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Bush says sorry.

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Hare Krsna


All this is happened seems to me, to make USA seem humane, by Bush apologising, he I'm sure knew what went on, they are killing people in Iraq, yet when it comes to torture etc, everybody is up in arms, you could say it similar to animal killing.

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Humiliation was shown. Where was all the outrage when the thugs in Falujah killed four American civilians, dragged their burnt bodies through the streets and then hung their charred carcas' dangling over a bridge?


The whole Arab world appears to be nuts. Like the Prince in Saudia Arabia who blamed the jews for bombings there last week and accused them of being behind Al-Quada. Blind fanatics that's it.

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I read newspaper headlines that said he "stopped short of an apology"…


"part of the headline" I said.


(But now an apology would solve everything). I'm more than willing to forgive an agressor for stealing and killing and God knows what else… if they're sorry.


(He IS f_cking SORRY alright. Never thought any different. Never had me fooled. I know he's retarded too… tooooOo much cocaine).

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Hare Krsna


My mistake.


I'm just sick of these dictators, they are the legs of society, no idea what they are doing, we have no idea what they are going to do next. When in Gods name will the Varna system come back. Godless society we live in today.


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My opinion tactics.


Show the world pictures of Toture, Bush says Oh we shall see it never happens again, Bush looks for a moment like the good guy, while others look bad, cause Bush didn't know right?


Don't make me sick.


I wonder what else these sudras will think up, for power.


Good V Evil. All comes down to one thing, lack of KC.

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All of them are after power, they care little, what spiritual value do they have or hold, once a week goto Church, I wonder what they ask for..


Bush 'Please God make us win the war'

Blair 'Please God make us win the war'

Iraqies 'Please God make us win the war'


Is this the prayer of peace?


what happens after the war, I am laughing at the arrogance of the USA and Britain, they though it would be easy, in and out, thats the price you pay for satisfying Lust.

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Hare Krsna,


I think they try to control us, in a way where they stay in power and leave everybody else virtual beggers.


Look around the world, everybody is being crippled by the interest they have to pay to these Giants, I saw this acually on TV, the interest grows almost every second, so its near impossible for poor countries like Ethiopia to pay.

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Lending money in the old days, who knows what for, building an economy? lol, now they can't pay up.


It would be simple to just get little piece of land, a cow, a wife {lol there a joke in there}, and house. simple.


Hare krsna.

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The quality of life.


what are we paying our taxes for, for fun?


Control method, rich get rich, poor get poor.


Actally main method is through TV, so I have heard!


Thats why bringing back Varna system would be ideal.


...wonder if Bush has read the Gita, I suspect he hasn't.

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To be a dog, lets all be dogs!


Anyway thats hows I feel, as well as being under material modes, we've got to deal with these Mudhas, why don't they do something worthwhile, for everybodys advancement in spiritual life, thats what they are there for.


If I am a parent and I not look after spiritual needs of my child, then I am a parent in name only, otherwise I'm just a control freak, is it not?


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of complaining about what you consider Bush's and Blair's lack of spirituality - why don't you send them both a Bhagavad Gita As It Is? Send them emails each day preaching of Krishna Consciousness?


Prabhupada did not sit in India and complain about all of us mudhas here in the west. No! He went into action and with great risk to His health - He traveled half way around the world to a strange country with a few coins and a trunk load of books.


You got it easy. Put a book in a box and take it to the Post Office. Sit down at your computer and type up an email in the comfort of your home.


Can't think of what to say to them? Just do what you do here all the time and paste qoutes.


Complaining does not change anything. Only action can do that. So get off your duff.


Change requires taking some risks not sitting in these forums preachin to the choir.


Take it to the streets.



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SB 4.17.26


Any cruel person—be he a man, woman or impotent eunuch—who is only interested in his personal maintenance and has no compassion for other living entities may be killed by the king. Such killing can never be considered actual killing.



The planet earth is actually a woman in her constitutional form, and as such she needs to be protected by the king. Prthu Maharaja argues, however, that if a citizen within the state—be he man, woman or eunuch—is not compassionate upon his fellow men, he or she may be killed by the king, and such killing is never to be considered actual killing. As far as the field of spiritual activities is concerned, when a devotee is self-satisfied and does not preach the glories of Krsna, he is not considered a first-class devotee. A devotee who tries to preach, who has compassion upon innocent persons who have no knowledge of Krsna, is a superior devotee. In his prayer to the Lord, Prahlada Maharaja said that he was not personally interested in liberation from this material world; rather, he did not wish to be liberated from this material condition until all fallen souls were delivered. Even in the material field, if a person is not interested in others’ welfare, he should be considered to be condemned by the Personality of Godhead or His incarnation like Prthu Maharaja.

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