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i want to join a gaudiya mutt. please guide me.

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i want to join either in a gaudiya mutt in india.


especially in a gaudiya mutt, whats the rule & procedures in joining. do i have to pay monthly something ? do i have to work something there ?


please clarify me with basic details.


Hare Krishna

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Well, due to the creativity of some transaliterators "Math" is sometimes spelled "MUTT" even in India. Either way it either seems to have algebraic or canine connotations. It's not the orig. poster's fault, though. I can't believe you said that, friend! Somebody comes to you and says "I want to join a Gaudiya Mutt, I want to grow closer to Lord Krishna" and you say "Heh heh.. you said mutt!" in an all too Beavis-and-Butthead like manner. Jeez Louise!


Funny, guys.


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especially in a gaudiya mutt, whats the rule & procedures in joining

--basically you have to chant a fixed number of hare krishna mahamantra everyday.. the average is 16 mala rounds (16x108 grains)

you must surrender to a bona fide spiritual master and he will ask to you to chant your "rounds" and to avoid to eat meat, fish and eggs, avoid to take any intoxicant or alcohol, to avoid illicit sex and gambling.

Said this the spiritual master will decide when will be the moment to give you the spiritual initiation.


do i have to pay monthly something ?

--(it is clear that you do not know even a little) absolutely not, but it will be possible for you to give a contribute to the spiritual master or vaishnavas as devotional service


do i have to work something there ?

---your work will be basically to develop krsna consciousness in your own life, but if you can do something, as a volunteer, at the service of sri guru and vaishnavas it will be well accepted

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Prabhuji, i think you have mistaken.


I know about rules for accepting spiritual master & all you mentioned as i myself a vaishnva.


I want to leave this material life & join a gaudiya math thus leading a spiritual life. I want to be in the math (not just visiting often as you are thinking) , live there, lead a spiritual life & serve other vaishnvas.


so for living in the mutt, do i have to pay anything ? what kinda work do i have to do (apart from spreading krsna's glory) ? [because i dunno cooking].


as i have heard even maths charge monthly to live there. as i dunno particularly about gaudiya math, thats why im asking.


so please guide me.


Hare krishna

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you should be asking your questions to the place where you are wanting to go not on this forum.


With all due respects, you will get some contradicting answers some from people who do not know. Then you will have to sort out the answers and try to figure out which are correct.


Again, go to the source with your questions.


Here is a page of links to get you started. I am sure there is contact info in them also.


Gaudiya Math links

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basically a gaudya math (iskcon, chaitanya mission, chaitanya sarasvata and so on) is a monastery, so you have to be ready to live lifelong as a celibate. Very little exceptions are to be allowed, and for little periods.


"so for living in the mutt, do i have to pay anything ?"


..yes if you live for limited period as a guest, but if you go to spend your life there it is supposed that you will have no income from a job, so you have to be accepted freely... a celibate monk, brahmachary, has no money and he lives at the expenses of the temple


"what kinda work do i have to do (apart from spreading krsna's glory) ?"


a gaudya math is a temple, church, monastery.. so imagine all the necessary work.. from the priests, to the cooks, to the managers.. a gaudya math organizes festivals, seminaries, conferences and pilgrimages...... and let us not forget all the direct preaching work inside and outside done by the brahmacharys/sannyasis/vanaprastas. But this is not a problem, you will not be accepted living in a temple for some professional skills but for devotion and seriousness.. then it will be easy to find something to do, from sweeping to giving bhagavad gita classes


so contact a gaudya math, or the math of your spiritual master, then explain your position to the acharya/president/manager and ask to be accepted living there... be prepared also to be not admitted, the rule is, being absolutely possible practising krsna consciousness at home, to be very selective

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