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"Everyone's servant is nobody's servant."

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Naham vipro na ca nara-patir napi vaisyo na sudro

naham varni na ca grha-patir no vanastho yatir va

kintu prodyan-nikhila-paramananda-purnamtabdher

gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanudasah


"I am not a brahmana; I am not a ksatriya; I am not a vaisya or a sudra. Nor am I a brahmacari, a householder; a vanaprastha, or a sannyasi. I identify myself only as <font color="red">the servant of the servant of the servant of the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna,</font color> the maintainer of the gopis. He is like an ocean of nectar, and he is the cause of universal transcendental bliss. He is always existing with brillance."

(Padyavali: 74)


Typical mantra chanted during the bhuta-suddhi and is one that Lord Sri Caitanya himself chanted.


I believe it says it all.

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And since Krishna is within everyone and everyone is part of Krishna we must be careful, I believe, in how we make distinctions.


Of course there is variety in the spiritual conception along with oneness. Krishna may have chosen to reveal Himself to you primarily through one certain being. But that should not negate a service attitude towards all others should it?


So I am thinking that there must be a wide range of service attitudes existing compatibly on the absolute plane.


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"Gentlemen, the offering of such an homage as has been arranged this evening is not a sectarian concern, for when we speak of the fundamental principle of gurudev & acharyadev, we speak of something that is of universal application. There does not arise any question of discriminating my guru from yours or anyone else's. There's only one guru who appears in an infinity of forms to teach you, me & all others."


Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada; Bombay Gaudiya Math February 1936

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