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How can I see Krishna

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Krishna can be seen and heard when we consciously trust in our deeep love, strenghts, skills we have.


Fully trusting in our love and abilities automatically destroy static energies of barriers not allowing our heart to perceive Krishna.


Trusting in our heart is the only prerequisite to be very soon able to perceive the constant presence and love of Radharani and Krishna in our life.




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What are the ways, to see krishna?


you have to chant hare krishna mantra.


krsna is omnipotent, in his name there's him completely, fully.. if you practise hare krishna chanting there will be a moment when you will realize what you chant


and realizing the name of krishna is the same of realizing his form, world, companions, associates


so who perfectly chants , sees perfectly krishna and the spiritual world


to see krishna is also necessary to take shelter in a pure vaishnava spiritual master, he's the representative of sri krishna, he will connect us to krishna, he will give us the vision, the darshan of krsna because he has already krsna and he can give Him to the sincere disciple

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The chanting of the holy names of Krishna is wonderful meditation and process to serve Krishna as we dance in his and Radharani names.


In order to be able to chant in the way we can perceive Krsihna and Radharani, we must have our hearts healed from any static, blocking energy as shocks, wounds, sufferings, sorrows.


Continuing to only chant the maha-mantra and hoping that sometimes a heart transformation is happening, meaning with heart transformation that all sufferings are gone, is an illusionary hope thinking, not representing the reality.


The Maha mantra is very powerful, but this power is not here for removing the sufferings from our heart, as those must be conscioulsy docked-in with our daily consciousness, by letting them come up to the daily consciousness state, by speaking about them with real trusting friens, we can remove those pains from our heart.


The chanting will ONLY have a real permanent benefit, menaing by benefit that we are totally happy by doing it, whenm our inner child, the pains affeting our heart, are consciously healed.


Without healing first our wounds in the heart, the chanting has no real benefit to anyone.


In love,


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In order to be able to chant in the way we can perceive Krsihna and Radharani, we must have our hearts healed from any static, blocking energy as shocks, wounds, sufferings, sorrows.

_yes.. chanting mahamantra, mahamantra is god, krishna, no one is more powerful and "healing"


Continuing to only chant the maha-mantra and hoping that sometimes a heart transformation is happening, meaning with heart transformation that all sufferings are gone, is an illusionary hope thinking, not representing the reality.

_mahamantra is krishna, the supreme, everything is in his hands.. iy you or me have not results we have to be sure to have followed exactly the system before to say that it does not work


The Maha mantra is very powerful, but this power is not here for removing the sufferings from our heart

_god, spirituality, spiritual world means SAT(eternity) CIT(consciousness) ANANDA(bliss).. and where there's bliss, here there's not pain or suffering.. chant and be happy


The chanting will ONLY have a real permanent benefit, menaing by benefit that we are totally happy by doing it, whenm our inner child, the pains affeting our heart, are consciously healed.

__and who's the supreme healer? krishna.. and krishna is all in his name


Without healing first our wounds in the heart, the chanting has no real benefit to anyone.

__so chant to heal and chant while you heal.. all problems will be solved, this is the advice of expert, pure and realized masters and acharyas



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No difference between Krishna/Hare and His/Her name exists.


Krishna is indeed the best healer always together with Radharani.


Healing the hearts of the suffering children in this material universe is actually made through Krishna's realized souls who know how to best use Krishna's/Radharani's healing powers and route it to their brother and sisters.


Results of the chanting of the maha mantra, you have, but those could be more brighter and deeper, if you would stop to always run away from your problems and always overcome those key life confronations, primary part of Krishna Cosnciounsess, by only chanting and chanting and forget that the real benefit of the chanting is ONLY achieved when the pain in your heart is totally healed.


The chanting of the maha mantra, although very powerful, will NEVER remove the deep shocks from any existing suffering heart, as the purpose of the chanting is not to heal the hearts from shocks but to increase dynamically the happiness and joy in the hearts of all practicers.


Unless the heart is fully healed, the chanting is more or less worthless.


This is the reality, also if others say this and this, it does not represent cosmic vedic truth.


Frienship with you is always here,


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Unless the heart is fully healed, the chanting is more or less worthless.



NO, not true, it is your speculation


one has the right and duty to solve his problems using all the intelligence and remedies given by the nature and god... but mahamantra is ever effective


do not make false propaganda about hare krishna mantra

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Don't be in panic, dear soul, you can continue to chant Krishna's names as much you want.


Worthless is the chanting for sure, when we neglect the necessary to heal our inner problems, sorrows consciously and only rely to the wonder of the maha mantra, which will never come to anyone.


Krishna knows the strenghts of every of His wonderful children, He knows that everyone if properly educated and trusting in his strenghts and qualities is consciously capable to confront him/herself with all problems, sufferings in all aspects of life, with the help of trusting friends, personalities too.


Krishna is not there just to give liberation to anyone because they follow the recommend Vaishnava rules and regulations, all principles, chanting the holy names etc.


Krishna is knowing how strenghtful His children all are and their courage they have to confront themselves in all life situations He knows and is eager to see His children all fully healed and activated in the way needed for sponatneiously with the heart always chanting His and Hare's names.


As we as eternal beautiful children of Radhe and Krishna are willed to honour our love to everyone that exchanges his love with us, Krishna and Radhe are also doing this for us, their constant meditation is to sing the names of each of Their trillions of beautiful children in all existing multitude of excting forms, animals, plants, stones, humanoids etc., having on their altar multi-dimensional pictures that constantly rotate of all Their children.


This is dynamism in Krishna Consciousness, not only we as eternal children of Radhe and Krishna are worshipping God with chanting Their unlimited wonderful names, but also God is doing so by chanting our names and eternally honouring and serving us in the most perfect way.


Chanting is only possible to really practice and have always a joy in doing it, when our deep wounds are healed.


The chanting is not removing the inner obstacles of shocks, wounds, sorrows, dear soul, the sincere chanter still suffering in his wonderful heart will automatically be getting new arrangements in his life, made by Krishna, to meet people that are able to heal his/her suffering.


In love to you and all brother and sisters,


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