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Yashodanandana: questions posed & devotees

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Hare Krishna


Dandabats Pranam

All Glories to Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami Maharaja!


I would very much like to ask some questions to you.


~Is serving Srila Gurudeva a matter of just doing as he says?

~Does Krishna tell Srila Gurudeva from within the heart when I do something right, or is there some connection through Diksya that Gurudeva knows.

~If I am unable to do something or I do some mistake i.e. not reading so much is that going against orders of Srila Gurudeva. {I don't very much like reading so much, but I do sometimes, I don't know maybe I have some mental problem.}

~Surrender {carry on from above question}, how do I or when do I know when I surrender to Gurudeva, or do I think I surrender to Krishna, before Srila Gurudeva.

~Do the qualities of the soul exhibit only by chanting, or by Surrender.



Sorry again to ask here, but like you said maybe its best to get answers here.


Anybody else offer help feel free

Dandabats. Most humblest Godbrother.







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~Is serving Srila Gurudeva a matter of just doing as he says?

++yes, the spiritual master gives general instructions and individual instructions.. following them is like we were following direct orders given personally by sri krsna. If we surrender we satisfy guru, krsna, vaishnavas and we will be successiful


~Does Krishna tell Srila Gurudeva from within the heart when I do something right, or is there some connection through Diksya that Gurudeva knows.

++krsna is omnipotent, the guru is omnipotent because he's empowered by krsna. So in my opinion there's not too much to speculate wich qualities are from the guru itself and wich qualities are given by krsna, the spiritual master is simply constantly absorbed in krsna, he sees krsna, he talks with krsna, he feels krsna he acts only for krsna and krsna fully reciprocates giving to him any shakti to know the soul and mind of the conditioned souls for the purpose to save them


~If I am unable to do something or I do some mistake i.e. not reading so much is that going against orders of Srila Gurudeva?

++of course


~Surrender {carry on from above question}, how do I or when do I know when I surrender to Gurudeva, or do I think I surrender to Krishna, before Srila Gurudeva.

++we will know when we will be fully surrendered because we will see krsna.. and this will happen when we will surrender to the spiritual master, there's not a separate way to do it. Spiritual master is "tattva darshina", he sees the truth, krsna, so he can show what he sees to us, and krsna "obeys" to the order of his pure devotee making Himself visible to our eyes


~Do the qualities of the soul exhibit only by chanting, or by Surrender.

++chanting and surrendering are the same thing.. the spiritual master comes from goloka with the only purpose to make us remember our original relationship with krsna. So, being the only way in this kali yuga, he gives to us the simple method of chanting. So by chanting we execute perfectly the order given by the spiritual master, and gradually, hearing constantly this name, we will remember the One who is correlated with this name ... krsna. Or better, being the name non different by the subject, surrendering to the name we will surrender to krsna


i hope it helps... now let's hear from expert devotees





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