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everydays life in vaikntha, do they eat sleep etc?

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Hi all, I have a question which I cant find an answer anywhere -- How is everydays life on vaikunthas look like?

I mean bodily activity -- do they eat? if yes do they have all these inner organs like material body to digest etc? do they pass stool? do they sleep? do they have sex? do they born children? If the answer for these questions is no then next question is why then they have teeth, tongue, stomach, genitalia etc.

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so they have all the inner organs etc? But if spiritual body will eat the apple the apply -- also spiritual body/soul will stop to exist.. how can that hapen??

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I am just trying to imagine how everydays life is going on vaikunthas and what is the purpose of different parts of the spiritual bodies.


Here in material life everything has purpose and mostly everything is obvious. I eat to supply my material body with energy, for this I have different inner organs each of which has particular functions.

Looking at the pictures of Sri Krishna and His friends I see bodies which look like material ones -- legs, arms, mouth etc so this is why I am asking.


Do they need to eat to maintain themselves?

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Well, I suppose there can be some differences in pastimes which are shown on Earth and on Goloka. Do He pass urina in the houses of gopi in Goloka too?

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Thank you for answer, but to be true my main question is how do they maintain their life -- do they have to eat another living beings to maaintain their liefe?, do they have all inner organs for this? Same for breathing.{Passing stool is not main point in my questions /images/graemlins/smile.gif }

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Existence is the basis of eternal life. It has no need to be maintained artifically from outside of itself. There is no fear of not getting food and diminishing or dying as we experience in this world. Existence is part of what the soul is composed of. Along with knowledge and bliss in loving Krsna.


All in that realm is purely conscious. How they interact is beyond or present power to conceive.


That world is filled with variety but of a nature that we have no experience of, so the tendancy is for our minds to try and fill in those gaps in our understand by imposing impressions rom this world onto our conception of that eternal one. It is rather unavoidable. Our minds anthropomorphasize(is that a word?) until we experience to real thing.


We have to go there and receive those eternal impressions.

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Well, I suppose there can be some differences in pastimes which are shown on Earth and on Goloka. Do He pass urina in the houses of gopi in Goloka too?


vrindavana on the earth is not different from goloka.. and krsna never leaves goloka!!!

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Do they need to eat to maintain themselves?


of course NO.... krsna is never controlled by material desires.. but he eats to relationate with devotees and have and receive bliss

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well spiritual body exists always and can not come in contact with material world. But a lot of materialistic people were able to see Sri Krishna and His pure devotees.

Does that mean they were granted spiritual vision? Or maybe Sri Krishna and His devotees were manifested by material energy? How did that devotees like Arjuna and others left this material world 5000 years ago? Spiritual body cannot die..

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yes I understand that my intelect can handle only those things which I have experience of. I dont remember my lila with Sri Krishna so yes at the moment full understnding of how the life on Goloka looks like is beyond my capabilities.


Yet still I believe that at least some explanation can be "entered" into my intelect. Just like when a little kid is asking you about how the electricity works -- something you can explain to him, adjusting the information according to his level of inteligence.


{sorry for bad English}

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So they eat another living being there like apples etc.

What happens to the apple when it is put into mouth of Goloka inhabitant and then is being chewed? I know it cant die, its spiritual.

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well spiritual body exists always and can not come in contact with material world. But a lot of materialistic people were able to see Sri Krishna and His pure devotees.

--a materialist cannot see krsna


Does that mean they were granted spiritual vision?

---of course.. krsna makes him visible to us, it is not that we see krsna..


Or maybe Sri Krishna and His devotees were manifested by material energy?

---no, krsna and devotees are not subjected to material energy.. otherwise maya were the real god, but it is not so


How did that devotees like Arjuna and others left this material world 5000 years ago? Spiritual body cannot die..

--yes.. they did not die, they're performing eternally krsna pastimes... who has krsna consciousness sees them



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you must fully experience and realize that you are spirit (aham brahmasmi)


only then


you can start to understand what goes on in the spiritual world.


Lord Krishna's pastimes here on earth give us a glimpse (and a glimpse only!) of the spiritual world. And certain aspects of these pastimes take place only here (like for example His killing of demons). Be humble and patient and the sweetness of Krishna lila will be revealed to you... and the experience will blow your mind away... Hare Krishna!

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--a materialist cannot see krsna

duryodhana, shishupala, shakuni, all the asuras like bakasura, kaliya etc are they all pure devotees? How could they see Krishna?


still I dont understand how Arjuna, Yasoda and other exalted devotees had left this world? How it was looking from a side?

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thanks for inspiration.


I have read somewhere in the scriptures that Goloka is so opulent that there is no need in this material world at all. Sri Krishna can have everything in His world, He doesnt need maha maya for His lilas. Why then you tell that some of His lilas are only manifested in the material world?


Yes, I know, my qualifications are very low, still I haave some intelligence so I can understand at least something. Otherwise if we are not capable to understand spiritual matters at all why ten there are all these scriptures?


aham brahmasmi -- this is why I started this topic-- to better understand way of being the brahman, spirit, not material body.

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