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The Appearance Day of Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja ,September 15 2004

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In August 1993, when Srila Gour Govinda Maharaj went to ISKCON's New Vraja-Mandala farm outside of Madrid, Spain, he saw that the devotees were using oil lamps.


Maharaj commented that in his childhood days, he also used oil lamps as there was no electricity in his village at that time. Srila Gour Govinda Maharaj then asked why the devotees were not using any electricity, to which he was answered that the electricity came from hydroelectric sources, and that there had not been any rain for over one and a half years.


Srila Gour Govinda Maharaj told the devotees that if they "pleased the yajna purusa and did kirtan, it will rain." So after Maharaj gave a class, he led a very long and ecstatic kirtan.


After some time there was a rumbling of clouds with thunder and lightning, but one Spanish devotee turned to Gour Govinda Maharaja's servant and said, "Oh, it gets like this often; thunder, lightning, but no rain." The kirtan went on, and within a short time after this devotee's statement, a HEAVY downpour of rain ensued, flooding the entire area.


So many of the devotees then rushed to go to see Srila Gour Govinda Maharaj, who told his servant, "Let us leave this place. I am not qualified to receive this respect. It is Their mercy. I am an insignificant creature. I want to leave this place immediately because I am not meant for this glorification. This is meant for Srila Prabhupada, my eternal spiritual master, and the Supreme Lord Krsna."


Within one hour Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja left Vraja-Mandala, and his servant changed their previous travel schedule to avoid receiving the glorification and respect that the devotees were offering.

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Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja


One day Srimati Radharani made a very nice flower garland for Krishna and gave it to Vrinda- devi, “You take and give this to Krishna.”

Vrinda-devi thought, “Subal-sakha is a priya-narma-sakha. He is very dear to Krishna. If Subal-sakha takes and gives it to Krishna, then Krishna will become very pleased.” So Vrinda-devi gave the garland to Subal-sakha.

Krishna was sitting on the bank of Radha- kunda. It was midday. Subal-sakha came and gave the garland to Krishna. Then he ex-plained everything — who had prepared the garland, how it had come to his hand, and how he was handing it over.

Then Krishna said, “Oh! I was just sitting here thinking about Srimati Radharani when you brought Me Her garland. My mind is very much agitated. Please help Me! Please help Me! Bring Radharani here. Please bring Radharani here. I want to meet with Her.”

Subal-sakha said, “Oh my friend, this is not a good time. It is noontime. It is quite impossible to bring Radharani here now. Oh, my friend! Give up this hope. It is quite impossible.”


Krishna said, “But My dear friend, My mind is very restless and agitated. Unless you bring Radharani for Me, then I will drown Myself in the Yamuna River and finish My life. I can-not survive.”

Subal thought, “Oh? My friend cannot sur-vive? He will drown in the Yamuna? All right, then. By hook or by crook, somehow I must bring Radharani and give pleasure to my friend.”

The friend’s mentality is to give pleasure. The sakhas always understand Krishna’s mentality. They know what Krishna is thinking and how they can help Him and give Him pleasure. This is sakhya-rasa — a madhura-rasa, sweet mellow. Such are the activities of the priya-narma-sakhas. They are very dear to Krishna.


Subal-sakha is very expert in all these ac-tivities. He went to Yavat, Radharani’s father- in-law’s house. Radharani’s mother-in-law Jatila had just finished taking her lunch and was sitting at the doorstep facing the win-dow of Radharani’s room. When she saw Subal, she said, “Hey! Why have you come here at noontime?” She knows, “Oh, this boy has come for some purpose. Yes. He’s a naughty boy.”

“Why are you coming here at this time?”

Then Subal, with much humility, said, “O mother! One of my calves is missing. I have searched all of the expected places, but I couldn’t find him. At last I have come here. He might be here. Mother, will you please go in and see if my calf is here? I will be freed from anxiety if I know my calf is here or not.”


Jatila became very angry. “I have already taken my lunch. I cannot move myself. You go inside and see.”

He was expecting her to say that. It was very difficult to go inside because she was sit-ting at the doorstep. So he got the opportu-nity. All of Krishna’s lila's take place by the wonderful arrangement of yogamaya.


Remembering yogamaya Subal-sakha prayed, and then entered the inner apartment where Radharani was. He told everything to Radha. “Krishna is sitting there on the bank of Radha-kunda, intensely thinking of You. You have to go there, otherwise He will drown Himself in the Yamuna.”

Radharani said, “How will it be? This is an awkward time and My mother-in-law is sitting there at the doorstep. How can I go? How can I go?”

But what is impossible? If you are very anx-ious to do something, to give pleasure to Krishna, what is impossible? Krishna can do and undo things. Nothing is impossible for Krishna. Krishna gives the intelligence. Pure intelligence comes from Krishna. The Gita (10.10) describes:


To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.


Krishna says, “One who is satata-yukta, con-stantly engaged in My bhajana with priti, with love, I give him pure intelligence.”

So, the intelligence came what should be done. Subal-sakha has the same appearance as Radharani. Subal-sakha said, “All right, Radharani, You take my garments.” He gave his dhoti, his kurta, his turban, and everything to Radharani. “You put all of this on. Now, You give me Your sari. I will put on Your sari and remain here.” They ex-changed clothes.

Then how to get out? The keen eyes of Radharani’s mother-in-law Jatila and Her sis-ter-in-law Kutila are there on Radharani. How to get out?

Now that Radharani was dressed in his clothes, Subal-sakha told Her, “Pick up a calf. Hold the calf on Your breast like this, then go out.” Subal-sakha had come to get his calf.

She did as Subal told Her. Dressed in the form of Subal-sakha, She picked up a calf, pressed it to Her breast and passed through. When She came to where Jatila was sitting, Radharani as Subal-sakha said, “Mother, I got My calf.”

“Oh, You got Your calf? All right, very good. Now go away! Get out!”

Radharani got out and went to Radha- kunda and met Krishna. Happy union.

However, Subal-sakha was still inside wear-ing Radharani’s sari. How was he going to get out? Another problem!

Generally, at noontime, the damsels of Vrajabhumi all go to Surya-kunda to offer puja to Suryadev. Now was that time, so all the damsels of Vrajabhumi came out from their houses.


Jatila called out, “Oh, daughter-in-law! Daughter-in-law! Aren’t You going to go to Surya-kunda to offer puja to Suryadev?”


Imitating Radha’s voice, Subal-sakha said, “Yes, yes, mother. I am going, I am going.” In this way Subal-sakha got out of the house and went to Radha-kunda. Krishna became very happy because Subal- sakha brought Radharani before Him. Krishna looked at Subal-sakha and both of them were laughing.

This is sakhya-rasa in vraja-lila. The sakhis, friends of Krishna, always help Krishna and give Him pleasure according to what He wants. Such are the loving dealings among friends. This pastime is known as subala-milana.


— From Mathura Meets Vrindavan.

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Srila Prabhupada quoted the following verse at the time of giving Sannyasa to Srila Gour Govinda Swami, “The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: One who is unattached to the fruits of his work and who works as he is obligated, is in the renounced order of life, and he is the true mystic, not he who lights no fire and performs no duty.”


He uttered this verse and said, “He is a real sannyasi” and then gave him the sannyasa mantra and danda. Shortly thereafter, many sannyasis and GBC members started complaining, “How has he taken sannyasa? He is a new man!” Then Srila Prabhupada told them, “He is a devotee from his birth - you are new men!”

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