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Weekly Vrats

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What is the best day for vrat in honor of Lord Vishnu/Lord Krishna?


Monday- Shankara

Tuesday- Hanumanji

Thursday- Shirdi Saibaba

Friday- Mahalaxmi/Durga Mata


Can you help me fill in the blanks?

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Hare Krsna.


For Krsna/Vishnu you can do Ekadasii Vrat. Avoid eating grains and beans on that day and eat food only offered to Krsna. And no coffee/Tea or drinks with Caffine.


If you don't mind I would like to ask you, where did you get this from?

Thursday - Shirdi Sai Baba? Where is it mentioned?


Ekadasii vrat is mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam and many other places, even the importance of each Ekadasii is explained by Krsna. But Fasting for Shirdi Sai baba.....?



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Generally pooja for Shirdi Saibaba is held on Thursdays, it is good to do his weekly fast on this day.


I don't know the scriptural basis (if any)


I know about Ekaadashi vrat (thanks for the calendar link)

When you specify grains or beans does this include dal?


Hindu women generally fast one say a week per "stree dharma" Usually they fast for devi on Fridays, however my husband's paternal aunt is a devotee or Shirdi Saibaba and fasts on Thursdays. I would prefer to fast for Sri Vishnu/Sri Krishna, but I have found sources saying the proper day is either Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday, but I'm not sure which source is correct.


If anybody knows the correct day, let me know.


Govinda! Govinda!

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Thats the only days to fast. Not for material gain to have a good husband/wife or wealth etc.


You should fast on ekadasi because that is the time sin personified comes into grain and sin.


I know many people(women) who fast on other days of the week but when it comes to fast on ekadasi they dont so the other fasts dont matter.


As for shirdi sai baba fast.....ewwwww. Why would anyone fast for him. He is not god.


Ekadasi all the way.

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do anything for krsna


all the other ekadasi's count. Just as you water a plant you water the root and then the whole tree is satisfied.


Krsna is the root.


Just surrender unto krsna. All the other fasts are for people who arent surrendered to krsna have to these fasts lifetime after lifetime until they surrender to krsna.

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I know many people(women) who fast on other days of the week but when it comes to fast on ekadasi they dont so the other fasts dont matter.



I have seen this also, among my many cousins. Curious.


VERY Curious..


Most people fast for some sort of material gain, for later sense gratification, but you ask why you not fast on Ekadasi, its like they don't even know what you are saying.


I am afraid the western 'Hindu's' don't know about Ekadasi {I DID NOT!}, why? Blame the parents, when I went to India long time ago, my Grandfather used to fast, the way he did it was nobody knew about it, he just fasted.

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I want to fast for Ekaadashis AND once a week. If you don't know the answer to my question, then don't give advice, please. Any occasion for doing something for Krishna is good enough- even if you can't perform the other vrats- if He will accept pushpam, phullam, etc. such humble gifts, then surely he will accept a fast undertaken on any occasion if it is done with loving devotion.


One more thing, you should never say "Ewwwwww" about anyone else's God. Even if you want to change someone's mind, this will not be effective. Imagine if some Christian comes up to you and says "Why do you like Krishna so much? I think he stinks!" you would not be very likely to listen to another word from his mouth!


It is said that the devotee should be humbler than a straw in the street, and see Lord Krishna in everyone, not just in the Guru. His lotus eyes are staring out of the eyes of all the people you meet, all the animals, plants. Shirdi Sai Baba is no different. That is why there are so many "gods" in India, because they (and their devotees too) are all a part of that One God with His fragrant vanamala, kasturi tilakam, tri-bhanga pose, the ruby-red lips kissing the flute.



In whatever form the devotee worships with faith, God stabilizes the faith of that devotee in that particular form.


This is something I truly believe, and I say this out of love for you devotees. I bow to the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. May He forgive me of any possible offense.

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Thats the only days to fast. Not for material gain to have a good husband/wife or wealth etc.


You should fast on ekadasi because that is the time sin personified comes into grain and sin.




I'm not looking for material gain, and I'm not worried about incurring sin or going to hell. I am eternally indebted to the lotus feet of Lord Krishna, the thought of whom would make even hell a heaven.


(Quotations from Rabi´a al-Adawiyya)

"O God!

If I adore You out of fear of Hell, burn me in Hell!

If I adore You out of desire for Paradise,

Lock me out of Paradise.

But if I adore You for Yourself alone,

Do not deny to me Your eternal beauty. "

(p. 42)



"May God steal from you

All that steals you from Him"



(Quotations from Rabi´a al-Adawiyya)

The one who explains, lies.

How can you describe the true form of Something

In whose presence you are blotted out?

And in whose being you still exist?

(p. 36)






My Joy

My Hunger

My Hunger

My Shelter

My Friend

My Food for the Journey

My Journey's End

You are my breath,

My hope,

My companion,

My craving,

My abundant wealth.

(p. 47)



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if you want to fast thats ok. Also chant extra rounds and read prabhupads books. I fast only on ekadasi not because I am lazy but that is the vedic injunction. If you fast everyweek but not ekadasi then there is no point.


Someone else's god????? Can you prove that Shirdi Sai baba was god? Shirdi Sai baba is not GOD. At best he might be vaisnava who had some mystic powers. Just because someone has mystic powers doesnt make them god. We also have people here who think Satya Sai "afro" baba is god. Total nonsense. It is stated in the Bhagavatam who are the incarnations of krsna. Any Saibaba wasnt mentioned.


Yes Lord krsna is in everyone and every living entity is a eternel spirit soul and servent of krsna. Including animals of all sorts which include lions and tigers. Now what would happen if you hug a lion, he will devour you because that is his nature. You have to judge a person by the instructions of the vedas which is by their nature and actions not just because someone puts on a show of vrats. Hey even Ravan and other demons fasted and did tapasya for material gain.


There are so many gods in india because nobody has read the sastras and they think anyone who can say some sweet words an do some illusion or trick is god. Lord Krsna doesnt say that all these are gods.


In bagavat gita 9.23 krsna says


ye 'py anya-devata-bhakta

yajante sraddgataanvitah

te 'pi mam eva kaunteya

yajanty avidhi-purvakam


here lord krsna says that those who are worshiping other gods(demigods anya devata) are only worshipping me but in the wrong way.


Else where in the gita 7.20


Lord krsna says that because of materialistic desires(kamaih), those who surrender to other gods (anya-devatah) are bereft of intelligence(hrta-jnahah)


The intelligent Lord krsna says 7.19 surrender unto me(mam prapayente)


These are just a few statements, at this time I coudnt find others that i wanted but thats ok. I am not here to start arguments with you but shirdi or satya sai baba are not any incarnations of god.


Hare Krsna


I do like your posts though and please continue to post. I think you are doing a very good thing by fasting or keeping vrats.

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his greatness according to which sastra?


what was his sampradaya? I am not that much aware of him. I know he might have been a vaisnava. Although a vaisnava's duty is to take everyone towards krsna or ram or visnu.


I have nothing against him. I hope he falls into the prerequisits of guru sastra and sadhu.


And when you say so what to what krsna says it shows you do not accept krsna's words.


I have the ultimate respect for you prabhu but i am not just going to follow someone out of sentimentality.


hare Krsna

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Don't follow Shirdi Sai Baba if you don't want to. You don't have to do that. Only thing is, it makes people feel bad if you say nasty things about someone they care about.


Arguments are boring and get us nowhere. We do what we can for the Lord, which is inconsequential due to His vast opulence. Yet He considers it worthwhile and to our credit if only we love Him- with love which also comes into our hearts through His grace.


My least favorite thing in the world is philisophical speculation, thus I will no longer participate in this conversation about Shirdi Sai, though I think it behooves one to be tolerant of other faiths (that doesn't mean you have to LIKE it- toleration does not equal acceptance)


Bolo Sri Siyavara Ramachandra ki jai!

Pavana-suta Hanuman ki jai!


Jai Sri Krishna!

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No one chastised Shirdi Sai baba. We are just pointing that who should be worshiped. If even correcting someone is wrong than sorry prabhu, you continue to be tolerant and don't say anything.

We will correct someone, and if still they want to continue with what they are doing than fine, no we don't do like the islamic terrorists do, "If you don't follow us, we kill you".

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We will correct someone, and if still they want to continue with what they are doing than fine, no we don't do like the islamic terrorists do, "If you don't follow us, we kill you".




This is the precicely TOLERANCE I am talking about!


Only thing that bothered me was when previous poster said "Shirdi Sai Baba... Ewwwww!" that was kind of weird for me. Anyways, I'm sorry to have made such a big stir!!

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The other posting where the person said, S.Sai baba ......ewww.

Yes, its unfortunate that somethimes we as devotees due to lack of experience preaching make statements like this.

Personally, I have experienced that when i had just come to KC. One of the devotees visited our house and in a class, he ridiculed Ganesha by saying with a laughter that he was a secretary who was assigned to type the narrations of Vyasa.

Now something that like, I would not even say it in my dreams to someone who i am preaching KC for the first time. Actually I would never say something like this no matter what. Srila Prabhupada may have made some strong statements, but who are we to copy SP.

Even at the temple, during a sunday class, speakers would often ridicule demigods and the initiated devotees (most of them) would laugh. I wonder what's got into their heads....just look around the temple room is full of new devotees who have come to hear about Krsna and spiritual life and not to listen about your foolish jokes.

But still they are devotees, they expcept Krsna as the supreme, their heart is in the right place, but have to be corrected and taught what to say when and where.

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who said ewww to shirdi sai baba. I also think Satya sai "afro" baba is not god for various reasons i guess i shoudnt do that either.


I dont see anything unfortunate or bad about someone joking about Ganesh ji during class.


Srila Prabhupad did make strong statements and those are the exact statements that we live by. We should not waterdown anything just because someone might get offended. If srila prabhupad did that then this movement would have never started.


I dont think you consider srila prabhupads words to be foolish do you?


In vancouver we have had powerful classes from the sastras explaining how krsna is the supreme and also one verse from the gita where krsna says worshiping demigods is for people bereft of intelligence.


We are not imitating prabhupad but following in his footsteps. Prabhupad was bold and he was a general in this army which is against the war against maya. We are his soldiers who are following his order.


Hare Krsna

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I dont see anything unfortunate or bad about someone joking about Ganesh ji during class.



Find me a quote from Prabhupada where he says we should laugh at demi-gods.


Also I hope you know who Ganesha is, I am laughing at you right now.!

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When did I imply that prabhupad laughed at demigods????


Every devotee has his or her way of talking and expressing his emotions and sometimes at the heat of the moment maybe something came out but i dont think its unfortunate.


Yes I do know who Ganesh ji is. Atleast to the best of my knowledeg


I mean if I said to someone that according to the gita lord krsna said that people who worship demigods are of less intelligent and if he got upset then I shoudnt say that.



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Hare Krsna.


Are you saying we can present some things like S.Prabhupada presented and some things in our own whimsical ways?

So Srila Prabhupada did not laugh at demigods, than why should we?

Prabhu, it was not the case where the devotee was not in good mood or anything like that.

If you like I can provide you a lecture from S. Prabhupada in hindi, where he does say that somethings he may say strongly. But we must be cautious and not repeat it like he said, specially to elders (parents, etc). So just because S. Prabhupada said rascal many times, we cannot do that.

I am surprised with your thoughts on "there's nothing wrong about joking on Ganesha", do you consider yourself in a higher position them him? If not, than no need to joke about souls who are in a higher position than yourself. If anything one can explain his position without ridiculing him, it would be a great offense to say something like that to Lord Ganesha. "Vaishnava naam yatha Shambu" Lord Shiva is the greatest Vaishnava and it is ok to joke about his Son "Ganesha".?

Please think about it Prabhu.


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