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Why is it necessary...

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We have to sacrifice because we are unpure. Prabhupada said in a lecture that I just listened to that we have to purify our existence. If we aren't pure enough, they we can't receive Krishna's grace and love. If you pour clean, pure water into a dirty bucket, the water will become dirty. But, if you pour water into a bucket that has been cleaned, the water will still be pure and clean. We're just dirty and contaminated by material existence.

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Excerpt from Srila Prabhupada's lecture ("Blockhead To Bhakta" 72/12/12 Ahmedabad, Bhagavad-gita 6.47)



"So this human form of life is meant for purifying this existential position. No more birth, no more death. As soon as there is birth, there is death. If there is no birth, there is no death. So this can be done simply by Krsna consciousness. Simply by developing Krsna consciousness. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita: janma karma me divyam yo janati tattvatah. Divyam, this word is used, divyam. So we are to undergo austerities, penances for this divyam, for transcendental life, divyam. Tapo divyam, little tapasya. In the Kali Yuga we cannot perform very severe... Krsna is very kind. He has given us different opportunity for elevating to our transcendental life in different ages. In this age, because we are so fallen and so limited, and so badly associated, that it is very difficult to undergo severe austerities and penances. We cannot go into the forest. We cannot perform yoga systems very nicely. We cannot perform yajnas. We cannot worship the Lord in temple very nicely. So many difficulties. Therefore sastra has given us concession: kalau tad dhari-kirtanat. In this age, simply by chanting this Hare Krsna maha-mantra one can be elevated. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has blessed: iha haite sarva-siddhi haya tomara. If you chant this Hare Krsna mantra you'll get all perfection, all perfection. So everything is there."

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Hare Krishna


-------------- to sacrifice to get an education or to get a job or sometimes even to die for your country? I mean it's all SACRIFICE! It's all austerity!




i would have to say, then you divide sacrifice into subcategories:

material sacrifices: those done for material gain or fame; sacrifice money in gambling in order to try to win more money; to sacrifice due to material attachment.

education is a necessity--what do you sacrifice? your time, yet you gain knowledge--education can also be divided into necessary knowledge and unnecessary knowledge.

to get a job is not really a sacrifice--you work for money; you may consider it a sacrifice if the money is used for Krishna, but if for material gain, it's not really a sacrifice.


even to die for your country can be a material sacrifice--you are attached so much to your homeland and are willing to die for the society; that is not bad, but is good if you die in a war of righteousness, for then you are fighting for what is right. most wars of this time are just a way to reduce the population indirectly; no good can come out of an unrighteous war.





then, there are spiritual sacrifices.

this can be summarized as: give all to Krishna; why not? everything belongs to Him; it's not like anything that you claim to be yours is really yours--it all belongs to Krishna.


Chanting is really the greatest sacrifice: one of our greatest possession is time. time stands between now and the moment when you will leave the body in which you reside. this time should be used--sacrificed--to make the self pure. we do this by chanting Hare Krishna maha mantra. by chanting, we spent our time wisely, in remembering Krishna more, thus increasing our Krishna consciousness, making us pure, growing our love for Krishna.


we should sacrifice everything for Krishna, for he is the supreme proprietor--everything belongs to him. otherwise, we are thieves. keep what is needed; give the rest to Krishna. do work for the sake of doing work, not for the result.


the only sacrifice really necessary is to be a part of the sankirtana movement: chanting of the holy name of Hare Krishna.


Hare Krishna

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what is this sacrifice we have to do?


In this age, simply by chanting this Hare Krsna maha-mantra one can be elevated


If you chant this Hare Krsna mantra you'll get all perfection


the only sacrifice really necessary is to be a part of the sankirtana movement: chanting of the holy name of Hare Krishna


Just chant; leave the rest to Krishna


Hare Krsna!

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[starman, this is about your wife before you were married]


Rather than drop in unannounced early in the morning and catching her unwashed, curlers in her hair, jungle breath, in an old comfortable ripped flannel housecoat, it would be better to let her make herself presentable for you so she will not be too embarrassed.


When we are ready for Krsna to appear before us, He will be there.


We wash off the dust of the lust of the eons, while thinking "Soon, He'll be here". Brush that jungle mouth; soon, He'll be here. Primping and polishing, soon He'll be here. I can't wait! Perhaps a flower in my hair? When will I see him? Soon He'll be here. Then when the meeting occurs, it is all most agreeable because of the anticipation, the appreciation, and the dedicated perfecting for His visit.


It is love of God. And He is the perfect lover; incomparable timing.


Soon He will be here.


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