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So who are we? Are we this body? Do this small experiment: to find out .

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So who are we? Are we this body?


Do this small experiment:


With your index finger of your right hand, do the following.


Point with your right index finger towards your left hand.--If you put your hand on a camera, are you touching the camera? Are you the hand; is that you?


Now, point at your leg.--Are you the leg?


Your nose.--you may say, I smell something, does that mean you are you the nose?


Now, your eye.--you say, "I see" something; does this mean you are the eye?


Your ear.--whey you hear something, does that mean that you are the ear?


Your mouth.--Are you the mouth, tongue, or the teeth?


Neck.--Are you the neck?


Now, at your self.--Are you confused? Do you know where to point?


Now we can say that we are not any part of the body. But, does saying that you are the entire body make any sense either? That would mean that you are each and every part of the body also, let it be internal or external.


This leads us to the conclusion that we are neither any part of the body, nor the body itself.



So, what are we?


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The technique of hypnosis is used by the psychiatrists to dig out the deep memories that could be causing distress to the person. Since a common man, being deep into the body-consciousness, can tell about the memories of and related to the humans, and nothing more than that. The so-called technique of trying to find out the memories of the past birth by using technique (also called regression) is not accepted by anybody.

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