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Undesirable thoughts

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I am having many undesirable thoughts in my mind.I try to convert the negative thoughts into positive thoughts but end up having more negative thoughts many times in the process.

What do I do?Should I just ignore the negative thoughts in my mind or should I fight the negative thoughts in my mind in the hope that at some point in time,I will be able to think positively?Will such negative thinking affect others?Also,am I accumulating bad karma for myself even if the negative thoughts are not intentional but are produced as a result of the ferar at the back of my mind that I may have negative thoughts in my mind?

Please help me out as I am losing my peace of mind as a result of negative thoughts in my mind.I genuinely do not want anybody to get punished for any of the thoughts I have.

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I remember a story that I read when I was a child:-


There was a king who was bald. He consulted many physicians. They gave him various medicines but there was no hair growth on the king's scalp. One day, a physician came to the king and gave him some oil. He asked the king to apply the oil every morning after bath. He warned the king not to think about mangoes while applying the oil. The king agreed.


After that whenever the king wanted to apply the oil, he remembered the warning of the physician. This way, he thought of mangoes.

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Thank you for your reply .I got the point you are trying to make.

But what do I do if negative thoughts just crop up in my mind?I have read elsewhere that every thought has an effect and I fear that such negative thoughts will end up affecting others and myself.Hence I attempt to nullify the neagtive thoughts by thinking positively .

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If negative thoughts come to your mind and you keep on repeating to yourself that such thoughts should not come to your mind, then also these thoughts will come.


Try to keep yourself busy in doing something constructive. You can do various things. Study something, have healthy discussion with people on various topics, or anything else to keep your mind occupied. You can even do meditation and chant God's name to keep your mind occupied.


When you do the above, then the number of times you get negative thoughts will reduce drastically. But you may still get some negative thoughts occasionally. To take care of these thoughts, rather than saying that these thoughts should not come to your mind, think of various good things. In a way, talk good things to yourself.


One of negative thoughts is to wish bad for someone. If that happens, then try to think of good things that he has done. Just saying to yourself that he is good will not be sufficient. You have to think as if you are trying to convince yourself that he has done good things. If you are not able to think of good acts done by him, then tell yourself that, in spite of all that he has done, something good should happen to him. Here again, you have to convince your mind that something good should really happen to him. How can you convince your mind? You can think that if something bad happens to him, his family may be affected and there are people in his family, who have not harmed you. In fact, some of them are good.


Initially you will have to forcibly bring positive thoughts into your mind. With time, your mind will get used to thinking positive.

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i have the same problems while chanting japa or gayatri or offering food sometimes. just take it easy and remember God see what's in your heart.


Your heart and soul and sincerity are beyond this stupid uncontrollable mind. chant Hare Krishna, don't focus on that, the mango example is really meaningful. it will go away gradually, mabe sometimes come again... it's like that.

Peace !

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