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hi my life sucks, but.

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I have a terrible job where I get underpaid, and work my butt off,


The girl I love, doesnt love me back, and always breaks my heart, doesnt talk to me at all, and I get heart broken.


My family is a total mess, everyone getting on the other peoples nervs.


I barely have many friends, and people dont usual call me at all.


I try my best to be nice and give, but i never get.




guess what?


I still chant everyday.


I thank krishna for this terrible job, that gives me atleast something to do besides think about how much of a screw up I am


I thank Krishna, for letting me experince this pain and love, she did love me back but not anymore, and I still thank god for the good times I had with her.


I thank krishna for my family, many people dont have one, and I thank krishna that I atleast have them.


I thank krishna that he lets me be this nice, and lets me be friendly to all this people.


I thank krishna for everything I have experince, pain or pleasure, I thank him with all my heart.


And even if i fall in a pit with spikes, I will still chant for krishna, even if he puts me in jail, I will still chant.



Hare krishna

Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare!

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Nine Inch Nails - The Way Out is Through


all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on

all i've undergone

i will keep on


underneath it all

we feel so small

the heavens fall

but still we crawl


all i've undergone

i will keep on


all i've undergone

i will keep on


all i've undergone

i will keep on



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Haribol, Sometimes, I wish my life sucked, but, unfortunately, where I work, the only things that do not suck are the ventilation systems and the vacuums.


Actually, when ya consider the 1000 MPH of the spin of the worsl, the unfathomable speed in which earth travels its orbit around the sun, and the monumental speed in which the sun hurtles through the cosmos, well, there has to be some suction created, dontcha think?


Oh.... you were using colloquialism. Now I see. Well, my post stays and I still wished the vacuums and vents sucked, because Im contaminated with airbourne particles that most die from every day.


haribol, ys, mad mahax

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