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How to convince my friend.

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Hi all,


One of my very close friend is a spiritual being in the sense, she worships Vishnu, Ganesha and Raghavendra swamy. I once asked her to read Bhagavat Gita and told her that if she follows it correctly, she will be ever happy. She says that she cannot give up her desires so she does not wont to read the book. As we were speaking, I just told her the humans should mate only to have children, but she disagrees, she says that mating is for pleasure and enjoyment. What could I say; I thought that there is no use speaking to such people about adyatma and stuff.


Why do they worship god when they do not know that they should strive for God realization. I have also seen people make business out of God. I mean, they pray to God and say things like " God if you give something, I will give you something back in return like say 100 coconuts or bananas". What can they give him back in return when he is the one to gives us everything.


Finally I came to one conclusion that if Krishna wants them to be like that, what can an insignificant being like me do.


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hi i think your friend is more evolved regarding spirituality than many of us. she is not hypocritcal but truthful and frank when she said she cant give up her desires and regarded sex as something pleasurable and enjoyable.


i think people who are truthful and non hypocrical have already won half the battle. and are placed far ahead than many others who talk one thing , think one thing and do another thing.


rest assured...krishna is very close to your friend.


and regarding asking boons of god in return for services rendered by the devotee: well u can look at it from a lot of views....and that is another huge unnecessary discussion


peace to everyone. whatever path. straight or crooked. have a wonderful journey.


lets exchange notes at the final ending of all paths. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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No humans can give up desire, but the desire for material things should be chanalized and directed towards the supreme. We should have the desire to know God and not have desire for material things.


F.U.I, no one can give up desire.

Its very hard for Men to control sexual desires, but for women its very easy.

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i fully agree.


in time everyone treads the path to the supreme.


but not all at the same time.


or else creation will be in chaos...that is the beauty of it all.

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