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Please Guru....why?

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When Krsna is pleased.


Guru is pleased, when Krsna is pleased.

Krsna is pleased, when guru is pleased.

Guru is pleased, when Krsna is pleased.

Krsna is pleased, when guru is pleased.

Guru is pleased, when Krsna is pleased.

Krsna is pleased, when guru is pleased.

Guru is pleased, when Krsna is pleased.

Krsna is pleased, when guru is pleased.


Like that.


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Who told you pleasing Guru is not "all in all"?


Krsna is most pleased when we serve His devotees.


Start reading that book; try to get an actual printed version if you can, unless you don't mind staring at a screen for hours on end (I just have the books on my hard disk for reference and quotational purposes, I can't stand to stare and read a heavy book like this onscreen for more than 15-20 minutes).

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"Please Guru....why?


PLEASE...try to understand who and what guru is through transcendental revelation/vision, not merely philosophical or scriptural means. Why indeed -- what is the motivation behind the desire to "please"? "Why" do you want Krsna anyway?


"we surrender to Guru?


By Guru's mercy we surrender to Krsna?"


Intention, its more deeper?


Just please? why deeper?


Krsna gives guru and guru gives Krsna. Mercy is a quality of guru, but there's much more. Deeper understanding is that guru gives DEVOTIONAL SERVICE which in turn "gives" Krsna. Devotional service is Srimati Radharani, always under Her exclusive control. Why? Because He is pleased ONLY by Her!

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What you said.


I did not think of that or I forgot.


See this it: Please Guru Please Krishna.


Guru is linked through disicplic succession to Krishna.


So in that way we can please Krishna only. By Pleasing His devotees which includes pleasing the Guru and visa-versa.


Right now I am trying to please devotees who have not yet recieved Initiation and those who have you feel more compassion for both and sometimes another and myownself.

I am the same person as I was before just that now I am trying to follow my Guru Maharaja. I hope to God I never look down upon devotees who are Initiated or those who are not because after all Initiation is a formality.


Now I can say that and how!

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Pankaja Prabhu,


I was very disturbed to read your words here about guru being formality. You must know that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and that "you get out of it what you put into it".


If you offer guru every respect every nanosecond then you reap rewards. If you take nothing from it, then you will indeed have nothing. He can give as much as you want to take.


If you remember guru, he will take you to Krsna. That is a fact. You have a great opportunity now. Don't waste it. Don't minimize your good fortune in being accepted by such a respected guru. Now all your efforts can be aligned properly toward the goal. Certainly Krsna was not visible before you not because of a lack of effort on your part. Now guru will move your hands and feet, fingers and mouth; all effort will be finely directed and effective.


First you must discover how great guru and Krsna are. That will complete your humility and there will be no danger of looking down on other vaishnavas, initiated or not.


Now is the time for action. No more words. Fast from words. Time to do it and see the agents behind those words you have gathered: see the modes of nature, see guru as Supersoul, see japa as Sri Krsna Himself, see how much you really want Him. It is all yours now. Take it.



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I said that Initiation was a formality. Maybe I am trying to please too many people with my words. But I did not mean Guru is a formality. That sounds not very nice.


I take your kind words of advice. Thankyou.


Ps while reading what you said I was taken aback. But I can see you are giving me good advice. I was sane enough to see that. Thank god.



I think as per your advice I'll take couple weeks off this forum. I do e-mail devotees as well so I am ok. I am unfortunate to not have your e-mail yet.

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"First you must discover how great guru and Krsna are. That will complete your humility and there will be no danger of looking down on other vaishnavas, initiated or not."


His Divine Grace is EVERYTHING, especially so for an initiated disciple or one who aspires to become one. The more we can appreciate our ABSOLUTE dependence on His mercy and grace, the greater will be our realization of Krsna. Relationship with one inevitably leads to the other for, as gHari prabhu says, it will "complete your humility" and thereby bring about an avoidance of aparadha.

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