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Scientists have found evidence that indicates the possibility that there is life..

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Methane Discovery Points to Life on Mars


Scientists have found evidence that indicates the possibility that there is life on Mars.


Methane gas was detected by telescopes on Earth and has now been confirmed by spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet.


There are only two ways in which methane could exist in the Martian atmosphere - either it is being produced by active volcanoes or life forms.


No active volcanic activity has ever been detected on Mars so scientists are increasingly drawn to the idea that microbes are emitting the gas.

Methane is not a stable molecule in the Martian atmosphere. If it was not replenished it would last only a few hundred years before it vanished.


This means that the methane detected must be being replenished in some way.


On Earth bacteria produce methane from hydrogen and carbon dioxide.


Terrestrial microbes that produce methane do not need oxygen to thrive, and these are thought to be the type of microbes that could possibly live on Mars.


The twin rovers that landed on Mars in January will be unable to answer the question of the methane's origin as they are designed for geological work.


Future missions could include sensors to analyse the methane, which may be able to determine if it is of biological origin.



Good news indeed, all we need now is to discover the Borg, and we'll be ok. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

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Anybody heard of this film?


What an ironic title, for a spiritulist its hilarious.


I wonder what the obsession is with Horror, maybe we could dove-tail it someway?


Even the demi-gods were horrified when Lord Narasimha ripped apart Hiranyakashipu to pieces, how about that for nightmares?

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