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50% Of Income towards KC ?

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Even 50% after all your expences would be surrender, Ive also heard that giving 50% could mean looking after your dieties at home providing them good shelter and using your home as a namahata that would be more like giving everything to krishna if everything is spent with that goal then 100% is given to krishna. Theres always ways to define things so we try and keep as much for our selves, but our goal should be whatever situation we are in we try and use that for krishna.


If we are paying a morgage for a house then use the house for krishna if you buy food offer it to krishna and the devotees. Any surplus laxmi can be given to your local temples or projects.


Its all about our determination and sincerity.


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Its all about our determination and sincerity.



Yes. Good points. It's Krsna's service and not just the local religious body.


We need to ease our way past the calculating stage. "How much is Krsna's and how much is mine?" It's ALL Krsna's. That was so easy even I didn't require a calculator. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


When we stop purchasing all the world's unesscessary goodies and instead remain satisfied with the basics and use what's left in preaching or some service leaving the calculations up to Krsna we will certainly be the gainer.


Remember the old lady fruit vendor?

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One day, a fruit vendor came before the house of Nanda Mahäräja. Upon hearing the vendor call, “If anyone wants fruits please come and take them from me!” child Krsna immediately took some grains in His palm and went to get fruits in exchange. In those days exchange was by barter; therefore Krsna might have seen His parents acquire fruits and other things by bartering grains, and so He imitated. But His palms were very small, and He was not very careful to hold them tight, so He was dropping the grains. The vendor who came to sell fruits saw this and was very much captivated by the beauty of the Lord, so she immediately accepted whatever few grains were left in His palm and filled His hands with fruits. In the meantime, the vendor saw that her whole basket of fruit had become filled with jewels. The Lord is the bestower of all benediction. If someone gives something to the Lord, he is not the loser; he is the gainer by a million times.

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I have been looking for a picture on the web of that old lady fruit vendor and Krishna. You know she is filling Krishna's little hands with fruit and behind her is an overflowing basket of jewels.


You are the image master here so I appeal to you to please put it up if you got one.


Om Tat Sat

Thanx alot

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Only a non-businessman, who knows nothing of economics, would misunderstand about giving 50% of one's income. Firstly, from gross income one must deduct the cost of product or service in order to maintain working capital. That is GROSS profit. From gross one deducts over-head/living-business expenses to arrive at NET profit. One can give 50% of their net profit to be sensible.


Otherwise they would "go under" in no time!



Hrsikesananda das

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