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Awe and Reverence

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I have done this myself and I don't know if I have ever chanted just to simply please Krishna but I gotta say that Krishna has come through for me. I even once witnessed a material miracle once believe it or not. I went into a golf shop and there was a brand new set of remake 1971 Wilson Staff irons (1971 was the year I was born). I used to play Wilson Staffs when I was in high school (late 1980's) These were my dream set of golf clubs and the clerk in the golf store told me he didn't know where they came from. Apparently they manifested out of thin air. Maybe the clerk just wasn't there when they were delivered but either way I know that it was a miracle produced by Krishna.


Hopefully when I am old and all my relatives have passed away and my desire to play golf dies down I will really chant just to please Krishna but I look at it as a long term goal.

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