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What if you've never received direct personal instructions from your Guru Maharaja?

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Don't you feel cheated out of something important?

How can you make his words (or in this case lack of them )your life and soul?

Haven't you missed out on what to do or what not to do with your life in this body?


Of course he's given general instuctions to all of his disciples,but what if he gave you the instruction like say,"Distribute my books til you drop!"

or"Build a huge Vedic temple in Manhattan!"

or "Translate all the Goswami literatures in English!"


Without such intructions,how can you say that you have truly received the spiritual master's mercy?


Do you know what I mean? Because with the ORDER would come the blessing,power and ability to carry it out.So it wouldn't be you at all .You would simply be a perfect gurudas,an instrument in the hands of the spiritual master's mercy mission.


So all those poor disciples who have never received a direct instructrion,how do they come up with their lifelong service after the dissappearance of their Guru(he enters Krsna's pastimes)? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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Without such intructions,how can you say that you have truly received the spiritual master's mercy?


i think that "chant at least n. rounds of mahamantra every day and go to the point to make it without offences", the main instruction of all gaudya vaishnava gurus in the world give at the moment of initiation, is the most difficult and valuable instruction that can be given to a disciple.... and this instruction is direct, because it is given by our paramatma who is manifested in the spiritual master


for most of us a life is not enough to fulfill the promise and to repay our debt


other services, even materially huge and important, are only expansion of the service who emanates all the other ones... hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna.....



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But the special ORDER to preach in english language all over the western countries, for example ,received by Srils Prabhupada from his Guru Maharaja was the 'vyavasatmika buddhir' or one pointed intelligence fixed ORDER which heart and soul he carried out perfectly.


You see the special instruction received by Arjuna to fight,to Uddhava to carry Krsna's message ,to Sri Hanumanji to serve Sri Rama,etc...This is the active life principle of a disciple.He will eat ,sleep and breathe this ORDER .He'd rather die than give up the ORDER of the spiritual master.Again what is that very special divine ORDER which authorizes you to do what you are doing(beside just chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regs).Did your spiritual master tell you to preach in ISKCON,for example?

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I never received direct instructions of my ex GBC Guru, that is the first reason I left Him, the second was listen from him big vaisnava aparadha. just check some Guru-tattva

and guru parampara behavior on this matter. Just read Jaiva-Dharma or Upadesamrta to clarify this subject!

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i am not able to see the order to chant hare krsna as something secondary, something that it is not worth to die for, to breathe for and so on... of course i am not against special orders or missions, simply i think that every devotee has already the special mission to chant hare krsna without offences and in this way go back to godhead


"Did your spiritual master tell you to preach in ISKCON,for example?"


not specifically, i simply follow a natural tendence, if i know something good i like to tell it to others too.. and my spiritual master tells to me many good things


(from my spiritual master i have received mainly corrections and chastizements not being attentive in the class and for my distract and offensive chanting.... and the direct instruction: "when you have not to speak for job or other relationships, when your mouth is idle.. chant hare krishna", he said also : "you in vrindaban see only escrements, pigs, dogs, broken walls, dirt and difficulties because you are not attentive when you chant hare krishna.. if you do it, you will soon see krsna, radhe, the gopis, gopas, yasodamata, nanda maharaja....", "hare krsna is the only medicine.... if you do not take it, i have nothing more to give to you"


jaya srila gurudeva)

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I have never had a physical spiritual master but I am glad that I read Srila Prabhupada's books and get message to chant Hare Krishna. That is enough for me. - a.m.

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