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a weird and scary dream

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Hare Krsna everyone. I have just a question after I had this weird, wacky and scary dream.


I dreamt that I was possessed by something. It was a very exhausting dream where in the dream i wake up in my room and get possessed again. It felt as if I was awake in my room. I woke said Hare Krsna and went to bed.


This is was odd because before I went to bed last night i was remembering a time when some of the so called pundits in india who claim to have demigoddes and such posses them and how silly the idea was.


Any connection? I sleep under Lord Narshimadev so I think something might have tried to posses me but I was protected by lord Narsimhadev.


Let me know what you all think.


Hare Krsna

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you are experiencing a manifestation of fear, i have experienced this too and it can be very frightening, but rest assured you are safe, your strong faith will always protect you, remember that as a spiritual practitioner you are purifying negative energy from your psychic bodies and thus you will experience super-sensory phenomena, face all your fears and don't allow these negativities to control you, you are probably holding back from expressing deep deep emotions and therefore they are surfacing in dreams when the subconscious mind has control, you may not understand yet what these emotions are, and remember you're clearing out lifetimes of psychic junk, maintain good sadhana and be a spiritual warrior, you cannot be possessed unless you are weak willed or give permission, so be strong, the forces of darkness shall not prevail! may KRSNA bless you always...

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Its good to know that I am safe. This was the first and only time something like this has happened. People have tried to do crazy things to me while thinking that i never knew but I knew.


I just kept chanting. Thats all I do. I dont know how my sadhana is but I chant, pay obesensies to my guru, always attend the temple and follow the four regs. If thats counts for sadhana then thats great and if it doesnt then i am screwed.


I havent had anymore of these dreams since then.


Krsna is the strength of the strong.


Hare Krsna

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tried to get me. hahahaha. They are my achilies heel or kryptanite(sp)


I dont hate or dislike hindu's. I hate punjabi's, muslims, and other indians equally, lol.


Uh oh, there is a hindu under my bed.


I think it has nothing to do with this and I dont hate indians of any kind. I come from an indian background my self and I dont like people who haress the devotees.


If anything this dream was to try to see if I had faith in krsna or not.


I dont hate anyone.

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Well, I know that I need to be more humble and such but if that what this dream was trying to do it didnt work. I am still really focused on serving krsna the way I am. I am not humble in some people's eyes and I am in others.


I have to adhere to my nature. Even if my nature is very fallen.


Hare Krsna

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