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Haribol, calling all those who will legally vote in amerikkkan election to vote here. Its funny, because we argue and agree but its all moot. Me and theist cancel each other out (thats why we be friends, we compliment each other, not supplement each other, oh the unity in diversity.


But anyway, lets do this and add the totals seing if the vaisnavas make the Nov 2 election totally MOOT.


here goes. Mahak votes for Kerry-Edwards

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Well like you say they are both demons but I generally vote Republican because they at least espouse being the party of small government. High taxation and big government is a symptom of Kali-yuga and generally the democrats support high taxation and big government. Unfortunately the Republicans in many ways have become like the democrats so I am not convinced there is a viable option for a sane man. I am not sure if I am going to vote at all despite what MTV says.

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that both are demons. Kerry just received a copy of the bhagavad gita and held the book in great esteem, therefore, he is initiated and introduced into Krsna Consciousness. Srila Prabhupada has affirmed that even one who holds the BGAII in their hands is to be considered a devotee, so, I consider John Kerry my new godbrother, just as I considered Jimmy Carter a godbrother for quoting BGAII in a speech he once gave.

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well, your new godbrother went geese hunting today. My guess is the BGAII is already gathering dust and kerry's head is swelling with being told he is a great man.



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Haribol. Yes, I have broad vision, but it is based on Srila Prabhupada's broad vision. Srila Prabhupada, when he first went to mexico City, initiated everyone who attended the Sunday Feast. He considered all those who went to the Krsna Gatherings as those who Lord Nityananda Prabhu had personally and internally sent to him. I mentioned what he had said about those who had held a BGAII "with interest" because, even while it was happening, I always opposed subversive and dishonest practices called Samkirtana. We were supposed to be active preachers of the bhakti cult, making devotees everywhere on behalf od Srila Prabhupada. When I see my godsister, discussing, without subterfuge, the science elaborated on by BGAII, and Kerry listening attentively, I dont care about cameras. Do you really think that Kerry is campaigning for the Hare Krsna Vote?


And goose hunting? Is it not the job of a ksatriya to clear the forests of useless animals to practice the art of ksatriya dharma? Im not proposing sainthood for Kerry, but goose hunting is much more pious than Bushes Cow butchering barbecue held for the Taliban in 2000 in Texas while he was trying to get them to ease up on Big Oil pipeline interests thru Afghanistan.


Anyway, the first stage of Bhakti, (kanistha) is the offensive stage. I am always hopeful that a world leader will take a little of what Srila Prabhupada has given, and his "great man" status is nothing he did, it is what is provided by Krsna, and it is Krsna, Kerry's renown is but a spark of Krsna's splendor.


We all need broad vision. If we follow in Srila Prabhupada's example, we see all as Krsna's devotees, and a little awakening is something the non-envious always cheer about.


In fact, I think Ill write a letter to all those who have expressed positive attitudes to Krsna, folks that I have communicated with in the past who actually responded back favorably, people like Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Clinton's first press dude George Stephanopolis, and others. All of us need to advise the ksatriya class, otherwise, why do we consider ourselves BRAHMANAS?


Again, all glories to my godsister for her unwavering

"gosthyanandi" missionary work.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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And many of those Mexico City devotees are still practicing.


Regarding Kerry and duck hunting, Srila Prabhupada several times classified humans by how they get their food. the first-class men get their food by begging, second-class by taxing, third-class by agriculture and trade, fourth-class men by their labor and by hunting. Eighth-, ninth-, tenth-class men get their food by operating slaughterhouses. So hunters are much more advanced than cattle ranchers (although, to be fair, all the meat eaters today "benefit" from the cattle ranchers' and butchers' work--murder for hire).


I remember a nice story the illustrates your main point here--that we should see everyone as forgetful devotees. Once, in the early '80s, Praghosa was visiting Honolulu. After his class the first evening, he took questions. One fellow asked him to share with us a typical exchange with a typical airport mark. Praghosa gave him a blank look, as if he didn't understand the question, and said, "Pardon me?" Glenn repeated the question, and Praghosa immediately repolied, "The problem is the perspective behind the question. If we see the people we meet as "marks," we'll never make a real connection, which is really the point of preaching. But if we see them as lost Godbrothers or -sisters, then we're more likely to be able to make a lasting impression."

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Yeah John Kerry the Billionaire went to the woods because he was hungry and needed some food. And while he was at it got in some practice for his ksatriya duties. Maybe he even took his Gita and read a few slokas.


Then at the end of the day he took the dead goose back to his wife Teresa who plucked and boiled the goose for their meager supper of goose and salt.


Of course those who are synical by nature say he was really just putting on a show courting the NRA vote.


Yes a sage sees with equal vision but that would also include Republicans wouldn't it, and not just the Democrats.

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And, as clearly mentioned, John Mc Cain gets mine. Our late friend and godbrother, tusta krsna das, wrote an appeal to all devotees to contact US Federal representatives regarding human rights abuse of devotees by Russia. I contacted all of them, but my only reply came from Hillary Clinton and John McCain. Hillary Clinton wrote a very nice letter and called Hare Krsnas "mainstream", which I thought was very cool. John McCain affirmed the rights of hare krsnas to practice in russia free from religious persecution. So I will always regard McCain with respect above all other republicans for this response alone.


Well, I think Kerry was puttin on a show for NRA more than I think he was canvassing for the Hare Krsna Vote.


My poll, BTW, has the libertarians tied with the dems at one vote apiece. I dont know if Ancient Seattle Baseball Player really voted yet, maybe hes in florida and voted for jesse jackson but it read pat buchannon.


Yeah, this is all fun, in two weeks the world is gonna split in two anyway. I cant see Bush conceding to Kerry, and I cant see dems accepting the totals if kerry wins the pop vote and loses the electorial college (again). Glad I live in the tullies. Except the bush dude accross the street is practicing with his gun a bit too much for my comfort level. I traded all my stuff (mini-14, ruger security six, and street sweeper 12 ga) for a coupla bags of dope 15 years ago. Typical lefty, doncha think?


yo bro, mahak

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I wish I had that street sweeper. I live just off Telegraph ave. Actually we haven't had a good riot in my neighborhood for years, I think Rodney King was the last serious one.


That's the problem with today's youth, no spunk.


The thing with equal vision Mahak, and I know you know this, is that it does not have to be qualified for. The equality of the soul/self is eternally present it just needs to be recognized.


We are eternally related to every living thing regardless of if our minds agree with their politics or not. It's based on the soul and not external personality traits.


Which is great because I don't think I could accept Al Sharpton as my eternal godbrother. /images/graemlins/wink.gif But the soul? ...sure.


Hare Krsna

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This ol mauser. Once we were plinkin in the desert beyond tehachapi, black butte area, where the bikers and their zip gins and the vatos had those sterlings that blew up in the shooters hand. But we were out there in solidarity with the barriosters, hoovahs, warlocks, and my mini-14 was superb in all respects. We got them all to take a time out so I could install a 3/4" sheet of plywood 300 feet away. This mauser made the thing into toothpicks, one blast. Some Nato round, at least as girthy as a 45, may have been a 48 caliber. The bullets cost $5 a piece. Stopping power?


Anyway, back to brother al. How can you dis a man of the cloth li dat brah=;-)


All this politics stuff dont matter, and we both know it. Its entertainment only since I read the pamphlet called "Stupid Politicians" by our godbrother. I have my druthers on how society should be and who will get this for me, and you do to. But we have no impact on how its really gonna be.


I see war and rumors of war, no mattah bout 11-02-04. I dont see bushymon giving a speech of concession, pledging support to president-elect Kerry. I dont see those disenfranchized by the christian coalition in power going to church and espousing invasion after invasion, feeding our children into the big grinder. What I do see is stark division. I see riots because of the draft, riots due to poverty and loss of the middle class. I see economic and ecological collapse. I see chickens coming home to roost because we gloated about our cold war victory by default, and spent the peace dividend on propaganda promoting another demagogue to replace the evil soviet darth vader.


Two former presidents said it best. Both McKinley and Eisenhower knew that the marriage of military and industry would destroy any hope that the commoner had in democratic rule. The industry rules all the countries.


Or do you think Bush would have survived at all had he been a hero and blown four passenger jets out of the sky before they hit the targets? No, the targets had to be hit, that is the point. The implications are mind boggling, and gives full credence to the idea that :


"I am not American, I am not republican, I am not even of this plane at all. Aham Brahmasmi, I am transcendental to all war and rumors of war, because Im runnin in the weeds, rasslin with the blue guy, Im a storybook child, this is my eternal position."

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seems to me the guy that pictures reading the Bhagavad-Gita on VVn posting we already know the "Burning Bush" is just after american oil under Iraqi soil


god luck from Canada, you know ,us guys up here.

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Check out the new EMINeM video:<center><h2>M O S H</h2></center>


He wants the people to rise up against the government whose activities in the desert have brought terror to the nation. Heavy indeed, but he's my brother. I hope tHeY don't kill this brave soul.

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I like Eminem too but I can't understand why he likes Kerry. I can understand voting against Bush but I don't see Kerry as being much of a viable alternative to Bush. Oh well I guess its all the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead no matter what happens. Sometimes He wants maya to predominate and then He comes in and cleans up the mess.


"Christianism is Vaisnavism. Anyone who accepts the supremacy of God, he'a a Vaisnava." - Prabhupada

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Its all the other players. It the attorney general, its the VP, its the SECDEF, NSC, State, its a whole buncha non-elected folks who need to be removed in hopes for improvement.


Bush is a good ol boy. If he still drank, I could see him socializin with bubba clinton, watchin baseball (and teenage girls). Kerry is an east coast irish catholic politician of great personal wealth, liberal, people oriented like kennedys and tip o'neills. Who is more capable of getting thinkers together to iron this stuff all out. Bush is a patsy, while kerry, full of faults due to his opinionization, will attract future looking young folks, not the usual old fogies still thinking of the glory of the doughboy eating mustard gas or the sardine in a tin submarine eating japanese depth charges.


Its neither kerry or bush, it is the whole thinking process, forward to the war stained past.


mad mahax

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Hello, I'm sorry but this is an urgent request to find if there are any ISCKON members that remember a "prapbu" named Randall Stuart. Especially from Laguna Beach California. This is a loved one and he could use the wisdom and care of those who knew him in the true light. Please contact me if you remember him.

Thank you so much! <font color="pink"> </font color> <font color="purple"> </font color>



Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare! [image]http://http://www.dipika.org/2003/07/26.31/31.letters.from.prisoners/[/image] maya.andrade@gmail.com
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