entire place with a yellow hue.


CC Antya 3.233: The scent of her body perfumed all directions, and the tinkling of her ornaments startled the ear.


CC Antya 3.234: After coming there, the woman offered obeisances to the tulasi plant, and after circumambulating the tulasi plant she came to the door of the cave where Haridasa Thakura was sitting.


CC Antya 3.235: With folded hands she offered obeisances at the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakura. Sitting at the door, she then spoke in a very sweet voice.


CC Antya 3.236: "My dear friend," she said, "you are the friend of the entire world. You are so beautiful and qualified. I have come here only for union with you.


CC Antya 3.237: "My dear sir, kindly accept me and be merciful toward me, for it is a characteristic of all saintly persons to be kind toward the poor and fallen."


CC Antya 3.238: After saying this, she began to manifest various postures, which even the greatest philosopher would lose his patience upon seeing.


CC Antya 3.239: Haridasa Thakura was immovable, for he was deeply determined. He began to speak to her, being very merciful toward her.


CC Antya 3.240: "I have been initiated into a vow to perform a great sacrifice by chanting the holy name a certain number of times every day.


CC Antya 3.241: "As long as the vow to chant is unfulfilled, I do not desire anything else. When I finish my chanting, then I have an opportunity to do anything.


CC Antya 3.242: "Sit down at the door and hear the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. As soon as the chanting is finished, I shall satisfy you as you desire."


CC Antya 3.243: After saying this, Haridasa Thakura continued to chant the holy name of the Lord. Thus the woman sitting before him began to hear the chanting of the holy name.


CC Antya 3.244: In this way, as he chanted and chanted, the morning approached, and when the woman saw that it was morning, she got up and left.


CC Antya 3.245: For three days she approached Haridasa Thakura in this way, exhibiting various feminine postures that would bewilder the mind of even Lord Brahma.


CC Antya 3.246: Haridasa Thakura was always absorbed in thoughts of Krishna and the holy name of Krishna. Therefore the feminine poses the woman exhibited were just like crying in the forest.


CC Antya 3.247: At the end of the night of the third day, the woman spoke to Haridasa Thakura as follows.


CC Antya 3.248: "My dear sir, for three days you have cheated me by giving me false assurances, for I see that throughout the entire day and night your chanting of the holy name is never finished."


CC Antya 3.249: Haridasa Thakura said, "My dear friend, what can I do? I have made a vow. How, then, can I give it up?"


CC Antya 3.250: After offering obeisances to Haridasa Thakura, the woman said, "I am the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I came here to test you.


CC Antya 3.251: "I have previously captivated the mind of even Brahma, what to speak of others. Your mind alone have I failed to attract.


CC Antya 3.252-253: "My dear sir, you are the foremost devotee. Simply seeing you and hearing you chant the holy name of Krishna has purified my consciousness. Now I want to chant the holy name of the Lord. Please be kind to me by instructing me about the ecstasy of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.


CC Antya 3.254: "There is now a flood of the eternal nectar of love of Godhead due to the incarnation of Lord Caitanya. All living entities are floating in that flood. The entire world is now thankful to the Lord.


CC Antya 3.255: "Anyone who does not float in this inundation is most condemned. Such a person cannot be delivered for millions of kalpas.


CC Antya 3.256: "Formerly I received the holy name of Lord Rama from Lord Siva, but now, due to your association, I am greatly eager to chant the holy name of Lord Krishna.


CC Antya 3.257: "The holy name of Lord Rama certainly gives liberation, but the holy name of Krishna transports one to the other side of the ocean of nescience and at last gives one ecstatic love of Krishna.


CC Antya 3.258: "Please give me the holy name of Krishna and thus make me fortunate, so that I also may float in the flood of love of Godhead inaugurated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu."


CC Antya 3.259: After speaking in this way, Maya worshiped the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakura, who initiated her by saying, "Just perform chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra."


CC Antya 3.260: After thus being instructed by Haridasa Thakura, Maya left with great pleasure. Unfortunately, some people have no faith in these narrations.


CC Antya 3.261: Therefore I shall explain the reasons why people should have faith. Everyone who hears this will be faithful.


CC Antya 3.262: During the incarnation of Lord Caitanya to inaugurate the Krishna consciousness movement, even such personalities as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the four Kumaras took birth upon this earth, being allured by ecstatic love of Lord Krishna.


CC Antya 3.263: All of them, including the great sage Narada and devotees like Prahlada, came here in the guise of human beings, chanting the holy names of Lord Krishna together and dancing and floating in the inundation of love of Godhead.


CC Antya 3.264: The goddess of fortune and others, allured by love of Krishna, also came down in the form of human beings and tasted the holy name of the Lord in love.


CC Antya 3.265: What to speak of others, even Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaja, personally descends to taste the nectar of love of Godhead in the form of the chanting of Hare Krishna.


CC Antya 3.266: What is the wonder if the maidservant of Krishna, His external energy, begs for love of Godhead? Without the mercy of a devotee and without the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, love of Godhead cannot be possible.


CC Antya 3.267: In the activities of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the three worlds dance and chant, having come in touch with love of Godhead. This is the characteristic of His pastimes.


CC Antya 3.268: The holy name of Krishna is so attractive that anyone who chants it -- including all living entities, moving and nonmoving, and even Lord Krishna Himself -- becomes imbued with love of Krishna. This is the effect of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.


CC Antya 3.269: I have heard from the mouth of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami all that Svarupa Damodara Gosvami recorded in his notes about the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


CC Antya 3.270: I have briefly described those pastimes. Whatever I have written is by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, since I am an insignificant living being.


CC Antya 3.271: I have described but a fragment of the glories of Haridasa Thakura. Hearing this satisfies the aural reception of every devotee.


CC Antya 3.272: Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krishnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, following in their footsteps.



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I agree it is our only hope and shelter.


I am presently caught in a fatal trap thinking when the time comes THEN I will just automatically take shelter of Krsna and be saved.


This kind of childish wishful thinking has to be transcended. It is really a sign of still thinking there is happiness in this illusion.


We see the example of Haridas but often just the part we want to see. When Maya-devi brought her severe test he kept chanting and was protected.


What we sometimes don't see is that Haridas was ALWAYS CHANTING and placing himself under the shelter of the Holy Names. He didn't suddenly surrender he was always in a surrendered state.


Another lesson is this is how one loves their enemy. Maya-devi came to Haridas to ruin him spiritually. That is the severest form of violence. He knew she was coming before hand and he choose to stay and save her by intiating her into Krsna nama. 3.259

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Thanks for the full story, turn her into devotee, worship krsna together.


One unfortunate thing is that some considers all in the female form are "mayadevis", and this caused a great disturbance in the society. A vaisnava is transcendental, and vaisnavas are worthy of ones association. Vaisnava character outweighs any external consideration.


So, if one has a Vaisnava female desiring association, perhaps one should reconsider on what is real, rather than prejudices borne out of ignorance.


ys, mahak

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What we sometimes don't see is that Haridas was ALWAYS CHANTING and placing himself under the shelter of the Holy Names. He didn't suddenly surrender he was always in a surrendered state.



Thanks theistji for pointing that out. Isn't there like a catalyst to make one go to that state? Is it the sincere chanting of the holy name?

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The sincerity as what you mean is not something difficult actually in the real sense atleast from my personal experience. When we stop speculating the mind, based on what we hear or read, but just keep chanting Govinda's Nama, there is an unexplainable happiness that runs through the blood and actually it makes you keep chanting all through the day and night irrespective of our activities right from brushing the teeth in the morning until you wake up in the next day morning (In the sense 24 hours a day and night cycle). Shree Govinda Himself helps in this matter and He comes in the chanting and be with you all the time and make you keep chanting all the time to the extent nothing really affects you in the material life and everything become one and the same. This is not just lip service, but actual real personal experience.


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Actually if you really wish to get rid of anarthas and any other speculative thoughts, I would suggest you to stop reading or listening to anything that could give you thoughts, even if its about Sree Krishna Himself, But just for some period of time or just few days or a week, tell yourself that The Supreme Lord Sree Krishna Baghwan is all in all from whom nothing can escape both animate and inanimate objects. Once you tell yourself like this, stop reading or listening, and just pray and keep praying jaya Govinda Jaya Govinda. You will start realising a change where you start talking to Lord without your knowledge and then with your conscious knowledge. Dont hesitate to converse with Him like how you would freely converse with your dear friend or a lover and dont have any inhibitions in this conversation. You will come to a stage, where you will start seeing Lord in every actions and reality and its true. Dont even care about what is said in puranas or shastras, but just believe in Him totally. Totally means totally to the extent that how you would beleive that you are breathing and living. Can you ever not beleive that you are not breathing. NO. Can you ever beleive that you are not eating. No. So in the same way, just beleive in Lord's existence and He is doing every little things. HOnestly, you will come to a stage of no worry and there is literally eternal happiness as said in Gita by Sree Krishna. I am not just giving advise, but I am writing from my personal feeling and experience. YOu will stop breaking your head for everything and nothing will affect you. ONce upon a time, I too was like many others worrying for many things, even questioning Lord, why these things are like this and why not like that, had lots of questions. But our questions can never be answered unless we first develop that blind faith beyond human doubts. When you get that, then He really appears in front of you and be with you in your chanting all the time. You will be able to find happiness in everything as you are with Lord now all the time. But at the same time you will not be one emotionless inhuman person. I dont mean like that. But you will become a balanced soul in all aspects of your life and your goal will be just to finish off the duties in all the actions that is already set by Lord so that you can reach Him finally. If something clicks, its meant to click positively, if something goes wrong, well its meant to go wrong. All actions of ours are already set by Him and we are just executing what He already destined. we cant change anything. It is for sure. When I realised this, I attained my goal of being with Him all the time.

I dont care about, when I will marry or what I will acheive in my career for my Phd or if I will have children, or if I will acheive Sree Krishna finally. But my mind is focussed only on Him all the time chanting Govinda Govinda and I know for sure, He will take me for sure with all His total Love. Thats all....


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