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Girls 'get infertility implants':Is this a way to stop unwanted progeny?

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Girls 'get infertility implants'



Teenage pregnancy rates rose slightly in 2002

Doctors are giving girls as young as 14 implants which make them infertile for three years without getting their parents' consent, says a report.

About 400 girls aged under 16 have been fitted with the contraceptive implants, claims the Sunday Times.


Rods inserted into the arm release hormones to stop egg production.


The paper says the figures emerged in a parliamentary answer, as ministers try to lower the UK's teenage pregnancy rate - the highest in western Europe.




Shadow children's minister Tim Loughton, who obtained the figures, said he was concerned by the practice.


He told the paper: "This will not help young people have a more responsible attitude to sex.


"It is no good making sure girls do not become pregnant if they are going to sleep with numerous partners and get infections."


There are medical concerns about giving girls artificial hormones in this way but some doctors say it is preferable to the pill, which some girls forget to take.


Doctors are not obliged by law to tell an underage girl's parents that they have given her contraception.


In the latest figures, the number of under-18s in England and Wales becoming pregnant increased by 2.2% from 2001 to 2002.


The government has pledged to cut the rate of conceptions in under 18s by 50% by 2010.



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Its already happening. Birth rates in Europe are so low that they don't even have population parity. Forecasting the trend is not difficult science with mortality tables and birthing tables. The projections over the next 50 years are frightening with their implications.


Because they don't have enough young people, Europe has to import workers from poorer areas (often Islamic countries). But in Islam birthcontrol doesn't appear to be an issue. So they tend to have much higher birthrates.


Eventually Europe will become Islamic. Already I have read that France has more Muslims than baptised Catholics. In Europe the Catholic church is effectively dead. And they know this. They have shifted their emphasis to the developing world. Partly because that area hasn't been Christianized yet. But also because they know they don't hold any sway in their own backyard.


We've become too fat and happy. It really is a sign of materialism. If the purpose of life is to be happy (from a materialist perspective), then it is best not to have many children. Because children are a pain. We all know it. They consume resources that could be used to buy a second Mercedes, or a cruise to the Bahamas. They consume, consume and consume, until they are 18. And even then they keep taking. So if this life is all there is (thats what our modern educational system tells us), then don't have kids, or have very few, and enjoy as much as you can.


In America we are having a similar problem, though not quite as extreme as Europe. There tends to be a relationship I believe between socialism and religiousity (inverse), and religiousity and birth rate (direct).


In the U.S. we are making up the difference with legal & illegal immigration. But most of that is coming from Mexico and Central & South America. As such our population will increasingly be more and more Catholic while Europe's will become more and more Muslim. Should make for an interesting future.

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Series of articles here involve LOTR actor John Rhys Davies' opinion on this very subject. Apparently he was rebuked by many.








and here



[moderator's note: edited to shorten one link, to keep page on screen]

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Here are some other articles:










"Even if there is a small improvement in the birth rate, by 2050 we are likely to see populations cut by a third," Mr Macura said. [For Eastern Europe]


Just a quick summary of those articles. The birth rates come from each of these articles, so might not be exactly on the same scale (different dates, different calculations). Still this should gives you an idea of what Europe is looking at. Remember 2.1 is the magic figure you must hit just to have population parity.


2.1 Births/Woman =Population Parity


Former East Germany – 0.83

Former Eastern Europe – 1.3

Western Europe – 1.6

Latvia – 1.09

Bulgaria – 1.11

Russia – 1.17

England/Wales – 1.66

Spain – 1.15

Italy – 1.19

Germany – 1.34

Denmark – 1.75


Its over. By the time Europe wakes up, it will be too late. I remembered reading of a big city in Belgium I believe where the Muslim population was already 25%. I believe right now England has like 4 or 5 million Muslims mostly from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. There is one cleric in England that preaches in the streets to young British Muslims to overthrow the government through Jihad. And since Western Civilization protects "free speech" there is nothing the government can do. If its 4 million today where will it be in 50 years? Probably 10-15 million. Coupled with English declining birth rates, you'll probably end up seeing 30% of England as Muslim, if not more. Because once they control enough votes, they can legally say "We're opening the floodgates to Muslims throughout the world". Then its over. The left and right will be fighting each other and the legal red tape will tie their hands. Within 100 years its democracy won't even matter.

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I forgot one very important figure from one of those articles.


Turkey - 2.48


Turkey, a European Muslim country, the most Western/European of Islamic countries, has 2.5 children per woman. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Pakistan, India, or Bangladesh was above 3.


Another issue to consider is the European Union. It is breaking down economic and migration barriers. I believe I understand this correct - that within the EU people of member countries may freely move to any other member country. Just like there is no barrier to migration between one state in the U.S. and the next. So if there are 4 million Muslims in England, it is very possible there will be large migrations of Muslims out of parts of Europe and into England. Or Belgium. Why not take over one small country. A Belgium or Ireland. And they would have every legal right once they take over an area to eliminate old cultural setups. On a simple level they could change every city street name to what they want. Or they could change laws to comply with Sharia Islamic law. They could ban alcohol (against Islam) or require halal laws for meat. Its a Democracy so they could do what they want.

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This could affect devotees. Maybe we should look into some kind of hidden enclave, with nature and natural resources, and all that. Devotees adapt well to situations and can be quite self-sufficient. We will prevail in this apathetic post protestant reformation world of falling Christianity rising Islam.


Err, if Krsna arranges so. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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